Ace Evolution

Chapter 245: Clever trap


Everyone looked at Fang Lin's hand, only to find that the compass had been turned on at some point, and the arrows on the compass were shaking around. Old Hu Qi said:

"Is this thing broken?! It's impossible, right?"

"That special place should be here. I think there must be a huge magnetite underground here. With the huge magnetic interference, it is enough to block the signal from the tracker or directly cause it to malfunction, so... Dinosaur Man 1127 will want us here first.WWw!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!com”

The group of people listened to Fang Lin's judgment and nodded in agreement. A strange light shone in the beautiful eyes of Lin.

Fang Lin then said calmly:

"Although Dinosaur No. 1127 only has one liquid left, it is obvious that if the nutrient liquid is not replaced in time, or some special measures are taken to deal with it, its life cycle will definitely be very limited. I estimate that it will not survive at most. It will be more than a week. Just like how people starve to death due to lack of food nutrients."

"But looking at his excitement--especially the excitement after learning that he had the opportunity to become a human again--you can roughly judge that this is definitely not like a person who knows that he is It’s a normal reaction for people who will die soon! Even those who are really open-minded about life and death, there is no way they can remain in such an excited state after knowing their own death date, right? So I can be sure The inference is that Dinosaur Man No. 1127 is a secret organization in our midst. He will definitely be able to survive! The chance is at least more than 90%!"

Fang Lin's question immediately hit the point! Beauty Lin and Lao Hudi both had thoughtful expressions on their faces. Fang Lin then said leisurely:

"This matter seems a bit ridiculous based on our understanding, but given the technological level of this world, it is absolutely reasonable. We must never forget that these special mutated dinosaurs are being debugged Their previous true identities! They are all world-class scientists in genetics. Although they have new bodies based on dinosaurs, most of the memories in their heads and the scientific knowledge they mastered are still retained! Obviously, Dinosaur Man 1127’s Although his condition seems to be quite bad. Only his brain is preserved, but his companions also have enough knowledge and ability to let him live! He may even have a new body, and then have a chance to survive in a human body again!"

The river next to it became more turbulent, and the surroundings were very noisy. The cry of the poison dart frog is the loudest among the chirps of insects. Fang Lin thinks it is because he spent too much effort in preparing the SS-level item - genetically modified potion (large bottle). His mental strength is extremely exhausted, and his voice is even worse Very hoarse. He coughed several times before continuing:

"However, as the saying goes, a good woman can't make a meal without rice. Although those mutated dinosaurs used to be the world's highest-level scientists and professors, if they want to successfully extend the life of Dinosaur 1127, they can't just take some river water instead of nutrient solution and use saliva. Disinfection. That can only be a joke, so there must be a certain degree of hardware conditions! These dinosaur people are certainly at a disadvantage now, but before the arrival of the mafia lord Crazy Butcher, they should have always had the upper hand. Breakthroughs repeatedly There are bases everywhere. Therefore, it is very possible to snatch a large number of necessary research equipment! The most important thing is that they can use these instruments!"

"And these research equipment must be very delicate. They must not be left out in the rainforest to be exposed to the wind and sun, otherwise they will soon become a pile of scrap metal! These instruments are very precious to them, and they are very important to them. Being familiar with them, they must attach great importance to it, and the place where the research equipment is placed must be dry and secretive. In the natural environment of this tropical swamp rainforest, if you want to find such a place, except for caves on higher ground... I really Can’t think of any other location!”

"What does that have to do with us going up the river? That way we can find the secret base?!" Shanna finally found the opportunity to ask.

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"Have you noticed that the surface of this river is actually not very narrow, but its water flow is quite rapid, and the water flows downwards. This shows that although we can't feel the general undulations of the terrain in the dark, The turbulence of the water actually reflects this. We have only walked 5.43 miles, but the flow speed of the river has increased from 1.73/second.

1m/s. It means we are heading towards higher ground! "

"So, if you go up... you will soon be able to enter the mountainous area." Fang Lin pointed to his head with a smile and said: "The hunting team that the fat man in yellow clothes controlled by me also came here before, So I can say that I am not unfamiliar with the situation around here. This mountainous area is actually not very big. We put the head of Dinosaur Man 1127 in a transparent... to show our hostility. I believe it will only cost one or two taels at most. You should be able to meet his companions in a few days. After all, the Dinosaur Man's companions also have certain reconnaissance capabilities!"

Everyone was speechless. Shanna looked at Fang Lin as if she were looking at a monster, while Old Hu acted like "this kid was born a freak" and that's what he should be like. However, Miss Lin showed a very appreciative attitude.

... ... ... ... ... ... ..

Gradually, the river surface, which was originally a hundred meters wide, gradually shrank to a width of thirty or forty meters. The water flow naturally became more rapid, carrying a large amount of turbid sand. You could see that the mountains gradually appeared in the darkness on the other side. It was obvious that he had to cross the river. Lao Hu rolled up his sleeves and volunteered to go down the river to clear the way. Although the river was dangerous, it was not difficult for him with a strength of 80.5. Fang Lin thought for a while, but stopped Lao Hu. After searching for a while in the dense forest nearby, I selected two long and thick Bahama trees, cut them off directly, and roughly processed them into a thick trunk of nearly five meters with a diameter of half a meter. Then I dug out the sections that could Lao Hu directly stuffed his legs into the holes that accommodated his legs and feet, tied them a few times with tough tree vines, and then stood up staggeringly like walking on stilts, holding on to the big tree next to him.

The physical fitness and balance instinct of the reincarnation must be much higher than that of ordinary people. Lao Hu just tried to walk a few steps and gradually mastered the key points. He chose a place where the water flow was relatively slow and carried a The tough tree vines that had been twisted together by the roots went into the water and staggered over. If his strength attributes were not really strong, he would not be able to support himself in walking in the torrent.

Soon, a simple vine bridge was built, and the group easily crossed it. Only the butcher was carried over by Old Hu. Fujibashi can't bear the weight of this man!

After everyone crossed the river, Fang Lin cut off the vine bridge, smiled slightly, and walked slowly ahead. Not long after, he suddenly heard a shrill scream coming from behind! It was a human scream, and it sounded familiar.

Except for Fang Lin, everyone else was startled and immediately became alert. Beauty Lin held the bright silver long ax in front of her, with a slight sneer on her lips, which seemed to be extremely eager for excitement. She was really suppressed in the battle with the Thunderer, and she felt so aggrieved. Now that she had the opportunity to take revenge, she naturally wanted to vent her anger.

Fang Lin turned around quickly, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and laughed softly:

"It's okay, we're old friends. Let's go see that unfortunate guy."

They returned to the river, only to see a soaked man in black twisting and writhing on the ground in pain. The man looked familiar. He could be considered an old acquaintance, but he was not the one who was proficient in hiding. Who is DeLong

Shanna said in surprise:

"It's unbelievable, you can keep up with us? How did you do it?!"

Delong held his lower abdomen with his hand, his face turned strangely pale, his lips were trembling but he could not speak a word. Fang Lin narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"If you answer her questions honestly, maybe I can help you solve the problem."

After hearing Fang Lin's words, Delong trembled eagerly as if he had taken a cardiotonic drug:

"You... can you really help me? Well, ouch! I said, I said, ouch!"

Fang Lin squatted down with a smile. Seeing his expression, Miss Lin immediately frowned and took a step back subconsciously. This was a conditioned reflex. She knew that this guy showed such an expression and was about to use deception again. .

"Speak quickly. My patience is very limited!"