Ace Evolution

Chapter 233: Tragic


I won't die. WWw,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,com" This was Fang Lin's thought in the dark and in pain all over his body.

"I will definitely not die."

"From my own point of view, my mental power is as high as 60 points, and I can reduce force-type damage by 63.2%! And I just used the skill of the big snake! The gene fragments in my body have not receded yet! This so-called wild lightning The genes of the electricity controller can also offset a large amount of electrical damage!"

"From the enemy's point of view, I forcibly broke a small part of the domineering Yin Destruction Formation. The super skill must have had a backlash effect. Then I used the cloudless thunder and lightning skill to trigger thunder and lightning in the air in advance. The accumulated energy triggers its power in advance, so his powerful lightning strike skill that requires accumulation can actually exert six to seven levels of power at most!"

"I will definitely not die! I will definitely live!"

Fang Lin suddenly opened his eyes in this intense pain!

The wind howled.

There was chaos all around, and the first thing he saw was ---------

Two pieces of silver-white light waves that looked like a crescent moon overlapped and rotated together, flying toward him!

The eyes of that light wave were as bright as silver, and wherever it passed, trees were broken and rocks were cracked, giving off a silent chilling feeling!

This light wave flies at an amazing speed. When I first saw it, it was still ten feet away, but after just a moment of confusion, it flew right in front of me! At this moment, even Fang Lin's skin and hair were changed. His lips were dyed a silvery white color, and what appeared in his pupils was this terrifying blow that was coming at a rapid speed!

This is exactly what Guli, the American Special Forces soldier, is doing in the world of Street Fighter.

Crescent sonic hand knife!


The person who made this move was surprisingly Richard, who had just broken up!

Fang Lin was still covered in smoke at this time. It seemed that he had spent a lot of energy to open his eyelids, and he still had no energy to dodge!

But at this moment, a graceful figure suddenly pounced from the side, because the pounce was too fast. There were also three or four blood stains in the air, blocking Fang Lin's way!

It's Lin Yinxiu!

The half-moon light wheel hit her tall body and began to spin rapidly, spraying blood mixed with countless broken lights and broken shadows from behind! The surrounding air was dyed with a tragic bright color!

Fang Lin's whole body was shaking violently. He opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't come out even a single word!

Lin Yinxiu hugged Fang Lindi's shoulders tightly, and her nails dug deeply into his flesh. The eyes with a hint of relief in the pain locked into his pupils, and two lines of clear tears flowed from the eyes, but the expression on his face was still smiling:

"It's good that you're alive..."

There was no more words to say, and I couldn’t say any more!

The half-moon light wheel exploded silently! The silver light is like mercury leaking to the ground. Dissolving everywhere. But in Fang Lindi's mind, the bright red background was filled with Lin Yinxiu's happy and painful smile!

Then. The woman kissed his lips tremblingly. But the kiss was not sweet. But it was painful and full of salty smell.

-----That's blood. the taste of.

At this moment, Fang Lin felt as if something was shattering inside his body. Immediately, his whole body and mind were overwhelmed by a strong salty smell, which seemed to be both blood and tears.

He hugged Lin Yinxiu's unconscious body so tightly, and suddenly raised his right hand!

In the flash of silver light, Te Weiss's gun appeared in his palm, and what shone on the muzzle was... a bluish-white light!

At this time, Fang Lin actually used Taoist bullets again!

Shockingly, it was a lightning bullet that had never been used before!

At this time, Fang Lin's physical strength has dropped to a terrifying level of only 13 points. In the column, the physical strength item directly shows a dark red color, and the upper limit directly displays 2 (near death). In other words, even if the recovery is full, The physical strength value is only a measly 20 points. The upper limits of the other attributes have also dropped to single digits, with only mental power still hovering around 30 points.

There are two reasons why Fang Lin chose lightning Taoist bullets.

First of all, the situation in front of me is not optimistic. Even if I rush forward and block most of the power of the thunder, the rest of my teammates cannot escape unscathed.


Secondly, to take a step back, even if I can't escape the murderous hands this time and the danger is high, I still have to find something to back me up before I die! To put it bluntly, you have to use all your skills before you die! At this time, although Charmi's genetic fragments in the body have gradually faded away, there should still be a bonus in power when using lightning-related skills!

The flying speed of this gun is amazing! After all, it is a lightning type. With a flash of light here, a ball of blue-white plasma bloomed from Richard's chest, which was more than 20 meters away, and it engulfed him like a net! It was so hot that his whole body was twitching! But this guy hissed in pain, advanced instead of retreating, and charged towards Fang Lin crazily!

At the same time, Fang Lin vomited a mouthful of blood, pointed the muzzle of his gun directly into the sky and fired, summoning six blue-clad minions holding submachine guns to protect him. Six submachine guns spit out tongues of fire, but Richard still charged forward without fear of death. He fell to the ground, rolled forward, and rushed forward at a distance of ten meters!

But at this moment, a blue-clothed leader suddenly opened his arms and hugged him tightly!

Richard stabbed the blue-clothed man in front of him in the stomach with one knife. The bright tip of the knife was stained with blood and stabbed straight out from the back. This shows how deep and fierce the force of the knife was! But he never expected that the blue-clad minion could pull off the grenade ring in his hand!

At this time, the blue-clad minions were carrying as many as three grenades!

A huge explosion sounded again, and a shallow depression appeared on the ground. Richard had several deep wounds on his body, and his face was darkened by gunpowder smoke. He still wanted to rush forward, but two more A grenade was thrown over, and the guy hurriedly rolled back, but there was a sudden pain in his chest. When he looked down, he saw a little fiery red light rapidly entering his flesh!

Then it exploded with a "pop"!

A spring of blood gushed out, and the white sternum also appeared, with flames burning on it. Richard screamed and rolled into the river nearby to put out the fire. This was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. A stupid thing, and of course the last thing you can do in your life!

Don’t forget, this is a tropical swamp rainforest!

Under the seemingly calm and elegant river water, there is a crazy murderous intention lurking!

The smell of blood attracted a large group of cannibals! They are small in size, usually left and right, and have beautiful colors, with dark green backs, light green bodies, and fiery red bellies, but their personalities are extremely cruel. These guys with gorgeous appearance and ferocious temperament have sharp teeth. Before the poor guy could take a breath, the blood overflowing from his chest made the large group of cannibals go crazy. They used their sharp teeth like a surgeon's scalpel. Biting and cutting like crazy! Some of the more greedy ones bite their prey and hold on tightly, twisting their bodies to tear the meat off. They can bite off 16 cubic centimeters of meat in one bite. The rotation of teeth allows them to continue to look for food, and the powerful dentition can cause a series of severe bites.

Richard was seriously injured. While struggling, he happened to step into deep water and lost his balance. Even his last frightened shout was suffocated in the splashing water! Only that hand waved helplessly on the surface of the water, and then sank! Then a large mass of dark red blood gushed out of the water!

Fang Lin finally let out a long breath. At this time, he only felt that his eyes were going dark. In fact, after doing these things, he was at the end of his strength. He only relied on his own willpower to support himself and did not fall. He persisted in the blue clothes. With the help of his subordinates, he looked around.

The rest of the battle group was divided into two groups. The Butcher was covered in purple-black poisonous gas. He and Shanna, who was also seriously injured, joined forces to attack the other two veterans. One of them did not know him, but the other one was the Silver Wolf! The other battle group is in a dense forest. You can't see clearly what the battle is like. All you know is that the ground is shaking slightly due to the impact sound inside, and the sound is astonishing like giant beasts fighting each other!

But that terrifying Thunderer never showed up!

"The S-level skill was interrupted midway..." Although Fang Lin was breathing heavily, his thoughts were clearer. "Then, you received a mental shock from me the moment you released the skill. Even if you are a powerful thunderer, I'm afraid it won't be very comfortable!"

"So, the key to our survival... lies with you! Old Hu!"