Ace Evolution

Chapter 328: The dagger appears


I have to admit that the surroundings of the Village of Gods are indeed beautiful and pleasant, quite quiet and suitable for living. WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.CoM

Even Fang Lin, who was here for the second time, had just discovered this. But it's no wonder that when he secretly commanded the burning, killing and looting here two days ago, he only looked at places where it was easy to hide people, places that might be suitable for ambushes, and places where it was easy to break out of the siege. But now he just wanted to watch the show as a guest. If you have the mentality, of course you can enjoy it to your heart’s content.

Although under Fang Lin's restraint, the monsters did not kill wantonly, a lot of people died in the village, so just burying the dead killed these reinforcements most of the time.

It quickly became dark. A large number of villagers who had lived together for more than ten years died tragically. Familiar faces were swallowed up in the fire. The only biological sister was neither alive nor dead. Everyone knew that Nakko bit her lower lip and remained silent. Lulu was definitely not in a good mood at this time, so many people wanted to comfort her but did not dare to go forward. I'm afraid that the more you help, the more trouble you'll make. It made her cry loudly, but for Nakolulu, the strong worry and panic about people whose whereabouts were unknown was so suppressed that she couldn't even cry!

The custom of the Ainu people is that after death, a person is cremated, then a hole is made in a big tree, the ashes are sprinkled in, and the hole is sealed with bark. It symbolizes that after death, one must merge with nature into the body of the big tree. Galford was also doing these things beside him, but from time to time he raised his head and glanced at Lulu worriedly, lest his beloved would be completely knocked down. But in my heart I really wanted to tell her, just cry and it will make you feel better. But in full view of the public, I just didn't have the courage to say it out loud.

At this time, Fang Lin had already begun conducting various tests on Galford's endurance. Feed directly------ignore. Want to get close to------Biya. Endearment call------Turn around and point your butt towards you. If I hadn't just seen this dog biting its tail (yi pronounced four times) in front of Galford and shaking its tail so hard that it almost broke, I would have thought that this dog had lost the ability to wag its tail. I couldn't help but secretly sigh that the ninja dog was indeed a ninja dog, and its training was extraordinary.

But Nakolulu's beloved eagle, Mamahaha, seemed particularly anxious and irritable, flying up and down all the time. If it were normal, its owner should be able to feel this abnormal state. But at this time, Nakolulu was in a state of confusion. She glanced at it and thought it was the eagle's normal reaction to seeing an acquaintance die tragically, and easily ignored it.

Most of the houses in the village were destroyed. This was also directed by Fang Lin. The reason was simple. He wanted to cover up the fact that he had entered Nakolulu's residence and took something away. If it is discovered at this time, then I am afraid it will be another huge variable, but the destruction of Nakolulu's house is too obvious. Only by destroying most of the houses in the village will people not be confused. The following cannot show the abruptness in this, nor can it capture Fang Lin's true intention. Anyway, the monster has a cruel and violent personality. Destroying houses and killing people is also common.

It's late at night, and the bonfire is jumping happily. Several Yagyu Dojo disciples and exorcists who came for reinforcements from Kyoto had already fallen asleep in the camp. Only Nakolulu was staring at the flames in trance. Her pale and haggard look made Galford feel a tangled pain in his heart. He wanted to go and give some advice, but Nakolulu responded with indifference and silence. Strong self-blame and regret have completely enveloped this girl's heart.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps were heard outside the camp, and then Fang Lin ran back panting. He was holding an unconscious little girl in his arms, her body covered in blood. He said out of breath:

"I...I discovered the gathering place of monsters and rescued a person!"

As if she had been given a shot of cardiotonic, Nakolulu rushed to Fang Lin and picked up the little girl, calling her name non-stop, while Galford suddenly stood up. Looking at Fang Lin said:

"Take me there!"

Fang Lin took a few breaths. He drank a few mouthfuls of water and said:

"The place is far away or close. There are quite a lot of monsters, so we have to take a long-term approach."

Galford said proudly:

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you even a hair."

Fang Lin asked back:

"I know that you are very powerful in ninjutsu, but our goal is to save people as the main one and kill as auxiliaries. It's fun to swarm up like this. Killing monsters is very satisfying. After alerting the snake, the monsters can kill the hostages just as quickly, not to mention leaving manpower behind." Take care of this little girl, don’t you leave enough strength in the camp to protect her? Don’t let the monsters take your back when the time comes!”

Galford was immediately speechless by the question. At this time, Nakolulu saw that the little girl named Keiko in her arms was unconscious, but her life was not in danger. Her mood gradually calmed down and she supported Fang Lindao:

"He's right."

When the beauty spoke, Galford immediately shut up. After deliberation, it was decided that not many people would be rescued, so Nakolulu and Galford were naturally the ones to take the lead. The rest of the people except for Fang Lin who led the way and a doctor who was good at healing. Except for the priests, everyone stayed behind to guard against the monster's surprise attack and protect Keiko who was surviving the disaster.

Soon, the two plot experts set off under the leadership of Fang Lin. It didn't take long to arrive at the monster's camp. At this time, there are still two hostages left. Soon, Galford's ninja dogs pounced, and Nakolulu's love eagle screamed, pouring its anger on these poor monsters. They quickly wiped out the monsters in the camp and successfully rescued two of them. Captive Ainu tribesmen. After a brief treatment, the two seriously injured Ainu tribesmen finally told Nakolulu the news she wanted to know most - her sister Limululu was not killed, and some of her The tribesmen successfully escaped before the monsters surrounded them.

After hearing the news, Nakolulu stood blankly for a long time, and then she fell to the ground weakly, covering her face with her hands and crying silently. At this time, she felt that all the strength in her body had been drained. The strong worry surrounding her was broken by the facts, making her feel that the burden on her body was lightened. To be honest, she really couldn't imagine what it would be like if she What would it be like to see her sister's body with her own eyes? It was a horrific event that she couldn't face or even dare to think about!

At this time, the onmyoji who was responsible for treatment had returned to the camp with two seriously injured villagers from Ainu Village. The moon was clear and bright, and the gentle silver light lightly coated everything with a layer of gauze. Nakolo The scenery on the hill where Lu and Galford were was was pleasant. Fang Lin tore off a blade of grass in the distance and gently played the famous saxophone song "Going Home". The beautiful and melancholy melody was inexplicably soothing. touching their hearts.

In such an environment, Galford faced a girl who was crying in a mess, and this girl was still his love, so of course it was impossible to remain indifferent. Naturally, he gently hugged Nakolulu. The girl who has accepted the huge ups and downs psychologically now really needs a pair of arms to rely on. What's more, she actually loves the heroic ninja in front of her, but she has always been limited to her identity as a miko and cannot accept it.

Gradually, the melodious music disappeared. Looking at the two figures nestled together on the hillside in the distance, gradually merging together, Fang Lin took a deep breath, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the look in his eyes A gloomy and blazing flame rose again.

--------When will Galford and Nakolulu's inseparable pets be separated from them

--------It's now!

This is the moment when Nakolulu's mind has suffered huge ups and downs, she has suffered heavy losses, and she is in urgent need of a strong arm to rely on! She can be said to be at her most vulnerable at this time. Her home was destroyed, her tribe members were killed, and she was exhausted mentally and physically. In the arms of the man she loved, even though the two of them may not directly "break up", they kissed, Touching and other actions that Rina Kororo would normally not accept due to her status as a miko are extremely possible!

For Nakolulu, she treats her love eagle Mamahaha as a family member ------- A thin-skinned little girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, will she kiss her lover? Let your family watch while you are there? So she will definitely let the love eagle fly away.

As for Galford, he must be much thicker-skinned, but he has to be wary of the moment when he is about to kiss the girl he dreams of, and the loyal dog next to him is walking around wagging his tail, unaware of the current situation. She screamed twice, causing the beauty to suddenly wake up from a dream, and shyly declined, "No, we can't do this..." So her dream came to nothing... Although this kind of accident is a small probability event, Galford will definitely kill it. In the cradle!

From a safety point of view, Galford alone would definitely not let himself be separated from the ninja dog Bobi, but now that he has Nakolulu by his side, with the two of them joining forces, even if there is an enemy attack, there is nothing to worry about. of? Could it be that the fighting ability of my lover is not as good as that of a dog

So... Nakolulu's beloved eagle Mamaha and Galford's ninja dog Bobi were successfully separated from their owners!

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