Ace Evolution

Chapter 254: The bloody butcher


As if to verify his words, a white light suddenly flashed on the eastern horizon, almost blinding people's eyes, and then a thunder exploded very close at hand!

Only then did Fang Lin sneer and say:

"Let's go, it's this time... It's time to give our Lord Thunder some surprises. Www,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,CoM The Thunder must have learned from Silver Wolf that the time limit for our first mission is 240 hours, Now he should have determined the time and can complete his mission with confidence and boldness, right?"

"If I can't drive him out of this world, it will always be like a thorn in my back, making it difficult for me to sleep or eat well! How can I dare to do a second extremely dangerous mission? I was attacked by him once, and I have to pay back after all, right? To do something big. People, what do the plot characters of Death 2 mean! They are not friends we can really entrust our backs to!"

Delong opened his mouth and swallowed back the question "How do you know where Lei Zhe is doing the second mission?" because he suddenly realized that the reason was not difficult to guess. Since Lei Zhe is from the mafia camp, Human, then of course his mission is related to dinosaur people! It's just that this problem seems worthless after figuring it out, but Fang Lin's fierceness that he would rather give up the powerful help of the plot characters and take the lead in avenging the Thunderer made him shudder involuntarily.

In fact, this choice is easy to figure out - there is a whole +: the best chance to defeat the Thunderer - but only those critical minutes!

Following Fang Lin's guidance, he turned in the middle and west of the dense forest and advanced forward. A group of people were shocked to find out. It turned out that the mafia camp where they had been staying was only a straight line distance of more than ten kilometers from the dinosaur man's main base!

They were walking on a road that seemed familiar to them, but the blood was terrible. Along the way, they saw at least a dozen mutilated corpses of ferocious dinosaurs with red eyes, but the corpses of mafia gangsters were even more numerous and very dense. Most of them had mutilated limbs and decapitations, leaving no complete corpses.

"So far, we have only found the corpses of the yellow-cloaked thugs and the green minions." Beauty Lin squatted down and inspected the corpses. Calmly said: "This may mean that Lei Zhe's authority in the mafia organization is not high or insufficient. He cannot mobilize higher-level people to act as a leader for him."

The butcher took advantage of this great opportunity and frantically used his robbery skills to search for everyone's "relics". He was afraid of slowing down the team's progress. So I took the time to do this "good" thing. I was so tired that I kept gasping and panting, and I didn't even have time to wipe the saliva that came out. The craftsman Fu was supervising the construction nearby, and he obviously gained a lot. You can imagine it just by looking at his big yellow teeth when he smiled. So much so that when Fang Lin set out under strict orders. The craftsman paid pitifully at the end. As long as Fang Lin wasn't paying attention, he would suddenly pounce on the body and inspect it thoroughly before he would stop.

but. At this moment when Craftsman Fu was alone, a bright light suddenly flashed across the mountain stream on the left! Then you can see a tall and burly figure wearing a white tuxedo suddenly appear on the cliff next to him. He wears a majestic and sinister mask on his face. His right hand is slightly half-clawed, pointing straight in this direction. , half a meter in front of his palm, there are seven or eight groups of blazing flames condensing and forming, and then dragging long fiery red trajectories, roaring and attacking continuously! The goal is exactly…

That's the thunderer! The most powerful super senior reincarnator that Fang Lin has come into contact with so far, the Thunderer!

This is an S-level skill he learned from Goueji Mei, whose zodiac sign is rabbit in the world of Goueji clan (that old woman who lost her dentures and regained her youth after kissing someone)! (shootingmattack:!) Comet Flame Explosion Attack!

Note: S-level skill: shootingmetck:! ) Star Flame Explosion! This skill can only be obtained from Goueji Mei, whose zodiac sign is rabbit, in the world of Goueji clan. The learning method is: taught by the plot character personally or obtained by killing the plot character.

Skill effect: Charge 2, launch eight blazing fireballs with medium flying speed towards the designated target, explode after hitting, causing continuous damage. This skill has an automatic locking property. The lethality of each fireball is 30 points + mental power x2. There is a 30% chance of a burn effect.

Skill cooldown time: 2 minutes. This skill does not consume mental energy.

Before using this skill: you must spend 6000 points and 30 mental energy to recharge. The recharging process will take 30 minutes and there will be signs on the body.

Zheng, within one hour after charging, you can use 4 skills. The effect disappears when the charge is exceeded.

(To put it simply, if the Thunderer wants to use this skill, he must spend thirty minutes in advance to charge it. After charging, this skill can be used 4 within an hour. It is best to use up 4 within an hour. Because it can no longer be used when the time is up, regardless of whether you still have the number of uses.)

At this time, the greedy craftsman Fu was already more than ten meters away from the large army. He saw what seemed to be a gold tooth on a corpse next to him. He smiled evilly and went to pull it out, unaware that a disaster was about to happen! Because Lei Zhe's target this time is clearly him!

When the comet's flame burst, Fang Lin turned his head in surprise. He really didn't expect that the terrifying thunderer would still detect him even though he had made a stealthy attack! At this time, dozens of thoughts were running through his mind, and he was about to control the butcher, but he didn't expect that the latter had spontaneously thrown out the hook and wrapped it diagonally around Craftsman Fu's waist several times. With a sound, the greedy guy was pulled back in an arc like a crescent moon!

But those eight fireballs also turned a strange trajectory in the sky, as if they were following eight fiercely burning meteors! No more dodge possible! Seeing the craftsmen paying... will lead to death? !

If it were Shanna and Delon who were extremely fast reincarnations, because the flying speed of these eight fireballs was actually not too fast (compared to them), they could still rely on their own speed. It can be easily avoided by running away, but how can a guy like Craftsman Fu, whose speed attribute is almost "junk", escape? He can only watch in horror as eight fireballs burn fiercely and rush towards him!

At this time, the butcher roared and knocked the craftsman down to the ground! Then…

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!" A series of violent explosions rang out! The burning smell in the air was unbearable, and the hot breath also hit his face. Even Lao Hu, who rushed forward to rush in for rescue, was staggered back. The surrounding rocks collapsed one after another, and even the surrounding big trees and shrubs , was also ignited by the flying fire balls!

The butcher's huge body lay quietly on the ground. Most of his body was mutilated, and his thick back was sunken for more than half a meter. There were still blazing flames burning on it. The iron chains on his body fell and collided with each other, making a "ding-dong" sound. "The soft sound, coupled with the sound of flesh and skin being burned by the fire, makes people feel how tragic the situation is!"

Fang Lin squinted his eyes, exuding a cold temperament like a poisonous snake, slowly shook his head and said:

"It's hopeless. The Thunderer wants us to waste time here! Let's go!"

"Note: After the death of the Butcher, Artisan Fu, etc., their status, memory, and experience will return to the state before entering the nightmare world last time, and there will be an additional decrease in intimacy. It is like a game save. You must return to the nightmare world before you can save again. Read the file.)

The atmosphere in the team was surprisingly silent. Even Delong couldn't help but look back at the huge burning body and felt sad! A very special partner has just passed away!

But at this moment, the butcher's thick arm was suddenly lifted up slowly, and a small figure with a gray head and a very embarrassed face emerged from underneath. Who could it be if it wasn't the craftsman Fu? What a lucky guy!

Or it should be said that he is a very lucky guy. Craftsman Fu patted the dust on his body and stared blankly at the huge butcher with his eyes closed in front of him. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked as if there was a war between heaven and man in his heart. Then, As if he had made up his mind, he felt a sudden pain in his body, as if his hands and feet were being chopped off. He closed his eyes, and then he took out a rather large round glass bottle with a big belly from his arms. In theory, this bottle alone weighs less than It should be something that the craftsman can afford. The bottle contains rippling purple crystal ** (for the prototype, please refer to the comprehensive recovery super potion in Diablo 2, the big purple bottle), and then it is poured directly into the butcher's mouth. I sprinkled most of it on the wound that was still burning, and the remaining half was sprinkled on the wound that was still burning. The flame in the wound was extinguished immediately! Then…

Delong and Lao Hu both widened their eyes and said:

"Holy crap! This guy can actually buy a large bottle of comprehensive recovery potion directly from the space! This thing requires 20,000 points and 8 talents! It also needs to be at the level of the Nightmare Mark and has sufficient authority to purchase it in limited quantities! This is the most powerful one currently known Recovery medicine! Am I dreaming? Who is this person! He’s so overbearing!”