Ace Evolution

Chapter 247: Suffered brutal blackmail


Long, an admirable man, covered his crotch and grinned, twitching and trembling. Fang Lin closed his eyes and rested his head on the sexy and soft thigh of beautiful Lin. He stroked it with his other hand and let out a comfortable sigh. Snoring slightly, Lin Yinxiu had no choice but to do it. After all, there was Shanna, a seemingly strong competitor, next to him. If he didn't offer some sweeteners, Fang Lin might be lured over. www、QuAnBen-XIaoShuo、com

The rain in the tropical rain forest comes and goes quickly. Although the rain is torrential, it is like a ladle of water pouring down from the sky. After the pouring, it will clear up immediately. The puddles on the vine leaves in the rainforest are still rising from the ocean, and the sun is already rising.

At this time, many tree frogs became active. They are highly arboreal and have extremely flat bodies. The thin fingers on the crotch and the webs between the toes are well developed. There are skin folds on the outside of the chest and front and rear limbs, which increases the body surface area. When gliding from high to low, the webs spread out to slow down the landing.

Not long after, you can see many black palm tree frogs flying to the ground, or jumping from this tree to that tree. In the humid environment of the rain forest, although the eggs of these tree frogs must be laid in water, Merely using residual puddles in tree holes or at the base of plant leaves to move the eggs through the stages.

At this time, Fang Linxun thought that the lesson he had taught Delong this time was almost the same, but it was a very painful lesson, so he stood up and walked deep into the jungle. Under the damp tropical rainforest after the rain, from time to time he could see some leaves without leaves. Strange-shaped flowers suddenly emerged from the soil, some as small as mung beans (leafless orchids),...+. These flowers are parasitic on the roots of other plants and are usually invisible. They only emerge from the soil when they bloom. They are called root parasitic plants.

What Fang Lin was looking for was the root parasitic plant unique to tropical rainforests, Daphne. Its flowers are huge, bright red in color, fleshy petals, and emit a strong rancid smell. Like a pile of smelly meat, it attracts flies to pollinate it. Fang Lin came after the smell and soon found one, after which he caught a few tree frogs at random. They cut down the bright but rancid giant flowers and brought them back, then filled the flowers with water, crushed the tree frogs to death, tore them into small pieces and threw them into the water contained in the flowers. Then he sprinkled some hot urine into the water.


The big flower and herb had a stinky smell, and when Fang Lin did this, it became even more smelly. Delong's face was now pale and pale. After holding it in for such a long time, the urine was really full, with the parasitic catfish twisting and wiggling outside. There is water and fire inside. The feeling of being attacked from both inside and outside is really indescribable. It's not enough for outsiders.

Fang Lin smiled and said:


Then he pouted at the filthy semen contained in the big flower meadow and asked Delong to soak it in. Delong's eyes suddenly widened! Crazy said:

"You... I know I was wrong!!! Please stop torturing me! We are all men. Stop playing with me. If you are unwilling to save me, just kill me! Stop playing with me like this. , save some face for me!"

Fang Linjiang said with a straight face:

"Who has time to torture you? It's up to you whether you let it go or not. If you don't put it in, I'll throw it out."

Delong looked at the pale yellow disgusting penis, and then looked at his lower body. His expression was already full of tears. He squatted down, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth with an expression like that of a condemned prisoner on the execution ground. The little earthworms with wrinkles on the ground soaked into the flesh. At this time, he suddenly felt something bright flashing, and then a puff of smoke came out. He looked around and saw the craftsman happily hiding behind the butcher, packing something. , I don’t know what’s going on, Delong didn’t care so much at this time, closed his eyes and felt it tremblingly.

Strangely enough, the expression on Delong's face suddenly relaxed as he endured the torment of the stench. Sighing in relief. Fang Lin looked at him and smiled:

"This parasitic catfish has a very weird temperament - or it can be said that it is stubborn and would rather die than give in. If you use forceful methods, it will only make your lower body bloody and tortured. Even if you finally get it out, Xiao Delong will probably It's disabled, so the best way is to let it run out on its own. So... "

Delong squatted half-crouched, closed his eyes slightly and looked relaxed, and suddenly said:

"Are you using this thing to lure it in? I feel much more relaxed now! It doesn't dig in anymore!"

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"After adding the stench of the king's grass with fresh blood and flesh, and then adding human urine, this is the parasitic catfish's favorite smell. In addition, it has been unable to invade your bladder for a long time. At this time, it is lured by delicious food, so it quickly It will run out on its own."

Hear the word "food" in Fang Lin's words

Thinking of the terrible smell in the air, all the people's faces showed disgust. On the other hand, Delong seemed to be enjoying the pungent smell, and even the tense muscles on his face gradually relaxed.

After a few more minutes, Delong suddenly let out a groan, and saw a small snake-like thing with a body as black and as thin as a thread finally swam out, with mucus and bloodshot eyes on its body. The parasitic catfish rushed straight towards the The bloody tree frog meat was biting tightly, while Delong ran and jumped as if he had seen a ghost, tightly covering his crotch. After walking a few steps, his legs became weak and he collapsed on the ground and passed out. In the past, I had been extremely nervous all night. No, I should have been nervous. I finally relaxed and could take a rest. The hot urine I had been holding in for a long time also spilled out uncontrollably. It was obviously an unconscious and subconscious behavior. , so, very gorgeous "pee" pants!

There was another "Puff" sound behind the butcher, and there were a few more flashes of light. The craftsman Fu Mouse had a straight beard and big yellow teeth when he smiled, but he didn't know what he was up to.

Fang Lin looked at him, smiled slightly and said:

"If someone asks him to deal with me next time, I believe this guy will think more about it."

So the group set off, and the largest butcher held the petri dish containing the head of Dinosaur Man No. 1127 on his head ------- This was also the whole team:... and sat on the butcher's shoulders. , hold it down with your hand next to it to make sure it doesn't fall off. After walking like this for a while, Fang Lin suddenly turned back and said:

"Why are you here again? You still want to follow us!"

But I saw an extremely embarrassed guy behind him with his legs spread out, walking in a figure-eight shape other than a circle, and he rushed up panting. Who was it but poor Delong? He said with a grimace:

"After much thought, it's really unwise to become your enemy, but the power of the mafia camp is too strong now. I definitely can't handle it myself, so it's better to follow you. I'll pay 8,000 points as a life-saving fee. ,Ok?"

As he spoke, he seemed to have touched the lower wound again. He shivered in pain and quickly opened his legs wider. Fang Lin held back his laughter and said:

"Of course it's not impossible to follow me, but do you just believe in me?"

Delong gasped and said:

"Shanna is not afraid of this bitch, so what should I be afraid of? There is no need for trash in the nightmare world. If you want to kill me, you would have killed me already. In the situation just now, you didn't even attack me, and you even retained my skills. This shows that I It’s quite useful in your mind.”

"Okay." Fang Lin readily accepted the 8,000 points traded by Delong. Although his mental detection skills are very convenient for checking the surrounding environment, the team also needs such agile scouts and assassins. Even if he had any ulterior motives, Fang Lin Zidu was not afraid of him causing any trouble. At the same time, he also shared the branch tasks he received with him.

(Task sharing: Reincarnators of the same lineup can share tasks, provided that the person being shared is qualified to accept this task. People who give up and refuse this task cannot share it again. For example, Shanna cannot share this task because she has already I clearly rejected it!)

Delong was spreading his legs and walking weirdly with twists and turns. Of course he was at the end. While he was resting, he suddenly felt someone tapping his shoulder. It was the craftsman Fu who was smiling evilly. Delong saw this guy's smile. An ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart, and a chill ran down his spine. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with a smile:

"What's the matter? Mr. Fu" (So far, except for Lao Hu and Miss Lin, everyone has said that because Craftsman Fu is Fang Lin's brother, he is also a reincarnation, and he is an auxiliary reincarnation with extremely special abilities. As for the butcher He is a subordinate of Craftsman Fu. Even if someone told Shanna that the butcher was not a subordinate of Craftsman Fu, but a subordinate of Fang Lin, Shanna would not believe it, because the master-slave relationship between Butcher and Craftsman Fu seems to be too close. !)

The craftsman Fu proudly stretched out his index finger, middle finger and thumb, and made a silent snap. The huge butcher immediately moved over quickly and took out two overlapping long flat wooden boxes from behind. There is also a piece of velvet on top. The craftsman opened the velvet cloth, reached in and fiddled with it for a while, and actually took out two photos! He held it in his hand and smiled evilly.