Ace Evolution

Chapter 241: Weird head


At that time, they were the only ones left in the entire underground prison. Of course, the mutated and modified dinosaurs that came out would not want to return to this horrible place that left them with terrible memories, and now they are being beaten to an extremely miserable state. It was even less likely that the defeated mafiosi would rush into this "dinosaur lair". Even so, Fang Lin, who acted cautiously, also sent the last surviving blue-clad minions to guard the door to avoid any sudden accidents. the occurrence of the situation. WwW. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. cO

With the existence of a perverted guy like Fang Lin, this kind of task prompt similar to guessing and solving puzzles is of course not a problem. When Shanna and Lin Yinxiu were still frowning and thinking hard, they couldn't figure it out.

Fang Lin had already stood casually at the place where the soles of his feet turned to ashes, and said with a smile:

"Can't you see such an obvious hint? Let's look at Wisdom's wisdom! Haha!"

Shanna thought for a while and said:

"Could it be a clue that there is a mission underground?"

She was the one who did what she thought of. She immediately ran over and knocked the hard cement on the ground open. She was so tired that she was panting. Unfortunately, she worked for a long time and found nothing. At this time, Miss Lin sneered and said:

"If the clue is underground, how come this half of the foot automatically burns? It is obviously using the smoke that floats upward during sex to guide us. The secret is above our heads!"

Fang Lin smiled when he heard this, drew his gun and fired directly above his head! As the smoke and dust flew, pieces of concrete were knocked down, revealing a shiny cover made of stainless steel. Beauty Lin jumped up and stabbed the golden dagger in her hand. The shiny cover was immediately cut into a large piece and fell to the ground with a "clang" sound, revealing a red button inside. Lin Yinxiu's body was still in the air at this time, so he pressed the button.

A wall on the left immediately sunk inward, making a violent "bang, bang, bang" sound. Fang Lin asked the remaining blue-clothed minions to walk in front. At the same time, he carefully examined the section of the wall and found that it was made of hollow Made of steel and filled with a soft foam-like substance. The thickness reached about 20 centimeters, and I had great doubts in my heart. I immediately stopped and scanned in with my mental power!

There is not much space inside. There was only about twenty square meters, and it was pitch black inside. Fang Lin's mental power just scanned the center of the space, and a shrill roar like thunder suddenly came from his ears!

Immediately afterwards. A pair of bright red eyes the size of a flashlight flashed out in the darkness. The emotions contained in those eyes were vicious, cruel, and ruthless. Cold, and then an invisible mental wave came from inside, directly covering everyone's body like a fan. My whole body felt as if I had been thrown into an ice cave for a few seconds. It took a while to react.

"You are not from the Mafia. Who are you?"

This special voice sounded directly in everyone's heart, very similar to the private call method in the KOF contract.

Waiting for a reply to deceive people. Of course, Fang Lin did his part. He immediately said:

"We were entrusted by a friend, the female diplomat Hana (the character in the plot, the beauty in the red shirt). Because Hana and Max and I have cooperated on the Mafia incident, we came to collect evidence of the Mafia. , during the process of sweeping the mafia camp, I found half a bloody paw, but it belonged to a creature I had never seen before, so I stayed here. Unexpectedly, it came in handy here, and then I came here. !”

The pair of clear red eyes were fixed for a long time, and then a faint red light lit up around them. With this light, everyone took a breath and saw that the room was empty except for a stone platform half a person's height in the middle. , a transparent petri dish made of glass was placed on it, and a head was soaked in the liquid inside!

--------Only one

--------That's one.

The pair of bright red eyes that Fang Lin and the others saw earlier were born on the head of this ordinary dinosaur!

The most mysterious thing is that on the cross section of the dinosaur's head and neck, there are many fine light red blood vessels sprouting like tree roots, and things like nerves are rippling slightly in the blood of the petri dish.

"Isn't it surprising? It's even scary, right?" The mysterious dinosaur head sent out another wave of thoughts, and directly conveyed anger, coldness, ridicule and other negative emotions! "I said I was originally a person, do you believe it or not!"

Fang Lin's eyes suddenly showed a sharp light like the tip of a needle, and he was determined

"Of course I believe it!"

"Why? Don't you think it's ridiculous?!" the dinosaur head asked eagerly.

Fang Lin said calmly:

"Actually, since I came here, I have been thinking about a problem that I really can't find a reasonable explanation for. That is, the mafia has invested too many people in this primitive jungle! If nothing else, just A certain number of yellow-cloaked thugs (gutters), fat yellow men (ht. There are dinosaurs! Is the information Hana provided wrong? According to my investigation, it is obviously not the case!"

"In this case, why does the Mafia still build roads connecting everywhere here, invest so many troops, and deploy those big men in blue who look like Te Weiss? They even send one of the terrifying Mafia lords What about the crazy butcher who came to take charge? To deploy such a powerful force and go to this place with extremely harsh natural environment conditions, the money and energy spent can be said to be an astronomical figure! Is it possible for the mafia, a huge criminal organization, to Will you just do all this useless work after having enough food?"

"So there is only one possible answer, and that is that the resistance the Mafia people receive here is definitely greater than what we see on the surface! According to my speculation... these strong resistance probably come from You... strange dinosaurs!"

"This is also a potential main conflict in this world--" Of course this sentence was not spoken out loud, it was Fang Lin's murmur in his heart!

The dinosaur's head suddenly raised its head again and hissed wildly! The cry is full of anger and unyielding! Fortunately, everyone was prepared at this time and was not so surprised. It took a while to pass on the message, and he said bitterly and angrily:

"I... am actually a person who looks very much like a dinosaur... .

"You are a scientist who was captured by the mafia to conduct genetic experiments on humans and dinosaurs," Fang Lin said calmly. "Then what do you call me sir? Or what should I call you sir!"

Hearing the word "Sir", the thought transmitted from the dinosaur head was obviously shaken, but then he said sadly: "When we transformed ourselves, because the time was too hasty, we lost a lot of memory fragments. , I can only remember that my researcher number is, 1127."

Immediately after the nightmare mark, a prompt appeared: Your name unexpectedly moved the dinosaur man's relationship with it from neutral to friendly, and the gratitude level increased.

Fang Lin's heart moved, and he suddenly recalled that when Lao Hu changed jobs, he also had a relationship of gratitude with the key figure in the job transfer, Old Man He, so he directly pulled the frightened craftsman Fu to his side. The bitch's blinding trick can affect all the plot characters with an affinity of +50. The master can benefit from it at least, so he patiently answered questions with dinosaur man 1127. Analyzing and judging various information, he gradually figured out the origin of the matter. .

It turns out that in the Mafia organization, Fessenden, a genius scientific madman, colluded with the Mafia and began to study the combination of dinosaurs' aggressive power genes with the human body in order to achieve their own ulterior purposes. They used all legal and illegal methods to achieve their own ulterior motives. Using this method, many elite scientists in the field of genetics around the world are coerced into joining, seeking huge profits and threatening lives. Therefore, he quickly completed the key research project requirements of the scientific madman Feisenden and made considerable progress.

Just when this group of scientists naively thought that the Mafia would keep its promise and provide reward funds and let them go home, the scientific madman Feisenden cruelly issued a killing order. Fortunately, in order to study different types of dinosaurs nearby, the scientists... They are scattered in camps all over the primeval rainforest. Someone was killed and a warning message was sent. Research No. 1127: In order to survive, the left-behind scientists can only use their own research results... Take the initiative to combine their bodies with The powerful combination of dinosaurs completed the irreversible transformation process, and then... These researchers, whose minds and bodies had been extremely distorted - or rather powerful...:...'s base headquarters, and destroyed most of them. After learning the research results, he fled into the jungle. Not only do they have human wisdom, but they can also use the powerful abilities they have developed to drive dinosaurs to fight against the mafia!