Ace Evolution

Chapter 240: Underground breeding base


The space below was extremely empty and huge, and as if it sensed their arrival, it let out a series of shrill roars and roars! These chaotic and violent sounds intertwined together, making people's eardrums hurt, and even the dust on the roof was falling!

"This... should be the base where the mafia captured the dinosaurs and then conducted research, debugging, and experiments. wWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoM" Fang Lin let out a sigh of relief. "I started to stop and stay here because the information from the controller (referring to the yellow cloaked thug and the fat man in yellow who were previously controlled by his powerful magic spell) in my mind ended here, the control The fat man in yellow is only allowed to stay outside this experimental base, so I have to look for the entrance to this base. I must admit that this entrance is quite hidden. If I hadn't discovered this thing from the ground, I really can’t find where the damn door is!”

Old Hu looked at Fang Lin's hand and saw a piece of flesh and blood that had been crushed to pieces, and he suddenly said:

"This should be what fell to the ground when delivering food to the dinosaurs below."

Fang Lin had led them down quickly. Under the radar-like effect of mental detection, he effortlessly killed several guards inside. In this underground prison, the top floor was enough distance from the ground. There are five meters. A whole area as wide as a football field was dug out, and this space was divided into more than twenty independent spaces by dark metal fences. Old Hu saw that the black metal bars that made up the fence were only as thick as chopsticks, and he didn't realize it. He frowned. He reached out and pinched it hard, his expression suddenly changed, and the metal bar didn't react at all.

"This should be where the mafia made the most advanced alloy steel. Otherwise, how could they contain the huge power of these debugged dinosaurs?" Fang Lin walked calmly in front of him. In the alloy fences on both sides, there were many people. The extremely ferocious modified dinosaurs were banging against the cage and roaring crazily. Their shapes were weird, and some had double heads. Some dinosaurs had twin tails, and their claws and teeth shone with a metallic sheen. Due to the overdeveloped muscles in their bodies, even the skin of some dinosaurs was bursting. The blood-red muscles were exposed, and the dripping hot saliva almost sprayed onto the person's face.

"The viruses outside... seem to only have an effect on human bodies injected with dinosaur genes? These guys seem to be more energetic. Is it a counter-effect or a mutation?!"

Lao Hu murmured. Craftsman Fu, whose face turned pale with fear, trembled and hid behind Fang Lin, as if he didn't even dare to show his anger, and didn't dare to make any earthly movement. I believe if you bring him a glass of water at this time. I'm just afraid it will be splashed all over my body.

Fang Lin walked to an empty subway cage, fired and summoned six blue-clothed minions, and took out a bottle containing light yellow gunpowder from the nightmare space. Sprinkle the semen inside on everyone. The smell was extremely fishy. It also had a strong odor.

"This is the urine of a first-stage female dinosaur. I went out to get it while waiting for the helicopter to fly in the afternoon. It's a very good auxiliary item!" Fang Lin explained while splashing: "These have been modified The mutated dinosaurs of the past are extremely ferocious. They don’t recognize their relatives, but I believe that sexual impulse may play a role in appeasing them, and even... Hehe. After all, no animal can escape the control of the two basic instincts of survival and reproduction. "

Beautiful Lin frowned, but still let Fang Lin splash the urine on his clothes, rolled her eyes at him and said:

"What if we meet a modified mutated female dinosaur?"

Fang Lin sighed and said speechlessly:

"Generally, males are stronger and more tolerant, so the modified bodies used in this experiment are all from males. What's more, I have directly observed the appearance of these big guys and even made a special trip to confirm them! "

When Lin Yinxiu heard the words "outline", his face turned red and he took a sip. Xiao Xiao kicked Fang Lin.

Then, Fang Lin controlled the six blue-clothed minions and signaled them to disperse and stand in front of the fence where the dinosaurs were imprisoned. He led everyone into the empty cage in front of him, zipped the cage door directly, and moved his group After locking him up and making sure that the cage door was locked securely, he controlled six minions in blue and opened the six cage doors that locked the modified mutant dinosaur at the same time!

In the shrill roar, five of the six dinosaurs rushed out towards the exit, but one of them was still so hungry that he ignored the dinosaur urine on the blue-clothed minions and directly drank the dinosaur urine in front of him in one gulp. This poor guy was bitten into two pieces, bloody and bloody.

Swallowing it in big mouths, the sound of chewing can be clearly heard, which makes people shudder!

Fang Lin calmly controlled the remaining five minions in blue and continued to open the door of the mutated dinosaur's cage. The ferocious mutant dinosaurs were released one after another. Most of them dismissed Fang Lin and others who smelled of the same kind of smell. The only exceptions were a few who chose to give up because of the obstruction of the iron cage door. He rushed towards the freedom he hoped for, but just in time... He ran into a large group of mafia gangsters who came to hunt Fang Lin and others! Then... of course the show started!

When the mafia raised these terrifying modified creatures, they did not provide sufficient food. Firstly, they wanted to avoid wearing them out wildly, and secondly, they were afraid that these monsters would become stronger after they were full and could easily imprison them. Damaged fence!

These greedy and ferocious beasts used the power and ferocity given to them by the Mafia's own technology, and began to take revenge on their original masters crazily! For a while, screams and roars could be heard endlessly. Just by listening, you can guess how fierce the battle is outside!

Fang Lin looked at the bent iron fence next to him, closed his eyes and used his mental power to sense the movement outside. After a while, he narrowed his eyes and said:

"These mutants transforming dinosaurs are really terrifying. The bite force has actually reached about 2004. It is equivalent to about 920 kilograms! It weighs close to a ton! Although there are many mafia gangsters outside, I believe they still can't resist these more than 13 mutated dinosaur."

At this time, Hu Huahao and Lin Yinxiu, the most powerful members of the team, had only recovered 50% to 60%. Beauty Lin suddenly said:

"How much time do you think we can buy here?"

Fang Lin thought for a while and said:

"Actually speaking, in theory, if we cooperate with the attack of these mutated dinosaurs, I believe it will not be too difficult to wipe out all the mafia forces here. But if we stay here for too long, I'm afraid it will cause The follow-up plot made the final boss, the dinosaur mafia lord Crazy Butcher (Butcher), come out early to stabilize the situation. After all, this is the largest mafia base in the world. So after another hour and a half of rest, we will prepare to retreat. "

Beauty Lin nodded and gritted her teeth and said:

"Just one hour is enough for me to fully recover!"

In the previous battle, because she took the initiative to share the power of lightning for Fang Lin, she was seriously injured and could only use two-thirds of her strength. As a result, she was suppressed by Richard and others, and she had been holding back a long time in her heart. I want to vent my anger. Fang Lin was afraid that her anger would cause the injury on her back to rupture and worsen again, so he smiled and patted her shoulder, took her hand and said softly:

"It's okay. We just fell into the trap of the thunderer unintentionally this time. Now that I'm on guard, it won't be easy to be fooled again in the future. This time, Lao Hu was at a disadvantage and defeated the giant stone, and suppressed it perfectly. The leader will definitely carry out a key attack on him in the future. At that time, you, who have not shown your true strength, are the biggest trump card in our hand."

Beauty Lin snorted coldly, but she obviously accepted Fang Lin's statement. Being arrogant and arrogant, she could only listen to Fang Lin's words, but when faced with Fang Lin's wanton actions, she only slightly lowered her eyes. She glanced at him and let him hold his hand. Beauty Lin was obviously a little thin-skinned, so she turned her face to the side and did not want to make eye contact with other people. After a while, she suddenly said curiously:

"Why is there something glowing in my mark? It's that weird thing!"

As he said that, he took out the thing, but he was shocked to find that it was the bloody animal paw that had been identified by the craftsman Fu! This thing seemed to have a life of its own. It kept glowing and twitching, then fell to the ground on its own, got out from the gap in the iron fence, squirmed and crawled on the ground like an insect, and finally reached a place on the ground where it suddenly melted. For the sake of the blue smoke, even the ashes were not left behind!

Seeing such strange things, everyone was surprised, especially Shanna who was extremely excited, knowing that she had encountered a branch mission---------This experience was nothing new to Fang Lin and his party. This is, of course, quite rare for her.