Ace Evolution

Chapter 235: The roar of the dinosaurs! The legend of the thunderer! Thirty-four



Two punches,

Three punches,

Four punches!

Hu Hua, who was expressionless, was hit hard like a pile driver!

The boulder finally howled miserably, and his counterattacks became increasingly weak. After the time of Dickon's Brutal Skill on Lao Hu's body disappeared, the boulder that had lost its human shape seemed to be a tattered bag of flesh and blood, completely paralyzed near him. At the bottom of a pit two meters deep!

Lao Hu stood up unsteadily, but immediately fell down again!

His fingers were twitching, and the broken bones on his ribs were bleeding profusely, but he still stood up and staggered to Fang Lin, step by step, blood mark after step, holding his hands in front of Fang Lin. Opened slightly in a defensive posture!

Although normal people can see that this burly man is really at the end of his strength, but just standing there, simply standing there, he is as calm and majestic as an unreachable mountain, giving people the impression that he is as tall as a mountain. To break through, you must step over his corpse!

--------Even in front

At this time, the remaining people on the Thunderer's side were frightened by the tragic momentum, and the boulder was also beaten to death. They had no intention of fighting for a while. The Butcher and Shanna, who were at the end of their efforts, immediately seized the opportunity and stopped retreating. When they came back, it could be seen from the injuries on their bodies that Fang Lin's previous sacrifice of his life to block it was not without effect. It was just that under that terrible lightning strike, although most of the lethality was indeed absorbed by Fang Lin, the flying shot flew away angrily. The scattered lightning also caused considerable damage to them. wWw,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,CoMThe thunderer came out immediately. If it weren't for the abundant drugs and food stored in the public space of the KOF contract, I believe it would not have been possible to reach this level!

Fang Lin took a deep breath. Although his body was seriously injured and it was difficult to move a finger, his mind was as clear as ever. The variables and opportunities saved were... In his mind, he ordered the butcher to He threw the meat hook directly and hooked the huge boulder in the pit that was already alive and dead.

At this time, we really have to say that the vitality of this guy Jushi is extremely powerful. From an altitude of more than 20 meters, Lao Hu directly grabbed his throat and pressed down on him. Then, after being used "Dickon's Cruelty", Lao Hu, who had a strength of 91 points, was beaten and brutally beaten, and he was still dying with half his life!

In this case, the butcher was very rude. He opened his mouth and gnawed off its limbs, and then made a bloody human stick out again. The boulder shook its head crazily and hissed in pain. But there was absolutely no room for resistance. Fang Lin closed his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his voice:

"Thunder! If you want your capable subordinate to survive, come out! Jushi is known as your right-hand man and will fight for you life and death. You don't even have the affection to come out and take a look at him? Isn't it too mean? It's too much. It’s too chilling for my subordinates!”

Fang Lin's words were very arrogant and vicious. He realized that Lei Zhe and the people around him were not necessarily monolithic. And crucially. No matter from the rumors. Or in terms of actual behavior today. The Thunderer gives people the feeling that in addition to being strong and tyrannical, they also bring a sense of superiority and invincible majesty! Even his subordinates mostly feared him. Instead of respecting him!

This gave Fang Lin an opportunity to take advantage of! Those who heard his words-------must appear! Will definitely show up! Otherwise, the people under him would have been terrified in front of the strong resistance of his group. If he, the leader, refused to even come forward to talk to him, then this battle would not have to continue at all! Even if the Thunderer wins in the end, no one will be willing to work for him anymore!

The mineman wearing a white tuxedo finally walked steadily out of the forest. He wore a bright silver mask on his face, just like the image of Old K in playing cards. His burly figure alone was majestic, calm and full of oppression. !

And in his hand was something that looked like a shining golden sword.

But Fang Lin noticed that as soon as he appeared, the remaining three enemy veterans took a step back timidly, as if they were unconsciously trying to distance themselves from the Thunderer! Is this the majesty of an absolute superior? !

This detail was captured by Fang Lin. He showed a slight smile and suddenly shouted!


Lei Zhe was stunned. He had not been called by his name so rudely for a long time. He looked over angrily. The pupils of his eyes were actually silver and looked like metal.

, hard, cold, and ruthless!

But the weird and ferocious tattoo lines on Fang Lin's chest immediately bulged out one by one! His eyes flashed, and he actually launched a mental attack at this moment as if he was provoking the Thunderer!

The Thunderer was suddenly attacked, but he didn't panic. But just when he was about to concentrate his strength to fight back, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw the butcher next to him pull out a terrifying weapon from behind like a magic trick!

That G4/PSG anti-material gun that can even hit helicopters! Aiming directly at it!

The Thunderer yelled, and in the middle of the mental shock and headache, the gems on the golden power in his hand suddenly exploded, forming a golden shield in front of him, and the man immediately rolled backwards and flew back! The snow-white clothes were immediately stained with dirt!

But the butcher just raised his gun and didn't fire!

But before the Thunderer attacked in a rage, Fang Lin said slowly:

"I have completely locked your position through the initial mental shock! If you attack now, can you be sure of victory? Don't force me to die! There is at least a 50% chance that you will die!"

Lei Zhe suddenly waved his hand, obviously to order the remaining three senior Silver Wolf to rush forward, but Fang Lin continued:

"Do you think I am bluffing and not threatening your strength? You are wrong! This gun requires basic shooting skills of level 15 or above, and my slave's basic shooting skills are only L. The price is too huge, and it will be permanently reduced by ten Click the attribute value to activate! That’s why I sat down with you to discuss a peaceful solution."

Fang Lin knew the key to lying, which was to infiltrate one lie among nine truths. As he spoke, he set the Butcher's basic shooting skills and the equipment requirements of the G4/PSG anti-material gun to exhibition status. Although the Thunderer Wearing a mask, the expression on his face could not be seen, but the three hesitant seniors, led by Silver Wolf, spontaneously and slowly backed away with fear! I'm afraid that after their talk breaks down, they will be accidentally injured by Fang Lin's desperate and crazy counterattack!

"You're actually quite injured, right?" Fang Lin sneered.

Lei Zhe said coldly:


Fang Lin's eyes narrowed as if they were like needles, and he smiled:

"Then why didn't you cooperate with your subordinates to attack us in the first place? If you had taken the lead, not only would your cronies, Mr. Jushi, not have fallen into our hands and ended up in such a tragic end, the Li who died earlier would have Chad can still survive, and he doesn't have to die."

"That's because they are basically useless." The Thunderer said in a sonorous voice, as if it were struck by metal: "Those who fail my test have no right to follow me."

"No. You are lying!" Fang Lin said slowly and ruthlessly: "Because you were hit by my mental shock when you were using your powerful skills. In a hurry, you not only had to suffer the damage from my skills, but also had to endure The backlash of that powerful skill!"

"The reason why you hesitate to take action is because you don't want to appear in front of your subordinates in a weak state! It can be seen that they are afraid of you, but you are also afraid of them! Because if they take action against you now..."

Fang Lin actually had a few analyzes hidden in his mind. In order to avoid completely irritating the other party, he didn't say it out loud. After all, the longer he delayed, the better it would be for him. -------- The Thunderer was actually the same in this primitive rainforest. Wearing a spotless white tuxedo, a person who cares so much about his appearance in the nightmare world shows that he must also cherish his life very much, so he is absolutely not willing to risk his life as a bet! As long as you firmly grasp this point, it may become the key to escape this time! What's more...

Although Lei Zhe's face was covered with a mask, it can be inferred that the expression on his face at this time must be ugly. Fang Lin had the idea of letting the butcher activate his skills to shoot him, but he quickly put this The thought stopped.

--------In fact, his shot was actually the most deterrent and reliable bargaining chip in his hand. Fang Lin felt that the certainty of killing the thunderer with one shot was definitely not 50% of his bluff. It could be said that It's a very, very small chance, and once you shoot, you will lose your only reliable bargaining chip, and the development of the situation may be completely out of control!