Ace Evolution

Chapter 329: Slowly emerged


The nights here are quiet. wWW!QuANbEn-XiAoShUo!CoM

Bobi, the ninja dog, was lying on the ground gnawing his paws unhappily. He didn't understand the owner's firm and brutal behavior of driving him away, especially the violent way of kicking him.

The most abominable thing is that when I left aggrievedly, my master didn't even make a sound of comfort! Because his mouth was busy doing another seemingly boring thing and he had no time to make a sound.

The only thing that makes Bobi happy is that the very vicious dead bird also suffered the same fate. Now we have a companion, right? It once took the initiative to show kindness to the vicious bird named Mamahaha, but the response it received was a fierce glare from Mamahaha who looked extremely irritable!

The air in the forest at night contains various mixed smells, the fishy smell of earth, the unique resinous fragrance of trees, chemicals from insects, and the fishy smell of wild beasts, all mixed together. To the human nose, These mixed smells are a complex and unpredictable puzzle, but for Bobi's sensitive sense of smell, distinguishing them is as simple as humans distinguishing red and yellow (note: dogs are color blind)

Suddenly, a familiar pungent smell came into Bobi's nose. He suddenly became alert, his ears stood up, and his nose kept sniffing. This is the scent of the monster that the master had deliberately wanted to remember! Bobi is not the kind of local dog that barks like crazy when he senses something strange. He immediately and quietly ran toward the place where the breath was coming from, quickly and covertly, and his strong muscles bulged hard under his streamlined body. Get up, running at full speed, Bobi volleys out and gives people the feeling of a cheetah looking for food!

The smell gradually got closer. Bob carefully slowed down his pace, flapped his ears a few times to make sure there were no other enemies, and then jumped out with a "hoo" sound. Jumped a full five meters distance. Lingkong bit a thick black arm!

But what it bit was only an arm that was severed at the elbow.

This half of the arm has thick joints. Even after it was chopped off alive, the knuckles were black and twisted. It looked particularly ferocious and ferocious. The nails were also sharp and long. Bob growled menacingly in his throat a few times, then put it on the ground and sniffed it. After realizing that the flesh and blood on the injured section of the arm had dried up and condensed, and that it had been broken for at least a day, he gave up in frustration. But at this moment, there was a sudden "pop" sound next to it. Bobi immediately took half a step back, bared his teeth and roared menacingly, revealing his sharp white teeth. But seeing that there was no further noise, he cautiously approached.

Unexpectedly, an explosion suddenly occurred behind Bobi!

The explosion was not violent, it was just a muffled "boom" sound. It didn't even break the small tree trunk next to it. It just sprinkled dirty and smelly mud all over the panicked Bobi's head and face! The ninja dog suddenly became angry, not only because he was teased, but also because of his previous timidity. It whirred and lay on the ground, its waist and hips raised. The tail was flying high like a battle flag, and the whole body turned red and swollen!

When it saw a monster lying in the pit where the explosion occurred, it immediately pounced on it and bit it. Its sharp teeth directly cut the monster's body like knives, and blood flowed into its mouth. There is a special feeling of revenge. The monster was quickly torn to pieces, but there seemed to be a hard round thing inside its body. Bobi doesn't care about that much--even the teeth of an ordinary dog are the natural nemesis of bones, let alone this ferocious and cruel dog that has been trained

Bobi bit down with all his strength, and with a soft "pop" sound, a sticky liquid with a slightly fishy and sweet taste poured into his mouth. Bobi's trained nose and tongue immediately made the first judgment-------it's not poisonous, and then the relaxed taste buds immediately gave a feedback message----it seemed to taste pretty good too. So the ninja dog started licking and eating with a vengeance. Until it suddenly felt something was wrong.

As soon as this powerful ninja dog looked up, he saw a pair of cold and angry eyes looking at it from the tree.

Those are sharp eyes.

That's a pair of eagle eyes.

Those are the eyes of Nakolulu’s beloved eagle Mamahaha!

Bobi felt that something was not quite right, but it was only a little bit wrong. He wagged his tail indifferently. Bobi would not look good on people or actions that did not respect him, and he continued to eat. But suddenly a strong wind hit his face. Bobi just raised his head and his vision went dark. Then a burst of sharp pain came. Mamahaha had already pounced down crazily and silently. Her claws reached out and slapped the unprepared Bobi on the face. A long and deep scar appeared, and blood surged wildly. Bobi screamed in agony, and the screams could be heard very far in the night sky!

One of its eyes has been torn out alive by Mamahaha's attack, and is hanging steaming from the sharp talons of this fierce eagle!

(Note: Mamahaha took advantage of Bobi's unprepared sneak attack to seriously injure it with one blow, and the strength of this fierce eagle also came from Nakolulu. If reincarnationists like Fang Lin took action, it would be impossible to do this. Effect)

I don't know when the moon re-emerged from the clouds. Its faint silver light shone quietly and gently on the battlefield where dogs and birds were biting and pecking at each other. It also illuminated the belly of the monster that Bobi had eaten earlier. Instead, it contained a dead bird with disheveled feathers and a white bird egg that had been bitten open. The yellow-white egg juice was dripping down bit by bit along the edge of the monster's body.

These two things are another reason why Fang Lin attacked the Village of God.

He wants to get the egg from the bird's nest on the roof of Nakolulu's house... and the female eagle that is incubating the egg.

If we use the terms of human society, this egg and this female eagle...are the wife and child of Nakolulu's beloved eagle Mamahaha.

Of course Bobi's miserable hissing of being severely injured reached Galford's ears, and Nakolulu was also shocked. The two people who were in love quickly separated from their sweet mood and tried to calm down to call their pets. It's a pity that the calls of both of them fell into silence, and they rarely responded.

--------Bobi was blind and severely injured. He was unable to respond to Mamahaha's crazy and sacrificial attack. Mamahaha, on the other hand, fell into crazy revenge, and his animal nature was completely aroused. , completely ignoring the call of the master!

Galford and Nakolulu felt a huge crisis at the same time. Fortunately, they both had telepathic connections with their pets. Of course, what they had to do now was to rush directly to the location of the accident! Just after running a few hundred meters, the two of them stopped at the same time. A boy with white hair and red clothes stood in front of them. This boy looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, but there was a look of maturity in his eyes. The man's vicissitudes and melancholy, he also has a pair of round ears on his head, but his nails are very long, reflecting the sharp feeling of the moonlight.

his name is… ….


"Is it finally here?" Inuyasha said with a bit of impatience and a bit of relief at the same time: "You can't go any further." He flicked his nails and said carelessly:

"I am guarding this place and will not allow anyone to pass within half an hour!"

Galford was so anxious that he bent forward and felt that Bobi was gradually weakening. It was obvious that his life was passing quickly. For him, this ninja dog that is connected to his heart cannot be lost, otherwise he will not be able to release at least three of his A-level skills, and the release of S skills must be Bobi, not to mention his strength. Cut it in half!

"Get away! Monster!"

This was Galford's only reply! As he charged forward, his left hand reached behind his shoulder and grasped the handle of the juticeblad. The snakeskin-wrapped handle gave him a warm and solid feeling. The blade of this long knife was already stained with too much. With the blood of many monsters and monsters, he is confident that he can kill the monster in front of him that has transformed into a human with one strike!

Galford, who was charging forward, suddenly jumped up high and growled "Hey". His sword suddenly came out of its sheath. Under the moonlight, it shone with a cold light yellow light. He slashed like a fan and cut InuYasha's head straight. department!

But Inuyasha reached out and grasped the blade that Galford had slashed from the air!

The light of the sword died helplessly. In Galford's surprised eyes, although there was blood flowing down Inuyasha's palms, the look on his face was calm, as if he was not the one who was injured, and the long-lost pain was unbearable. It reminded him of the heartless and decisive shot that sealed him,

There was also the woman holding a bow and arrow, her eyebrows furrowed in pain, and as pale as the moon.


But at this moment, there was a sound like a roaring wind in the air again. When Inuyasha turned his head, he saw that the miko had pulled out a short and sharp broad knife from her waist, and her whole body was wrapped in a ball of white light. The dress fluttered and flew over while lying on the ground!

The secret technique of the Ainu tribe!

Wind blade!