Ace Evolution

Chapter 35: Mask and cruelty


At such a close distance, the huge roar of the explosion instantly caused Fang Lin to lose his hearing. He only felt that his whole body was being hit by a huge force. wWW!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!COmThe whole person flew straight up, and it took a long time to land on the soft ground. There seemed to be a salty taste in his mouth. He wanted to vomit, but he couldn't vomit anything. The scenery in front of him was all grown up. A blurred image.

After a while, Fang Lin vaguely heard the reminder from the nightmare mark:

"Because the target activates the all-or-nothing skill and converts defense into attack power, its physical defense is zero and its fire resistance is negative. The grenade you threw caused 883+1203 to the boss Te Weisi (the following is additional damage) ) points of fire damage. The target is dead."

"In view of the huge difference in strength between you and the boss Te Weisi, an additional 1,000 points and 2 potential points will be awarded. Note: This reward will not weaken the passing evaluation."

"Task 3: Assist the plot characters to kill the blue-clad thug named Weissvicet.) who was injected with dinosaur genes and became gigantic. It has been completed. Please extract his blood as soon as possible."

At this time, the unconscious plot character Hana's body gradually faded and disappeared, apparently having successfully passed the test. Fang Lin tried his best to get up and get close to the mutilated and scorched corpse of the boss, Te Weisi, but he was unable to do so, struggled a few times and fell down again. All I could do was watch the black blood flowing out from under the boss's body... and a golden key!

There is no doubt that the ownership of this key belongs to Fang Lin. The reason why the last grenade he threw caused so much damage was because the boss, Te Weisi, had used a skill before to convert all the defensive power into attack power. Only then could the explosive power and the lethality of the grenade fragments be achieved. Such a terrifying point.

Therefore, although it seems that Fang Lin actually blew up the boss Special Weisi's last HP value of less than 300 points at most, the thousands of points of overflow damage it caused were also included in the damage statistics, along with The damage caused by his previous attacks naturally gave him the right to control the keys dropped by the boss.

------Unfortunately, this is not a good thing.

The real danger has just begun!

Fang Lin wanted to stand up immediately and run away, as far as he could go, but he could only think about it. His seriously injured body could only barely make some basic movements. Even when he stood up, he was absolutely unable to do anything. An extremely difficult thing to do. Fortunately, the effect of the sandwich that he had swallowed earlier, which could continuously restore his physical strength, had not disappeared, and his physical strength, which was about to reach its end, was slowly and difficultly rising bit by bit.

The first person to stand up was the senior man. He laughed twice, walked directly towards Fang Lin, grabbed his hair and pulled him up!

Fang Lin felt that every hair and foot on his scalp was bulging out, and the pain of acupuncture spread throughout his body. However, his temperament was very tenacious. Even though his hands and feet were limp, he didn't even say a word. He just coughed violently. Blood sprayed.

"Go pick up the key, open the box and hand over the contents to me." The senior man put more force on his hands and said cruelly: "Do as I say, otherwise I guarantee you will regret it."

Fang Lin gasped for air, and a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on his face. The senior man suddenly felt that all the hairs on his body were standing on end. He turned around suddenly and found that the dusty Japanese Nakamura stood up dozens of meters away. He held a knife in both hands and his back was slightly arched, like a wolf. Stared at him fiercely!

The senior man immediately relaxed and sneered:

"What can this guy do to me?"

As he spoke, his free right hand menacingly emitted sharp blue-white lightning. Although it was far less intense than before, it still symbolized that overwhelming advantage!

In an instant, Nakamura's entire body turned into a brilliant stream of light, passing through like the wind, and appeared behind the senior man in just an instant!

The power of this sword... can only be described in four words!

Lightning flash!

The senior man's eyes were widened, the muscles on his face were twisted, showing an expression of disbelief, and there was a "gurgling" sound in his throat, as if he had something to say but couldn't say it!

Nakamura slowly put away the katana in his hand, inserted it into its sheath, and stood up slowly. There was a sympathetic, sarcastic smile on his cold face.

"I may not be able to do anything, but killing you is enough."

At this time, the senior man finally screamed, and a pool of blood suddenly spattered from his chest. His hands were broken at the wrists and fell to the ground with a splat.

Zhongcun looked at Fang Lin and said expressionlessly:

"You knew I was going to deliver this blow?"

Fang Lin smiled bitterly, as if he didn't want to answer, but he finally answered.


"Why?" Nakamura's eyes had narrowed, looking sharp and cold after looking away from his previous cowardly and decadent appearance.

"Because the first one the boss attacks with all his strength is you!" Fang Lin sighed. "This boss's intelligence is quite high. Why did he attack you first? That's because he found that you were the strongest threat, so he used his most powerful skills on you first."

"The most powerful skill?" Nakamura asked thoughtfully.

"Not bad." Fang Lin said: "Yes, it's his gun. This boss only used it twice in total. The first time was for you, and the second time was left for me. Other times he drew his gun, but Just to summon my subordinates.”

Nakamura nodded slightly, but he cut off the senior man's legs with two knives! He looked like he was deep in thought, but there was no warning before he took action. It was really hard to guard against him! The Japanese looked at Fang Lin and said slowly:

"Jun Lin, you have taken great care of me along the way. I should not embarrass you, both emotionally and rationally."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly drew his sword again and slashed to the right and back in an extremely strange way. The target was Ruan Mingyuan, who was also seriously injured five meters away! His body did not move at all, but he flashed in front of the Vietnamese without any warning. With this knife, Ruan Mingyuan was cut into two pieces!

"Facing the wind... cut with one strike!" Nakamura's sword danced with a cold light in the air, and then sheathed it. "This is a sure-kill skill that I mastered before entering the nightmare world! After I deliberately strengthened it, it is even more invincible. No matter whether you are a veteran or a rookie, you will die by my hands!"

Looking at the fierce "companion" in front of him, Fang Lin could only shake his head and laugh bitterly at himself. Suddenly he felt that he was really a fool for trying to kill the boss before. However, he noticed something extremely strange: the shape of Ruan Mingyuan's body. The cross section looked extremely miserable, but no blood flowed out! Instead, it is completely white, as if it has been soaked in water for many years, and then it has a tendency to become lighter!