Ace Evolution

Chapter 293: Kuroko


Lin thought carefully, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. Eating meat himself or even sharing some meat for them to drink... was something that had to be discussed. www. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. cOm At present, the time limit for selecting a camp when Nightmare Space is released has only passed 24 hours. The remaining +:. should be regarded as the running-in period.

Before that, he had already heard a clue about Heizi in the wine shop. Speaking of which, this matter was also related to him. A large part of the relics of the deceased collected from Ushi Ruoji were given to Fang Lin. Although he was well-informed, he could only roughly analyze which things could be sold for points and which were just valuables in this world. He could not cook all these things for others, let alone have to Cleaning, repairing, etc. one by one? Therefore, it is natural to find another knowledgeable and skillful expert to do this.

After getting a lot of valuable goods, the Lord of Kikujian City sent for a short man with an old voice. Just because he was wearing a black square hood and black loose clothes, So I can't even tell whether it's a boy or a girl. However, based on this description, Fang Lin was almost certain that this person was the Heizi he was looking for.

Note: Kuroko is actually the short, seemingly petty referee (actually not short at all) who jumps around in the background of the arcade game Samurai Shodown. If certain conditions are met, he will come out to challenge you.

{The specific conditions are:

After defeating 6 people, among the even-numbered characters, when the time is less than 20, the winner will be the one who kills the opponent with the special move of weapon destruction. There will be a challenge from Kuroko.

In addition, under 2 conditions (No. 6, 8)), after 2p joins the battle, if either side is under 20 seconds and uses Takeko >=.

The way to select a black man on the computer simulator is to enter up, down, left, up, down, right, light knife when selecting a character, and the character will become a black man! Must be in a two-player battle.=Cannot be selected during a battle! 1p and 2p can select sunspots at the same time. }

Fang Lin knew that this sunspot was actually a very powerful figure. Legend has it that in Japan decades ago, there was a monk wearing cassocks and a man dressed all in black. With the cooperation of these two people. There were no objects, and even the monsters disappeared for decades. The above is the only legend about Heizi Land.

No one knows Heizi's true face, and no one knows the depth of his kung fu. Later, Heizi began to engage in trial work. Heizi, who has decades of experience in exterminating demons, is of course the perfect person for this line of work. Now the monster appears again, but Kuroko has not come back. Because he thought that he and the monk would die one day.

If the land is engaged in cultivating talents. Witness the ultimate battle between powerful swordsmen from all over the world.

And the monk who debuted with Heizi has now become a skinny old man, wearing a huge bamboo hat and holding a seven-ring Zen staff, and has trained two very powerful disciples. The second of the disciples is the leader of the justice side, his name is Haohmaru... and the other eldest disciple is Kiugami Genjuro. He is an ambitious man, wavering between good and evil, and his only trusted partner is a frog...

The name of this monk is already mentioned in the previous article:

Hua Xiyuan and Zhong.

Kuroko's relationship with Hana Seiin and Zhong is somewhat similar to the relationship between Tong Hu and former Pope Shion in Saint Seiya of the Goddess.

… ….

When he woke up the next morning, Fang Lin once again "politely" went to visit the Lord of Kikujian City. In view of the extremely bad impact that the butcher's huge and almost terrifying appetite yesterday might have on the Lord's Mansion, he The innocent-looking butcher stood at the door from a distance and waited depressedly. (Master, I’m hungry. I had a great time eating here yesterday. Why don’t you let me in!)

After a while, the waiter who went to make the announcement came in, looked at Fang Lin with a very sympathetic look and said:

"The Lord said that we are busy with business today and really don't have much free time, so I won't invite Mr. Lin in."

Fang Lin knew that the butcher had indeed eaten a bit too much yesterday. He probably stuffed the entire month's worth of food in the city lord's mansion into his big mouth (actually it was more serious, I heard that he had wiped out several months' worth of food! It seems that even the Saiyans, the legendary big stomach kings, don’t have such a terrifying belly?!), and the most important thing is that it made the Lord of Kikuma lose his grace in anger and hurriedly stuffed a small amount of gold coins into it. God The mysterious way:

"Just say that I have something to ask the city lord. Last night I found out a very important and accurate news. I found out from an acquaintance that the monster has definitely gathered a large number of ronin warriors and given them a very terrifying power. The demon power wants to plot evil and prepare to assassinate high-ranking nobles. I heard that the target is too high this time, such as a city lord, a daimyo and so on!"

A sanctimonious money-grubbing person like Kikujian, who wants power, money, and wealth, naturally fears the word "death" the most, so Fang Lin takes advantage of this psychological weakness of his and will almost certainly be summoned. of.

Sure enough, the waiter soon returned and said:

"The Lord said that what Mr. Lin is talking about is a major matter related to human life. Although he is very busy, he still has to take time out of his busy schedule to discuss with Mr. Lin. Please come in quickly."

Kikujian was obviously not immune to vulgarity. He was indeed afraid of death and was no longer busy with official duties. As soon as he came in, he asked Fang Lin about the assassins. Fang Lin happened to explain the fight last night in detail, and then told him , there are about fifty or so powerful "ronin warriors" who have been recruited by the demon Luo Jiangshen using its evil influence.

The goal of the strange ability is to deal with the high-ranking nobles of Edo. Of course, the most important thing is to deal with him, the wise, wise, civilized and martial lord, and the wise and wise city lord. Next, Fang Lin continued to let the Lord of Jujian City understand the current top priority. But I hope that the city lord can allow me to see Master Heizi, and want to ask him about the terrible Evil Bronze Duo. If the source of this evil can be successfully eliminated, then the lives of the city lord and even all the high-ranking nobles will certainly be lost. No one cares about it anymore.

"Master Kuroko?" Kikujian became confused after hearing Fang Lin's words: "Is there such a person in my mansion?"

Fang Lin suddenly realized that Heizi had always hidden his strength and his identity was extremely secretive. He usually appeared as a duel referee. Except for Hua Xiyuan and Zhong, no one else knows about his original strength. Fang Lin is such a changeable person, he immediately said:

"Actually, I don't know who Master Heizi is, but I heard that Master Heizi is actually the old gentleman who was invited to repair and appraise the handicrafts, knives, and armor yesterday. He likes to be dressed in black. It is said that the Evil Copper Duo is What was transformed into the severed head of Yamata no Orochi is an ancient thing, so we need to find a master who has considerable attainments in antiques."

"Oh, that's it." Kikurama said arrogantly: "But you Tang people may not know it. The term "master" in our Japanese junior high school cannot be used indiscriminately. Although the old man Kurosawa is good at antique art. But The purpose of inviting him here is to restore the Nikko Ichimonji to its former glory. Since you think he might be helpful in finding the assassin, then go ahead and bring Mr. Lin to Kurosawa."

Fang Lin secretly thought to himself that you are really blind. Then he followed the waiter, but heard Kikurama behind him beginning to urge:

"Hey, ask the guard commander to come in. Damn it! Go quickly. From today on, the defense force around me will be tripled, no, five times... There are not that many guards, idiot, hurry up and recruit..."


Heizi was a very thin and taciturn man. He was covered in black clothes. Only his hands with thick joints and scars and wrinkles were exposed. Fang Lin didn't say anything after he came in and just let the waiter go. After going out, he stood quietly and watched.

The piece of Japanese armor that Kuroko was repairing was scattered around. There were many scraps of leather and wood scattered around. The needlework, carving knives, and chisels seemed to have a life of their own under the seemingly rough and clumsy hands. Moving extremely, Fang Lin knew that these hands not only made these tools "alive", but when holding the weapons, they could also decide a person's life or death in an instant!

When the process in hand came to an end, Heizi raised his head and glanced at the dim old eyes behind the mask:

"What else was sent to me for repair?"

Fang Lin said lightly:

"You can't repair this thing. I just want to ask about its origin."

"Since I can't cultivate something, I'm afraid I can't know its origin." Heizi heard the provocation in Fang Lin's words. He had reached the level of perfection and was not agitated at all. He continued to pick up the one next to him. Tools, ready to get back to work.

"Really?" Fang Lin walked up to him with a smile and stretched out his palm. It was originally empty, but in an instant, a small fragment appeared.

--------Evil Copper Duo's

Heizi's gaze suddenly became as sharp as a blade! There was a crisp "snap" sound in the quiet small room, but it was the sound of him crushing the tool in his hand with force! Fang Lin was pierced by Heizi's gaze on his face, and he suddenly felt as if he was being gently poked by a needle on his skin!

"Aren't you a native of Japan?" Heizi asked first and then answered.

"Of course you are not a Japanese. Among the Japanese, the only one who can hurt the Evil Bronze Duo is the Ring of Wind Bell."

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter where I am from. The important thing now is that you only need to know that I am the enemy of monsters. It is enough without any hostility."