Ace Evolution

Chapter 378: Hongmen’s reinforcements?


The 40-story Asawa Ju-style club building was recently built. Because Japan is in a high-risk earthquake zone, extremely advanced frame-shear alloy design was adopted. It is said to be indestructible in small earthquakes and can be easily repaired in medium earthquakes. , the earthquake did not collapse. wWw,QUanbEn-xIAoShUo,CoMThe quality is therefore excellent. Even if the nest-sound organization had deployed a considerable number of time bombs in key parts of the building in advance, the building would only be crumbling, but it could still hold on.

At this time, the five members of Fang Lin were like a ship in the center of a storm. They felt that their footing was unstable. The murals hanging on the surrounding walls and the lamps hanging on the ceiling all fell. The furniture and cabinets were tilted here and there, slipping everywhere, and the old Hu's two thick black eyebrows were directly tangled between his eyebrows. He punched deeply into the wall next to him and shouted eagerly amidst the flying bricks and stones:


Fang Lin, with a cold face, rushed inside! Although his strength and agility are not high, in just a short moment, he has identified several fixed points on the wall, such as shelves for hanging coats and hats, fixed cabinets for placing documents, etc. to use his strength, and he quickly pounces on them. Inside, from the general manager's office, a man with a bruised face was carried out in a straightforward manner!

This man's eyes were white and he was fat. His body was still twitching slightly before death. There was a pen stuck in his chest and heart, and blood was flowing across it. He was a member of the Kawashima family who had dealt with Fang Lin and the others in the past. The helmsman is better than the next best. No matter how you looked at it, he was certain to die, but Fang Lin tore open his coat and took out a deformed pendant from his neck - it was this thing that blocked the A killing blow!

Even so, if Fang Lin and the others don't come. Katsujio still couldn't escape death, and his neck had become horribly crooked. The tongue is also sticking out slightly. It looks like a hanged person. This was because he was hit so hard in the throat that even the throat bones were shattered. The man who killed him first hit his throat and then picked up a pen and stabbed it into his heart. He obviously had the intention of killing him!

After Fang Lin took over, he immediately poured a small amount of comprehensive recovery potion into Katsujio. This A-level item can restore all status and 1/3 of the physical strength instantly, and it can be used every 72 hours. The purchase price of Nightmare Space is 5,000 points and 1 potential point. It has been proven in the Three Kingdoms world that this thing can play a certain role in most plot characters.

"We got it! Let's go!" Fang Lin directly threw Katsujio, who had woken up from a painful groan, to the butcher. The rest of the people broke through the windows and left. But at this moment, the member of the nest-sound organization whose limbs were broken by Lao Hu screamed strangely, ignoring the pain in his body, and threw himself directly at Shengci in the butcher's thick arms in a weird posture. Xiong, look at that, he is actually going to bite his throat with his mouth!

At this time, the building was already shaking violently. The Butcher hugged the person with its arms, and it was a bit clumsy and slow in its movements. It also did not dare to use the Decay skill because of the relationship between Katsujio and Katsujio, so it was somewhat helpless!

But this man bit him on one arm! The dense white teeth are embedded in the strong and dense muscles! The salty taste of blood filled his mouth. But Fang Lin saw that the situation was not good and directly resisted the bite with his own arm!

I don't know why, but the pain made Fang Lindi's head buzz all of a sudden! Coupled with the current crisis situation, the pupils of his eyes suddenly turned into a light purple! He roared violently in his throat, and thrust out the two fingers of his right hand like lightning. Pierced the enemy's eyes. Penetrate deeply into the brain! The smooth feeling on his fingertips made cruel and violent pleasure surge in his heart, and he pulled down hard. He crushed the two punctured eyeballs alive and gouged them out!

The building shook more violently, and the cracks in the bricks on the wall showed a z-shaped crack, which was rapidly expanding. The steel bars inside were as thick as a child's arm and were twisted and cracked like dough. Fang Lin wanted to leave, but he was trapped behind him. This former member of the nest-sound organization is clinging to him! His heavy body fell on Fang Lin's body like a weight, and he made up his mind to die together!

The crazy purple color in Fang Lin's eyes became more and more intense. He closed his eyes, but a blazing purple flame suddenly rose in the palm of his hand!

This time it’s not the kind of deceptive trick that has no lethality and is only superficial but tangible! It was the flames of destruction that even the furious Fang Lin himself sent out unconsciously! Fang Lin first hit him in the abdomen, causing his whole body to curl up like a prawn, and then the flame in his palm was cold, violent, unruly, and hysterical with a desire to vent!

------He directly pressed it on the faces of members of the nest-sound organization!

Thick purple flames, as thick as flesh, poured directly from this guy's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Its brain was burned cleanly, and several dull explosions sounded in its body. His whole body finally fell down softly, as if all his joints had been torn apart and hollowed out.

But Fang Lin still didn't stop, and continued to tear at the enemy's corpse with extreme violence. It felt like a beast more than a human! Blood spurted out everywhere, gradually extinguishing the indescribable anger in his heart. It's just that at this time, the entire office space has shown a weird diamond-shaped distortion, and it seems that it will collapse at any time. The moment Fang Lin just threw himself out of the window, the entire 100-meter building was like a huge monster, collapsing and collapsing in the billowing smoke. , the entire huge building squeezed directly in his direction!

Fang Lin is definitely not the mutant evolution of Zhao Quan! If he was buried directly under the rubble like this, he wouldn't be able to survive for eight minutes, let alone eight hours. He could see the roaring and falling brick pillars falling in front of him, about to engulf him, and he had already landed on the ground with Katsushiro in his arms. But the butcher had already thrown out his long hook, and hooked Fang Lin out of the terrifying death collapse area in mid-air!

The ground beat violently, and large clouds of smoke and dust mixed with flames spread out. The huge broken building hit about one meter behind Fang Lin and fell with heavy weight. The flying dust covered everyone.

Fang Lin breathed a sigh of relief and patted the dust on his body. Even though he was quite calm in doing things, he couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought about what happened before. He wanted to pat the dust off his body, but inadvertently, the remaining flames in his hand wiped his clothes. It was immediately ignited, but how could Iori's purple flame be easily extinguished? He was in a hurry for a while and looked quite embarrassed.

Beauty Lin and Lao Hu looked at him with strange expressions, their angry and funny expressions looked very helpless. Lao Hu pointed to his head and said:

"Is there something wrong with you again? Are you actually playing a heart-pounding suspense game at this time?"

Fang Lin smiled bitterly and said:

"It seems so. The guy whose limbs you broke hugged me."

Beauty Lin looked at Fang Lin's hand and said with a bit of surprise:

"Your hand is okay?!"

When she said this, Fang Lin suddenly remembered that in the past, when he extracted the life energy from the body of his subordinates who were under the powerful magic spell to use the tricks of Yagami or Chris, he would often burn his body, but before, in an unconscious state, Purple flames emitted, but the skin on his hands was intact! This probably means one thing, that is, his body has begun to slowly adapt to the divine blood in his body----------Of course, just the previous purple flame made Fang Lin's body tremble all over. The feeling of being hollowed out was felt all over again.

At this time, the large-scale collapse of the building had gradually settled. Fang Lin looked at the crowd gradually gathering around to carry out search and rescue and final fire-fighting work. He directly helped Katsujio and walked out. He also got a black RV and left. That turbulent and chaotic fire scene.

At this time, Katsujio was basically out of danger, but when he saw Fang Lin and Lao Hu, a look of surprise appeared on his face. Apparently, he still remembered these two "superpowers" who had helped him a lot." Violent Panting, he took out a document tremblingly from the secret pocket on his chest and handed it out. He seemed to want to say something, but he immediately rolled his eyes and passed out.

Fang Lin took the document and looked at it. The title on it was:

"kyo copy plan & kyo clone plan!"

"Plan content: Capture Kyo Sochi, extract his blood and infuse it into a designated experimental human body, so that the imported body possesses the fire of Sochi. Then rely on the brainwashed experimental products of the "kyo copy project" to launch terrorist incidents around the world . Gradually increase the organization’s influence.”

"It is expected that in 1999, several Kyo Kyo Kyo's DNA will be used to clone several Kyo Kyo and form an army. After inputting the primer information, they will carry out global military destruction. This plan will be led by middle-level cadres who are also test subjects of the "kyo cloning project" The krizalid is responsible."

"The cloning plan: Based on Iori Yagami's body, we will completely improve the two currently available models: the K999 model and the Maxima cyborg. The current goal is to capture Iori Yagami...nest• s chief igniz, November 1998."

Fang Lin took a deep breath. He now finally understood the terrible and terrible situation that he and others were facing. The current situation... is quite difficult! At this time, after Lin Yinxiu gave Katsujio two mouthfuls of water, the chairman finally woke up again and said in a hoarse voice:

"They... they are going to attack Ken, who was sent by the US headquarters for support! Please... please go and support!"