Ace Evolution

Chapter 337: Terrible face sealing skills!


The following time passed quite nervously. Fang Lin made another speech to the Lord of Edo Castle, Kikurama, in the name of "discovering the lair of monsters preparing to assassinate the Lord of the City." So he was able to lead a group of demon-killing Onmyoji to set off again. Going out of the city to benefit from the public good for personal gain has greatly increased your reputation. wWw, QuanBeN-XiaoShuo, and Com finally, with the cooperation of Lao Hu and Lin Damei, the reputation of the three of them rose to the level of respect again.

As the fifteen-day deadline approached, Nightmare Mark quickly gave a prompt:

"You have killed dark monsters so far: 390."

"Your current reputation in the justice camp is: Revered."

"You have reached the two basic conditions for the main task one. You have successfully completed the main task one. Please choose one from the two rewards a and b:

"Reward a, 8000 points, 8 potential points."

"Reward B: Type A special prop: one Chinese and Western coin. After use, a dead plot character can be resurrected."

Fang Lin was quite hesitant at this time. To be honest, after entering the world of true Samurai Soul, it was like spending money like water, only getting in but not getting out. Especially in the battle between Shiraki and Sheng, the three of them drank tens of thousands of points from the big purple bottle alone! It’s just that there is no need to say more about the great role of Chinese and Western currencies (see Chapter 7 of Volume 6 “Golden Main Line! Turbulent Sea of People”).

After hesitating for a long time, I finally chose reward b. The reason is simple. Earning 8,000 points and 8 potential points is not too difficult for Fang Lin and others. However, it is not easy to get the opportunity to buy this type A special item: Chinese and Western coins.

Shortly after selecting the reward, Nightmare Mark continued to give the next prompt:

"Everyone has selected the reward, and the data is being retrieved..."

"Main mission two, the arrival of evil has officially begun."

"With the continuous efforts of Luo Shojin. Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who has been training in the demon world for one hundred and fifty years, successfully resurrected with hatred for humans and the establishment of a new world. Because Amakusa's original body was as early as a hundred years ago It ceased to exist fifty years ago, so Amakusa had to borrow the excellent body of a man named Fubu Zhenzo... "

"Mission goal: prevent Amakusa Shiro Tokisada from obtaining Fubu Shinzo's body in five days."

"If the mission fails: 8,000 points and 8 potential points will be deducted. If the points are insufficient, they will be erased."

Fang Lin browsed the tasks carefully, and it was obvious that the second main task of the dark side was to help Amakusa Shiro Tokisada obtain the throne. And this guy Hattori Shinzo actually has a lot of background. This man's father happens to be Hattori Hanzo, the leader of the Iga Ninja Army who has been assisting the Tokugawa Shogunate in the dark for generations! And Hattori Hanzo’s wife is named Kaede, and she is also an extremely outstanding and powerful senior ninja!

"Sure enough, the forces of the dark side are still considered strong by the space." Fang Lin sighed.

You know, the goal of this mission is to prevent Amakusa Shiro Tokisada from obtaining Hattori Shinzo's body, not to protect Hattori Shinzo! There is actually one of the simplest ways to complete this task, and that is to kill Hattori Shinzo directly before the dark side comes, and then destroy the corpse to eliminate traces and make it disappear completely!

certainly. The parents and wife of this unlucky guy will never let you do this. In fact, when Fang Lin thought about the ghostly ninjutsu of the dead Ushiwaki, which could completely avoid even his own mental power detection, Fang Lin felt a sensation in the back of his head. Liang Zhenzhen, as if there is an extremely sharp dagger against it!

You know, Ushiwaki was just an ordinary female ninja in the Iga Ninja Army... From this, we can roughly infer what Hattori Hanzo's terrifying strength should be. Lao Hu and Miss Lin might be able to resist for a while. But Fang Lin, with his small body, could undoubtedly be killed with one blow!

Fang Lin was thinking about various issues nervously. To be honest, he had to find some overlooked details among the many clues. It was extremely consuming of mental and physical energy. Fang Lin sighed tiredly. When he looked at the sky, time passed quickly and it was already noon from morning.

"It's time to leave." Someone knocked on the door outside. It is the voice of the heart. "Sir, the carriage we ordered is ready. It can set off at any time."

Iga is located in the west-central part of Japan's main island, close to Kyoto. Edo basically formed an isosceles triangle. The distance was quite long, and the roads were not repaired at that time, so we could only go from Edo to Kyoto, and then from Kyoto to Iga. So book a carriage in advance to go there only. Fang Lin secretly sighed in his heart that although there were many strong actors on the side of justice, they were all scattered. Take Yagyu Jubei, the plot master, for example. He also had a grudge with Hattori Hanzo. It is said that the two agreed on a time and place to compete in sword skills, but Hattori Hanzo deliberately delayed an hour before attending the appointment, taking advantage of Yagyu's feelings. A little impetuously, he won with a slight advantage. Since then, the two have formed a rift - with Yagyu's character, he would probably not rush to help even if he knew something was going to happen... and Galford and Nakko are the most likely to help. However, Lulu was so harmed by herself that even her pet died and her vitality was severely damaged. I believe that even if I think about it, I am afraid that I am still too ambitious but not strong enough!

Before setting off, Fang Lin thought for a while and went to visit Yagyu Jubei. Firstly, he wanted to test his tone to see if the swordsman would help, and secondly, he wanted to see the strong man on the side of justice. Have you started to be wary of yourself? After entering and explaining his intention, it turned out that Yagyu Sheng used the "loud" excuse of protecting the safety of the city lord and had no intention of helping. Instead, he told Fang Lin to be careful many times, which showed that the friendship was still there. At the same time, he also revealed a secret to Fang Lin. According to the information, Lord Kikujian, at the request of the shogunate, asked Qianliang Kuangshilang to rush to the rescue.

Speaking of Qianliang Kuangshilang, Fang Lincai was really surprised. He had tried to get close to him, but he was always treated coldly. I heard that even the guys from the Wind Team were the same.

Later, after listening to rumors, I found out that this person came from an Edo kabuki family. Before his death, his father said that Kabuki must be carried forward. He kept his father's words in mind and continued to work hard. He combined martial arts and Kabuki to create the original "Bumon-ryu Kabuki". Therefore, in this guy's mind, promoting the career of singing and dancing is the first priority! I think this time I came here to save the declining kabuki, and to use Kikurama's strength to promote it, so Senryo Kuangshiro was persuaded to take action.

The advantage of Fang Lin holding the golden hand came into play at this time. This thing represents that he has the status of a Hatamoto samurai, which is much higher than Senryo Kuangshiro who was born in Kabuki. The level gap in Japan is quite strict. , so he sat directly in Qianliang Kuangshilang's carriage without being rejected. In fact, he just "didn't dare". This is the class gap in Japan.

The journey along the way was quite bumpy, so Fang Lin naturally wanted to find some topics to talk about, but Qianliang Kuangshilang always held his pheasant knife named "Shihua Nvfang" to rest his mind and didn't say much else. . It's like a seamless egg, no matter how much the fly buzzes or flies, it can't bite into it. What's even more mysterious is that once Qianliang Kuangshilang closed his eyes, he seemed to turn into a stone statue. It seemed that his heartbeat, breathing, and even the unique aura of a strong man exuding from his body were completely restrained. It was really weird.

Along the way, we often encounter stray thieves, monsters and the like. Although they are not a threat to the powerful ones, they still have to stop and send them away, which can be said to be quite annoying.

But there are some that are not too annoying. Both Lao Si and Xin Yuan are rushing to take action. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. What's more, the shield in Lao Hu's hand is also opened with an ordinary key.

So much so that the group of people was not moving very fast. It took a long time to arrive at a place called Sanki on the outskirts of Kyoto.

In Japanese, Sanki means the cliffs along the river valley. Dangerous cliffs formed by volcanic highlands. It is a very steep terrain. There are deep valleys on one side, majestic cliffs on the other, and towering trees all around. It seems that even at noon, the sun cannot shine directly, let alone it is almost dusk at this time

At this moment, Fang Lin suddenly felt as if the nightmare mark on his chest was being pricked by a sharp needle! Feeling the sudden severe pain, his face turned pale, and he groaned suddenly, but suddenly found that his powerful magic spell and reality cutting spell were in a state where he could not use it! As soon as I inquired, I got the reminder of the nightmare mark:

"You are currently in a sealed state. Within 600 seconds, all your combat skills will be unavailable."

What a powerful skill! Obviously it was cast from a long distance, and there was no warning before the attack. After the attack, the opponent noticed it and was already hit! And... it seems that even the fourth child and Xin Yuan in front were also affected! Fortunately, Fang Lin found that the skills that came with his weapons and equipment could still be used, which made him feel quite relieved.

At this time, the corners of Fang Lin's lips rose slightly, because at the same time, he also noticed that Qianliang Kuangshilang, who was sitting opposite him and seemed calm and still closing his eyes to rest, suddenly grasped the handle of the pheasant knife! A vein on the back of his hand also jumped!

Suddenly there was a strange whistling sound in the air, and a group of strange masked people dressed in black came down from the nearby cliff. They were thin and agile, with reed flutes in their mouths. He communicated with the sharp roars one after another, holding a Japanese samurai sword in his hand. It's extremely weird, moving around, and it looks like a ghost, which is very frightening.