Ace Evolution

Chapter 347: Darkness Chen Cang


The fog in Izumo Mountain is very thick, with dead branches, the waning moon, two or three elongated animal horns, and the chirping of insects everywhere. The sounds are all very strange. The fog was originally light, but suddenly it seemed to be thick. WwW. QuanBen-XiaoShuo. cO

In this seemingly peaceful Ise Mountain, it can be said that murderous intent is everywhere at this time, and it is extremely dangerous. There are terrifying ninjas armed with murderous weapons lurking everywhere, occupying the home field and waiting for the arrival of those terrifying enemies!

Suddenly, the wind blew.

The wind was in a deathly black state. Once it encountered a living body, it immediately intensified and intensified, blowing directly like a 12-level gust of wind. The black humus soil on the ground immediately burned with flames, and quickly turned into a general The red sand swept around like a sandstorm. The weaker ninja was hit by the wind and sand, and fell to the ground dead without saying a word. The stronger ones can even perform ninjutsu and roll around to escape. But those insidious traps will naturally have no effect at all because they have lost the person in charge.

There is an illusory and demonic shadow swirling around crazily in the wind. It has red hair, purple robes and yellow edges, extremely long nails, and purple skin on its sharp face. It screamed loudly, and its shrill voice was none other than Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's demonic soul! , behind him, hundreds of monsters were rolling in crazily, and even the air had a faint fishy smell.

There was a fairly wide flat land halfway up the mountain. After the monsters swarmed up, three stones that were distributed in a Z-shaped shape suddenly spun up from the flat ground. They made a "buzzing and vibrating sound" and suddenly absorbed the Amakusa into it. . Causing him to be trapped in it. Rushing left and right, screaming but unable to make an inch forward!

At this moment, there was a sudden flash of red light in the darkness, and then a soaring firebird with spread wings flew out from the ground. It was the elegant blue and orange Ukyo who had taken action!

The secret sword returns! (Arcade move: Air-•Cut)

Seeing that the firebird had knocked down a monster, Yu Shi was still alive, but suddenly a figure quickly jumped out with a sword, pushing a monster in front as a shield, and instantly approached Ukyo Tachibana! The two of them slashed at each other with their swords at the same time. Amidst the monster's screams and blood, a few star flowers appeared!

This figure has an upper body. Wearing a pair of purple-red trousers on his lower body, there is a huge scar on his back, but the light of his sword is extremely beautiful. It's like a gorgeous screen! It is Senior Brother Bawang Maruji!

The ambitious Gagami Genjuro!

At the same time, the monster Shiranui Genan faced off against Senryo Crazy Death. The greedy fat thief Quake and the strong man Laixi Lu fought together. And the lurking ninjas all around also rushed out to engage in a desperate battle with the rushing monsters!

On the cliff in the distance, Hattori Hanzo, with a flowing red scarf tied around his neck, clasped his hands on his chest. He straightened his waist and scanned the whole place with sharp eyes, paying close attention to the movements on the battlefield! For Hattori Hanzo, of course he can see the current balance of power between the two sides on the battlefield, and now he really wants to take action and defeat the powerful enemy in one fell swoop! But reason is warning him to be cautious. After all, although the enemy general Shen Shuiji cannot come in person, the Pony Beast American Ghost she sent has not yet appeared!

Fang Lin was not on this battlefield at this time.

When he discovered that there were no reincarnations among the enemies in the dark camp, he quickly guessed several ways in which the enemies might attack by surprise. And he had already made all kinds of corresponding preparations, and at the same time hurriedly rushed to the rear!

Fang Lin never thought that he was the only one who could think of the shameless method of putting his comrades on the opposite side. This works both ways. The practice of betrayal is not exclusive to him. The reason why the Taliban and others are unwilling to come is of course because they have more important things to do! Although he didn't know what the Taliban's plan was, but anyway. There was absolutely no mistake in guarding the frightened Hattori Shinzo.

------This is like a bank guard who doesn't know when the robbers will come, but as long as he stands by the banknotes, he will definitely wait for them.

Soon, Fang Lin knew the Taliban's strategy.

The land route to the Ninja Village is difficult, but the air route is smooth!

They come from heaven!

The Taliban turned out to be making hot air balloons outside.

-------Multiple hot air balloons capable of carrying people.

In view of the abnormal physique of reincarnators, the safety of hot air balloons does not need to be considered too much. Comfort can be ignored. As for its most important parts. The skin of the balloon must have been brought from space by the Taliban with a premeditated plan.

certainly. In the Taliban's plan, there is also an element of seeking personal gain for themselves, that is, after capturing Hattori Shinzo, they are not in a hurry to hand it over to Amakusa Shiro Tokisada to claim credit! Instead, he injected the Holy Spirit water into Hattori Shinzo’s body that is specifically designed to restrain monsters! This thing was prepared by Kazuinaka Kazuki, and after Amakusa Shirou Tokisada successfully possesses it, he will cause it to completely attack! If the calculation is done properly, the rewards from Hanazhiyuan and Nakachu will be trivial, and the siege and killing of the weak Amakusa may be successful!

Of course, no matter whether this matter is successful or not... Hattori Hanzo's beloved son will inevitably die.

When Fang Lin rushed to the back of Navel Hair Village, the surrounding area had become a sea of fire!

This can not but be said to be Hattori Hanzo's misstep. He overestimated the danger of the terrain in Ise Izumo Mountain, and one-sidedly believed that the rear was absolutely safe, and even if there were monsters with flying skills, they would not be able to pass through the ninja groups of all generations. The array was arranged, so most of the combat power was transferred to the front mountain. For the ninjas who stayed behind, they were obviously not enough to withstand the crazy offensive of the Taliban guys descending from the sky!

The Taliban's allies on the dark side are three people. When Fang Lin first entered the world and defeated the Evil Copper Duo, two of them appeared. One was a water controller called Heavenly Demon, and the other was called Passing Water. Their strength is of a hidden type, but because Lao Hu and Miss Lin were so sharp under Fang Lin's deliberate cultivation, they were suppressed and became unknown!

This group of people rushed into Navel Village with overwhelming force, directly robbed Hattori Shinzo, and then quickly escaped along a very secret route!

This route was provided to them by Hua Xiyuan and Zhong. In the old man's heart, it was completely worth sacrificing Hattori Shinzo in exchange for the opportunity to kill Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, and to avoid losses to the strong men of the justice camp, so he adopted a method of secret support!

Fang Lin thought for a moment, but did not take action. Taking action now could not quench the thirst from far away. Not only would it not be able to intercept them, but it would trigger a crazy counterattack from his opponents. He could only follow them silently. At this time, his own side There are only three people, but the enemy has six people, and their strength is so complicated and confusing that it is difficult to estimate. There is really no chance of winning if they take action. Only after arriving at the bottom of the mountain and meeting up with the beautiful lady Lao Hu from Lin can we have the strength to fight.

After going down the mountain, the moonlight gradually became brighter, and the deserted color spread all over the ground. The mountains were like iron. Looking back at the gathering place of ninjas on the mountains in the distance: Navel Hair Village was still deserted and peaceful, as if it was quietly asleep, only it was lit just now. The embers of the house are still burning, and they don't look very clear, just like a cigarette butt that is dying but not extinguished.

The "road" taken by the Taliban and others has actually never been traveled by anyone. Along the way, you not only have to climb down cliffs, but also cross river valleys. The terrain is extremely dangerous. It was during the process of collecting herbs that Hanashiin and Naka discovered this dangerous route that led directly to the headquarters of the Iga group of ninjas. But after seeing Navel Village from a distance across several mountains, he figured out the direction and left silently, so even Hattori Hanzo didn't know!

Seeing that the Taliban group was trudging hard, they turned around and walked out of a mountain col, and then walked back to the road at the foot of the mountain. The place was already vast and it was difficult for the stalker to hide his figure. At this time, Fang Lin had already contacted Lao Hu and Lin Yinxiu who were nearby. After the two of them rushed over as quickly as possible, they pounced on the group of six people in front of them. Team! Fang Lin also led the Fourth and Butcher to charge out, forming a pincer attack from both front and back!

It stands to reason that the Taliban and others should have the upper hand if they hit six to five (counting the butchers), but in actual contact, it is not the case! On the contrary, they were beaten to the disadvantage! The reason is very simple, that is, the tactics formulated by Fang Lin hit their weaknesses!

That is to kill Hattori Shinzo first!

In Fang Lin's plan, Hattori Mazo was originally a dispensable link. His only value was to bargain with Hattori Hanzo. Now that we have reached a contract with Hattori Hanzo, of course this guy still has value, but obviously not too much! Therefore, the Taliban side has this sore spot, but Qick, the strong boxer, is obviously not as strong as Thunder Tiger Hu Huahao, so the situation seems very passive! So much so that the water-controlling devil comes from time to time to help defend. His water sword is dense and long, sometimes fluttering as if practiced in vain, sometimes as sharp as a sharp blade, changing at will, which is indeed very strange.

After being fought back and forth for several times, Lao Hu was obviously aroused and his ferocity was aroused. He suddenly roared wildly. The sound was dull, but it caused the branches and leaves on the tree to fall. He faced the enemy opposite and slashed at him. The water jet was coming, and he suddenly faced it with arms as thick as tree trunks!