Ace Evolution

Chapter 344: Blackmail


As soon as he finished speaking, a violent explosion occurred more than 20 meters away, with alarming momentum! Even the ground was blasted by the force of the explosion, creating a pit with a radius of more than ten meters! A large amount of earth and rocks fell around like rain, and dust filled the air. Although both sides were confronting each other in a dark alley, they were both experts in spiritual power! He knows everything about the situation over there!

"Have you noticed that there is one less person among us?" Fang Lin had already sneered and started to step forward to help Lao Hu up. WwW, QunabEN, coM "If it were you, you wouldn't have been able to take into account the movements of the other person who was lagging behind and walking the slowest in the battle just now, right?" "At this time, he was already in the most densely populated area nearby. Five bombs have been planted in the place. The power of each bomb is close to the previous explosion, and it will kill more than a hundred people! If Master dares to attack us, then these five hundred people will be killed by you! You If he is someone who doesn’t care about the lives of civilians, he will never tolerate it and follow us until he takes action against us in this sparsely populated dark alley!”

Hua Xiyuan and Zhong finally changed their expressions. He waved his Zen staff, took a step forward and was about to speak, when there was an extremely violent explosion on the left. The roof of a house burned with raging fire, flying straight up to an altitude of tens of meters, and then slowly scattered, including A mix of human limbs and severed bodies! After the roof fell apart, it ignited the building below, and it instantly became a sea of fire! Hua Xiyuan and Zhong Jing were furious and were about to speak, but Fang Lin took a step forward and said coldly:

"You have killed so many people! Do you want to kill the remaining people?" Hua Xiyuan and Zhong's facial muscles twitched, and finally retreated sadly, but the two old, seemingly cloudy eyes under the bamboo hat were dead. Stared over. Although he was simply staring, Fang Lin felt burning pain on his face! But he waved his hand to let others go first, while he said very calmly:

"That's it. If you don't leave us a way to survive, don't force me to do anything extreme! Let's step back from each other. This will also leave room for us to meet in the future!"

"Room...?" Hua Xiyuan and Zhong said lightly in a hoarse voice: "Do you think I will have any room to talk to you now? As soon as today is over, I swear to punish you, a hypocrite who carries the breath of a filthy monster. Killed in battle!"

Fang Lin sneered and said:

"Very good. Right now, the forces of the dark side have the upper hand. If you must force me to the other side, that's up to you! I ask myself that although I am acting unscrupulously, in the final analysis, I am still searching hard. Shiro Amakusa Tokisada’s weakness is that he doesn’t want him to come back to the world!”

As he spoke, he took out the three remaining pieces of the Evil Bronze Duo and said word by word:

"Let me tell you, I was the one who destroyed the only missing piece of Evil Copper Duo in Luo Jiang Shen's mouth! If you push me to be too hasty, I will go and give this fragment back to Luo Jiang as soon as we all disperse. General God! After Qi Duo is reunited, the day when she can come down from the mountain and resume free movement is just around the corner! The world will turn into a sea of blood in an instant, don’t force me!"

Hua Xiyuan and Zhong were really shocked this time! He stared at Fang Lin for a long time. Finally he closed his eyes, turned his thin body, and coughed violently. In this way, he acquiesced to Fang Lin's threat. At this time, Fang Lin also felt that his back was covered with cold sweat, because Hua Xiyuan and Zhong had another way, that is, regardless of the safety of the surrounding civilians, chase them down and kill them all! On paper, this bad old man who seems to be in his final years, his skills are mostly based on restraint and spell binding, and he lacks direct offensive skills, but. These skills are all for paving the way for his S-level skills!

Niou...Fu Ling Kill! (The arcade trick method is: ---

Niwang, also known as Niwang Zun, is also known as Vajra Warrior and Secret Miracle Warrior. He is the benevolent king who guards the gate of the temple. With their ferocious faces. With fierce eyes, strong body and scary weapons, he protects the temple and drives away evil spirits. Nioh is a typical representative of the upper body, and some wear chest armor. Some shapes are made by opening the mouth and making it "A-shaped". Holding a vajra; some have their mouths closed to form a "shape". Holding a big sword.

The king summoned by Hana Xiuyuan and Zhong using his own spiritual talisman has killed countless monsters and is nearly ten meters tall. The whole body is golden, with three heads and ten arms. He is extremely powerful. He waves the magical weapon in his hand. It has earth-shattering power. If he really uses it, Fang Lin and the others will not be able to escape! But for Hua Xiyuan and Zhong, although Fang Lin and his group have committed evil deeds, they are actually doing good in their hearts. This has made the director of Kuhuayuan lack the motivation to kill! In addition, there are hundreds of innocent lives as naked threats, and the fragments of Evil Dongduo serve as the final trump card...

Kazuzaka Kasiroin is a person who enters Taoism through killing, but the reason why he can maintain his Zen mind in the blood and massacre is because of the four words "clear conscience".

The most difficult thing for a person is oneself... Especially for people like Kazuo Yuan and Zhong who have practiced hard all their lives and have fanatical beliefs in religion, once there is a crack in the defense line in their hearts. Then it’s basically not far away from the point where practice becomes useless. He asked himself whether he could still have a clear conscience after killing Fang Lin, and he asked himself whether he could turn a blind eye to the hundreds of lives that might have been lost or injured after he killed him! Therefore, we can only choose compromise, and there is only compromise.

In fact, we should also pay attention to Fang Lin's language skills. He often emphasizes "It's you who killed them" and "It's your fault" during conversations. In fact, those victims were killed by Fang Lin and others. What's going on with the old man Xiyuan and Zhong? But Fang Lin's seemingly unintentional embellishment of these sentences actually contained very strong psychological implications, causing great psychological pressure on Hua Xiyuan and Zhong!

The fire roared loudly and dyed half of the sky red. Hua Xiyuan and Zhong smiled bitterly as they looked at the block next to them that had burned into a sea of flames. They suddenly thought that if I hadn't taken that step before, these people might not have suffered the pain of losing their homes. When I thought of this, I suddenly curled up and coughed violently, like a shrimp that had just left the water... The coughing stopped slightly, and Hua Xiyuan and Zhong already had more in their hands. A touch of bright red... Only then did he deeply feel that the terrifying young man he faced before was really like an extremely sharp double-edged sword. When attacking him, he was often killed silently. Counterattack to injury.

Until they rushed out of Kyoto, the blindness and forbidden spells that Hua Xiyuan and Zhongjia had inflicted on Lao Hu and Lin Damei still hadn't recovered. Fortunately, Fang Lin was causing chaos nearby, inciting people to flee the city, and Lao Si This person with a strong sense of strength was able to charge forward and withstand most of the attacks, so it was not difficult to break through the city gate's defense, and the butcher mixed in with the wave of refugees behind and escaped from the city.

The group did not stray far from Kyoto. Fang Lin also saw the hesitation and hesitation in Hua Xiyuan and Zhong's heart, and believed that the chance of him coming to hunt him was very low. On the contrary, theoretically speaking, the threat from the Taliban was much greater---- --The premise is that this equally terrifying guy will also focus most of his energy on Kyoto---so with the deterrence of Kyoto guards, it can be very effective to avoid the Taliban's cooperation partners: the Dead Bone Bandits. attack.

It wasn't until the sky gradually brightened that Lao Hu and Miss Lin returned to normal from the abnormal state of Hua Xiyuan and Zhong Shizhi. At this time, Fang Lin also found out the relevant information about Shiro Amakusa from those old household registrations that were ruined at a glance. Zhen's information... Fang Lin struggled to identify the blurred handwriting, and slowly read out her date of birth:

"Zhen...Zheng seven years...Ziyue...Yinshi"

Zi month is January, which is Yin month! After seven years of Zhenzheng, it was also the year of Yin. Fang Lin's judgment was indeed correct! At least the body chosen by Amakusa Shiro must be born in the Yin year, Yin month and Yin time!

Seeing this number, Fang Lin couldn't help but think of a very famous scholar in ancient China, Tang Bohu. This romantic and talented man was also born in Yin year, Yin month and Yin time. This guy meets all the requirements... handsome, young, and not too strong-willed. It's a pity that it's beyond reach...

In fact, in this strange and turbulent backward world, looking for people born in the Yin year, Yin month, and Yin time is simply like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, Fang Lin had foreseen this a long time ago, and when scanning household registrations, he also conveniently found the fifteenth year old person. The household registration information from ten years ago was also brought out. If there are really people born in the Yin year, Yin month and Yin time, and meet the conditions of Amakusa, then most of them should be included.

Fang Lin's work efficiency improved as he became familiar with the order of Japanese household registration records. However, this work was also extremely hard and tedious. With a dusty face, he was busy until noon, then he dusted himself off and came up with five candidates. , these people were all born in the Yin year, the Yin month, and the Yin time, and they were all males, and they could be recorded in the Japanese household registration at that time... It can be said that they were all born into samurai or noble families with noble blood! It goes without saying that it is quite difficult to hijack it!