Ace Evolution

Chapter 315: Death of Shiraki


Fang Lin, who was relieved, suddenly felt a tightness on his back, but it was Lin Yinxiu who turned around him. This mature and charming woman bit her lip, with a crystal light flashing in her eyes, and leaned weakly on Fang Lin's shoulder, almost Fan wanted to speak but couldn't help but choked up. Finally, he wiped the tears from his face and said quietly:

"I finally believed it until just now. It turns out that besides my mother, you are also caring about me in this world. wWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.cOM"

Although the living environments of the two people seem to be very different, in fact, the experiences they have encountered in life are quite similar. At this time, they are both alone in the real world, but they are still together in this dangerous world because of the lifelong regrets and pain in their hearts. Struggling together, sharing life and death many times, they had already magically formed a family relationship through mutual reliance, and then the family relationship turned into mutual appreciation, and then love was derived. Therefore, the relationship between Fang Lin and Lin Yinxiu has not always been the same. It's very strange, even the feelings are complicated and mixed with many things that are difficult to sort out.

The two couldn't help but kiss each other, their lips touching. Their hearts went blank. All their spirits converged on the point where the two of them were united.

Lin Yinxiu let him hold her weakly. Their soft tongues intertwined, lingering and warm. There was an extraordinarily suffocating pleasure of mutual love. No matter how strong a woman is, she always needs to be weak. When being comforted by a man, especially when she was almost alive, if she hadn't used the strong instinctive crisis to slash the body of the silver ax, that terrible knife would have been slashed upwards. If it had hit the vital part, I believe it would not have been the best. In this state, she would die immediately! And after resisting the knife, she seemed to understand something at this moment of life and death, but she couldn't describe the feeling for a while.

While Fang Lin kissed her, his hands unconsciously roamed around the beautiful Lin's body. Due to the repair of the nightmare space, no scars were left on her skin. It was delicate and smooth. It felt as smooth and delicate as porcelain when touched. It also had a rich fragrance and warmth. It really gave him a strong feeling that he couldn't let go.

But Fang Lin didn't care about Bai Mu Sheng, because he knew that the two-cornered Luo Dao was sent out. Change! Shiraki Sheng is like a tiger that has had its claws removed and an eagle that has lost its wings. If he can still escape in this situation, then this is a variable with a very small probability, and it will be useless even if he rushes forward! On the contrary, Miss Lin had just faced the sword that Yagyu's true inheritance had been handed to her. She was really in danger of dying, and she was in desperate need of someone's comfort.

At the same time, after Bai Mu Sheng fell from the air with a back somersault, he adjusted his breath for about ten seconds before recovering and started running away again. He saw that when he started, Lao Hu was still more than twenty meters away from him. Bai Mu's running speed is extremely fast. Even if Hu Huahao activates Deacon's Cruelty, he will be at the same level at best and will definitely not be able to catch up.

If Shiraki escapes, the loss of reputation and points for Lao Hu and the others will be trivial. Fang Lin will inevitably arouse the suspicion and suspicion of the plot characters in Edo City. I am afraid that future tasks will be difficult, and he may even be unable to eat. You can’t walk around in circles!

But at this moment, the butcher threw the hook with a "clatter"!

Turnaround! What a great turn of events!

His meat hook is a weapon that can be used both offensively and defensively! When the butcher's strength value is not high. Fang Lin often used this fat guy's meat hook to evade the enemy's attacks, so much so that even Inza, the follower of the Thunderer, died tragically under this move!

The iron chain clattered around Bai Mu's waist, but did not cause any harm to him. This kind of bloody meat hook used on friendly forces was recognized by the nightmare space. He will not be judged as having attacked Shiraki. Therefore, there will be no negative consequences of declining reputation!

But Bai Mu was dragged directly in front of Old Hu from the dark side!

The distance between the two people suddenly dropped from more than twenty meters to less than two meters!


Before Bai Mu could react in shock, his shoulders were pinched directly by Lao Hu! At this time, after Hu Huahao activated Deacon's Cruelty, his strength value was already as high as about 110. Even the Edo City Inspector, Shiraki Masaru, whose ability was comparable to that of the mini-boss, easily passed the strength judgment!

Hu Huahao smiled cruelly and punched Bai Mu on the cheekbone. He was beaten so hard that he staggered backwards. Then the dry earth was launched. Heaven and earth returned!

Bai Mu's body was hit hard to the ground by an over-the-shoulder throw. He tried his best to draw his sword to resist. But numbness spread throughout the body from head to toe, and the two beloved knives in his hands, one long and one short, could not be held and fell to the ground!

Then, the whole person was crumpled into a ball, spinning and flying straight into the sky! When he was about to land, a stone-like black energy suddenly protruded from the ground. It hit Bai Mu with flying sand and rocks, and then turned into a ball.

The huge soul face shrieked and disappeared into the air!

Hu Huahao took advantage of the moment when he was dizzy and knocked him into a slow abnormal state with a thunderbolt. Then he rushed forward with his body. With his current terrifying strength, he could hit the person with ordinary fists and kicks. His body was also full of power. Bai Mu, who lost his sword, was beaten to the point where he was unable to fight back and was in an extremely embarrassed state!

Suddenly, Hu Huahao forcefully took Bai Mu Sheng's kick, stretched out his hands to hug the leg that had not yet been retracted, then moved his center of gravity forward, crossed his hands, and pressed forward heavily. The point of stress was obvious. It's on top of Shiraki Sheng's knee joint!

Bai Mu was shocked and kicked out his other leg and hit Lao Hu in the face, but the latter didn't seem to notice. He smiled cruelly and refused to relax at all. Instead, he became more violent. He only heard " With a crisp sound, Bai Mu Sheng's right leg bent back in a weird shape. His shrill screams tore through the night sky. He knew that one of his legs was broken, and he would not be able to survive tonight. Suddenly, he was brought back to life. The smell of blood all over his body. Even though the blood spurted out from his mouth, he suddenly jumped on him dragging his injured leg.

Lao Hu did not expect such a change to occur. He was too hasty to resist and just moved forward.

The Edo City inspector, who was covered in blood and struggling to his death, bit into his upper arm like a wild beast with one mouthful.

Immediately, a sharp pain that penetrated into the bone marrow rolled from the bite area and numbness came from it. Old Hu also had a violent attack under the pain and screamed strangely. A n: soft abdomen

This strike was made with anger. Hu Huahao knew his life and death for a moment again, and he attacked with all his strength. Dark brown body fluids mixed with dark red organ fragments gushed out. The light in his eyes immediately dimmed. Only the tenacious desire to survive was still supporting him. The support became loose.

In terms of experience in close combat, Hu Huahao was far superior to him. With just a slight thought, his thick arms pulled and leaned together, and suddenly exerted force, but he had already reached the right rear of Bai Mu, and directly touched his left hand. Locking down, this time it was the grappling technique he had learned in the real world. How could Shiraki, an ancient Japanese samurai, be able to compete with this skill that had been refined over thousands of times? He was immediately defeated!

It's just that Bai Mu was already crazy at this time. He actually twisted his body forcibly, and a terrible fracture sound was heard. He actually took the initiative to break his left arm alive, and opened his mouth with red eyes to bite Lao Hu's throat! Hu Huahao took advantage of the situation and buried his head, bumping into his nose. Then he made fists with both hands and hit Bai Mu's temple with a "snap". At the same time, his fists turned into palms and rubbed hard!

There was a dull sound of bones breaking!

Beat the nose, hit the acupoints, break the neck!

Three consecutive movements, done in one go!

Bai Mu's head was twisted 180 degrees, and he froze for a few seconds, and then fell to the ground. His body was still twitching, and his blank eyes looked forward blankly, and he finally stopped breathing.

Lao Hu and Miss Lin got the nightmare mark at the same time:

"You killed Masaru Shiraki, the disciple of the Edo Castle inspector and plot powerhouse Yagyu Jubei."

"Your reputation on the dark side has increased by 1250 points. It is currently respected at 1031/4000."

"You have obtained the mission item, Yagyu Jubei's

"Your current reputation ranking in the dark side is: fourth. The higher your reputation ranking, the more you can obtain various mission permissions."

When Fang Lin saw that Beauty Lin's mood gradually stabilized, he began to pay attention to the surrounding situation. After passing the sharing function of the KOF contract, he saw this prompt, his eyes lit up and he said:

"Yinxiu, what is your reputation ranking?"

Beauty Lin quickly arranged her clothes and stood up, looked at it and said:

"It should be third... Well, it's second."

Fang Lin stood up, looked into the distance, and said with a meaningful smile:

"Very well, if you kill that person, maybe your reputation will rise to the top.

"Who... is that person?" Lao Hu and Miss Lin asked in confusion.

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"Actually, I also found someone in Edo to inquire about the surrounding terrain beforehand. It just so happened that my memory was a little better than others, so based on the surrounding terrain, I determined that the Wind Team was going to attack us. When we were lured here, we laid an ambush in advance. The main purpose of letting Lao Hu lure Malasa to that place was not to cover the craftsman's action of resurrecting the butcher, but to get him to go in the direction I specified. Run away!”