Ace Evolution

Chapter 395: Robert's home-brewed bitter fruit


"Close your eyes and die peacefully! This is a divine object made of the Tianjian Stone on the Tianan River and the iron of Tianjin Mountain. www.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.cOm" The sonorous voice of the mountain ghost echoed in the wide space, even if it was The explosion of the grenade of the man in blue could not cover it up. The mirror also glowed with his words! "Mirror of True Sutra!"

The Mirror of Shinjingjin also has a name.

--------The name is tied with the other two artifacts known as Japan's most important treasures.

Eight-tatami mirror.

In the world of kof, it is controlled by Kagura Chizuru, a strong person on the same level as Sochikyo and Yagami-an. During the 96 Fighting Conference, this woman was second only to the last boss, Storm Gonitz. And when sealing the Orochi, both Sochikyo Yagami-an suffered serious injuries, but she was the only one who was able to escape unscathed and was able to repel the members of the nest-sound organization who attacked at that time. Her strength His tyranny is evident!

But how could her family heirloom, the Yata Mirror, a portable artifact, fall into the hands of a mountain ghost

The back of the magnificent Yata mirror looks old and mottled, with patterns such as turtles, snakes, pines, bamboos and cranes carved on it. It is just like an ordinary ancient mirror, but the mirror surface is crystal clear and dreamlike, reflecting the soft white color. The light directly spreads out in the surrounding environment, reflecting the light color of the surrounding glass culture tank, which really gives people a colorful psychedelic illusion.

Of course Fang Lin would not sit idly by and wait for the moment of weakness to pass before he immediately launched a mental attack! However, it was directly bounced back exactly one meter away from the mountain ghost clone! Not only that, even physical attacks become ineffective! Of course, it seems that the mountain ghost cannot move within the protective layer of the Yata Mirror. Just in front of him. But slowly a snow-white light door formed, growing from small to large. It slowly unfolds, and then slowly turns into a blood-red color (visual metaphor: the portal at the entrance of the Diablo Cow Gate). The mountain ghost looked up to the sky and laughed wildly in the invisible shield that protected him! The black cloak behind him is flowing and flowing!

"Experience the... terrifying power of the three artifacts!"

On the long street of Ginza, Robert sighed in dismay. At this time, it can be said that he single-handedly intercepted the arrow troops organized by Nest-Sound and defeated them to a great defeat. Lin Lei's mainstay stood across the long street, so that the Voice Nest organization, which clearly had the upper hand, was now being suppressed and beaten to the point where it could not lift its head!

The Qi soldiers who were attacking from the side were also directly intercepted. The Nes-Sound organization sent those sturdy cyborgs to charge several times. However, although these guys' bodies were strong enough, they were unable to perform any skills. They had to use K999 clones or Maxima clones. Only under the leadership of the enemy can they suddenly kill the wooden man summoned by the priest of the gang alliance. Puppet formation! Therefore, for the Sound Nest organization, the most urgent task at the moment is to directly pull out the "nail" that stands across Robert, otherwise the battle will be lost!

The battlefield commander of the Sound Nest Organization who was directing the operation finally made up his mind and issued the command to fuse and perform the self-destruction trick!

The eyes of the three remaining Maxima clones and the K999 clone suddenly turned red! They all suffered serious injuries. The left hand of the K999 clone transformed into a black drill and was even kicked flat by Robert. It was directly broken and broken, and the shoulder also fell softly!

Under the suppression of our own powerful firepower. These four advanced cyborgs began to gather together, and disgusting bubbles appeared on the surface of their bodies, melting like wax and flowing into the body of Maxima's clone, which was the least injured. Not only the four of them, but also the surrounding protectors were directly absorbed and melted into dozens of people. Although the nest-sound organization was protecting the four people in the fusion at this time, if Robert Be proactive, you can still take advantage of this opportunity to swoop forward and eliminate the four people who are evolving. But he clasped his hands in front of his chest, with an excited look on his face, and remained motionless. Obviously, he wanted to give the four cyborgs a chance to fully integrate!

In an instant, the Maxima clone acting as the receptor straightened up. His whole body was shaking slightly. Both eyes protrude several centimeters from the outside of the eyeballs, and the size has nearly doubled. It felt like his whole body was filled with explosive power, and the bulging bright red muscles on his fists had burst the skin alive. Suddenly, Maxima's clone stepped on the ground, and the place where he stepped exploded, causing earth and rocks to roll. Flying straight, it seemed as if there was a dense rain of earth and rocks within dozens of square meters!

And his entire huge body had teleported in front of Robert, who was looking astonished. He cupped his fists with both hands and struck hard from bottom to top!

Robert pressed directly, pressing his palms on his fists, but felt a strong force coming directly from there, and the bones in his hands made a "click" sound, making his footing unstable and staggering backwards. And there was a soft "pop" sound on the shoulder blades and thighs of Maxima's clone. It turned out that the tightened thick muscles directly broke the skin and exposed it to the air due to excessive force. , blood flows!

The clone of Maxima suddenly didn't realize it. His short body had already flashed in front of Robert, who was still retreating. He grabbed his throat with one hand and lifted him up! However, a dazzling blood-red light flashed across his body!

Self-destructive super move!

Maxima's Revenge! (The arcade move list is: in the explosive state, close to -

Robert was choked and couldn't move at all! The clone of Maxima, whose body had doubled in size, strangled Robert's neck directly and slammed him to the ground with one hand! A large crater with a diameter of at least three meters immediately exploded on the ground! In the thick snow and dust, the infrared light emitted from Maxima's eyes had locked onto Robert, and then threw him high into the sky!

The clone of Maxima bent over and crouched down. The battle suit on his body had been deeply stretched and huge cracks had appeared. When Robert fell, Maxima stood up and knocked him back into the air with the strength of his shoulders! After hitting him three times in a row, the last time he hit Robert hard on the head, causing him to fall to the ground with blood on his face!

Then the whole body of Maxima's clone burned, and its skin, muscles, and blood all grew rapidly in the blazing red flames, curled up into a giant sphere, then spun at high speed and flew straight up to an altitude of more than ten meters, and then like a Like a giant hot wheel, it aimed directly at the immobile Robert from the sky and bombed it down!

The second stage of the self-destruction sure-kill skill:

Bunker destroyed! (arcade move list: --+a or c)

The entire ground in Tokyo shook! Anyone within a five-kilometer radius could see a small dark red mushroom cloud rising directly into the sky, dyeing most of the night sky red! A large pit with a depth of seven to eight meters and a radius of more than 20 meters appeared on the street of Ginza! At the bottom of the big pit, there is a motionless human body in tattered clothes, with green smoke curling out!

Fang Lin's eyes twitched as the earth beneath his feet shook slightly. But now he had no intention of paying attention to what was happening outside, because a person suddenly walked out of the red light door in front of him!

A young man in white clothes and trousers, with hair parted in the middle.

Judging from his appearance, he is actually Jin Jiafan, one of the strongest actors in KOF!

"Could it be that the special ability of this eight-tatami mirror is to copy the shadow of a powerful person to serve him?" Such a thought flashed through Fang Lin's mind.

At the same time, Jin Jiafan had already walked over with his hands folded on his chest. There was a hint of disdain in his eyes, and he suddenly kicked out! Before the kick came, the strong wind was already blowing in his face. Fang Lin stretched out his hand to block it. Unexpectedly, the kick suddenly stretched out and turned into a single-legged kick. He was hit in the face and half of his face was immediately numb!

And Jin Jiafan suddenly jumped up and kicked him in the air again. Fang Lin took a hard kick and took advantage of the situation to grab his leg. Just as his fingers touched the enemy's trouser legs, he was kicked hard in the abdomen. His vision went dark and he was knocked to the ground again. But Fang Lin immediately gritted his teeth and rolled back and climbed up! "You can't fall down at this time! Falling down means getting more beatings!"

Jin Jiafan, on the other hand, had no expression on his face. He used his legs to kick, hook, spin and side kicks and other essential moves one by one. His legs felt like whips, and he could bend and attack at will. Fang Lin was as if Being in a whirlpool, you can only passively resist the opponent's offensive in a dizzy state. You don't even have the ability to parry, let alone the ability to fight back. Fortunately, the Jin family always used basic footwork to fight with him, otherwise even ten Fang Lin would not survive twenty seconds!

The mountain ghost laughed wildly in the protective shield, obviously winning!