Ace Evolution

Chapter 284: Catch big fish


Of course, there are not only monsters in Shishuhai, but also numerous ferocious beasts.

The smell of blood spread quickly. Fang Lin leisurely sat cross-legged on the ground. The butcher stood behind him obediently. The craftsman Fu had been called out. The wretched man who was suffocated was nagging about his sufferings. , and at the same time, he was still doing aerobics, twisting his neck three times to the left and three times to the right, twisting his butt. WWw!QUanbEn-xIAoShUo!cOM

Not long after, several wolf howls suddenly came from the distance! Immediately afterwards, seven or eight ferocious gray wolves came after them, sniffing blood. Fang Lin smiled knowingly, and the red light flashed in the two ferocious eyes tattooed on his chest!

Powerful enchantment level-----5


"The mental strength of the caster is 72. The mental strength of the recipient is 11. The strength comparison between the two is 0.038. The success rate of powerful magic is 99.61%."

"Absorbing the memory...the memory fragments are being peeled off, the absorption is successful, and the subject has been successfully charmed."

Fang Lin was controlling an old, lame wild wolf that had lost most of its hair!

This wolf was indeed too weak and pitiful. Even Craftsman Fu, who always liked to look for the feeling of being aloof and superior in summoned objects, didn't bother to care about it. This old wolf was so timid that he ran over with his thick tail between his legs, shaking his head as if begging for mercy. Fang Lin touched its head kindly, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and gave it to the old wolf to smell, and then let it smell the black blood dripping from Niu Ruoji on the ground. He stood up and smiled at the butcher and craftsman Fu:

"Let's go, we'll start working again soon."


You should know that the olfactory nerves of wolves and dogs are densely distributed on the nasal mucosa, occupying an area of more than 4% of that of humans. The sensitivity to smell is more than 40 times higher than that of humans. Some people say that they can distinguish different flavors. This is actually not an exaggeration. It is precisely because of its sensitive sense of smell that it can survive in the cruel nature!

Before Fang Lin came here, he had already prepared a bottle of wine and took a sip in his mouth! He was suddenly attacked before, but he remained panicked. He pretended to be seriously injured and sprayed a mouthful of bloody wine on Niu Ruoji! Perhaps the cunning Niu Ruoji could take into account Fang Lin's scent tracing method and use her own blood to create a suspicious formation. But the smell of wine on it cannot be faked! Under such double management, there is an old wolf who is extremely familiar with the nearby terrain leading the way. It was only a matter of time before the seriously injured Ushi Ruoji was found.

The reason why Fang Lin went to such trouble to let Niu Ruoji go was because he had only one purpose! That is to find its nest! He learned from the chats among the idlers in the wine shop. After the monster Ushiwaki attacks business travelers, it often likes to plunder its victims for food, so it can be inferred that... there must be many relics left by its victims in its lair!

These things may not be directly exchangeable for considerable points in the nightmare space. However, it goes without saying that the things carried by business travelers must be quite precious. Fang Lin's plan is to bring these things back together with the remains of the victims, which can gain three additional benefits.

First of all, it can make the relatives of these murdered business travelers extremely grateful. Since Fang Lin has decided to join the side of justice, it is always right to have a higher reputation among the people.

Secondly, most of the remaining unclaimed goods can be taken out and handed over to the Lord of Edo Castle justifiably to bribe him. If he is a very greedy person. Then he will definitely accept it as a matter of course. If he is a relatively honest person, it can also be said that these ownerless things can be distributed by him to those in need... He is short-tongued. Taking advantage of others is short-handed, and it is a matter of mutual benefit. No matter what kind of person the Lord of Edo was, he would always have a favorable opinion of him. You can further enhance your official reputation in Edo.

Finally, Fang Lin can also get a supply of money from it. You must know that the special gold and silver currency exchanged for points from the nightmare space this time is actually not cheap. Fang Lin did not exchange too much, and he had to share it with Lao Hu. and Lin Yinxiu, because he had spent almost all the gold and silver exchanged in Edo Castle to create a generous image of himself. As the saying goes, "Money can make the world go round." A generous and generous person People who are better can attract people to get close to them, and Fang Lin can get a certain amount of money from them.

Ushiruoji is indeed very cunning. Even when it was escaping, it deliberately laid three suspicious formations, and took a zigzag route. The most important thing was that it was difficult to see the fallen vegetation in the places it passed. Therefore, it is almost impossible to look for traces with the naked eye. Fortunately, the old wolf that Fang Lin charming is a real "old" wolf, very sophisticated. Although he has no fighting power, he relies on many years of hunting experience. I firmly remember the smell of blood mixed with wine. If it had been a young wild wolf, he might have been lost. Although the smell of wine is strong, it evaporates quickly. If you hesitate for too long, it will be more difficult to find and follow.

Although the dense forest here is tight, it can't keep up with the terrifying complexity of the tropical swamp forest terrain. In addition, the butcher's rotten skills have also been upgraded. It really is like a tank running rampant. However, as the terrain goes deeper, the craftsmen with the weakest constitution pay Rate

He sneezed very hard, with tears streaming down his face. He immediately took out a mink coat from the empty storage room and wrapped it up in it. This coat was for women. I didn’t know it. Where did this guy get kidnapped from

Immediately afterwards, Fang Lin also felt cold and gloomy, but the butcher became more energetic, and his life recovery speed seemed to be accelerated. The surrounding trees also showed a gloomy atmosphere. Fang Lin's current mental power was dozens of times that of ordinary people, and his senses were particularly sharp. He gradually felt that this strong and huge death intention came from a source point on the left. superior! He immediately contracted his mental power to wrap up his group, and then quickly moved towards that place!

When the group of people walked through the dense forest, their eyes were empty. There was a depression nearly five kilometers long in front of them. A small river meandered through the middle. There was a very obvious place in the middle of the depression. There is a small mound. About seven or eight people can stand on the mound. There is a strange ancient tripod-shaped utensil about five meters high and two meters wide staying on the mound. There was no grass growing around, and even the rocks and soil were rendered a dead black color. A faint curl of black air could be seen emerging.

The source of the strong death energy came from this strange ancient tripod-shaped instrument, and the female demon ninja Ushiwaki was half-kneeling under the hill, with a painful and ferocious expression, and an indescribable and mysterious gasping sound. The horrific wound that spanned most of his body was twisting and squirming, healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"We seem to have bumped into something extraordinary..." The corner of Fang Lin's mouth turned up slightly. He thought for a while and estimated the distance to the small mound. There was an open area of nearly two hundred meters, and there was no vegetation. They are all invaded and withered by the death energy, and it is difficult to sneak past quietly. Fang Lin sighed and asked the butcher to pull out the terrifying giant sniper rifle!

"Do you want to control your minion: Butcher using the Precision skill? This skill will permanently reduce your minion's base attributes by 2."

Fang Lin chose without hesitation: yes.

The butcher's huge body was suddenly coated with a blood-red light!

It suddenly narrowed its vicious little eyes and peered directly into the g4/psg anti-material gun (+4 scope! It set the gun body on the rock next to it!

The small black cross in the scope was attached to one of Ushiwaki's thick legs!

A large ball of white dazzling light suddenly appeared from the black muzzle of the G4/PSG anti-material gun!

Weapon's own skill: Focused Shot level----2


A beam of dazzling white light suddenly flew out and hit Ushiruoji's left leg at an incredible speed. In his weak state, even the strong monster skin could not withstand this terrible blow. The animal's limbs were immediately broken into two pieces, spinning and thrown out by the huge impact, and fell to the ground with a "snap", and a curl of dead black corpse gas emerged. The injured area was instantly melted by the high temperature, forming a burnt wound without even a drop of blood flowing out.

However, the energy of the concentrated blow was only consumed by 1/3, and it was directly fired at the ancient tripod-shaped instrument at an angle of ~. Deathly black light shone in all directions, trying hard to prevent the white light from penetrating. But the armor-piercing bullet warhead inside took advantage of the situation and fired! It broke through the outer protective layer and struck directly on the surface of the strange ancient tripod-shaped instrument!

Suddenly, a loud sound of "Cang!" came!

This sound was very loud at first, but after careful reflection, I realized that it was extremely deep, giving people the illusion of being heart-rending. It seemed that the movements of the internal organs, as well as the heartbeat and breathing, were all driven by this sound into a trembling resonance. The craftsman Fu saw the opportunity quickly and immediately covered his ears with his hands and raised his buttocks like an ostrich and fell to the ground, but his face was still as pale as paper. Fang Lin used his mental shield to protect everyone from being discovered, but the impact he suffered was the greatest. one! Wow, I vomited a mouthful of blood!

After being hit by this blow, obvious cracks immediately appeared at the place where the strange ancient tripod-shaped instrument was hit. Although the seriously injured Ushiruoji had a broken leg, she screamed and struggled towards them, running towards them. During the process, the body slowly swelled, and the elasticity of the skin was not enough to support the bulging muscles, and it was bursting. The face that was originally like an evil woman now became even more ferocious and twisted, not like a humanoid. , a set of sharp pale teeth and bright red teeth were exposed! And the strange ancient tripod-shaped instrument made a rumbling sound from inside, slowly tilted and floated into the air, and it looked like it was about to fly into the air!