Ace Evolution

Chapter 346: Tengu?


Hattori Hanzo is an imposing man who seems to have an air of self-importance without anger. WWw!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!comHis body is strong and strong. Whether he is walking or standing, he gives people a straight feeling, as if there is a standard ruler measuring him from the top of his head to the toes at any time.

He is wearing a completely black special ninja costume, tied with gold threads at each joint to show that Hattori Hanzo is the noble status of the leader of the Iga group of ninjas, and the seemingly ordinary black hair The cover is made of the casings of a special insect, which can effectively isolate most mental harm. A dark brown sword hilt was slightly exposed on his shoulder. It is a nameless ninja sword. Although this sword is nameless, it has done many earth-shattering things! Many famous daimyo and brave men have dyed the edge of this sword red with their blood!

Hattori stood with his back to Fang Lin. He had already imagined many of Fang Lin's first questions in his mind, and had already made up his mind. As long as he disagreed with him, he would immediately expel this liar who had caused many troubles. However, Fang Lin's first words directly hit the most vulnerable part of his extremely tough heart!

"If Hattori-senpai is asked to choose one and only one between Mrs. Kaede and Aiko Hattori Shinzo, I wonder how you would choose?"

This extremely sharp question made the tough-minded Hattori's face twitch. He had the preconceived opinions of Hanashiin and Zhong, and he didn't want to talk to Fang Lin at first, but this question directly made him feel a very unknown feeling. As the saying goes, a ruthless person may not be a true hero. How can one pity a son but not a husband? Hattori couldn't help but said in a deep voice:

"You are alarmist for something like this that is impossible to happen!"

Fang Lin said calmly:

"This is the illusion that my master saw after watching the sky at night. Your son will be possessed by Amakusa, but Hattori-senpai is superb in ninjutsu. He can finally regain his beloved son and drive away the demons, but Hattori Shinzo's soul is already extremely weak, so he can only Only by using your wife Kaede's secret ninjutsu can we be cured! And the cost of using this secret ninjutsu is your own life!"

"You..." Hattori Hanzo's voice suddenly jumped a few degrees, but then fell back quickly: "My Izumo Mountain has been set up like an iron wall. Even if Amakusa himself comes, I won't be afraid of him! You are just talking nonsense!"

Fang Lin shook his head and sighed:

"I'm not going to speculate. What I said earlier is for Hattori-senpai to decide for himself. As for whether the things my master sees with his third eye are true or false, I believe that senior himself has already made up his mind. As the saying goes, destiny is determined by fate. Someone My wife and children are destined to be separated, and there is nothing I can do about it. Farewell!"

I heard the words "wife and children separated". Hattori Hanzo took a deep breath. His wife Kaede was ten years older than him. She had taken care of him since he was a child. She was truly a sister, wife, friend and mother. The feeling was so deep that he returned all the concubines given to him by his loyal master, the shogun! Seeing that Fang Lin has walked to the door, once he lifts the curtain and goes out, it may cause him lifelong regret! Hattori Hanzo finally spoke out:

"Please stay."

Fang Lin smiled slightly, turned around and sat down directly, since Hattori Hanzo asked him to stay. That means these words have impressed him, and now the relationship between the two has become a relationship of supply and demand! Since he is begging for help, Hattori Hanzo should look like he is begging for help! Fang Lin raised his hand leisurely and said:

"My master has developed clairvoyance. I can see the past and the future clearly. If Hattori-senpai doesn't believe that your wife has the ninjutsu to harm herself and save others, you might as well go and ask for confirmation."

Hattori Hanzo said in a deep voice:

"No need to ask for confirmation... Yes... Yes."

Fang Lin said lightly:

"Have I been to Iga before? Have I come into contact with your ninjutsu? Is it possible to find out the secret skills of your Iga clan through other means?"

"No." Hattori Hanzo said calmly. "I apologize for what I said earlier."

Fang Lin felt awe in his heart. He originally wanted to anger Hattori, and wanted to take advantage of Hattori's impetuous mood to raise the stakes--this is why many business meetings take a long time------ -The one who can't hold his breath. Often they are passive. But this Hattori Hanzo didn't fall into his trap at all! But if you think about it carefully, this king of ninjas doesn't even have the ability to be patient and calm. That's a joke!

"I want to make a deal with you." Fang Lin could only say straight to the point: "I will provide you with a way to prevent your son from being kidnapped by Amakusa, but you have to agree to do me a favor."

"What are you busy with?" Hattori's voice was still calm. Fang Lin smiled and said:

"I will show my sincerity first. If you think it is feasible, let's discuss the issue of remuneration. I have already grasped the criteria for Amakusa Shiro Tokisada to choose a body to rest on. Then it must meet three major conditions: 1. It must be young. The man has a handsome and elegant appearance. 2. His personal willpower is quite weak. 3. He must be born in the Yin year, Yin month and Yin time!! We just need to find a suitable body for him before he comes. Go, of course it’s just to draw fire from the bottom of the cauldron! Amakusa has a new body, so of course he won’t come to take advantage of your son!”

Hattori Hanzo was suddenly startled, and the air seemed to be frozen. After a long time, he said in a solemn voice:

"This won't work! This is a compromise with Amakusa!"

Fang Lin sneered and said:

"Very good, let me ask you, the Dark Side will attack in full force soon. How many people from the Righteous Side are willing to help you? Are Hanashiyuan and Naka here? Where is his disciple Haohmaru? Oh, by the way, Kigagami Genjuro will definitely come, this is his representative, but it's a pity that he is a general of the dark side! Nakolulu and Galford said that something happened to their pets, but nothing happened to them. What do you think? How true is this statement?”

Hattori Hanzo didn't speak, but his face mask moved slightly around his mouth and nose, and he was obviously in a very uneasy mood. Fang Lin added word by word:

"For these vain things, you have to sacrifice your life's happiness and the lives of your loyal subordinates! Think about it, is it worth it?"

He knew that it would be very difficult for Hattori Hanzo to make a decision at that moment, so he smiled and said:

"There are a total of five boys born in the Yin year and the Yin month. I have the list here. There are only a few days before Amakusa leads the team to attack. Even if you add in the time for the dark side to gather and the time spent on the road, the ninjas will be there along the way. There is only a buffer period of less than ten days during the harassment period... If Hattori-senpai is interested in my proposal, just come to me directly."

Just as Fang Lin turned around, he heard Hattori Hanzo say word by word:

"Tell me your conditions."

Fang Lin saw Hattori's eyes as deep as will-o'-the-wisps, and felt a shiver in his heart, but said calmly:

"I got a fraternal egg, but I don't know how to hatch it."

Hattori Hanzo said calmly:

"Take it and take a look."

Fang Lin turned his hand over, and the purple-black Baby's egg was already in his hand. Hattori Hanzo looked at it carefully for a while, and suddenly called two rickety old men from outside. The two old men seemed to have lost all their teeth and could not speak clearly, but they were immediately frightened when they saw the fraternal egg. The way:

"Is this... the egg of a tengu?"

In Japanese legends, Tengu is a tall, strange guy wearing Shugen monk robes and high-toothed clogs, with wings, a red face and a long nose, and holding a feather fan and a hammer. They usually live in the deep mountains and have unimaginable strange powers and super powers. They are a very powerful type of Japanese monsters. Fang Lin didn't point it out and said calmly:

"Then how can we make it hatch?"

An old man's eyes were filled with awe, and his whole body was trembling as he said:

"Normally, it takes a hundred years for a tengu's egg to hatch, but if you can find the blood of a powerful monster for him to absorb, it can speed up its growth. The stronger the monster's ability, the faster the blood will accelerate hatching. quick!"

"Very good." Fang Lin turned to Hattori and said: "The monster Shiranui Genan will definitely come this time. If you are willing to make a contract to help me obtain its blood, or the blood of a monster stronger than it, we can make a deal. .”

One day later, two pieces of news came back from the information network of the Iga group of ninjas distributed in various places. One good and one bad.

The good news is: on the list given by Fang Lin, although one guy has died, there are still two guys who really can't be associated with being handsome and gentle... One is a pockmarked man who survived smallpox, and the other is a complete brawny. Big man. The remaining two people basically met the conditions. Fortunately, it was not very far from Iga. Full planning in advance would take a day, and it would take two days to transport them here.

The bad news is: the speed of the dark camp gathering is beyond imagination. It has been determined that Amakusa Shirou Tokisada can only exert half of his power in the soul state. However, the strong man who came with him, Genjuro Arigagami, Shiranui Genan, the fat robber Quake... and the terrifying and ferocious possession beast next to Ra Shogami ------- the American Oni!

This fierce bloody battle has gradually matured, like a tense drama. All kinds of actors and props have been completed, and now they are preparing to gradually open the sad curtain!