Ace Evolution

Chapter 374: Blood and snow


Blood flowed on the ground drop by drop. WWw. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. Com is like a bright red and cruel flower.

Amidst the howling cold wind, snowflakes poured in from the place where the two men broke in the fierce fight, dissolving in the air while dancing, looking like punctuation in writing, constantly annotating the brutality of the battle. .

The mixture of snow and blood originally represents beauty and cruelty.

Hou Bo dragged his injured leg with the pale white bones exposed, held down the burnt black arm section, and crawled on the ground with an expressionless face. Every time he climbed out, the corners of his eyes would tremble slightly, and the injured leg The fragments of broken bones were piercing into the flesh and blood, and the pain was unbearable. But he gritted his teeth, what he saw in his eyes, and what he thought in his heart was to kill the man in front of him who had been punched back to his original shape. , has always been a strong-willed guy!

"I knew it... I knew it!" Hou Bo endured the excruciating pain and crawled hard on the ground. The distance of fourteen or five meters that he usually covered in one step seemed so long now. He was almost I want to yell: "If I had known, I would have just clung to him! Why did you send him flying so far for nothing!"

However, what reassures Hope is that the guy in front of him has no physical strength and is close to exhausted mentally. He is still suffering from the punishment of the nightmare space, and he obviously drank a bottle of comprehensive recovery potion before the battle, so in It is also cooling down while drinking the medicine, and I am determined not to drink the second bottle!

Without the energy supply from the remaining pages of historical records, the four instinctive fighting consciousness mixed in Fang Lin's body was like water without a source or a tree without roots. They can only refuse to give up. The purpose of instinct is to protect the body from being obliterated and take over the body on its own. However, after the energy supply is gone, if they do not return control to the main body, then they may not wait for the outside world to take action. The body itself has been sucked alive by them and turned into a human being!

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Lin's own subjective consciousness also recovered. He had been watching the development of the situation as a bystander. Now the fighting instinct in his body has withdrawn into the back of his mind like a tide. All kinds of sour, spicy, painful, numb and other sensations returned to Fang Lindi again! It felt as if all the bones in his body were about to break, and he looked over at the vicious and ferocious look. Hou Bo, who was crawling towards himself, suddenly smiled coldly, took out a prop from his arms, and drank it!

"Shenlong Ancient Water (medium), an A+ level prop. This prop is exclusive to the world of the Three Kingdoms. It can only be dropped by famous generals in the Three Kingdoms. It can be obtained from tasks above S level difficulty. After drinking it, it can quickly restore your 50% in 2 minutes. % mental power. You cannot move during the drinking process. If you are attacked while drinking, the mental power value may be permanently reduced."

After extorting the divine dragon ancient water from the Thunder Man, Fang Lin had realized the value of this thing. So I searched around in the space and finally bought a bottle at a high price! Therefore, although the nightmare space penalty still exists at this time and drugs below A level cannot be used, Fang Lin can use this thing directly!

Although the prerequisites for using Shenlong Ancient Water are that he cannot move and cannot be attacked, in the current situation, Fang Lin cannot move (he cannot move even if he wants to) and cannot be attacked (because he will die as soon as he touches it). It was a match made in heaven. After his mental strength recovered a little, Fang Lin smiled gently. Pulling out the silver plot weapon, the black muzzle of the gun was aimed at the frightened Hope's head.

"You must not forget one thing. I am actually a person with special mental abilities."

Hou Bo watched the little bits of blue light converge towards the muzzle of the gun in Fang Wood, with a look of crazy despair in his eyes! But his men began to crawl faster! A long trail of blood was left behind!

But Fang Lin sighed softly, pulled the trigger directly, and a cold silver-white bullet hit Hope in front of him. A circle of icy energy spread directly, coating the ground with a layer of crystal ice! Hou Bo's hands and feet were frozen in the ice. The shackles that usually break away seemed to be an insurmountable chasm! He screamed and struggled hard, his skin being torn and bloody. Finally free. But Fang Lin's second Taoist bullet began to accumulate energy again!

The distance between the two at this time was less than 7 meters, but it was only seven meters short. It’s enough to kill hope into despair!

Seeing Fang Lindi's third bullet glowing and taking shape outside the muzzle of the gun, Hou Bo laughed half-heartedly. He had nothing to say and no way to go. He closed his eyes and touched his throat with the dagger he held tightly in his right hand!

Warm bright red splashed out directly from the throat. Hou Bo's body twitched and rolled directly down the slope next to him. From the gap in the glass curtain wall that was broken by the two people's fierce fight, the cold wind rolled directly down. Howling tall buildings…

If he fell from this height, even Lao Hu, who was in his best condition, would have a narrow escape from death, let alone Hou Bo, who cut his own throat after being seriously injured? Since he couldn't kill Fang Lin, he didn't want to get the benefits of being killed by Fang Lin, so he killed himself cleanly!

Fang Lin sighed. The reason why he didn't use Taoist bullets and flames to knock out too much of his opponent's physical strength at once was because he didn't want to make Hou Bo completely despair and cause this to happen. Who knew that this ferocious dwarf was not only cruel to others, but also cruel to himself! Once he saw through Fang Lin's intentions, he directly chose to commit suicide!

"Hey..." Fang Lin smiled bitterly and shook his head. He could actually let Hou Bo get a little closer, use the looming hope to seduce him and wear away his will to die, and finally highlight the strange soldiers and kill him with one strike. But ever since he entered the world of kof, he has made miscalculations every step of the way, running into obstacles at every turn, almost always trying to make ends meet. If it weren't for the blood of the Heavenly Gods and the fragmented pages of historical records that were successfully combined to exert a powerful effect of 1+1 greater than 2, I believe that my bones would have been cold!

Therefore, he became extremely cautious, and would rather give up Hope's key to ensure his absolute safety!

Fang Lin stretched out his palm and caught a snowflake, squinting and leaning against the pillar to examine it. But his thoughts wandered to a mystery from the battle just now. That is, the battle lasted for about fourteen minutes from beginning to end, and the duration on the remaining pages of the historical records indicated that it was only 300 seconds. Where does this extra time come from

The only explanation is that an attribute of "Li Dian's headscarf" on Fang Lin's head: "The duration of all skills +20%.", and the necklace he wore around his neck when using the fragmentary pages of historical records: "Gloomy. Jewelry: Skill power and duration will be increased by 18%."

The accumulated duration of these two pieces of equipment is extended by 38%, which can actually be added to the duration of the remaining pages of historical records after use!

The reason why Fang Lin wore the Gloomy Jewels at that time was because he wanted to give the Butcher the "crazy" skills that came with powerful magic. I didn’t change it when I used the fragmentary pages of historical records. It was only when the war started later that I changed it to the +7 robot andigos core.

Unexpectedly, this unintentional act at the time turned out to be a key factor in determining the final outcome of this battle!

It can be seen from this that the eight words "people make plans and God makes things happen" are definitely not unreasonable.

At this time, Fang Lin suddenly raised his eyebrows, and immediately pointed his gun at the door. There was a soft "pop" sound. When the mahogany furniture door, which was as smooth as a mirror, opened, a middle-aged man ran in anxiously. He saw the gorgeous broken chandelier on the ground. After screaming, he was just taking the phone out of his pocket when his whole body suddenly froze.

Because he saw a black muzzle pointing at him.

Not everyone can remain calm even when a gun is pointed at them like the reincarnator. This middle-aged man's reaction is quite normal. Therefore, even the gentle smile on Fang Lin's face was directly affected by this trembling guy. Ignored. Trembling:

" much do you want?"

Paralyzed, leaning on the table, Fang Lin smiled and shook his head:

"I don't want money."

"I, I, I, I have gold and dollars!" The middle-aged Japanese man was about to cry. "Who asked you to kill me? I'll give you double, no, five times the price!"

"I told you I don't want money." Fang Lin sighed. "As long as you do one thing."

The middle-aged Japanese man fell to his knees with a pop and cried:

"I only have one billion yen in assets, and I will give them all to you. Please forgive me! Don't let me jump off the building like Kuami did!"

Fang Lin rolled his eyes and said:

"I just want you to make me a cup of hot milk and bring me a blanket. The place where I lie is on the wind vent, and it's very cold."

So when the anxious Miss Lin and Lao Hu hurriedly broke in, they saw Fang Lin huddled comfortably on the sofa, wrapped in fur, holding a cup of steaming whole milk in his hand and slowly Sip slowly. And a middle-aged man with a sad face stayed beside him like a servant.

Fang Lin raised his eyes, chuckled and said to the roof:

"I left one for you above, that's interesting."