Ace Evolution

Chapter 377: Live mouth


In the astonished eyes of the firefighters and police, Fang Lin and his group of five people covered their mouths and noses and quickly rushed into the burning Chaohe Zushi Club building. wWw、qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo、COmIn this kind of fire scene, the biggest threat is not the flames, but the toxic smoke emitted by the burning of modern industrial chemical paints, which will not only blind people's sight, making it impossible to find ways to survive. The route will even cause terrible consequences such as difficulty breathing and dizziness, which can directly cause people to choke and faint.

Fang Lin had the very useful skill of mental detection, and coupled with his powerful memory, he successfully led them straight to the president's office. The elevator is naturally out of service at this time. Immediately run up the stairs,

The running speed of their group of reincarnations was certainly extraordinary. Under their full sprint, broken footprints were trampled on the stairs. Gray smoke filled the air and rocks flew everywhere! But Fang Lin became more and more frightened. Along the way, the corpses of the Kawashima family's guards and employees could be seen everywhere. That was fine, but there were not even any corpses of the members of the incoming nest-sound organization. ! It seems like a complete victory, which is quite unbelievable. If even the little guys are so strong, then the strength of this nest-sound organization is too amazing!

When approaching the president's office, Fang Lin finally saw the body of an outsider. This person's weapons had obviously been taken away by his companions, but from his body, he should be able to obtain a lot of effective information. Lin squatted down, and as soon as his fingers touched this person's skin, a strange illusion immediately occurred in his heart.

That's just not true.

Although in terms of touch. Or if human skin is so soft and elastic, it always gives people a strange feeling, as if the plastic flowers, no matter how well they are made, cannot have that fresh brilliance of life.

Fang Lin calmly tore off the guy's clothes and found out his fatal injury - it was on the chest near the heart. It seemed that he had been hit with a huge force in front of him, causing the bones to break and dent. , Fang Lin directly cut open the muscles and bones with a knife and stretched his hand in. In the warm blood, Fang Lin's fingers felt several cold and hard places. He groped for a while, pulled the button smoothly, and when he took it out, there was a round shiny metal block in his hand, with a few lines of English letters on it, which seemed to be a certain model.

"This person's heart and brain are actually just decorations." Fang Lin quickly came to this conclusion. "He is actually a cyborg. This powerful battery and internal mechanical structure are the sources that dominate his behavior. However, judging from his injuries, he was directly punched in the chest, and will be placed behind the heart. The battery shook loose. A life was lost."

At this time, in the billowing smoke, Old Hu in front suddenly groaned. He lost his center of gravity and fell forward directly, but his reaction was also extremely fast. When he was about to fall to the ground, he pressed his hands to the ground! With a "pop" sound, the hard and smooth marble floor tiles were directly slapped into pieces, and two deep handprints appeared. And with the reaction force of the slap, Lao Hu jumped up directly before rolling on the ground! Those swift yet powerful movements are almost as if a beast is hunting!

In the thick smoke, the battle was extremely fierce, and Lao Hu felt that the enemy's punch was heavy. Not only was his attack in vain, but the shock caused his hands to ache. At this time, Fang Lin raised his voice from a distance:

"Break off his limbs!"

Hu Huahao, who was good at fighting, immediately woke up, stopped fighting, and grabbed the enemy's arm with his backhand. She sat down with her shoulders down, turned sideways and pressed against his chest, and at the same time bent her elbows and struck down, hitting his joints hard!

There was only a crisp "click" sound, and the enemy's right hand had been twisted in the opposite direction to a ridiculous extent. But he seemed unaware of the severe pain. Without saying a word, he directly counterattacked with his left hand, but Lao Hu refused to give in or avoid it. Step forward with your feet and throw it down! The enemy immediately lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground. Lao Hu took advantage of the situation and stumbled, striking like the wind, and immediately broke the enemy's limbs!

Beauty Lin wielded her silver long axe, slashing out three crescent-shaped silver beams, spinning directly into the smoke on the opposite side. Silver light could be faintly seen shooting around, obviously hitting the target, and Lao Si grabbed it directly, with his hand The Dark Gold Tower Shield on the ground was already in front of them, and a red light suddenly flashed in the thick smoke on the opposite side! Only a loud bang was heard! The fourth child who had just stood still felt as if the shield in his hand had been hit by a huge sledgehammer! The entire person was blown away without saying a word, his back hit the wall hard, and he choked and coughed violently after landing.

But at this moment, the butcher quietly threw out the long hook in his hand!

The thick and long iron chain shining with purple-black light bent in an arc like a poisonous snake and shot into the smoke! When he pulled it back, the end of the bloody meat hook had already wrapped around a person.

This guy had a cold expression and a tall build. He also held a bright, large-caliber firearm in his hand, with smoke curling out of the muzzle. This man didn't have the slightest bit of panic, and with a look of fear on his face, he immediately punched the butcher hard!

The butcher who had turned on the rot found that his purple-black poisonous gas didn't seem to have much effect on him. In a fit of rage, he drew out the Thousand Man Slash and slashed his head and face, but the effect was not as good as expected. When the sharp blade of Thousand People Slash struck his body, it made a soft "dang-dang" sound. The most important thing was that the man's own resistance seemed to be quite high, and various abnormal conditions seemed to be very weak on him. Show up less!

"These guys should be half clones and half robots." Fang Lin said lightly: "To deal with them, we should use blunt weapons to hit them."

Beauty Lin immediately woke up, jumped up in the air, twirled around, and wielded the silver long axe, directly hitting the guy who was attacking the Butcher on the back of the head with the thick back of the axe. Sparks flew everywhere, and the man was immediately thrown away, collapsing a wall, and then he stood up with a roll, his eyes flashing red, and he took a few steps, but it gave people a mechanical and awkward feeling. When the left foot is released, the left hand is also released, just like a toddler.

At this time, Fang Lin's gun muzzle was already gathering silver-white light, and then the cold bullet formed a thick layer of ice on the man's knees. The guy took a few steps with difficulty, and finally collapsed. Next, his body mechanically twitched and squirmed on the ground for a few times, and finally stopped.

Lin Yinxiu gasped and waved his hands and said:

"This guy has a really hard head."

Fang Lin saw that her hands were bleeding from the previous violent shock, which showed how powerful the impact of the ax was. At this time, the fourth child also regained his breath, got up and said with a bitter smile:

"Their weapons are so powerful. Is Lao Hu okay after being hit earlier?"

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"This weapon also needs to be charged to exert its maximum power. Their first attack previously treated us as ordinary people, so they directly used instant launch, so the power is also limited. You and I are a little worried, but now it seems that we should fine."

At this time, Lao Hu limped back, patted Lao Si on the shoulder and said:

"Your awareness of filling in positions is very good."

Fang Lin nodded, acknowledging Lao Hu's words, but glanced at Xin Yuan and said: "To deal with these half-human, half-machine guys, I'm afraid Xin Yuan's ability is the most efficient in the end. Let's go, hey... But... Now that the guys from the nest-sound organization who stayed to finish things off have begun to evacuate, I’m afraid we won’t be able to find any effective clues.”

Although he said this, Fang Lin and others continued to search forward. The headquarters of the Kawashima family was on the sixth floor of this building. Japanese buildings have to make full use of the building space, so the height of the sixth floor is not very high. It was so high that the five of them were not afraid that their escape route would be blocked by the flames. They could not fall to death even if they jumped directly below.

Soon, the five people came to the president's room. The battle was the fiercest here, and of course there were the most bodies. It looked like blood was splashed on the water, and broken limbs were scattered everywhere. It was quite tragic. Here Fang Lin The body of a man wearing a white martial arts uniform was found, and three members of the nest-sound organization fell beside him. However, this man also died miserably, and his chest seemed to have been struck by something sharp. The drill drilled out a huge bloody hole at high speed. The wound as big as a basin extended from the chest to the back, and the broken bones also penetrated the body!

At this time, the fire was getting more and more raging. It was too late to take a closer look at the scene. Fang Lin pointed his middle finger on his eyebrows, closed his eyes tightly, and a light blue mental barrier slowly spread out with him as the center. This was a sign that he was scrutinizing his surroundings with all his might.

Suddenly Fang Lin raised his eyebrows, took a step forward and said:

"There is another living person!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his feet suddenly shook violently. In order to destroy all kinds of evidence, people from the Nest-Sound organization actually planted a time bomb in this building!