Ace Evolution

Chapter 326: transition


Facing the tortoise-shell defense of this group of village hunters, Fang Lin frowned slightly, but Lao Hu obviously considered this situation and waved his hand with a sneer. Several monsters behind him roared in unison and scattered around the shrine. Around him, the muscles on his thick arms were as tight as iron, and at the same time, he threw the spear he was carrying!

The spear with an underhook stabbed deeply into the wall with a "wave" sound!

There is a thick and long rope tied to the spear shaft!

Suddenly, the outer wall of this wooden house seemed to be spread apart by a giant palm descending from the sky!

Of course there won't be such big hands in this world. WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.COm

This is just because after several monsters threw their spears, they dragged the ropes nailed to the wooden walls of the shrine!

Even the roof groaned under the weight of the sudden force, cracked from the center, and collapsed to both sides!

The shrine collapsed into a pile of rubble and tiles in an instant! A group of hunters looked at each other in shock. There were originally safe barriers around them, but they collapsed in just a short moment. It felt like they were suddenly stripped naked!

Hu Huahao let out a low roar, just like the deep roar that a lion or tiger makes before hunting! Then he rushed out like a sharp arrow! It wasn't until he swept dozens of meters away that the rock where he stood before exploded with a "boom"! The gravel flew everywhere, making the leaves of the surrounding shrubs rustle!

The scene in front of me can only be described in four words!

Tigers among sheep!

Fang Lin turned his attention to the beautiful Lin who was standing upright. She bit her lower lip slightly and frowned slightly. She seemed to be suffering from a dull pain, but after Fang Lin called her several times, he found that she suddenly didn't hear him. He only realized it when he got closer. It turns out that her consciousness has fallen into a semi-coma state, but she is just holding on!

In shock, Fang Lin rushed forward to help her, but he felt that the beautiful lady Lin was trembling slightly all over her body, and her exposed skin was cold to her hands. With one touch, it was as if the bone marrow was frozen, and the two hands holding the handle of the silver long ax were actually frozen to the metal. If they were torn off with force, the skin of the hands would probably be broken. Just tear it off!

Fang Lin was thinking about it and saw a tall monster next to him. He directly asked the butcher to throw a hook to hook it over, and then shot and blinded its eyes with lightning speed. This monster was about to howl loudly. He had already received a blow from the butcher in the throat, and then a thick iron chain was wrapped around his neck, and he was actually strangled to death!

Then the butcher cut out the body with a knife, cut it open from the chest to the lower abdomen, and then pulled out the steaming internal organs in three cuts. This scene was naturally very tragic and looked extremely disgusting. . Fang Lin didn't change his expression, he directly picked up the beautiful lady Lin next to him and stuffed her into the monster's empty belly-------then broke off a hollow grass stem and put it in his mouth. In her mouth. Only the hands holding the ax are exposed.

If Miss Lin was still conscious, it would be difficult to mobilize her love for cleanliness to enter the dirty, smelly abdominal cavity of bloody flesh. At the same time, Fang Lin also assigned craftsman Fu to take a monster to the houses in the village to find "wind baths" (large wooden bathtubs), and at the same time boil several large pots of hot water for later use.

After a while, the wound on the tall monster's corpse turned blue and purple, and the dripping blood was frozen into dark red ice. Beauty Lin made a "wuwu" sound inside. Then he choked and coughed violently. Apparently after regaining consciousness, he wanted to speak out, but was choked by the cold blood.

Fang Lin was overjoyed. Regardless of the blood and filthiness, she took out the helpless Miss Lin, and threw her clothes into the tub filled with hot water next to her. At the same time, people kept pouring warm water on her numb hands. It took about ten minutes to separate the hand from the frozen ax handle.

"It's amazing..." Fang Lin secretly thought in shock: "The strength of the plot powerhouse is indeed not something we can easily calculate now. As one of the quasi-plot powerhouses, Lim Lulu issued an S-level Even though the skill was blocked by the Evil Copper Duo, the residual power of her skill affected Lin Yinxiu and injured him like this!"

In fact, Fang Lin made a mistake in his judgment in this matter. You must know that although Limululu is only one of the quasi-plot powerhouses, under the anger of the tragic death of his loved ones, the power of his action was already high. It was a bit larger than usual, and since this was the hometown where she grew up, it occupies a convenient location. The shrine in the village also played a strong role in amplifying her skills. The accumulation of all these factors can be said to be her extraordinary performance. The power of her skills is almost close to the SS level. If Limululu was deliberately allowed to do this again, it would be impossible.

What's more worth mentioning is that the Evil Copper Duo itself is an evil artifact and not a shield. Its original purpose is for offense rather than defense. Lin Yinxiu used the incomplete Evil Copper Duo to resist the extraordinary SS-level skills. It is equivalent to using a magical weapon such as the Yitian Sword or the Dragon-Slaying Sword to block hidden weapons. The actual effect is of course not as good as a shield made of ordinary iron, and it fails to bring out its true strengths.

After changing into a bucket of clean hot water, Miss Lin finally regained her composure and sighed comfortably:

"This little girl's films are so amazing."

Seeing that she was fine, Fang Lin felt relieved and signaled to Lao Hu, who immediately caught an old man who was still alive and said:

"Where is the house where Nakolulu lives on weekdays?"

The old man's eyes were filled with anger and he remained silent. Fang Lin's eyes flashed and he waved gently, and Lao Hu immediately grabbed another villager. He turned around and repeated the original question to the old man, but still found nothing.

Without hesitation, Lao Hu broke the neck of the villager in his hand, threw him out, and said seriously:

"You killed him."

The old man was really stunned and said angrily:

"You're talking nonsense!"

Old Hu waved his hand, and the monster dragged another villager over, and then continued to ask the old man seriously:

"Where is the house where Nakolulu lives on weekdays?"

"The second building to the east! There are green vines planted on the roof of the house!" It was not the old man who spoke, but the panicked villager who was caught by Lao Hu! This guy clearly realized that although the tough-talking old man was relieved and seemed very courageous, he was the one who took the blame. This was not fair. However, this guy didn't have any good intentions. He directly told a fake address of a person in the same village who had a grudge against him, and that person also had a daughter at home.

The eyes of Fang Lin, who was hidden in the jungle in the distance, flickered slightly. What kind of person he was. It was obvious at a glance that this guy was probably lying, but it didn't matter even if he told the truth. If he killed the wrong person, he would kill the wrong person. So, He immediately told Lao Hu directly through the call function of the KOF contract that this guy was lying. Lao Hu unceremoniously picked up the guy who leaked the information and threw it against the opposite wall like a rugby ball. And he said coldly to the old man word by word:

"We have never done anything to women or children until now. Don't force me. If you don't answer or tell half a lie, then don't force me to make an exception! You have already killed two people, why are you still trying to make an exception? A child’s life?”

The old man's facial muscles trembled. Old Hu's threat was direct and effective. He finally sighed in pain and said:

"Okay... I'll tell you."

The villagers who lost their ability to resist survived, but were driven out of the village. Fang Lin was unwilling to take things too far. He was a person who would not do useless work and followed efficiency first. After confirming that killing these people who laid down their weapons would not increase the reputation of Lao Hu and Lin Damei, he let them go, but two people were left behind. The hostages ------- are two girls who are friends with the Nakolulu sisters. Of course, everyone who saw the butcher was brutally silenced without exception.

After Fang Lin stayed alone in Nakolulu's small room for half an hour, he walked out. No one else knew what he was looking for inside. But when leaving, Fang Lin looked at the broken Evil Copper Duo with blue light on the surface, sighed, and asked the beautiful lady Lin:

"Where are you on the reputation list now?"

"Because we exchanged our reputation for the monster summoning array, I am currently ninth and Lao Hu is eleventh." Beauty Lin quickly replied. Fang Lin nodded, raised his chin to the Evil Bronze Duo and said:

"I can no longer take this thing with me. You'd better return it to Luo Jiangshen as soon as possible. The points exchanged for it are enough for the two of you to return to the first or second place in the rankings."

Old Hu Qi said:

"Why don't you keep holding it?"

Fang Lin smiled bitterly and said:

"It has absorbed Limulu's cold energy and is now a hot potato. I'm afraid that even the nightmare mark can't isolate Limulu's senses. I'm afraid that the longer it stays on the body, the more chance it will be caught by the two angry sisters. The bigger it is, even after you get it, you must rush to Luo Jiangshen as quickly as possible."