Ace Evolution

Chapter 282: Certificate of submission


Mu didn't know when he had walked to Fang Lin's side and looked at the body.

"Currently, a lot of suspicious people have been discovered in Edo - Castle.) Things took the opportunity to sneak into Edo and cause trouble. WWw,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,comSo I asked the master of the dojo to help, and I and other disciples also Patrol everywhere, and if anyone makes any move, you will be killed without mercy!"

After communicating with the people here for nearly half an hour, Fang Lin had gradually become familiar with their way of speaking, and language communication had become smoother. He suddenly saw that the katana hanging on Shiraki's waist were two samurai swords, one on the left and one on the right, one long, one short, one wide and one thin. The shape was strange. He suddenly became alert to something, and pretended to be casual and said:

"I wonder who the owner of your venue is?"

Bai Mu respected in a proud tone:

"I am a disciple of Yagyu Dojo, and of course the master of the dojo is Lord Yagyu Jubei!"

Fang Lin's expression remained unchanged, but he was shocked in his heart. You must know that Yagyu Jubei himself is one of the powerful plot figures on the side of justice in the world of Shin Samurai Shodown. Even in the real world, his status in Japanese history is very important. important!

The full name of Yagyu Jubei is Yagyu Jubei Sangan. He is a famous swordsman in the history of Japan. He is the same as his grandfather Yagyu (Ishishusai) Muneyan and his father Yanagi~. In Japan, Tengu is a very ferocious and revered dog. Deified animals. Later generations respected him, and Yagyu Jubei inherited the essence of swordsmanship from his two ancestors. He further built on the swordsmanship school in his family and created the Yagyu Shinin-ryu style. He can also be regarded as a great master in Japanese Kendo.

After Fang Lin heard the name of Yagyu Jubei. The first person who comes to mind is Beauty Lin! You know, her current weapon has reached "+;:Broken". If someone cooperates, its lethality is very terrifying.

--------And the Eight Phases Fa>:.

Bai Mu had actually been paying attention to Fang Lin's expression to see if there were any flaws. This man was actually very alert and capable. Fang Lin's suspicion never completely disappeared. Fang Lin suddenly realized that he was in a trance and hurriedly smiled and said:

"I have also known about Mr. Yagyu's reputation for a long time, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by Mr. Shiraki's words. If I have the chance, I hope to go and pay him a visit."

Fang Lin looked at the dead man in black suit again and said:

"I wonder what ban he violated and he was going to be killed on the spot?"

Shiraki waved and called an "ashigaru head" (the lowest level samurai) who was dealing with the aftermath to come over and ask a few questions. The more he listened, the heavier his face became, and finally he said with an angry look:

"This guy is also quite powerful. He robbed people in the street, killed people wantonly, and finally killed four samurai while being besieged, and finally rushed into the south (Edo Castle is divided into north and south, which is equivalent to South City and North City) In the middle, he was surrounded and killed by Shuangliu swordsmen sent by the city lord."

Fang Lin nodded, thoughtfully, but Bai Mu thought he was a little afraid and hurriedly said:

"Please rest assured, Mr. Lin. Edo is very friendly to the kind people who come to help us. No matter who they are, they can live quite comfortably as long as they abide by the rules in Edo Castle."

Fang Lin saw that he might have made a mistake, but didn't say anything. He just said with a worried look on his face:

"I actually came with two companions. Their personalities are quite irritable. I'm just worried that they will violate the Lord's prohibition."

The words seemed to imply that he wanted to ask Bai Mu for help. Bai Mu was looking a little embarrassed when he suddenly realized that Fang Lin was holding his hand and quietly stuffing a small gold lock over him. The guy weighed the weight and suddenly felt ecstatic, but still said with difficulty on his face:

"Okay, I'll go take a look. Mr. Lin, please tell me the features of the two companions. This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Fang Lin explained in detail the appearance and clothes of Lao Hu and Lin Yinxiu, and then sat back in the wine shop to enjoy leisurely. I felt hungry and saw the people next to me eating noodles, so I planned to order the same thing to eat. When the owner of the wine shop saw that it was Fang Lin who wanted to eat, he immediately went to cook it himself and then asked his wife to use it. The delicate tray was brought up, and he knelt down in front of where Fang Lin was sitting. He raised the plate above his head with both hands, very humbly.

This bowl of noodles is similar to cold noodles in the real world, called "Gomoku Somen", which means adding golden fried egg shreds, simmered chicken, and finely chopped green onions to the cooked noodles. , fish and tofu. It tastes very delicious. After Fang Lin finished eating Gomoku Somen, he invited the people around him to drink a glass of wine, taking the opportunity to learn all kinds of information around Edo. After about two hours, the samurai Shiraki returned, shook his head, and said that he had not seen these two people in Edo.

This incident was also expected by Fang Lin. He immediately mentioned that he heard that there were monsters running rampant outside the city, and his mission was to punish the monsters, so he hoped to go out of the city to hunt a few monsters. I'm just a little worried about being turned away when I return to the city. Bai Mu Sheng was quite happy to hear this and immediately handed something to Fang Lin. It's called the "Aigen Tegata." With this thing, you can freely enter and exit Edo Castle and surrounding checkpoints.

At this time, Fang Lin had gradually guessed the reason why Nightmare Space had not given out the main mission. In this world, the prerequisite for the main mission to appear is that the reincarnator must first choose a camp. Then the relevant main tasks will be given, and the current countdown of 48 hours is the time to select the formation: +. If those who have not joined the camp by then will be forcibly classified into the dark or righteous side according to the 48 hours +. Those who choose to join the camp in advance have 48 extra hours to do a lot of work, such as improving their reputation and contribution in the camp. Compared with those who are forced to join the camp, the reincarnators who join the camp have The difficulty of the mission must have also been weakened.

Therefore, what Fang Lin plans to do now is... get the certificate of investment!

-------It is better to do one practical thing than to say a thousand empty words! His head was brought back bloody. That's more convincing than anything else!

Fang Lin captured a piece of information from the conversation of the drinkers in the wine shop just now.

The Fuji Tree Sea in the south of Edo was originally a very important main trade route, but recently, troubles often happened to the merchants passing by. Edo City sent samurai to encircle and suppress them, but they could never find any trace. As soon as they left, the monster died again.

Attack passers-by again.

Fang Lin quickly judged three key points from this news.


The blockage of the trade route south of Edo effectively cut off more than half of Edo City's income. Goods could only be transported by water, and costs soared. One of the things the city lord cared about most must include money. Getting rid of this monster and opening up business routes can relieve some of the city lord's worries.

Secondly, the strength of this monster is not too strong, otherwise it would be impossible to escape the tentative attacks of the organizations in Edo City without even using its hands. This is the first time to defeat this monster, so we probably won’t need the help of a strong man like Yagyu Jubei. No matter what, he would only take action when it was time to turn the tide. Of course, he would only use his master's skills at the last moment.

Finally, judging from the fact that those warriors couldn't even find any trace of this monster, this monster should be good at hiding its traces. Therefore, the attributes should be similar to the agility specialty class. And Fang Lindi's mental power detection skill completely restrained its strongest points. Kill with twice the result with half the effort!


The Fuji Sea of Trees is a vast expanse of forest that stretches for hundreds of miles. Just walk inside during the day. It is also eerie, ever since the order of the human world collapsed. There are monsters and monsters appearing here one after another, but most of the samurai hired by the merchants can get rid of them. It wasn't until this monster appeared that the trade route was completely blocked.

After entering the Fuji Sea of Trees, Fang Lin had already put on another set of clothes, effectively dressing up as a passing merchant. Since this place is called the Sea of Trees, it is natural that the trees are towering and extremely dense. He is a master of acting. He hurriedly walked along the business road where weeds had grown, looking around in fear from time to time, as if he was a frightened hare. .

Suddenly, Fang Lin felt a sharp pain in his vest, and his pupils suddenly shrank! My mental power detection is at full power, but I can't sense the existence of this monster at all! Seeing that his protective shield was broken by one blow and his body was slightly injured, Fang Lin immediately activated his stubborn skill and took advantage of the situation to rush forward.

Because the stubborn skill has a delay of 2 seconds, Fang Lin was hit by another kick during the rush. This guy seemed to have sharp spikes on the soles of his feet, which pierced into Fang Lin's thigh and immediately brought him out. A deep cut was made, and the wound immediately turned black, green and rotten! Blood surged wildly.

Fortunately, Fang Lin already had 23 points of physical strength at this time. After receiving this blow, ~1/4 of his physical strength... :.50%.

The monster smelled the smell of blood, hissed with excitement, and gradually appeared. The upper body is that of an evil woman with red hair, her tongue sticks out of her lips and her skin is purple-green, while the lower body is in the shape of an animal, with legs shaped like hooves and long pointed toes. With two long oxtails trailing behind him, Fang Lin calmly activated the detection function and instantly displayed its information:

"Ushiwaki: Female, she was a sect member of Hattori Hanzo, the leader of the Iga ninjas, during her lifetime. After her death, she was infected with the aura of the underworld. She was resurrected and demonized by a powerful evil force. She merged with the monster Two-tailed Ushio to form a monster."

"Strength???, Agility 71, 21,,

"Skill 1, Ninja Technique. Evil Escape. This skill is an unheralded secret of the Iga ninjas. After it is used, it is extremely difficult to be detected by the enemy. The cooling time is 2 minutes.

"Skill 2:????"

"Skill Three: Ninja Technique. Bow Master. You can use the ninja large bow, the ninja small bow, and the blowing crossbow. The large bow is used for long-range shooting, and the small bow is used for close-range shooting. In addition to archery, you can also shoot rockets, ringing arrows, and flowering arrows (a kind of Explosive arrows) were used to harass the enemy. The blowing crossbow is still used today. There is a steel needle hidden in the blowpipe of the blowing crossbow. When you blow hard, the steel needle will be launched, but the launch distance is only two or three meters. Arrows are often fed with Poison is also used to attack the enemy more effectively. At the same time, the power of throwing weapons is doubled."

"Skill 4:????"

The moment Fang Lin checked his skills, Ushiwaki laughed harshly, and threw a "shuriken" directly over. They were all sharp ninja darts with a diameter of about 5 meters, with purple and blue lights shining on them. The bright light is obviously highly poisonous! Fang Lin rolled over, and unexpectedly, the terrifying banshee ninja flashed in front of him like lightning, and pinched Fang Lin's throat with his right hand with long blood-red nails.

Fortunately, the stubborn skill had already taken effect at this time. The grip was directly isolated ten centimeters from Fang Lin's throat, and he could not be pinched immediately. However, the sudden attack on Fang Lin's back seemed to have caused internal injuries to him. , the roll just now caused the injury, and with a "wow" sound, she vomited out two mouthfuls of blood, and sprayed it directly on the face of Ushi Ruoji in front of her. On her chest, the banshee shrieked and laughed wildly, stretched out her slender blood-red tongue and licked it wantonly Yeah, that scene was weird, terrifying, and even more disgusting!

Although the damage-absorbing shield generated by the stubborn skill can absorb up to 2500 damage, the defense of this shield is defaulted to 0.3 seconds. Ushiwaki immediately flipped her hands, and there were already four shurikens clamped between her fingers. This hidden weapon has four killing methods: horizontal slash, vertical slash, diagonal slash, straight thrust, and flying shot. Although she became a monster, **The fighting instinct was still there, so he slapped Fang Lin in the face with his backhand!

This hit seemed to contain great power, but fortunately it was absorbed by the shield created by the stubborn skill. However, Fang Lin was shocked by the power, and he lost his balance and fell out. Just as Niu Ruoji was about to take advantage of the situation and chase her out, her vision suddenly went dark. It seemed that the light was completely blocked and dimmed. I also heard a simple and dull voice coming from deep in my throat:
