Ace Evolution

Chapter 321: layout


Under the guidance of Fang Lin. wWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoMThe monster strongholds around Edo Castle were uprooted one by one. Of course, his own reputation in the Justice League continues to rise. However, they still haven't climbed to the first position, but the gap between the two has changed from a huge to a slight disadvantage.

I believe that the senior person in Kyoto who had never met before also felt a strong threat, but this was exactly what Fang Lin wanted to make him feel, and at this time another unexpected incident occurred. On the afternoon of the third day after the big sweep began - that is, Fang Lin successfully completed the main task one and successfully killed 15q monsters. It also raised the reputation to a place of veneration. The high-spirited Edo demon-killing team that Fang Lin was a part of suddenly received a huge piece of bad news... . .The monsters launched a counterattack! Another team that went hand in hand with them was completely wiped out! Miss Lin and Lao Hu took this opportunity. It also firmly occupies the top two spots in the reputation of the Dark Side!

The strength of the team that was completely wiped out was weaker. Strictly speaking, their mission was to transport wounded supplies. Mainly cleaning the battlefield. However, the two teams often travel alternately, and if the monsters are lucky enough to find them when the two teams are farthest apart. That's almost impossible. As a result, many people began to doubt in their hearts, thinking that there was an internal force within the team. But no one went to Fang Lin, who was crazy about hunting monsters. It seems like a guy who has a hatred of killing his father and taking his wife is like a monster... .

In fact, for Fang Lin to try so hard to gain points and rush to the first place. Lao Si and Xin Yuan are actually a little confused. In reality, Xin Yuan's identity is not ordinary. He is a trader in the stock market. To be honest, his profession is actually not that rare. But his reputation as a trader is high in the industry. At its peak, it was almost equal to the Chinese table tennis team's status in the world table tennis world - when Soros caused a financial crisis, he was one of the traders of the Quantum Fund!

It is precisely because of the relationship in reality that we are good at grasping clues in various complicated clues. Therefore, his view of the overall situation is beyond the reach of others. He is a little confused about Fang Lin's bold and crazy actions at this time... To be honest, Xin Yuan feels that Fang Lin's approach of spending a lot of effort to gain reputation can be said to be a bit outweighed by the gains. . Because no matter how high the reputation is, the most it can do is be number one. That may exist - of course, it may not exist. Is it really possible to gamble like this if the reward for the right party's reputation is the first

On the fifth day. Fang Lin finally surpassed his opponent in one go, and continued to widen the gap with the first place. Until the yin-yang slayer Akira Kahoin who led the team (a relative of the plot hero Kahoin and Nakachi, an old straw hat man) felt exhausted. After directly ordering the team to withdraw and return to Edo. Fang Lincai ended this crazy journey of gaining reputation with more than enough satisfaction.

Because of the addition of plot characters, they didn't get many benefits from the key - any monster that was too severely damaged by the plot characters' attacks. No keys will be dropped, and reputation is only calculated in proportion to the damage you do to monsters, but the one worth mentioning is the Butcher. No one wanted to snatch the body this guy wanted. It was easy to increase the upper limit of power by 7 points from the swallowing skill.

After returning to Edo Castle. Fang Lin became silent and withdrawn, and it was difficult to see him. Most of the time, he was locked in his dormitory, seeming to be deep in thought. This situation continued until the night of the third day after returning to the city.

The peaceful night atmosphere was shattered like a mirror. Fang Lin suddenly rolled out of the window of his dormitory. When he landed on the ground, he could no longer straighten his body. His blood suddenly flowed out from the tightly covered wound in his abdomen, dyeing the ground around his feet bright red!

An ordinary knife was stabbed into his stomach until it reached the handle. And then a terrifying black shadow jumped down from the upstairs, with that kind of pounce posture. It was inexplicably reminiscent of a falcon! The faint light of the lantern illuminated his face, and this person was the fat and kind boss of the dormitory!

At this time, Xin Yuan had already heard the sound and ran straight out. He was also shocked to see such a strange scene. Fang Lin coughed up blood and shouted:

"Don't come here! This guy is not the same boss as before!"

The assassin continued to stab at Fang Lin silently. He felt as if he had completely melted into the darkness, even when the knife was thrust out. It also gives people a smooth and soft movement, like a fish swimming leisurely in the water, facing the stabbing knife. Fang Lin only felt that it was coming to cut his neck and stab his heart. Faced with this kind of attack method. All predictions are useless.

"This is a real killer." Fang Lin praised in his heart, but at this critical moment of life and death, he did nothing. In fact, nothing can be done! And the sharp and long blade has cut straight through! The purpose is to kill him!

But the sure hit missed the target, and was completely destroyed by a subway chain flying from the slanting stab!

When the knife is withdrawn. Fang Lin was already twenty meters away. A huge, fat creature ran over angrily and stood in front of the seriously injured Fang Lin. It looked over with angry little eyes and resentment. At this time, Lin covered the wound. Instead, he looked happy and greeted the assassin:

"You finally came."

He just finished speaking. The huge butcher has already rushed over with clanking chains, and its huge size is very oppressive just by looking at it. The assassin was very dismissive of this bulky guy. He felt that according to his high agility, he would not be hurt by this big guy even if he just dodged without fighting back. So he just sneered and activated a pseudo-S-level skill called refraction, hoping to use his high speed to rush over and give Fang Lin a finishing blow!

Note: Pseudo S-level skills. Refraction: This skill can form a layer of air shield on the surface of the body. The existence of the air shield allows the caster to completely resist any damage from the enemy, and in the next three attacks. Attack power increased by 63%. Movement speed increased by 22%. After the refraction is cast, it can last for 3 seconds, and the cooling time is a few minutes.

Items required to perform this skill: Noctiluca powder x3. Noctiluca powder can be obtained from certain worlds, or purchased directly from the nightmare space. The price is 2500 points per copy and 1 potential point.

But just as he rushed in front of the butcher, Fang Lin was struck by a terror spell! The terror spell had no harmful effect. Therefore, the air shield attached to the refraction skill was not consumed! But the butcher was already blocking his only way. Purple-black poisonous gas was sprayed out from all over his body!

decay skills,

Turn on!

This assassin is also experienced in many battles. At the same time that he was hit by the horror spell, he actually took the medicine to relieve the state of fear!

Of course, he would not attack the butcher, a big guy who could tell by just looking at him that he had super long physical strength, so he straightforwardly planned to spare him and continue Lin's evil plans. This action cost him 1. At that time, he was burned once by the Butcher's rotting skill, but after bypassing the Butcher's huge gun. But he stepped on the frosty ground!

Fang Lindi's silver plot is at the muzzle of the pistol. The smoke has not cleared yet!

The plot that followed seemed very cliche. The assassin only persisted for twenty-three seconds before he was desperately defeated by the negative status attached to his body. His proud movement speed was already as fast as before. Birds and turtles crawl. What a sluggishness. Frozen and paralyzed abnormalities appeared one by one. Fang Lin did not reveal his trump card in this situation. He slowly tortured him until he collapsed, and then let the butcher sit on him, and then After breaking its limbs to confirm it was safe, he walked over covering the wound. He said in a tone that was mixed with enthusiasm and blame:

"Why did you come?"

Fang Lin's tone of voice. It's as simple as saying hello to an old friend. The assassin was sweating profusely in pain. But while he gritted his teeth and said nothing, Fang Lin smiled and said:

"It was you who wanted to kill me first. So you should feel lucky to suffer some punishment. In fact, you should thank me. Because I neither killed you on the spot nor made you into a human stick."

The assassin knew that what Fang Lin said was the truth, and he also heard the threat in this damn guy's words. Finally gave in and said:

"What do you want?"

Fang Lin smiled, reached out and pinched his face, which looked like the owner of the dormitory, and said:

"This face-changing trick is amazing. How did it come about?"

The assassin hesitated for a moment, then said honestly:

"This is a skill learned from the world of transformed ninjas! Assimilation! I can occupy the bodies of plot characters who are weaker than me. Not only can I obtain their memories and appearance. I can also use their skills."

"I've really been waiting for you for a long time." Fang Lin said with a smile. But the seriousness in his words was evident: "If you are willing to cooperate with me, you should be able to choose your own life to go back, of course. Anyone who does something wrong must pay the price. I don't know if you are going to die." Do you still want to live?"