Ace Evolution

Chapter 230: Fang Lin’s doubts (2965~2995)


Now that she has joined the team in front of her, Shanna finds that even though there are fewer people, it has greatly improved. Not only is the division of labor extremely clear, there are butchers who block the front and attract most of the firepower, and there are job transfer veterans who are responsible for dealing with the enemy's elite. Hu, Green, who is responsible for clearing out a large number of enemies, and Fang Lin, the decision-maker who coordinates the overall situation from a distance and presides over the distribution of spoils and due benefits, and the blue-clad minions who look out for the wind and can join the battle at any time as a reserve team. The yellow cloaked thugs who were lured over, and finally the healer Artisan Fu who was hiding far away, the efficiency can only be described as terrifying. wWW. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. The most important thing about com is that you don’t have to worry about one of your own people attacking you from behind. It’s really reassuring!

One minute and fifty-seven seconds after the battle started, eleven seconds ahead of schedule, the yellow-cloaked thug (gutter) was completely killed, and the fat man in yellow, who was originally the most troublesome, was killed in front of Hu Huahao's terrifying throwing skills. It was as if they were made of tofu. Their abnormal defense power was so good that they were almost indestructible, but they encountered Lao Hu's wrestling skills that ignored the opponent's defense power! Even though it had a long HP, it couldn't last long under the combined attack of the storm.

The entire battle took: five minutes and twenty-seven seconds.

The error of Fang Lin’s pre-war analysis and prediction is:

It is worth mentioning that the other patrol team had just reacted at this time. Help rushed here in a hurry. When they arrived at the scene, they were left with nothing but silence in the forest, rivers of blood, "naked" corpses all over the ground (of course they were looted by the pervert the butcher), and the painful moans of the seriously injured undead.

In the next three hours, Fang Lin used a clever plan to attack and kill four newly dispatched patrol teams from the base. It has to be said that the vigilance of these guys has also increased. Just halfway through the last attack, the supporting patrol team hurriedly arrived. Fortunately, Fang Lin had already prepared, leaving a backup plan and igniting the dead branches and leaves collected in advance, causing the entire battle group to be poisoned. shrouded in thick smoke, and the battlefield happened to be in a low-lying area selected in advance. That's why this battle was successful.

But after this battle, the four people's tasks were put together, and most of them were completed. It's just that the required number of forty fat men in yellow clothes is still quite different. Even Shanna, who is the best at trickery, is still short of eight fat men in yellow clothes. Fang Lin was not in a hurry and waited patiently. However, they discovered that the base had adopted a strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the wilderness. They could not help but close the four gates and no longer sent patrol teams out. They also sent more manpower to the watchtowers and added a yellow-cloaked thug (gutter) to each tower. Upon seeing any movement, shoot immediately.

But this situation was also foreseen by Fang Lin. He smiled slightly, which was related to mental detection. Not afraid of an ambush at all, he just let Lao Hu rush out and swagger to lure the firepower of a watchtower on the corner, even though the heavy rifle of the yellow cloaked thug (gutter) was powerful. But when it comes to Lao Hu's high physical strength and high defense. Even if faced with two rifles shooting at the same time. Even if he is hit, it will definitely not cause him too much threat or danger. At most, it will just waste some food when he is in danger.

It's just that once some yellow-cloaked gutter runs out of bullets, he needs to change the magazine. Or when the spirit is relaxed, the Butcher... just rushes out and throws out his bloody sharp subway chain. The hook distance of this perverted guy is a full thirty meters away, so even if the opponent is standing high up The watchtower was also within his shooting range, and what was even more shameless was that the watchtower was originally designed only for one person to stand on. Two yellow-cloaked thugs (gutters) stood on it, and it was already quite large. In crowded situations, after the butcher throws out a hook, he only needs to determine the basic accuracy to ensure that each hook is accurate. There is no need to even calculate the opponent's movement advance, it is just like hooking a dead target!

So when the seventh yellow-cloaked thug (gutter) who stood on the watchtower was screaming and being hooked into the depths of the dense forest where countless violent crises lurked, the base once again reduced its manpower and made a simple choice - just gave up. Watchtower.

At this time, it can be seen that everyone can see the embarrassing situation of insufficient manpower in the base. The thick wooden fence and cement wall outside the base will not play any role for seniors like them. A group of people gathered, waiting for Fang Lin to give instructions to break through the wall and enter.

In the current base, most of the main combat forces are outside, and their strength is so poor that they cannot even afford to lose a few yellow-cloaked thugs (gutters) on the watchtower.

It can be said that it is almost like a woman who is undefended and extremely seductive (any woman is the best time to vent her passion violently and happily), but Fang Lin thought about it at this time and remained silent. He turned around and walked back into the jungle.

The timid craftsman Fu didn't like fighting the most. This guy happily rode on the butcher's shoulders and walked away. The look of astonishment on Lao Hu's face flashed away, and he turned around to follow. Beauty Lin was also stunned, as if After thinking about it for a while, she realized something and turned back to leave. Only Shanna opened her mouth half-open, shouting in shock and anger:

"Hey, are you stupid? Such a good time"

Fang Lin just smiled inexplicably. His eyes were full of compelling sharpness, but there was still a hint of confusion.

He has always been confident, so what is he worried about

What was the reason that made him give up this great opportunity to break into the base without hesitation

… …

"At this time, it is 3:17 in the afternoon." Fang Lin said calmly: "We will be free to move for two hours. We can do anything except attack the base. Now we are disbanded. Our meeting time is 5 p.m. just."

"Why?" Shanna was very confused and even said angrily with a tone of inquisition: "Why don't you attack now! Now is obviously the best time."

What answered her was the silver long ax that Lin Yinxiu slashed directly! The magnificent and death-filled weapon stopped in front of Shanna's face. The beautiful woman said calmly:

"He is under no obligation to answer your questions, that is his prerogative."

When the two were confronting each other, Fang Lin had walked away silently. There was not only dignity in that figure, but also undecidable hesitation. Beautiful Lin looked at his back with a look of worry. Even in the golden mission, Fang Lin still looked strangely calm and calm when he was in the most embarrassing situation. , the temperament on his body also gives people a sense of ease and detachment. In fact, this was the first time she had seen Fang Lin in such an abnormal state.


Fang Lin came back less than an hour after going out alone, carrying a pungent and spicy smell. This smell was familiar to everyone. When traveling through the dense forest, they relied on the smell of this plant to escape Survive the crazy hunting of hungry and greedy dinosaurs.

"What are you going out for?" This is a question that everyone wants to ask, but no one dares to ask. After Fang Lin came back, he sat silently and looked at the river silently. Let time slip by silently, let the teams that went out hunting return hastily to defend themselves.

From the perspective of an outsider (Sanna), this missed opportunity is incomprehensible, but at this time, (internal wives) Lao Hu and Lin Yinxiu gave Fang Lin full trust. Their unconditional trust in Fang Lin was really hard for Shanna to understand.

Time passed to 4:51 pm.

Fang Lin frowned and stood up. He looked up at the sky, then looked at his hands for a while. It can be seen that he is in a very contradictory hesitation, and this hesitation cannot be discussed and shared with others------This will cause considerable damage to the morale of the entire team. You can Imagine that Zhuge Liang had to discuss it with his subordinates before launching the empty city plan

Four fifty-two.

Fang Lin took a deep breath, and there seemed to be a blazing flame burning in his eyes. That unruly and crazy feeling seemed to make his pupils glow slightly purple!

He reached behind his back.

It was very difficult to take out a huge, heavy, but oppressive weapon!

That is one of the most powerful weapons that a human being can carry in combat!

The G4/PSG anti-material gun (+4) that was looted from the Three Kingdoms world!

This gun requires a strength of 45 and a basic long range combat level------

These two abnormal attributes determine that people who can use it are too rare! (Note: Heavy weapon mastery is automatically obtained after basic distance combat reaches level-----14)

Fang Lin threw the gun to the butcher next to him! Then, he directly extended his mind to the butcher and entered a state of precise control!