Ace Evolution

Chapter 292: planning


You will definitely not affect my reception of guests," Fang Lin raised his glass with a smile, and Che's wine was fragrant: "Because the guest I want to meet is you! "

"Sting"'s pupils shrank, and his whole body was like a taut string, ready to go. WWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoMzuilu

Fang Lin seemed lazy and chuckled:

"In order to maintain a relative balance in the nightmare world, the two camps of good and evil will definitely maintain a basic balance of power. At present, our so-called 'just' camp has already killed three people in internal strife before it can fight with the evil side. , the strength is greatly damaged, and the main mission has not officially started, so we are now at a disadvantage in terms of camp confrontation. If someone dies again, I am afraid that the pressure will be even greater in future difficult confrontations!"

Fang Lin drank the wine in one gulp and added with a feeling of being three-quarters drunk, three-quarters chic, and four-quarters relaxed:

"Isn't it because you saw this clearly that you dared to come to me alone? After all, there have been some unpleasant twists and turns between us. If we didn't talk about it in advance, everyone would have a thorn in their hearts."

There was a look of surprise in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice:

"If I hadn't stayed in a world with a real 'Fool', I would have thought you were him!"

But Fang Lin's words obviously made him relax his guard. He took a breath and relaxed. He silently took a chopstick and chewed it slowly with the sashimi, and drank half a sip of sake. After that, he frowned slightly, sprinkled some salt in the wine and drank it. Fang Lin raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't know the purpose of the small salt shaker beside the table before. This "thorn" seemed to be much more familiar with Japanese customs than himself. But he immediately asked a question:

“Where are the candidate refugees?”

"Trick" quickly smiled bitterly and shook his head and replied:

"I had a falling out with him. zuilu

Because of the last time..."

Although he spoke vaguely, Fang Lin could directly hear the unfinished meaning in his words. Smiled:

"This was the last one that asked you to use long-range skills to rob the Crazy Butcher, right? You thought it was too dangerous, so you didn't agree? So... "

"Yes. What you said is absolutely correct!" Ci drank another glass of sake and sighed depressedly: "I already regarded him as a close friend, but he... in the end, he still treats me as a tool."

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"Very good. I did nothing wrong about the crazy butcher thing, because in this terrible nightmare space, everything is based on survival, and you were robbed of your boss by me. I can only say that your skills are inferior to others. However, now we can be said to be grasshoppers on a rope. In order to make our cooperation more pleasant, I can give you some compensation. But you have to get some information in exchange."

"Information?" Thorn asked confused.

Fang Lin smiled and put his hand on the table, then took it back. There was a shining key on the table.

"This key is my sincerity. It was dropped by the man in the black hood of the Furious Team at the beginning. His killing value has exceeded forty ------- you should understand

Thorn's Adam's apple twitched greedily, and his hand instinctively stretched out. But he was still in the air and hesitated:

"What information do you want? In other words, what kind of information can be equivalent to this compensation?!"

Fang Lin said calmly:

"All the details you know about the lives of refugees and fools! If possible, it would be best to be as detailed as how many times you urinate and defecate every day. As for the rest, you can tell me if you want to, or if you don't want to, it's up to you. But this In order to prevent you from lying and hiding your secrets, this matter must be brought to the nightmare space for contract notarization. Of course. I will pay for the required points."

"Thorn" took a deep breath, and Fang Lin's outstanding words suddenly made the air around him freeze like iron. For a while. Even the sound of people's breathing was still, only the gurgling sound of running water was particularly clear.

He looked at Fang Lin with fear in his eyes and said in a harsh voice:

"You are really... amazing."

The last two words he said were quite sincerely admiring. The information Fang Lin requested seemed completely useless, but if you dig carefully, it is very possible to find the fatal part of a person. For example, if someone drinks every day, then this time is an opportunity to poison, reincarnation It is impossible for a person to drink too bad wine, and he should drink one or a few types of wine on a regular basis------elderly people are always more nostalgic-------you can even start drinking from wine. In terms of consumption and quality, we will investigate where he ends up.

Furthermore, a

Many concepts between men and unmarried men are also very different. Men who have been with women often feel that it is a blessing to hold a woman to sleep, but men who have been with women know... The price of falling asleep with a woman is often My hands will be numb first and then sore. If you hug yourself twice more, you will be struck down by reality.

Therefore, these seemingly useless things, if used properly, often become a person's talisman. People with great wisdom will deliberately show their major weaknesses, but they will never let out the small details of life. Because others cannot be sure that the shortcomings you put in the open are bait, but the things revealed in these small places are enough to give you a final conclusion!

After a conversation, Lin Lin already had a general understanding of the current situation. There were more than forty reincarnations who appeared in Edo City this time. They were mainly distributed in three places. However, nearly thirty people came out. He killed someone because he violated the rules. Was divided into the side of evil forces. Although the average size of Japanese cities at that time was small, Edo, as the predecessor city of Tokyo, Japan, can be regarded as the current economic center and largest city in Japan.

Therefore, the riots caused by these people were quickly quelled.

The remaining people were divided into two groups, and they all thought of ways to kill monsters in order to submit certificates of honor. The team that Ci was in didn't go too far out of the city, and casually killed some bandit leaders, Shiguan thieves, and the like. Finally, he killed a flea monster named Mingjia (haha, those who understand this name should know what I'm talking about), raised his favorability with the righteous party to friendly, and returned to the city. They happened to see Fang Lin entering the city with a high profile, so the three members of the Nulan team held a grudge and proposed to work together to kill him!

It's a pity that Fang Lin's defeat of the Thunderer has been sold out and publicized at a high price by Delong and Shanna, two guys with extensive connections, and it has quietly spread around the world. Therefore, among these eight people, except "thorn" In addition, there were actually two senior people who recognized Fang Lin. One of them, Xin Yuan, secretly said behind the back of Team Nulan that he was probably the most mysterious top ten person - The Fool!

In fact, people around the world have gradually come into contact with information about the candidates, the top ten. The Fool is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious and low-key among the top ten. There are different opinions about the skills that come with his title. There are countless versions. The only consensus is that he is extremely powerful, far better than ordinary seniors. By! And it can often cause people to suffer big losses without even realizing it!

Because the title skills of the top ten are so powerful, there is almost a consensus in the minds of the reincarnations... That is, the one who can defeat one of the top ten can only be another top ten! Therefore, his suggestion was undoubtedly recognized by others - of course "thorn" was an exception, but he had no interest in standing up to correct these people's mistakes. Besides, even if he corrected them, he could not provide any evidence. Come on, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Judging from the information learned from "thorn", Fang Lin found that the number of people who joined this nightmare world could be said to be the largest number of participants ever. And Edo is not the only place where reincarnations appear! Heian Kyo (Kyoto, Japan, the political center at the time) was also the place where reincarnations appeared! If total statistics are taken, the battle between the opposing camps of the reincarnators in the world will be a melee of more than a hundred people!

At present, Fang Lin clearly realizes that his advantages are obvious, but his shortcomings are also obvious, that is, his physical strength is too low, which is quite fatal and can easily be killed by joining forces. In fact, the more people involved in the melee, the more likely an individual The smaller the power, the less chance of benefit. Therefore, in the current complex situation, it is crucial to quickly establish your own group and power. Now that he has been misunderstood by others as the super powerful person "The Fool", of course he must use this matter to make a plan!

The first thing to do is to make these five reincarnations, no, the remaining four people obey now. The way to control a subordinate is nothing more than coercion and inducement. Now the identity of the Fool is enough to intimidate people, but the focus is still on the two words of inducement. To put it bluntly, there is no benefit in following you. Who knows? After all, coercion is an external force, and only by luring people with benefits can people be completely convinced!