Ace Evolution

Chapter 287: The fed butcher


Kikuma, the lord of Tojo Castle, is a middle-aged man who looks very majestic. He retained the airs of the lord of the castle and asked Fang Lin to "stand and wait" in the garden pavilion outside. In fact, he wanted to show this Tang man his authority. the meaning of. wWw,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,CoMAfter establishing one's own majesty, one can freely take and ask for whatever they want.

Who is Fang Lin? How cunning, no, how wise... He rolled his eyes and immediately said to the samurai next to him in a very apologetic tone:

"Since the Lord of the City is busy with official duties, I'd better come back another day. I just happened to have collected a lot of valuable items from Ushiwaki's lair. I originally wanted to hand them over to the Lord of the City for distribution because I was unfamiliar with the place. Now I just have to do these. Things, hey, your Japanese way of naming is really weird. What should you call a good tea set? Nitta Jianchong, Pearlescent Eggplant, Qili. These things give me a real headache to make."

The samurai next to him was the confidant of Lord Kikujana. When he heard the names of these two precious tea sets, "Pearl Little Eggplant, Qili", his eyes widened, and his mouth opened in an O-shaped manner, which could easily fill a chicken. After entering, I hurriedly bowed and knelt down again. It was like A Tuqing's recommended monthly pass... a very sincere and veritable kneeling request. And his face was extremely solemn, and he repeatedly urged Fang Lin to stay for a while, saying that he would go in immediately and pass the message again. He also cursed and gave death orders to the warriors next to him. If Fang Lin left, they would commit seppuku. Something happened, and he ran out in a panic.

Of course Lord Kikujian has no official duties. Not too busy either. He just wanted to show off his arrogance and kill Fang Lin, but he heard his close warriors rushing to report back, saying that Mr. Lin brought out Niu Ruoji's treasure, and there was such a precious treasure in it! His greedy heart immediately burned, and he immediately said:


After saying this word. But he still felt that he could not accurately express his mood, so he quickly added:


Kikujian was a middle-aged man who looked very majestic. Fang Linsi walked in slowly, looking very leisurely and rude. The Lord of Kikujian was very displeased, but he just looked at his back. The big baggage reluctantly said politely:


Fang Lin sat down calmly, but talked about it from left to right. Fang Lin's memory was so strong that he immediately started talking about the shape, color and taste of the tea leaves in front of him, and then moved on to the pattern decoration of the kimono on the city lord's body. Not to mention that Lord Kikujian was very anxious after hearing this, even the retainers next to him were getting a little impatient. Desperately hoping that Fang Lin would get back to business. But as the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face, but Fang Lin said all good things about his master - everyone could only smile patiently and listen to his impassioned speeches. Due to the limitations of politeness, they had to respond with a few words, but in their hearts Like a cat scratching, his eyes were fixed on the package Fang Lin brought, and he just wanted to reach out and snatch the work.

So this is said. After talking about how dark the sky was, showing off the style of Luo Jiaying in Journey to the West, Fang Lin looked at the sky in surprise and pretended to be apologetic:

"Ah... I saw the wealth and elegance of the city lord's palace, and I got carried away for a moment. While laughing and chatting, I didn't realize that the sky had turned dark, which delayed everyone's meal. It's better to come back tomorrow to see me."

After saying that, they stood up and looked like they were leaving. The faces of all the people were as dark as the bottom of a pot. I feel anxious, thinking that I have been bombarded by your nagging all afternoon. I am so sorry for you that I still want to find an excuse to continue the next day? It’s so fucking fucked. At this time, the Lord of Kikujian City no longer cared about his solemn status, and stood up eagerly and said:

"Jun Lin, please stay!"

Fang Lin was stunned and wondered:

"It's not impossible to stay... But I'm a little hungry..."

"Please be sure to stay and have dinner with us! We will continue talking after eating."

Lord Jujian said with great urgency.

Fang Lin sighed heavily and said:

"But I still have two servants outside. We are called master and servant. In fact, we are as close as brothers. I am enjoying the warm hospitality of the city lord inside, but let them eat and sleep outside. I really can't bear it!"

The group of people immediately stood in awe. Fang Lin's image has also changed a lot. He is such a friendly person to his slaves. No matter what, it is worthy of respect. No matter what Lord Kikujian thinks in his heart, but on the surface, in order to control his subordinates, he also expressed his recognition of Fang Lin, a person who values love and justice, and said sternly:

"Please ask Mr. Lin to call in the two retainers."

Fang Lin was overjoyed. He thanked the city lord for his hospitality, and then whispered a little embarrassedly:

"Well... it's just that one of my servants eats a lot... I wonder if the city lord will blame him for eating too much?"

Kikujian said with a hint of displeasure:

"Do I look like the kind of foolish person who would blame others for eating too much? Besides, will I, the majestic city lord, leave my guests hungry?"

This was said very loudly, and Fang Lin was extremely frightened. He hurriedly thanked and apologized. As he said this, he showed a small "magic", which was actually just shooting a Taoist bullet and flame into the air.

The craftsman Fu and the butcher were notified early and immediately changed into quite formal clothes. The craftsman Fu was less than 1.5 meters tall, but he wore large sunglasses that even covered his face. He had a stern face and a slicked-back hair. Wearing a long black windbreaker, Fang Lin looked very familiar, but couldn't remember where he came from. He looked left and right, and finally the craftsman Fu with a straight face revealed the secret: it was Fa Ge who was gambling. The shape of God…

The butcher, on the other hand, had put away all the chains and other things, and was wearing extremely baggy overalls, his belly was extremely round due to the stranglehold, and he had a bow tied on his collar in the style of a tuxedo. This tall, one short, one fat and one thin shape really creates a strong visual impact on people.

Because the butcher was too bulky, he could not dine with Fang Lin and others. Because Fang Lin had spoken first, Kikujian, in order not to lose face, appointed three maids to serve him. They were strictly ordered to provide sufficient food, otherwise they would be on their own. !

Craftsman Fu sat behind Fang Lin proudly. However, this guy's obscene energy has not changed. He will put a rice ball in his arms when he eats it. Fortunately, he stuffs it directly into the space. Others can't see it at all. They only think that he eats very fast. .

After three drinks. Fang Lin Xun thought that he had had enough trouble, and he was really not used to the taste at this time, so he pretended to be careless when pouring the wine, knocking over the large package on his back and cracking it. Suddenly there was a loud "crash", and all kinds of bloody goods and treasures poured out!

Immediately, the eyes of everyone at the banquet were greedily attracted. Kondo, the chief patriarch of Lord Kikuma, could not help but excitedly said three times:

"That's the song of the crane and the song, oh! And the songying. Is this the secret of Sun Tzu's book of war?"

The Lord of Jujian City, who likes Nanman treasures, has already taken a liking to the self-ringing bell and golden timepiece that fell on the ground. His Adam's apple twitched up and down. Fang Lin smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said:

"The relics of these victims must be troubled by the city lord to return them to their relatives."

Kikurama nodded repeatedly. He said sternly:

"Mr. Lin, please rest assured."

But I secretly thought in my heart that you can trouble me as much as you want about this kind of thing. The more the merrier, the better.

Fang Lin then proposed to pay a visit to Yagyu Jubei, hoping that the Lord of Kikujian City could provide convenience. Kikujian, who was greatly satisfied with his greed, followed the trend and agreed with a wave of his hand, and gave Fang Lin a Golden hand shape. This thing is much more effective than the Hakone hand shape. The holder is equivalent to the status of a high-level samurai, and can freely enter and leave all places in Edo except the castle lord's palace, and even has the power of life and death over ordinary civilians.

The craftsman Fu reluctantly looked back at the pile of belongings step by step. Fang Lin pulled him out by his ears and called the butcher to leave the city lord's mansion. Fang Lin was about to speak when he suddenly heard the butcher's long "Huh". He snorted and his fat body trembled. Fang Linqi said:

"What are you doing?"

The butcher half-squinted his eyes with satisfaction and hummed a few times to explain. The craftsman Fu immediately gloated and explained:

"He said he started burping."

"Oh. So that's it." Fang Lin said nonchalantly. He then walked a few steps and suddenly turned around, with a look of surprise on his face and his eyes wide open as he said, "What did he say?"

Craftsman Fu** smiled and said:

"He said he started burping..."

"Oh my God." Fang Lin murmured, "Fat man, how much have you eaten?"

The butcher burped loudly again and gestured vaguely:


Suddenly there was a scream in the distance! It was vaguely distinguishable to be the heart-rending roar of Lord Kikujian!

"What are you talking about? That damn bastard general ate up all the food that was just delivered to the territory?"

Fang Lin felt even more guilty after hearing this, and his face looked innocent. The butcher was looking around, and the three of them immediately ran away. I was really as frightened as a lost dog. Hurry is like a fish slipping through the net. At this time, it is still not suitable to meet Kikurama again.


At this time, Fang Lin took out a small fragment of the Evil Copper Duo stored in the Nightmare Mark space. As soon as his fingers touched the surface of the fragment, he got the reminder of the Nightmare Mark:

"Take this fragment and find someone who is strong enough to feel its threat."

Fang Lin recalled carefully. In Edo City, the most famous plot heroes on the side of justice were Yagyu Jubei, and the famous Kabuki actor from Edo. His gorgeous dance of wielding a pheasant sword was breathtaking. Crazy man. Moreover, the name of the Onmyoji in Edo is Kahoin Akira, and he has an inexplicable connection with Kahoin Kazaka, another plot powerhouse.

If other considerations are put aside, Fang Lin plans to find Huafengyuan Ming, and he should be able to take this opportunity to hook up with Huafengyuan and Zhong - this drama is famous for its ability to teach disciples, so it should be possible to get a lot of money. However, Fang Lin considered the relationship with the beautiful Lin and wanted to benefit her, so he finally chose to go to Yagyu Jubei's dojo.

With the very convincing golden hand shape of the city lord, and the recommendation of his disciple Bai Mu Sheng, Fang Lin finally met this generation of swordsman. He had a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, and a head of black hair tied back in a flamboyant way. He was unruly and messy. , wearing a loose brown coat, culottes, flip-flops and straw sandals on his feet, with two iconic swords, one long and one short, on his waist:

"Yamato Mamoru."


It is worth mentioning that Yagyu has a black eye patch over his left eye, but he is a disabled person with one eye. There are many rumors about Yagyu Jubei's one eye, but the most reliable one is that when he was practicing swordsmanship with his father Yagyu Tajima Shomonumi Muneki when he was a child. Because his sword power was too sharp and his killing intent was too strong at a young age, Muneki couldn't help but use it. Fortunately, the father and son were using wooden knives at the time, so no murder occurred.

Yagyu turned around, the light in his single eye was extremely sharp, he shouted "surprised", and slashed straight at him with the long sword in his hand! Even the leaves of the big tree next to the dojo were destroyed by the sword energy and fell with a rustle. Before they touched the ground, they were already divided into two halves and fell sadly.

"How dare you bring monsters to my dojo!"

Such a poignant sword light gives people the feeling of falling into a terrifying dream!