Ace Evolution

Chapter 340: The enthralled Taliban


Witnessing this figure's surprise attack, someone from the Taliban's side suddenly rushed out. It seemed that they were going to snipe their opponent from the air, but the two ninja-like black shadows were bounced away as soon as they came into contact with Qi Jin. The two of them staggered after landing. He fell back, clutching his throat, his facial muscles twisted, and dirty blood gurgled out from the gaps between his fingers!

I saw the sword flash again! In the blink of an eye, two heads flew high into the sky, and the blood fountain from the neck section spurted out to a height of five to six meters, and then fell down one after another. The appearance was extremely tragic! Indescribable!

The secret of dance-style kabuki!

Huitianquwu! (In the arcade - heavy knife/light knife)

This move is specially used to deal with enemies flying in the air! This is the assassination method that Qianliang Kuangshilang learned from singing and dancing. It is very gorgeous!

Then, Qianliang Kuangshilang, who had long flowing red hair and was wearing a yellow robe, stood firmly. He had a face shaped like the word "国", with many seemingly messy stripes painted on it with red paint. , holding his pheasant knife in one hand: Shihua female room!

The pheasant sword was originally a long sword, and its origins can be traced back to the Heian period. wWW!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!COmDuring the Southern and Northern Dynasties, seven-foot and five-foot long knives appeared on the scene, and evolved into the two words pheasant knife. The pheasant sword is a sharp blade with a reverse blade in front of the stick, and is mostly used by women of Japanese samurai families. It's just that Qianliang Kuangshilang needed to use it when performing, so he gradually became familiar with it and stopped switching weapons.

It is said that Senryo Kakushirō's sword skills were derived from Kabuki dance. There is an indescribable gorgeous beauty in the roughness, so as soon as Qianliang Kuangshilang waves his beloved pheasant knife: Shihua Nvfang, he will devote himself wholeheartedly to the pursuit of singing and dancing, and it is difficult to control his emotions. Therefore, the one-meter-long handle of this terrifying long knife was densely wrapped with cloth bands of various colors. It was the belt he cut off from the injured challenger to express his apology!

And when he flew out from the bottom of the abyss before. It uses the buoyancy generated by the high-speed rotation of the pheasant to successfully fly up. As soon as Qianliang Crazy Death Lang Pu appeared, he had already begun to wave the pheasant knife in his hand. The light of the knife was sharp and smooth. Often after the knife passed by, what remained in his sight was still the cold and gorgeous light of the knife, and the blade had often been cut. Cutting into the enemy's skin and into the warm flesh!

At this time, a vague shadow suddenly appeared behind Qianliang Kuangshilang. The shadow stuck closely to the back of Qianliang Kuangshilang. It seemed that it was following him like a shadow and refused to leave! It can be clearly felt. Qianliang Kuangshilang's movement speed and attack speed have both dropped by at least 20%!

Suddenly, a sharp scream sounded, and Fang Lin suddenly felt his eyes stinging. It seemed as if a sun shone on the top of the cliff opposite. He immediately closed his eyes, and when he extended his mental power detection, he realized that a bearded man appeared opposite! The dead black kimono on his body is intertwined with white stripes with a big word "death"! That brilliant light came from the huge slashing knife in his hand!

This big man should be the leader of the Dead Bone Bandits. He aimed his head at Qianliang Kuangshi Lang and chopped him down!

With eyes tightly closed, Qianliang Kuangshilang turned around and swung his arms, then slashed back with his sword. Shihua's female room collided with the big man's giant sword! There was a loud crash, and the giant knife shattered into pieces of colorful light spots, tilting and splashing like thousands of mirrors! Qianliang Kuangshilang reacted very quickly, slashing the ground with his pheasant knife, and his whole body stood upside down with the pheasant knife as an axis. The body is straight, and the palm is supported on the long handle! Forming a vertically written 1 character.

Thousands of blades jingled past his body, but the crisis had not yet come into contact. Suddenly, two guys dressed as ninjas ran out from the figure of Qianliang Kuangshilang. The two raised their hands, and suddenly the air was filled with smoke, which was actually mixed with countless poisonous insects called "The Most Fierce Victory". Come, overwhelming. The surge is coming! !

Qianliang Kuangshilang somersaulted out. Suddenly he took out a fan and opened his mouth! A large ball of flames burst out with a "boom"! He also complained that the fan kept flapping at his mouth. It made the fire even more intense!

The secret of Buto-ryu Kabuki: Fire Dance!

A large ball of flames covered an area of more than ten square meters, and none of the poisonous insects was left alive. Fang Lin had already connected to Qianliang Kuangshilang through mental detection and directly transmitted the dynamic images he detected!

Qianliang Kuangshilang, who had temporarily lost his eyesight before, got help from Fang Lin and suddenly became more powerful! With a swish of the pheasant sword, it seemed that he was cutting the empty space on the left side of the big man in a black kimono, but when the force of the sword was strong, he casually cut back with the sword! Suddenly a zigzag-shaped bloody light was dragged out in the air, and the big man howled miserably, and his thick left arm had been cut off directly!

He only knew that Qianliang Kuangshilang had recovered his eyesight. He was so frightened that he grabbed a member of the wild bandit group next to him like lightning while retreating! This man struck very hard and quickly. Although he only had one arm left, he chopped off the left hand, right hand, right foot and left foot of the subordinate next to him with just one move of the knife.

The member of the bandit group with only his head left didn't even have time to shout - just as he opened his mouth, a black light flashed, and a knife like a poisonous snake struck him, and he let out a cry of unwillingness/anger/grief. Sealed in the throat!

The big man directly threw the corpse towards Qianliang Kuangshilang, then quickly rolled back, and escaped with the other two ninjas who released the "most powerful victory" poisonous insect. Qianliang Kuangshilang was about to pursue him, but saw the corpse thrown in the air suddenly exploded. When it opened, flesh and blood flew away, and it squeaked when it fell to the ground. It was as corrosive as sulfuric acid!

Qianliang Kuangshilang accidentally hit several points, and the pain was unbearable. He screamed furiously and brandished the knife! In an instant, the top of the cliff opposite was littered with corpses, but Fang Lin sighed, because as soon as Qian Liang Kuang Shilang appeared, the Taliban's figure gradually faded, as if dissolved in the air!

Then there was a "boom" on the ground and a large ball of blue flames appeared. At this time, even with Fang Lin's alertness, he discovered that there was a destroyed metal part on the ground there. It turned out that he had been talking to him face to face. The Taliban is just a phantom! It's similar to holographic images in high technology! It’s just that it’s done so vividly that it looks like the real thing! And I'm afraid his true body has already escaped and cannot be found.

The most important thing is that since the Taliban appears as a holographic image, even strong men like Qianliang Kuangshilang cannot sense his aura, so they can escape the charge of "attacking a strong man on the side of justice". What's the matter? Things can be solved with the magic of monsters. At most, it arouses suspicion. The reputation increases slowly, and the tasks he receives are more difficult. Now that the purpose of changing jobs has been achieved, reputation is not that important.

"Sure enough, you have your Zhang Liang plan, and I have my ladder..." Fang Lin said with emotion. This Taliban gave him the impression that he was no ordinary guy. I tried every means to get rid of it, but I really didn't expect that my opponent would also come with such a foreshadowing!

At this time, the butcher dipped the bloody meat hook in the thick blood, threw it out with a splash, and cleverly stuck the shiny giant knife fragment on the ground. Fang Lin looked at it for a while, frowning, and said with The people Qianliang Kuangshilang fought should be the leaders and leaders of the Dead Bone Bandits. These guys were able to gain the upper hand over plot masters like Qianliang Kuangshilang. Their strength was evident, even though in the end He fled in defeat, but his energy was still there!

At this time, Fang Lin suddenly understood why the Taliban's reputation could continue to grow steadily 24 hours a day. It seemed that he had subdued this dead bandit group to gain reputation for him. In other words, the powerful reincarnation of the Taliban should have a skill similar to Fang Lin's "powerful magic", which can have an effect on plot characters. The difference is that Fang Lin has complete control over a single character. The restrictions are very harsh, and the Taliban's skills can be applied to multiple plot characters to form a cooperative relationship, but the other party has the right to refuse his request.

Now just looking at the two major skills currently displayed by the Taliban, one is a large-scale forbidden skill, and the other is a skill that can draw on the strength of plot characters. They are both very powerful... Fang Lin has deeply realized that, The strength of the Taliban... is really unfathomable!

Two hours later, Fang Lin and his party had arrived in Kyoto. Looking at the three characters "Peace Kyoto" on the city gate of Kyoto, Fang Lin realized how tragic the previous monster siege was!

"Willows and cherry blossoms are planted alternately, like brocade and satin." The capital itself has the most beautiful scenery in Japan during its heyday. However, at this time, the city walls are full of pits and are covered with purple-black dried blood. It is not known whether they are from humans or monsters. There are paintings all around. Purple lotus. Purple is the color of sadness in the Japanese concept, and lotus is a mourning flower, which is a way to pay homage to the dead.

The three characters for Ping'an Jing were originally carved deeply into the stone, but when Fang Lin looked at it, he saw that the upper part of the character "平" had been scratched off by something sharp, while the character "京" could only be vaguely discerned. "" part, the word "安" is intact, and it looks like the three ridiculous characters of "Shi'ankou".