Ace Evolution

Chapter 392: Fang Lin’s whereabouts


The role of Lao Hu, Miss Lin and Lao Si at this time was not to kill or injure many enemies, but to be responsible for sniping and freezing the enemy's arrow figures! Preventing them from rushing into their own team that focuses on long-range attacks and killing them! These three people are all people who have experienced hundreds of battles and have rich combat experience. Naturally, they focus on the overall situation at the moment, and they all use defense instead of attack. They play extremely steadily! Old Hu looked rough and arrogant, but he was actually as careful as a hair. He suddenly shouted:

"Tell you boss mountain ghost to come out and lead me to death!"

One of the two strength experts who faced him suddenly sneered:

"Don't waste your efforts. Master Shangui is not here. Wherever your fake fool has gone, Master Shangui will be there!"

After hearing what he said, Lao Hu's heart tightened and he had a worried look on his face. The two experts were overjoyed and had the same idea. One of them directly activated the most powerful skill, Xi Jinping, the boxing champion in the Street Fighter world. Boxing champion Bison's sprinting straight punch!

The man who spoke was obviously much more scheming. He was afraid that this was a trap deliberately exposed by the enemy, so he took a defensive position. After that punch hit the enemy's chest with a sprint, he also rushed forward with a Muay Thai kick. Zhong's side kick swept over!

The B-level skills of Dong Zhang, the strong man in kof plot!

Slide kick! (Arcade machine move list:

Although his kick is only a B-level skill, he did an S-level difficulty mission in the Street Fighter world. He learned it from the place where Dong Zhang practiced in Thailand. Once he learned it, he was level-----7. level, and got the prompts clearly. WwW, qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo, cOm When this skill reaches level------level 14, it can be automatically converted into S-level hidden skills:

The most powerful low kick in history! (The arcade move list is: --+b or d (can be stored), after kof99)

The biggest advantage of B-level skills is that as long as you have points and potential points before level 10, you can add them directly, and the proficiency consumption after that is not high. Now this person's sliding kick has been upgraded to level-----level 12. If he is kicked by him, you can imagine the power! In fact, he relies on this trick that looks inconspicuous. Countless enemies have been tricked!

Lao Hu, who was hit by a straight punch, had a very painful expression on his face. He spat out blood with a loud sound, and the other person's sliding kick followed and swept directly across Lao Hu's waist. This seemed ordinary. He swiped his leg, but when it came into contact with someone, it emitted an extremely sharp and dazzling flash! Then the blazing light of fighting spirit hit Hu Huahao's body hard!

"But..." The reincarnator suddenly discovered an incredible fact! "How come you can't kick him!"

It can be said that he is very clear about the power of the sliding kick at his level------level 12. Even if there was an elephant in front of him, his bones would be broken by this kick and he would stumble and fall! But the burly guy in front of him seemed to be rooted in the ground and motionless!

level-------Although the slide kick at level 12 is extremely powerful, the stiffness that follows is also quite long, so the reincarnator could only watch helplessly as Lao Hu's fists came out in unison, with heavy blows. Hit him on both temples!

Although this guy is also a strength expert, how can he match Hu Huahao's current strength value of 109.5? After being hit by these two punches, his vision went dark, and his whole head seemed to burst and explode, but the screams had not yet come out. Lao Hu's hands slid down and rested on his shoulders.

The dazzling light emitted from Hu Huahao's body at this time stopped even the falling snowflakes from the sky! Even arrogant figures like Robert, who was fighting with four Maxima clones from afar, couldn't help but look over!

S-level skills! The second stage of Arashiyama is launched!

When Hu Huahao grabbed the poor guy by the throat and threw him out, the reincarnation member of the Nulan team wanted to come over to save his companion, but he didn't know that before he got within one meter, his whole body failed to pass the strength test and was seriously The energy from the super skill was bounced away alive! At the same time, he fell into a dizzy state for a full 4 seconds! Beauty Lin seized this opportunity and wielded the silver long axe. Three half-moon-shaped silver energy was cut out, and it was cut directly on his neck!

As the silver light and blood spattered, the guy screamed, extremely shrill! When Lao Hu was in the fourth stage of Lan Zhi Shan's Continuation: Return to Heaven and Earth, he deliberately threw the body of the reincarnation into the crowd of enemies, causing a large number of people to scream in terror!

Although the Nulan team had an advantage in terms of numbers, they were really inferior when facing people like Hu Huahao and Lin Yinxiu who followed Fang Lin on adventures and reaped countless benefits. Their local numerical advantage may also play a certain role in small-scale conflicts. But in such a large-scale melee, personal strength is not so important. In the same way, Lao Hu and Beauty Lin cooperated and used S-level skills to kill one person and seriously injure the other. This only made the defense line they were responsible for more stable. It cannot be said that they can completely defeat the power of the Nes-Sound organization. It can only be said that the victory has been won by the Nest-Sound organization, and gradually began to tilt towards the gang alliance organization.

At this time, both Beauty Lin and Lao Hu were praying in their hearts:

"... Captain... you must be careful! The mountain ghost has guessed your actions. They are following you!"

Fang Lin was taking a walk in the heavy snow.

He walked leisurely with his head lowered, as if what was falling in the sky was not snow but cotton.

The reason why I have to lower my head is to observe the car marks and footprints on the ground.

------The footprints of the main force that Nest-Sound organized to reinforce! Before coming here, Fang Lin also used the psychic bomb created by Xin Yuan to kill two unsuspecting senior government officials. These two people just thought that during this extraordinary period, they were members of the Japanese gang organization. Even the nest-sound organization would never dare to attack them. But there is still a third force!

"The muddier the water is now, the better." Fang Lin said with an emotional smile in the snow: "Otherwise the Nest-Sound organization has hidden its headquarters so well, how could I possibly find it?"

At this time, he stopped in front of a majestic building. Completed in 1991, this huge 4-story, 243-meter-high building is called the Twin Towers. It is a landmark building in Tokyo! The whereabouts of the Nest-Sound organization's reinforcements appeared from here. No one could have imagined that Nest-Sound, a mysterious and terrifying organization, could actually set up its Tokyo headquarters in this bustling city. The place!

Fang Lin walked into the twin towers with a mysterious smile and began to look for the stairs leading to the underground floors. He soon found a wide entrance in an inconspicuous place and broke in directly. The two security guards suddenly reached out mechanically to stop him, but suddenly a person walked out of the darkness! It was the clone of Maxima controlled by Fang Lin. He did not speak, but stared at the two security guards with sharp eyes and made a letting go gesture.

Obviously, even the powerful nest-sound organization did not expect that the clones it created would be completely controlled by others! Because even though the chip can be removed, the person being transformed has already been indoctrinated into the idea of dedicating himself to the organization before! Skills such as powerful enchantment were not taken into account.

So Fang Lin, with Butcher, Bobby, and the controlled copy of Maxima, successfully passed the first level and entered the Tokyo headquarters of the nest-sound organization!

There were very few guards along the way, and even the staff were extremely busy. However, a red light suddenly appeared in front of them, and it was still beating like a heart. Looking around, there was a heavily guarded electronic door. The guards in front of the door looked strict, and there was even a clone of K999 among them!

At this time, it is obvious that counterfeit goods can no longer be used to open the way.

Fang Lin's originally upright body suddenly stooped and darted out like a cat! The target was the clone of K999. His silver weapon was already in his hand. You could feel that after Fang Lin took a deep breath, his body seemed to grow a little bigger, and then he stopped breathing. The speed of movement has more than doubled, and it seems that the whole body is already glowing with a faint purple!

The clone of k999 immediately jumped up, and its left hand turned into a giant black drill in an instant, and volleyed down towards Fang Lin! But a long hook protruded from the slanting thorn, and it pulled him away in the air!

The body of the person next to him swelled up rapidly, and it was the butcher who took action and flew out his meat hook!

And Fang Lin suddenly knelt down, sliding on the smooth ground with his knees, and the muzzle of the silver weapon suddenly spit out a faint purple flame! At this time, the two guards in charge suddenly felt a cold and burning feeling in their lower abdomen, and then there was severe pain that extended to the whole body. They stretched out their hands to touch, and found that there had been a deep hole in their lower abdomen. Deep bloody hole!