Ace Evolution

Chapter 357: condition


Because the air barrier is not an abnormal state, it is equivalent to an extremely tough wall surrounding the enemy. WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.CoM Therefore, the enemy will not be able to relieve this state. Unless they are experts in mental power, it will be difficult to quickly break the air barrier! So for Fog Jack, this scroll is really the best choice to complete the mission!

It is worth mentioning that as soon as the Thunderer appeared, many people who were still waiting on the sidelines immediately left obediently. The thunderer has a much louder reputation. If someone tries to do something bad to him, then the ensuing revenge is really possible! This can be seen from the fact that Silver Wolf and Delong were driven by the Thunderer obediently!

Fog Jack made a deep inhaling movement.

At this moment, he felt that he was an extremely unlucky guy. He knew that there was a bottomless abyss in front of him, but he still had to step forward!

"Tell me. Tell me your price."

.He will say: No points or equipment. I'm just happy to see Liexin and want you to have a sparring match with him, so that's all. "

As soon as these light words were thrown out, the hearts of Fog Jack and Thunder were as heavy as if they had been struck by lightning!

In a cruel world like the Nightmare Space, where action can mean life and death, the so-called "discussion" and "point to point" are all nonsense! Victory means robbing the dead, and defeat means losing even the last piece of clothing to cover up one's shame! Just like the difference between water and fire!

Fog Jack was stunned at first, and then his face suddenly turned as cold as pig iron! If Lei Zhe really made this request, could he refuse

If you refuse, you will not only lose your reputation, but you may also lose your only chance to resurrect your pet! If you agree... the chance of defeat. Above the sixth floor!

For a gambler. A 40% winning rate can be said to be enough to make up your mind to give it a try. But when the stakes are not only their entire wealth, but also their own lives, how many people dare to make such a choice!

But the thunderer suddenly turned around! If someone reveals his intentions, then speaking out will not have the effect of preempting others. Moreover, in the eyes of the public, the thunderer must respect his identity. If he really does that, he will undoubtedly give people the impression of being "defeated". The illusion of calling!

Lei Zhe's eyes glanced at dozens of people in this momentary turn of his head. Finally, it stopped on one person's body. On the skin of these dozens of people, the hairs stood up one by one. At the same time, there is also a kind of numbness and tingling due to electric shock! You can imagine how that person felt when he looked at him!

"It's you!"

"It's me." Fang Lin smiled and greeted him enthusiastically as if seeing a long-time friend. "long time no see!"

His calmness was in sharp contrast to the sharp-edged majesty of the thunderer, as if a typhoon was raging on the sea. Despite the violent storm, the sea remains majestic and undiminished in its depth!

In fact, Lei Zhe had the urge to have a life-and-death showdown with Fang Lin again. He was really unwilling to lose last time! But after meeting Fang Lin, the overwhelming feeling of humiliation that was stirred up was extinguished, because the casualness Fang Lin showed was enough to make people feel that in him, many accidents would turn into inevitable!

therefore. Just when everyone else thought that the Thunderer would immediately challenge this guy who didn't care about life and death and messed up his own good things, roaring and tearing him into pieces. But a thought suddenly flashed into Lei Zhe's mind:

"Has this guy found a way to completely restrain me?... Deliberately arranged to challenge him!"

After thinking of this, Lei Zhe calmed down even more and said coldly:

"What are you doing here?"

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"My friend... I miss your follower Mr. Stone very much. He said that the battle that day was actually the most intense and dangerous battle in his life, even surpassing the one that killed Sir Raffles, the leader of the stormtroopers. war!"

Fang Lin's words about the land at this time were definitely not false. Lao Hu had indeed talked about this land with him. At this time, amidst the rumble of war drums, a war flag quietly fell from the sky. On it are two intertwined snakes. But it was the giant stone that was full of fighting spirit. He directly activated the provocation duel function to find Lao Hu. Although the two signed a death contract. But the bet placed is also extremely expensive, at least not less than 20,000 points!

Lao Hu pulled up the flag in front of him, and his loud laughter made people's ears buzz:

"Even if you don't come to me, I will definitely challenge you!"

The two people's figures flashed and disappeared into the space at the same time.

Fang Lin smiled with twinkling eyes:

"I actually want to make a deal with you."

Whenever Lei Zhe sees Fang Lin's smile, there is always a lingering shadow in his heart. Because he couldn't forget that in that battle, which was regarded as the greatest humiliation in his life, the image that remained in his heart before his eyes were blinded was Fang Lin's heart-stopping smile!

Lei Zhe wanted to reject Fang Lin directly, but the unique dignity of the top ten forced him to answer:

"You speak."

Fang Lin took out Momotaro's rice ball (large), and the freely distributed basic attribute points +4 were already very eye-catching. Not to mention the additional bonus of increasing all resistances by 7%

"This." Fang Lin looked at the thunderer and said, "Plus a promise from me to sign a contract in exchange for your domineering Yin Destruction Formation. Pseudo Scroll."

Lei Zhe looked at the rice ball, the eyes behind the mask shrank, and said word by word:

"What promise?"

Fang Lin smiled and suddenly closed his mouth. It was obvious that the two of them were speaking in secret. Soon, Lei Zhe made a decision.

"Okay, deal!"

All those who listened with their ears cocked wanted to dig out the secret conversation between the two! Everyone wanted to know what promise Fang Lin made that was so valuable! But it seems that the two parties concerned are unlikely to take the initiative to solve the puzzle in their minds.

After getting the domineering Yin Destruction Formation and fake scroll, Fang Lin shook it at the black fog man Fog Jack:

"Hey... Do you want to change? I'll add 20,000 points. Of course, I also have to add a small request."

Although this price seems to be Fang Lin's advantage, considering Wu Jack's actual situation, it is more reasonable, because judging from the current situation, for Wu Jack, Fang Lin is afraid that he will ask him for 20,000 yuan. You also have to buy points. But Fog Jack didn't show any joy at all. He felt the respect and fear Lei Zhe had for the smiling and gentle young man in front of him, and said cautiously:

"First tell me what your little request is."

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"I just want to know the detailed process of resurrecting a pet... Because I also have a pet that is very cherished. No one can guarantee that I can protect him, but information in this area is very rare. I have prepared for a rainy day. It should be."

Foggy Jack breathed a visibly relieved sigh. He simply told him the information Fang Lin wanted in a confidential manner, and the two quickly reached a deal. Fang Lin succeeded in paying a Momotaro rice ball (large) + 20,000 points + an unknown promise. In exchange for mission activation items that can only be dropped by the famous general **OSS in the main gold mission!

-------Xiahou's head!

A group of people saw that Fang Lin had picked up this ready-made bargain. As soon as Lei Zhe and Fog Jack left, there were immediately some people who were short-sighted and wanted to surround him and try to use both soft and hard tactics to take advantage of him! As the saying goes, power makes people stupid, they were fooled by Fang Lin's gentle smile, but they didn't even think about what kind of person he could be who could make even the thunderers a little afraid.

At this time, a pair of big hands suddenly stretched out from the void and made a forceful movement to open them to both sides. What then stretched out was a pair of thick arms with muscle lines as strong as rocks! Just like that, the space was torn apart and the whole person appeared in the square! This man's body was severely injured, and it looked as if there were a few more cracks on the rock, and stone powder was still falling.

Of course he is a follower of Thunder.


As soon as the boulder appeared, Fang Lin's heart sank.

----------Sinked deeply.

If the boulder appeared first, it meant Lao Hu's defeat. Fang Lin didn't pay attention to the tens of thousands of points he lost, but the psychological trauma a person suffered due to failure is not so easy to heal. Especially for a wild and heroic person like Lao Hu, it is easy for him to fall into despair after experiencing a relatively long period of success and then failure.

But what Fang Lin didn't expect was that the huge stone that returned to the space after being seriously injured was not in a hurry to heal himself. Instead, he limped one leg and took a step forward, then turned around and stretched his hand into the space. After a pull, the other person was also pulled out. Of course, this person was Lao Hu, who was also covered in bruises. Although their hands separated as soon as they came together, the look of sympathy in their eyes could not be erased.

"It looks like it's a draw." Fang Lin looked at Lao Hu, who was lame on his left leg, and whispered to Miss Lin, "I'm afraid the two of them are having a friendly relationship, but I don't know if Lei Zhe will be jealous."

At this time, the few speculators surrounding Fang Lin had already fled faster than flies----------his followers can fight to a tie with huge rocks. If you deal with such people, you will probably be punished. He swallowed so hard that not even half of the bones were left!

Miss Lin pinched him and said angrily:

"Can you talk? What does jealousy mean? By the way, what kind of rice soup did you feed Lei Zhe? He was actually willing to let you take such a huge advantage in exchange for that scroll?"