Ace Evolution

Chapter 242: Cruel betrayal


However, deep in the tropical jungle, a group with extremely terrifying hatred for the Mafia was formed. wWW!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!CoMThey frantically attacked the mafia's hunting teams, interfering with their hunting of experimental materials, and finally succeeded in forcing this huge organization to shift its defense focus to this "backyard". In the end, after repeated setbacks, they had to send the mafia lord Crazy Butcher to take charge.

Under the leadership of the mafia lord Butcher, the work of cleaning up this group of rebellious dinosaurs was very effective. The methods he adopted to build more roads and set up strongholds were somewhat similar to what the Japanese did in China. Trench and bunker strategy, so soon three of the eleven dinosaurs were killed, and one was captured alive - which is now 1127. His head was cut off and brought back to the base to be implanted in a cultivation vessel. Prepare to send it to the scientific madman Feisenden as research material.

And the half of the claw that Lin Yinxiu obtained was actually the chopped-up dinosaur body of Researcher No. 1127!

"Actually, you still have a chance to return to adult human form." Fang Lin said solemnly after listening to Dinosaur Man 1127's story.

"What are you talking about! How is this possible!" The red light in Dinosaur Man 1127's eyes was extremely hot, and he was extremely excited and conveyed a large amount of messy thoughts and information, disbelief, desire, and hope... The massive amount of information made Fang Lin... People with mental strength also suffer from severe pain in the head!

Fang Lin took a deep breath and said:

"According to the information I have, one of Dr. Feisenden's subordinates has mastered the method of transforming from a human into a dinosaur and then restoring it again after the transformation. (Well, the boss of the researcher at the Flame Village in the fifth level, that hand. A dwarf who can transform into a blue-headed dinosaur with a submachine gun) Unfortunately, that person is too strong, so for now, there is nothing I can do."

"What's that man's name!!" the dinosaur man asked earnestly!


"Sure enough, it's him..." Dinosaur Man 1127 gritted his teeth: The person in charge! It was he who issued the decisive order to kill us! "

At this time, the nightmare mark once again prompted: The information you gave gave Dinosaur Man 1127 hope of living. Your relationship with it is already friendly, and your gratitude level will increase significantly by + points. The current gratitude level is:

"I can't die. Since there is still hope, then I have to live." The dinosaur man muttered to himself for a while. Suddenly a thoughtful message came over: "You are friends of the heroine Hana, and you must be trustworthy heroes. Can you protect me and send me out?"

"You have obtained a branch task: the dinosaur man's request. The difficulty of the task is unknown. The mission goal is to send the head of dinosaur man 1127 to his designated:

"Warning: Because it is found that there are reincarnations from the opposite camp in this world, when this task is generated, the reincarnations from the opposing lineup will receive the task of preventing Dinosaur Man 1127 from returning to the camp. And every 30 minutes. Will be based on The special radio wave signal generated by the tracker forcibly implanted in the brain of Dinosaur Man 1127 was used to obtain its current location."

"Do you want to accept this mission? Y/N?"

Fang Lin raised his eyes and smiled gently:

"I accept."

Lao Hu didn't say anything and just followed and took over the task.

Lin Yinxiu hesitated slightly. Looking at Fang Lin, he immediately took over the task.

Shanna took a breath of cold air and asked:

"Lei Zhe is obviously from the mafia camp. Do you still want to face Lei Zhe's sneak attack at any time? It's too risky!"

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"It's up to you. If you don't want to take it, no one will blame you. After all, it is a very dangerous mission. You can separate from us after you get out. We will not take the initiative to terminate the contract. This will increase your chances of survival a lot!"

Shanna's face turned green and white, and she was finally taken by the thunderer's power. She shook her head and refused the mission.

Fang Lin looked at the condition of his companions and felt that he had almost recovered, so he asked Dinosaur Man 1127 for the specific location of the escort destination. Who was afraid that they would leak the specific location of their camp, but actually kept it secret and insisted on them. First send yourself to the river twelve kilometers west, and then talk about the next destination. This sub-station method is used to keep the Dinosaurs' hidden base secret to the greatest extent possible.

At this time, the power of the virus outside has begun to gradually weaken over time, but the mutated and transformed dinosaurs outside have been completely distributed in the base. Taking advantage of the coming of night, they exert their cold nature as natural predators to hide. in ruins and wood

They were always ready to raid passers-by. Therefore, even though the mafia members had returned from their source and had a huge advantage in manpower, after killing several times in a row and suffering heavy casualties, they could only resort to the clumsy method of carefully cleaning and advancing house by house. Avoid the casualties of a hasty attack.

Fang Lin and his party walked out very smoothly carrying the head of Dinosaur Man 1127. Probably because of the fluctuations in the mental power of Dinosaur Man 1127, he came to attack them.

When they reached the several houses used as laboratories that were cut open by the huge rotors of the helicopter, Dinosaur Man 1127 looked at Fang Lin and suddenly said something.


Fang Lin's heart moved and he said:

"What's up?"

Dinosaur Man 1127 said with those terrifying red eyes:

"Wait a minute, go to the left, please believe me, my friend!"

Behind the ruins of the laboratory, Fang Lin followed Dinosaur Man 1127's instructions, clicked east and west, and unexpectedly opened another secret door. The space inside was also quite large, but it was a secret that Dinosaur Man 1127 had visited when he was still a human. Laboratory, intact.

I saw Dinosaur Man 1127 having his head placed in front of the experimental table. He closed his eyes. Suddenly, the various medicine bottles and test tubes on the table floated directly into the air, automatically spinning and dumping like crazy. It was a mess that made people dizzy. After just a few glances, Lao Hu felt dizzy and quickly shook his head away.

Lin Yinxiu noticed that Fang Lin seemed to be resting leisurely on the pillar next to him with his hands folded in front of his chest, but his eyes were fixed on the experimental table, and from time to time there was a jumping sound in his pupils. Purple meaning flashed, as if the computer CPU was being used too high and the red light on the chassis was flashing violently!

A moment later, a test tube filled with colorless and transparent sperm flew flatly in front of the dinosaur man's head. It stretched its head out of the nutrient solution, and a little blood suddenly shot out of its mouth, falling straight into the test tube!

Suddenly, the liquid in the test tube started churning violently. It took a few minutes for it to calm down, but the color gradually changed into a golden mercury-like liquid.

Dinosaur Man 1127 was extremely tired and controlled the test.: said:

"Drink it and leave. I believe it will help you!"

Fang Lin was not in a hurry to drink it, and directly set the small drop of medicine in the test tube to exhibition status:

"A-level item: Genetic modification potion. This potion cannot be carried out of this world. It is unique to this world and can only be used by reincarnations who have received relevant tasks. It is prepared by concentrating the current top genetic technology and added The mutated blood of a special damaged species of dinosaur test subject can invalidate all attributes +2.l after taking it."

Fang Lin carefully placed the test tube on the shelf next to him and stood there silently with his eyes closed, as quiet as a stone statue! No one else said anything - the panicked Shanna wanted to open her mouth, but Miss Lin just gave her a vicious backhand slap! Only Dinosaur Man 1127 was a little impatient and urged again. Fang Lin still turned a deaf ear!

Suddenly, Fang Lin smiled... and moved!

He walked directly to the experimental table! As soon as he reached out, he picked up a certain bottle of reagent! Fang Lin's movements at this time were very strange. There was a kind of smooth coordination between his movements! Soon, others saw that he was completely copying the previous dinosaur man's movements!

Dinosaur Man 1127 was sluggish in the petri dish at this time: when he came to his senses, even in amazement, he had no idea what this man wanted to do. Because even if he got the medicine without his own blood, it would be ineffective. At the same time, after getting a secret reminder from the weak Fang Lin, Lin Yinxiu's left hand inserted into the petri dish like lightning, but his slender fingers pricked it mercilessly. Dinosaur 1127's eyes connected with its lower jaw, and squeezed the little blood in its head directly into the transparent beaker in front of him!

"You..." Shanna opened her mouth even though she had seen too many betrayals and killings, and was so shocked by the sudden change of situation that she was speechless!