Ace Evolution

Chapter 26: Thunder Fist!


Nakamura rushed over in a hurry, and when he saw Fang Lin, he bowed deeply at 90 degrees:

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for saving my life! I have caused trouble for you. www!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!coM"

Fang Lin saw that his clothes were torn to pieces and the wounds were still bleeding. He nodded and said:

"Kill these nasty guys first, and then talk about anything else."

At this time, continuous screams could be heard in the milky white fog with extremely low visibility. The Vietnamese wearing life detectors were already killing people like a fish in water, and Fang Lin also snorted and used his crossbow to kill the enemies in the fog. In this case, the individual strength of this group of people was already stronger than These minions now have the advantage of the field of vision, and the battle is naturally a one-sided massacre. When the white mist gradually faded, most of the thirty or so minions chasing after them were already dead.

But at this time, there was another slight vibration on the ground, and Nakamurano showed a look of terror on his face. He saw that the two fat men had launched a brutal collision, and rushed towards them at a speed that was completely disproportionate to their size!

At this time, Fang Lin's exploding arrow was still cooling down, but he took a deep breath, moved forward without hesitation, and sprinted forward. It looked as if he was going to run over and collide with it, but when the two of them were still several meters apart, At that moment, he suddenly leaned up and made a football tackle, and kicked the fat man's ankles with both feet!

This move really contained two sides of momentum. The fat man immediately screamed, his fat body lost his balance in the air and fell out. He hit the opposite car with a bang, crushing the windshield to pieces!

After these days, Fang Lin had already analyzed the fatal weakness of the fat man's collision, and that was his legs! No matter how tall or strong a person is, the thickness of his bones is no different from that of ordinary people. This fat man weighs at least three times as much as Fang Lin, but the toughness and thickness of the bones on his feet are similar to Fang Lin's. , the pressure it endured was already huge, and now with the addition of this external force, it broke immediately, and white bones and stubble mixed with blood flowed out from the section of the wound.

At this time, Ruan Mingyuan also used the method of throwing a knife with his hands, and the flying knife was shot into the eyes of another fat man. Gene couldn't bear it either. He stumbled back a few times and finally fell to the ground.

Fang Lin had already jumped on the roof of a car. He was observing the movement in the mist intently, holding the steel crossbow in his left hand. He only occasionally fired a blow, but with every arrow shot, an enemy must scream and fall. land. The place it hit was either the throat or the center of the eyebrow, all vital places.

When he helped Nakamurano up, he quietly stuffed two slices of sandwich into him. The Japanese was surprised and then delighted. After seeing the properties clearly, he immediately devoured them. At this time, he rested for a while, and his physical strength had returned to above the danger line, so he pulled out a long bloody knife and guarded it in front of the car.

At this time, several swordsmen in blue had noticed Fang Lin's threat, and they threw flying knives at Fang Lin. However, Nakamurano blocked them one by one with his knives, sending them flying far away. Fang Lin saw that this man's movements had become much more agile, and he knew that not only himself, but others were also growing in this crisis-ridden world. Soon these mafiosi realized the huge threat posed by Fang Lin, and the red and blue minions emerged from the smoke and rushed toward him.

Fang Lin remained calm and continued to shoot calmly, greatly reducing the pressure on Nakamurano. A long samurai sword in his hand flew back and forth, protecting Fang Lin very tightly. Ruan Mingyuan cut out streams of bright red blood from time to time in the mist, and a faint blue light could be seen coming out of his body, which was obviously a sign that he was using combat skills. Fang Lin secretly despised the Vietnamese for his duplicity. He said in front of himself that he had no fighting skills, but he immediately used them at the critical moment.

At this time, Nakamura also used his stabbing skill. He swung the blood-stained long knife in the air, bringing out bursts of afterimages. Once he hit the person, three or four streams of blood spurted out from the body, and the person was hit. He stabbed him, but there were several wounds on his body! Judging from the gestures he uses to hold the knife, he is extremely skillful and fluent. He has at least ten years of experience in the real world!

At this time, the situation was gradually reversed by these uninvited guests from outside, and the smell of blood began to spread in the air. The dark parking lot had become a bloody killing field! The mafia leader gradually grew fearful, and finally shouted, turned around and ran away. Ruan Mingyuan chased after him with a cold face. This man was extremely murderous and refused to let him go.

Fang Lin silently shot two crossbow arrows into the throat of the swordsman in blue in front of him. Nakamura's pressure was gone and he immediately collapsed to the ground panting, his face as pale as paper. Fang Lin thought for a while and handed him two slices of sandwich again, which could quickly restore his strength. Nakamura looked at him gratefully, took them and ate them with big mouthfuls. After eating, he let out a long sigh and said:

"I owe Mr. Lin a favor. I know you must have questions in your mind, so please ask, but only one question."

Fang Lin nodded and said without hesitation:

"Who was the man who killed all the mafia people in that gun supermarket?"

Nakamura only thought that he wanted to ask why he was able to survive. Unexpectedly, Fang Lin asked this question and said in a daze:

"My mouth and nose were bleeding at the time, and my vision was blurry and it was difficult to see clearly. I only knew that the man was wearing gray clothes. After he walked in, he directly pressed his hand on the tempered glass covering the supermarket owner. In an instant, a large human-shaped hole was melted out of the glass, and the boss was caught in his hands. Naturally, those fat men rushed over in a hurry and surrounded this man."

Fang Lin listened carefully, not wanting to miss any detail. Nakamura then took a deep breath and said:

"When the Mafia guys gathered together, an extremely dazzling... electric light suddenly appeared in the man's hand! The electric light was like a blue-white plate, suddenly shooting into the crowd! Those people , suddenly exploded!"

"It's Thunder Light Fist!" Fang Lin said solemnly after hearing Nakamura's description. "This is the unique skill of a tyrannical plot character from another world!"

"That's right. That world is called the KOF world, and the name of the plot character you mentioned is Nikaido Benimaru!"