Ace Evolution

Chapter 23: Elite Fat Man VS Experimental Subject (Part 2)


Fang Lin heard the sound of reinforcements coming from downstairs, and saw a rare stalemate in the battle group. He immediately gave up the idea of waiting and watching again. When should he wait without moving at this time? Then he quickly rushed towards the small door opposite the disco. The life detector component (modification) required for the hidden mission was right inside!

To Fang Lin's expectation, there were actually several minions guarding the place! After he quickly solved it, he saw the task box placed on the table. wWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.CoMHe had just picked it up, and before he could take a closer look, the door to the outer room suddenly burst open! The strong steel door was twisted into a twist and scattered on the ground miserably!

Fang Lin rushed out of the room and was shocked to find that the elite fat man (Blkelmer) had blocked the exit of the wide corridor. The fat man, who looked like a mountain of meat, had been blinded in one eye and was bleeding thickly. , there were blood marks on his feet, there were countless scars all over his body, and a huge and miserable wound was ripped out of his abdomen, and the cyan intestines squirming inside were vaguely visible.

This surprise was truly extraordinary. Fang Lin did not hesitate, and immediately raised his hand and activated the explosive arrow skill that came with the weapon. A red light disappeared in a flash, but it was aimed at the abdominal wound of the huge monster in front of him, but suddenly (blkelmer ) The elite fat man reached out his hand and blocked the red light. There was only a "boom" sound, and in the smoke, (blkelmer) the elite fat man's huge body seemed to move at a slow speed, and in his hand It was only burnt black by the flames, but it didn't suffer any actual damage!

Fang Lin's pupils contracted. He had no idea that this seemingly bulky monster could move so quickly and swiftly. After a brief change of thought, he raised the crossbow and fired several times, but the sharp arrow was knocked away by the elite fat man (Blkelmer) with an understatement. The bullet landed on the ground with a crisp "ding" sound.

At this time, he was forced by the situation. He half-knelt on the ground with his head buried and gasped for a few times. It seemed that he had taken some recovery medicine. Then he roared and fought back without escaping! In fact, this is a last resort. The corridor will eventually end, and there is no place for climbing outside the window. Under the violent storm outside, risking to climb out can only be a dead end!

One is a fat monster, and the other is a thin and small boy. The size difference between the two is more than five times! In contrast, Fang Lin looked even more weak and pitiful. He rushed forward very fast, holding a snatched flying knife in his hand, and stabbed the huge and miserable wound on the belly of the elite fat man. Go up!

… … ….

Can a human's speed be compared to a crossbow arrow fired from a bow

--------Of course not.

Can the size of a human being be compared to a crossbow arrow that is only as thick as an iron nail

---------still can not.

(blkelmer) The elite fat man can easily intercept the crossbow arrows fired at high speed, so how could he be injured by Fang Lin who rushed in unexpectedly! He smiled ferociously and scooped up Fang Lin with his palms, and then stretched out his arms to hug him, grabbing Fang Lin straight away, pulling his arms apart and holding them in front of his ferocious face. Prepare to use your strength to tear Fang Lin in half!

At this time, the two were face to face, only a few dozen centimeters apart. Fang Lin could even smell the heavy body odor mixed with the bloody smell of the elite fat man. At this desperate moment, Fang Lin suddenly He opened his mouth and spat out a line of spit, hitting the left eye of the elite fat man (blkelmer) that was full of bloodshot eyes and the size of a copper bell without any deviation!

In fact, Fang Lin's target has always been the monster's left eye. His previous actions were all doing one thing:


He deliberately attacks (blkelmer) the key wounds on the elite fat man's abdomen at all costs, in order to give him the illusion that the enemy will only attack here, so the defense against other parts of the body will be weakened.

In fact, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is extremely unwise to attack the huge wound on the abdomen. First of all, since it has been injured, of course the precautions will be very strict. Secondly, even if it can be hit, this place is not a place that can be fatal with one blow. However, the huge pain derived from it is likely to make the monster even crazier before dying.

And (blkelmer) Elite Fat Man only has one eye left. Once this vital part is injured, he will completely lose his vision. After that, it becomes extremely easy to kill or escape!

In fact, Fang Lin was not a martial arts master, nor did he have the miraculous ability to blind the enemy's eyes with the help of spit. The reason why this spit was regarded as the final killer was because Fang Lin had secretly swallowed a large dose of chemical poison that was put into the pizza before!

He took this highly concentrated poison into his mouth and melted the saliva without swallowing it. Even if the situation changed to such a degree that he gave no chance, he would naturally commit suicide immediately by taking the poison, and his death would be painless. Fortunately, Fang Lin's calculation was quite correct. (blkelmer) After the elite fat man took control of his hands, he immediately lost his guard!

… … …..

The poison content in this spit had exceeded the sum of the poison contained in the previous nineteen pizzas (one of which Fang Lin ate himself). No matter how thick-skinned (blkelmer) the elite fat man is, his fragile eyeballs cannot withstand the erosion of the chemical substance. They burst and corrode immediately, and the violent toxins inside also flow throughout the body with the blood!

The reason why Fang Lin was safe and sound was that, first of all, there were no wounds in his mouth, and when he took the poison, he deliberately wrapped the poison powder with a large amount of saliva for only more than ten seconds. The most important thing is: the structure of the oral cavity is completely different from that of the eyeball, just like the venom of a poisonous snake can be sucked out by the mouth. Once it splashes into the eyes, it will be an irreparable tragedy!

The fat elite man who had fallen into the trap let out a terrible hiss like that of a dying beast, which made Fang Lin's ears buzzing as he was close at hand! No matter who it is, if they suddenly realize that they have lost their light and have severe pain in their eyes, their first instinctive reaction is to wipe it with both hands. If there is something in their hands, they will naturally let go at all costs.

Only people with a very strong psychological quality can think calmly during such sudden changes. Even if Fang Lin asked himself that he suddenly lost his sight, he might not be able to maintain a normal mind. What's more, this genetically mutated, violent (blkelmer) elite fat man

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