Ace Evolution

Chapter 3: Tattoo


After chopping more than two hundred kilograms of ribs into pieces of very different sizes, Fang Lin finally completed today's work. He waved his sore arms and walked into the inner room with an expressionless face, picked up what he had picked up from the garbage heap. He scooped up a full box of white rice from the old plastic lunch box he picked up and ate it with the kimchi next to it. He could also scoop out some of the leftover oil and water soup of the dry pot ribs eaten by the guests to soak in the rice. wWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.CoM

One dinner plus two hundred yuan a month's salary. This is the benefits of Fang Lin's job, and it is also the main reason why the shrewd boss is willing to let this clumsy employee stay. The price is only one-third of that of a dishwasher, but the intensive labor is three times that of a dishwasher!

Therefore, no matter how silent Fang Lin is, how inhumane, or how clumsy he is, as long as he doesn't make any big mistakes, even the most authoritative chef in the kitchen cannot tell him to get out-- - Of course, this assumes that there is no substitute with a lower price than his asking price.

After Fang Lin finished eating three large boxes of rice and four portions of kimchi, he stood up silently and walked to the toilet to rinse the lunch boxes with water. Wan Qiang, who was in charge of leading him, deliberately bumped past him and threw away dozens of bowls. The dishes were piled into the sink filled with oily foam, then he raised his eyes and cursed:

"Don't you have eyes? Get out of here!"

Fang Lin put away his broken lunch box calmly and couldn't help but look at him. In fact, Fang Lin is basically calm about these little things. In the past, he almost endured the ridicule, contempt, and indifference of the entire society. Compared with this, Wan Qiang's deliberate provocation is nothing like a drop of rain!

The reason that caused Fang Lin to take another look was:

Through the collar of Wan Qiang's greasy white chef's uniform, a strange light green tattoo appeared faintly! The tattoo was in the shape of a very ferocious and roaring ghost head. When Fang Lin cast his gaze upwards, the ghost head's fierce and expressive eyes blinked at him mysteriously!

Both of them were shocked at the same time! Wan Qiang's endless stream of obscene words was suddenly cut off by a pair of scissors, and Fang Lin's young, cold and hard heart suddenly felt an icy chill from head to toe!

However, both parties involved turned their backs and walked away separately, each going about his or her own business, as if nothing had happened.

After finishing everything in the store, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Fang Lin struggled through the crowded lobby. By the time he reached the door, he had already calculated the profit that the current consumers in the store could provide to the boss. When it came out, the total was six thousand seven hundred and fourteen dollars and fifty-six cents. At the first glance, he had already counted all the customers, and then through mental arithmetic and cost accounting, he came up with the following data in just two seconds. This is just Fang Lin's daily reflexive behavior to train himself. When he walks on the street, he will start to memorize the license plate numbers of the cars he passes. In fact, he was forcing his thinking brain to work non-stop, otherwise he would be unable to help but think of the eyes of his parents who committed suicide by taking poison!

——————————Those two pairs of despairing, helpless, sad eyes!

After his parents died, Fang Lin didn't cry. His heart was just like being torn by thousands of knives, with warm and stinging blood flowing. The wound never healed, and the blood kept flowing. , he hated himself for not being aware of his parents' desire to die, and he could have done this. This snowballing self-blame drove Fang Lin to madly kill or directly or indirectly force the six people who killed his parents. But the growing emptiness after revenge was too much for him to bear. There is even a crazy thought in my heart that keeps shouting:

"Either destroy me, or destroy the world!"

Two rows of streetlights extended quietly forward, forming two parallel strips of light. Cars drove quickly or slowly through the street. Fang Lin, who was walking on the sidewalk, suddenly groaned and held his head in pain. department.

This is the sequelae of overuse of the brain.

He is good at reasoning and knows very well what his fate will be in the near future. He will have a mental breakdown and be forced into isolation, or he will choose a spectacular destruction.

Wave after wave of severe neurological pain came over him, and Fang Lin felt like a lonely boat sinking in the roaring sea of pain, as if the boat would capsize at any time. The only thing he could do was to pinch the tree trunk next to him, even his fingernails were turned upside down. The pain was vague, but his tired brain was still spinning crazily and rapidly, and all kinds of complex chaos appeared in his mind involuntarily. Memories, but at the moment when Fang Lin was about to collapse, a pair of eyes suddenly flashed in his mind!

A pair of fierce and expressive eyes!

That tattoo!

In an instant, the tidal pain subsided, and Fang Lin judged in almost half a second that the existing scientific knowledge could not explain why a tattoo on the skin of a person's chest would blink automatically. The almost collapsed spirit was immediately diverted to thinking about this issue, half forced and half voluntarily.

Until he walked back to the place where he lived, Fang Lin was not able to give any logical and scientific explanation for the matter. However, he felt very fortunate that the problem about tattoos was not solved for a day, which meant that he did not have to suffer anymore. The suffering of infinite pain.

Fang Lin lived in the student dormitory of Nanchuan University. After he planned a murder in his hometown, he hid in a prepared place for a month. After losing weight and having his teeth extracted, his appearance changed significantly. After that, he calmly boarded the train and came to study in this third-rate university. Of course, he didn't come to study, he just wanted to hide. And in the university, which was in chaos due to the sudden expansion of enrollment, there were a large number of peers and cheap accommodation. , with a lot of free time, Fang Lin really couldn't think of any safer place

What he expected was that the only thing the Academic Affairs Office paid attention to was whether the students paid the tuition fees in full. As for the rest, they are all formalism. The teacher at the reception desk for new entrants obviously only focused on the authenticity of the banknotes, and threw them into the banknote detector three times in a row for verification. However, Fang Lin handed over the fake ID card according to the procedure, but he didn't even bother to glance at it. Even the name on his student ID card was written as Fang Ling.

He certainly wouldn't stand up to correct this great mistake.

… … …

"You're back? Third child?" Mao Weicong, who was in the same dormitory, said hello from the public bathroom with his mouth full of foam and a toothbrush stuffed in his mouth.

Fang Lin twitched the corners of his mouth and nodded. Mao Wei was obviously very used to his character. After smiling, he raised his head and continued mumbling. Although Fang Lin didn't talk much, he was very good at dealing with others. Everyone who slept with him had a good relationship with him. Although some people mockingly called him silly behind his back, they usually called him "Lao San" in person.

Just like most college boys' dormitories, they are inevitably dirty and messy. Because the school has expanded its enrollment for some students, their dormitories are not enough, so there are eight boys crammed into this small small room. , but because Fang Lin has always loved cleanliness, this dormitory can be considered clean and bright compared to other places. He pushed the door in, sat by the bed and watched people playing cards for a while, then climbed into bed and went to sleep. No, but what appears most in dreams is still those evil and fierce ghost eyes!

After class on the second day, Fang Lin silently packed up his books and walked out calmly. The goal he had set for himself now was to be low-key and appear as ordinary as possible, just like a drop of water that can only dissolve in The sea can successfully hide it.

He arrived at the strange-scented shop early. By this time, the noon rush had passed, the tables and benches on the floor had been cleaned, and there was no one around. Even the two greeting ladies at the front door were lazily leaning in the inner room. Dozing off on the beige sofa, Fang Linxing went to the kitchen, opened the freezer and took a look, only to find that the purchaser hadn't bought back today's work yet, so he stood there blankly for a while and found the knife to sharpen. Shi Lai carefully sharpened the bone-cutting knife, and then took the initiative to sprinkle water on the surrounding area and sweep it away.

Boss He came out and bumped into me. He praised him a few times, but it was just a compliment. Don't be wishful thinking about material rewards.

I guess it's because business has been particularly good these days. Today I hurriedly made two trips to the store to purchase goods. The old electric three-wheeler was really overwhelmed and made an unbearable creak while driving. The sound makes people doubt that it will fall apart completely in the next second. Fang Lin's work has been increased by more than half. After half a year of practice, he has learned to tie a layer of cloth on the palm of the hand holding the knife. The blood bubbles originally caused by friction have long burst. At this time, under the high-intensity force, During the work, the friction was so bloody that it was too horrible to look at.

However, even if he started chopping the ribs non-stop as soon as they arrived, the consumption of the outside business was already faster and faster, and his processing speed could no longer keep up. Later, after the angry boss saw several groups of customers leaving disappointed, he finally rushed into the kitchen with a livid face to supervise the work.

But the reason why Fang Lin was willing to come to do this work was, firstly, to pass the time with tiring chores so that he would not think about too many things, and secondly, it was entirely to exercise his lacking abilities. I hope to live as normal a life as possible. Therefore, he completely ignored the loud roaring and urging of the boss who was in great pain, and continued to chop slowly and methodically in his own way, trying his best to make the chops smaller and more even in size. When Boss He saw that his presence had no effect, he finally became furious and pinched the butt of his half-smoked cigarette! He cursed loudly:

"How dare you be lazy here? Hurry up!"

Fang Lin lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes as if he hadn't heard anything. He continued to chop slowly. Until his eyes lit up, he suddenly swung his knife and chopped wildly, cutting the rib in his hand into dozens of pieces. Then he clicked with great satisfaction. nod. If you can carefully use a spring scale to measure equal parts, you will find that although the sizes and shapes of these ten pieces of ribs are different, the weight of each piece will be surprisingly similar! This is what Fang Lin gained from chopping ribs for half a year and five hours a day.

He is a very smart person, although due to genetic defects, he lacks grasp of such small things, but as the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and there are always a few times every day when he has such a flash of inspiration. , relying on instinct to chop the ribs into equal weights and equal amounts - very similar to the situation where NBA professional players occasionally hit the target when shooting. It can be said that finding this kind of calm feeling and enjoying it has become one of the few pleasures of Fang Lin who has lost his life goal.