Ace Evolution

Chapter 382: Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist


This shot really turned into an elbow. Fang Lin really didn't expect that this member of the nest-sound organization, who was completely controlled by him, would suddenly betray him! At such a close distance, he was defenseless and could only watch the shot coming!

Fortunately, although this gun was very powerful, its aim was a little crooked. Fang Lin's head was obviously prepared, but when he pulled the trigger, his hand was deflected! The appearance looked quite strange, as if there was an invisible big hand hitting the gun-holding wrist of this member of the nest-sound organization directly. WWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoM

Therefore, the red light flew directly against Fang Lin's cheek, burning a few strands of hair, and even smelled a faint burnt smell at the tip of his nose. Then it was nailed deeply to the pillar behind Fang Lin, and exploded with a delay of one second!

The pillars of the smooth and gorgeous terminal building were suddenly blocked and exploded, creating a basin-sized dent, and the surrounding marble tiles were also blown to pieces! Dust and smoke filled the air, and gravel hit Fang Lin's back, causing pain.

At this time, before Fang Lin could move, a black light rushed out with a roar beside him. It looked like a black piglet, but its muscles and bones expanded rapidly in mid-air and changed rapidly, turning into a pair of hound-sized pigs. It was a monster with a head, and its claws and claws were shining with a metallic black sheen. The muscles on its body were quite developed, giving people a very strong and powerful feeling at first glance. It bit the man who fell to the ground in pain with one bite. On the throats of members of the nest-sound organization!

It's Bobby!

During the crisis on the rooftop, Fang Lin never summoned it. Previously, he was worried about its safety and feared that it would not be resurrected after death, so he did not use it. Later, it was gradually eroded by the blood of the heavenly gods. Didn’t have time to use it!

Fang Lin was slightly surprised. He also didn't expect that Bobby's actions would be so fast and violent, and it was too late to stop him. After it bites the enemy, the area where the enemy was bitten immediately turns black and rots, and a trace of black air penetrates directly into it. This is because the teeth are poisoned by the devil's poison ------- -This special passive ability was devoured from Luo Jiangshen’s beloved dog, American Ghost. Bobby pinned the enemy tightly with both claws, and the two vicious heads kept tearing apart. The member of the nest-sound organization twitched a few times, and there were a few muffled sounds in the body and then stopped moving.

Fang Lin got the prompt immediately:

"Your pet Bobby killed a Class II member of the nest-sound organization."

"Your actions are recognized by Hongmen (USA). The favorability in Hongmen is +150, and the current reputation is: Respected

At this time, Fang Lin understood the reason why this member of the nest-sound organization attacked him even though he was controlled by him. That was because his mental control could only take effect on living creatures, while the nest-sound organization member attacked him even though he was controlled by him. -sound) organization members actually control their actions, but it is the chip computer installed in the body. That's why there was a shot with a deflected aim -----The organism controlled by Fang Lin tried its best to prevent the behavior of harming Fang Lin, while the computer chip wanted to execute the will of killing the enemy! Such a contradiction results in a "crash" phenomenon.

At this time, Lao Hu and Miss Lin had succeeded, but Lao Si had already exposed his whereabouts. He is a person who focuses on defense rather than attack, so it is best to cooperate with Xin Yuan. At this time, he cannot make a surprise attack. It is also reasonable.

After the four people worked together to eliminate the four sniper killers who were members of the nest-sound organization in the south, the five people in the north had noticed that their colleagues were being attacked, and they immediately shot and chased them with fear and anger! It's just that Fang Lin and the other two are not ordinary people, and their dodge and evasion abilities are also top-notch. Under Fang Lin's coordination, after the fourth child forcibly blocked an incoming high-energy bomb with the dark gold tower shield, a sudden explosion sounded in the distance. There was a thunderous gunshot!

But it was the Butcher who stayed outside and activated the +4 G4/PSG anti-material gun!

What he fired at this time was a fin-stabilized tungsten-centered arrow-shaped bullet carefully selected by Fang Lin. A white light as thick as a flashlight shot out, and the powerful blow hit a member of the Nest-Sound organization. Gotta fly straight up. White light splashed everywhere, pushing him up to a height of seventeen or eight meters, and exploded into a ball of tragic fireworks mixed with flesh and blood!

The tail stabilized the main body of the tungsten-centered arrow-shaped projectile, but its power remained intact, spinning at high speed and flying out like a shadow of death. The sound of "wave" penetrated the chest of another member of the nest-sound organization.

This blow was silent, and it felt like a ghost was sneaking in. The high heat on the metal projectile body of the arrow-shaped projectile with a stabilized tungsten heart even penetrated the guy's heart. At the same time, it also burned the blood vessel sections of the wound. So burnt that it took two seconds. The blood happily breaks through this weak barrier and rushes out!

Kill two birds with one stone!

The guy froze in shock for a long time. He looked at the hole in his chest in disbelief, and finally fell to the ground.

at the same time. Fang Lin had already gotten close enough to the range where the powerful magic spell could work, and directly used the spell to control the guy with the best position! His ontological consciousness immediately had a strong conflict with the chip embedded in his body! Taking advantage of the blind spot that appeared at this point, Lao Hu, Miss Lin, and Bobby rushed towards the remaining two members of the nest-sound organization!

It goes without saying that Lao Hu and Miss Lin have experienced hundreds of battles and have a tacit understanding of cooperation. However, Bobby's strength is beyond Fang Lin. The explosive power and destructive power it shows during the attack are really... It is quite terrifying. The double-headed serial bites often cause continuous bleeding and corrosive (reduced defense) damage to the enemy. Against members of the nest-sound organization with low physical strength and low defense, it is almost impossible to deal with them. It's easy!

But Bobby's weakness is that its own ability to continue fighting is very poor. At present, it is like Cheng Yaojin's three-blade axe. Once the enemy withstands its ferocious early attack, lack of physical strength becomes the biggest drawback. However, one thing must be taken into consideration: it is still a larvae, and it is already quite impressive to be able to perform like this.

After the snipers around them were eliminated, the pressure on Sakazaki Ryo and Ken, who were fighting hard downstairs, was suddenly relieved. You know, although these powerful snipers did not take action, the invisible pressure they brought was considerable. It's so big, it's like when two people are dueling, but there is a circle of archers with malicious intentions standing next to them, bows and arrows, they will inevitably be distracted and vigilant.

Now that the trouble is over, Sakazaki Ryo suddenly shouted loudly, took half a step back with his left foot, and crossed his hands in front of his face. It seemed that he was fully defending, but when two K999 clones were lured to jump forward and attack, , but there was a crunching sound under his feet, and the floor exploded with a bang. The earth and stone floor on the ground shattered and sprayed out on both sides like a fountain. Sakazaki Ryoxian clearly retracted his right fist, and the muscle lines on his naked arm appeared extremely clear. , after accumulating strength, a light flashed on the body, and the punch roared with a strong wind sound, and was wrapped with a white light that shone like a flame. It struck out with lightning speed, actually trying to shake those two The famous k999's left hand turned into a black spiral drill!

Extreme karate S-level skills!

--------Heaven and Earth... Overlord Fist! (Arcade moves: --•a or c) c

Sparks flew from the black mechanical alloy drill that was transformed into the left hand of the K999 clone! The white light that shines like flames on Ryo Sakazaki's fist appears to be as hard as steel! The high-speed rotating drill made an extremely unpleasant sound, was twisted and deformed, and then directly broke and cracked. Blood mixed with white nutrient solution and other disgusting things flowed out from the end of the limb.

Another K999 clone was hit directly in the face by the remnant of the punch. He flipped backwards and fell out. He broke several stainless steel railings in the terminal and was dying before his eyes. Fortunately, another clone of Maxima took over in time and intercepted Ryo Sakazaki's pursuit. But the pressure on Ken's side was greatly reduced, and he also launched his unique move at the same time:

Tornado Cyclone Kick.

He roared and hit an enemy with continuous volleys and spin kicks. He kicked his neck seven times in a row, and then added a wave punch. Even though the clone of Maxima was rough-skinned and fleshy, it couldn't help but suffer such severe damage to its vitals. After being directly knocked away, its neck had already shown a weird amplitude. It seemed that the neck bones had been shattered, quite a bit. Due to the loss of the connection between the brain and the body. Therefore, even though he did not die due to the powerful ability of his mechanical body, his body was instinctively twisted in weird ways. His left hand and right hand were crossed trying to hold each other behind his back, and his legs were crossed into a large shape as hard as possible, and he had lost all fighting ability.