Ace Evolution

Chapter 408: war


The hands on the watch jumped to seven forty-one. WWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.CoM

Suddenly there was a green signal bomb in the distance that shot straight into the sky, soaring up in the dark rainy night! Even the surrounding scenery was reflected in a miserable blue, and it looked like they were not in the human world at all, but in the ghost world!

A huge explosion suddenly sounded, and the ground shook slightly. The water cups, bowls, chopsticks, and porcelain on many people's tables were knocked to the ground and shattered! And a majestic building in the distance groaned under the weight in the thick fire smoke, collapsed and slid, and slowly collapsed! The rumbling sounds kept coming, and the helpless and majestic collapse almost suffocated the breath of those nearby!

This building is a bridgehead for the American Hongmen in front of the controlled area. Nearly a hundred elites and more than 300 communitarians are stationed on it. It is equipped with infantry automatic weapons, light artillery, surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank missiles, etc. It has powerful firepower and stands firm amid the attacks of other forces, becoming a stubborn existence like a bridgehead. The American Hongmen relied on it to repel the enemy's attacks many times, but unexpectedly it was directly bombed into ruins!

Immediately afterwards, the regular army affiliated with the Japanese government began to advance in the name of maintaining order. Now there is a tendency to split in Japan. Many forces in the military circle are acting in secret, and there are also pro-American elements lobbying! The government must stabilize the situation as soon as possible and show a very strong attitude in order to suppress these discordant voices! So they took advantage of tonight's massive battle between Hongmen and the nest-sound organization in the United States to reach an agreement with the remaining gang alliance members, and then mobilized their forces to launch a full-scale attack! They wanted to reap the benefits of this fisherman!

Nearly three thousand Japanese Self-Defense Force members took advantage of the night to launch a massive attack. They were well-equipped, well-trained, and advanced in an orderly manner. Among them were priests and supernatural beings who were loyal to the Japanese royal family. Explosions and firefights continued. From sporadic to intensive, and then from intensive to intense. Apparently the American Hongmen also mobilized the forces left behind to start a head-on battle!

On the other side, darkness mixed with the red blood. Life passed quietly in this silent killing, compared with the vigor and vigor of the government troops. The battle of the Nulan team started in silence and ended in silence. If the offensive force carefully arranged by the Japanese government is a huge elephant, trampling on the ground with a roar and pounces on two people, then the Furious Team that appears in the darkness is like a wild wolf with a cold green light in its eyes. , pounce on the weak and devour them anytime and anywhere! Marching quietly under the cover of night and cold rain!

The man at the forefront of the Furious Team was a white American named Smith. s He had been hidden by the Mountain Ghost before, and only now was he allowed to release his power. This man had been transformed by Iron Man's department in the world of super comic heroes, and most of his liver and spleen had been removed. Equipped with a biochemical core engine. Can produce terrible strange power! At this time, he was so excited that he tore down a huge pillar as thick as a water tank from the hotel foyer next to him. He held it in both hands like a savage tiger and ran rampant through the crowd! All the thugs from the American Hongmen who stood in front of him were knocked away directly, with broken bones and tendons. Even two double-flower red sticks died tragically directly under his attack!

Smith's conspicuousness finally attracted the attention of the American Hongmen. Reinforcements were dispatched, and a dark figure figured out his attack route and quietly blocked his path. At this time, Smith was swinging the giant pillar and smashing it directly on the head of an elite gunman from Hongmen!

There was a loud "ding" sound!

Debris from the giant pillar flying in Smith's hand! He finally encountered something that was indestructible and indestructible. The huge force of the shock made his hands numb. After a closer look, he realized that in front of him was a familiar dark golden giant tower shield. , being held in a pair of powerful hands with protruding muscles and bones!

It's the fourth child!

stone pillars. The shields intersected five times instantly!

The fourth child staggered back, a trace of blood dripping from between his teeth, but Smith's hands holding the stone pillar were as steady as ever! Even the shield surface of Dark Gold was hit with a crack! This guy was so powerful that even Lao Si, a warrior known for his defense, couldn't resist him!

The repulsed Lao Si seemed to be shocked into a sluggish state. Seeing an opportunity, the rest of the Nulan team members immediately activated their firepower and rushed towards Lao Si crazily! The most terrifying thing is the extremely sharp red laser fired by the members of the Nulan Team! Wherever he passed, even a regular smooth hole was shot out of the concrete! Aiming at Lao Si's throat, he shot directly!

The fourth child suddenly raised his shield!

The surface of the originally bright and smooth dark gold shield suddenly flashed like a mirror, making it look like the surface of a diamond. It reflects many smooth rhombus surfaces! The bullets fired from a distance were bounced away directly, and the red laser was bounced back with an acceleration effect!

This is the shield reflection skill!

After the reputation of Hongmen in the United States reached the level of respect, the Hongmen emblem of Fang Lin and his party was upgraded to level------4. The effect is +3 for all attributes, an increase of 120 points for maximum physical strength, and a +5% movement speed. Keep improving. All attributes become +4. The upper limit of physical strength is increased by 200 points, and the movement speed/attack speed is increased by 5%. And it also comes with an equipment active skill effect called: "Calm".

Calm: Removes an abnormal status effect on the body after use. If you have multiple abnormal status effects on your body. Then one item will be removed randomly. Cooling time 12 hours.

The shield reflection skill is a special reputation reward skill that Lao Si purchased with a high amount of points and potential after his reputation reached Revered!

A-level skills: Shield reflection level----1, raise your shield, there is a 70% chance of reflecting spells or long-range attacks cast on you. Even if the reflection fails, the damage caused to you will be reduced by 55%. The effect lasts for 5 seconds. This skill is activated instantly and requires 10 points of energy.

This skill can only be purchased after your reputation in the American Hongmen reaches Reverence. It is specially developed by a company called blizzard and is a powerful skill used to strengthen the shield. Must be equipped with a shield to use. Improving this skill will increase the reflection probability and duration. (Well, I will not admit that the idea of this skill comes from wow warriors...)

After the reputation is raised to worship, this skill can be strengthened by purchasing blueprints again.

The laser reflected by the shield immediately bounced back and hit the unprepared owner! A stream of blood immediately spurted out into the air, and was instantly evaporated by the high heat of the laser! The man who shot the laser grunted, obviously not expecting that his attack would be repelled as it was!

Smith, the arrowhead of the Nulan team, was shocked and angry. He exerted force under his feet, sending bricks and dirt flying on the ground of the ruins. He ran at high speed with the giant pillar in his arms and pursued Lao Si!

However, after he ran for dozens of steps, a terrifying sound like a roaring typhoon suddenly came from the distance.

---------That was the sound of tearing the air when a person grabbed an enemy and waved it in the air.

It was Hu Huahao. Seeing that the fourth child was in crisis, he gave up the frontal battle with the government troops and ran over directly with two immobile enemies in his hands!

Smith and Lao Hu were separated by nearly fifty meters. In the darkness, Lao Hu held two enemies in both hands and looked blurry, but his eyes were still attracted to him like a magnet, and he suddenly rushed over. , has a kind of momentum that swallows up the world!

When the distance shortened to 330 meters, Smith silently raised the thick reinforced concrete pillar in his hand. His huge figure matched with the huge stone pillar gave him the awe-inspiring power of a god. generally.

The muscles in the thick arms were so tight that they seemed to burst from the skin! It feels like a bow being tightened!




That thick pillar was thrown out like an arrow, and rippled in the air with a loud sound like thunder! You can definitely imagine how huge, fierce and powerful it is!

Lao Hu directly threw the two enemies he was holding into the air!

The flesh and blood exploded into a large mass of tragic flowers in the air!

But the giant pillar still shot like an arrow from a string!


Lao Hu shouted and hugged the flying stone pillar with one hand. The pillar stopped suddenly, only half a foot away from collapsing his chest. He slid back dozens of meters.

Then the people and the pillars continued to rush/bump into it!

This giant pillar covered in blood also turned into a terrifying weapon in his hands. People have the strength of stone pillars, but stone pillars have a bit more agility of people!

Smith was also a very brave man. He also rushed forward, yelling wildly and grabbing the other end of the stone pillar with one hand!