Ace Evolution

Chapter 421: Fatal cut! The end of Yagami Temple? sixty-three


When the mountain ghost saw that Fang Lin refused to fight head-on, he immediately did two things!

He immediately stopped chasing. After stopping, his feet stepped deeply into the ground. Fang Lin suddenly felt unsteady, as if the whole world was spinning around the center of the mountain ghost's feet! A dazzling light flashed in the distance, followed by a huge semicircular aqua-blue cover that covered the entire parallel space, and quickly shrunk! The scenery and buildings outside the cover seemed to be weathered and turned into smoke and drifted away!

What the mountain ghost did was to reduce the size of the world, restrict Fang Lin's scope of activities, and squeeze him until he had to fight with him!

The second thing the mountain ghost did was to raise his left hand to the sky. A dazzling light shot out directly from the palm and stabbed into the sky continuously. Lark, who was crawling on the ground, was above his body. Then a ray of light shone down, and he moved and crawled quickly as if he had taken stimulants. His arms scraped the ground until the ground was filled with gray smoke, and the earth and rocks were flying! The movement speed was more than twice as fast as before, and the one who bore the brunt of the attack was Beauty Lin!

This space was created by Shangui using the prop Yata Mirror, so he can transmit energy to the outside world over a limited distance! Fang Lin is tyrannical because of the KOF contract, but similarly, his weakness is also based on this contract. For the mountain ghost, even if Fang Lin can survive the killing array of different dimensions in this parallel space, his companions are Both of Lark's men died tragically, and his attributes were greatly reduced, so he could never be his opponent!

The mountain ghost's first move of shrinking the world was conceived to deal with travelers, but the second move of borrowing a knife to kill was specifically conceived to restrain Fang Lin. This two-pronged approach! I just vow to kill Fang Lin here and never give him another chance to make a comeback! After getting rid of this terrible opponent, Iori Yagami can't stand alone. Under the strong deterrence of the nest-sound organization, it will be a matter of time before he is caught! Hundreds of clones swarmed forward. wwW, QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO, coM If you can't beat him to death, you will tire him to death!

Fortunately, after buying so much time, Miss Lin, Lao Hu and others regained some of their ability to move with the help of food. He was able to barely dodge the attack of Lark with only his hands left, but it was also full of dangers and it was obviously difficult to sustain it for long!

Even though Fang Lin was resourceful at this time, he really couldn't find any solution. The mountain ghost could only bite his teeth and sink his feet into the ground, unable to move, and rushed forward! The mountain ghost suddenly opened its mouth, showing an expression that should be a smile. The faint light reflected on its pale and shiny teeth, creating an extremely strange and cruel atmosphere.

When Fang Lin got within twenty meters, Shangui suddenly turned around and punched the hard concrete ground in front of him without any warning! Fang Lin's figure immediately suffocated, and he immediately felt as if even his heart had stopped beating for a few seconds with this silent punch. Then it began to beat violently, and he let out a muffled groan as he choked and let go. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the air in front of him into bright red mist!

At the same time, Fang Lin made a secret hook, and the purple flames jumped and slid against the ground, directly sticking to the mountain ghost's feet! He didn't care about his injuries and rushed forward. After all, the mountain ghost couldn't move his feet now. One hand is still sending energy to Lark! It is equivalent to having only one hand to use, which can be said to be an unprecedented opportunity.

But five seconds later, Fang Lin was blown away like a ball at a speed several times faster than when he attacked, breaking two walls in succession and falling heavily to the ground.

His facial features were distorted, and the mountain ghost didn't even look at him. He just punched him, as if his internal organs were completely mixed together. He also directly annihilated the underground ditch hand flying close to the ground in the air!

So powerful!

But Fang Lin still managed to sit up while leaning forward with difficulty, his face covered with dust and cold sweat. There was even a distorted smile on his face. Suddenly squeezed his left hand hard!

The little purple flame attached to the mountain ghost suddenly exploded like a wildfire setting off a prairie fire! It instantly covered the mountain ghost's body, burning its skin until it squeaked!

Fang Lin has never been a stickler for rules. After he learned how to use purple flames from Iori, he began to think about how to make it his own. The previous attack of explosive flames did not seem complicated, but it was actually already At the same time, the method of using the "Cloudless Thunder" of Iori Yagami's underground ditch hand and Aakuang Lightning Sharmi is used!

First, compress Yagami's purple flame using the move of Cloudless Thunder, so that the power of the purple flame is concentrated at one point, and then use your own mental power to control it from a distance, so that it explodes at the appropriate time!

But the mountain ghost in the purple flame laughed wildly. Looking like crazy, the blue sphere in the distance is still eating away at the frame of the world crazily, but the mountain ghost's left hand is still sending energy to Lark! After the power of the purple flame dissipated and slowly faded away, the mountain ghost's whole body suddenly trembled violently. He looked up to the sky and hissed silently. At this time, it seemed as if there were thousands of earthworms crawling under its skin, and the area that had been burned over a large area actually recovered in just tens of seconds!

In the parallel space created by this different-dimensional killing array. As long as the space does not disappear, the mountain ghost can absorb its power infinitely and recover quickly!

So far, Fang Lin's energy from the fragmentary pages of historical records has been almost exhausted. He suddenly felt that the end of his nose was itching, and his ears were constantly roaring. When he stretched out his hand to wipe it, he found that it was full of blood! His head was so painful that it almost exploded, because he did not yet have the ability to fully use the blood skills of the Heavenly Gods at this time. Now it can be said that he only used the energy of the remaining pages of historical records to barely use it! Now that the energy is almost exhausted, there is a terrible backlash!

In Fang Lin's eyes, the dark background under his feet made the stars extremely bright, so brilliant that they were burning with a vigorous suicide! And the mountain ghost in front of him was as stubborn and strong as an insurmountable mountain!

At this time, he suddenly felt a great threat emerging from the bottom of his heart, and he screamed and jumped away like a conditioned reflex. Only then did he see the mountain ghost pointing directly at his chest with his right index finger. Because he dodged a moment too late, a bloody hole was shot out of his left leg! Blood spurted out, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the pain was immense.

And a white spot suddenly appeared on a solid cement wall behind his left leg. Then, centering on the point where you pressed hard with your finger, the dense ice like a spider web cracked. In just an instant, the wall collapsed into a ruin of bricks and stones!

If this point was aimed at Fang Lin's chest, then his whole body would undoubtedly fall apart!

Although Fang Lin's left leg was seriously injured, his fatal headache slowed down as blood gushed out. He immediately analyzed and determined the attack radius of the immovable mountain ghost from that finger! He immediately rolled around and ran away in embarrassment! Successfully escaped from the mountain ghost's attack range!

The mountain ghost looked at the light blue circle that was getting closer and smaller, and looked coldly at the panting Fang Lin, with a look of disdain in his eyes. Fang Lin gasped violently, his lips kept trembling, not only his eyes, ears, and nose were leaking blood, but he felt as if his internal organs were being stabbed crazily by thousands of knives. Such a severe The injury was not caused by a few attacks from the mountain ghost, but the sequelae of his forcibly manipulating the blood of the gods in heaven at this time completely broke out! If this continues, there will be no need for the mountain ghost to take action. The collapse and separation in Fang Lin's body alone will completely kill him!

And this time. Lark, who had received a steady stream of mountain ghost power, moved even faster. His hands clawed at the ground frantically, shaking the ground everywhere he passed. There was a blur of flesh and blood on the left side of his head, and a metal skull was exposed on the right side. It was really like this. Like a ghost. The strength gap between Lao Hu and others and Ryo Sakazaki is too big. Not only were they seriously injured after being attacked by him, but the energy that he attacked into the body was still unable to be eliminated. Therefore, although their physical strength gradually recovered with the help of food, they still had to take action. Fighting back is extremely difficult!

Lark suddenly reached out and grabbed Lin Yinxiu's calf. She had previously used a silver long ax to cut off half of Lark's body, and then cooperated with the butcher to almost force Lark into a desperate situation! Now that the butcher is dead, Lark's first target of hatred has naturally switched to Beauty Lin. This guy's heavy metal body pushed the pale Lin Yinxiu to the ground, opened his extremely sharp steel teeth, and bit her throat directly!

Blood rages! But Lark's bite was actually on the thick arm that Old Hu stretched out. The mountain ghost increased the efficiency of energy output at this time. Lark's eyes were red, and the teeth made of steel were bitten down with force, suddenly breaking through the bright red The flesh and blood bit directly into Hu Huahao's bones, biting off his forearm alive with a snap!

At this time, the mountain ghost was afraid of having long nights and dreams, so he directly drove Lark to stretch out two terrifying and craggy mechanical arms. He grabbed the throats of Lao Hu and Miss Lin and strangled them to death!

The current situation is that Yagami and Ryo Sakazaki are fighting hard.

Lin Yinxiu and Lao Hu may die at any time.

Fang Lin was also dying in the interdimensional killing array. He was completely wrapped in a towel made of huge pain and numbness!

His body was twisted and twitching due to the severe pain, and all the bones in his body seemed to be broken and shattered inch by inch. But the only reason left in his mind kept nagging three words:

"Kill him. Kill him. Kill him!"

Yes, kill the mountain ghost. All situations can be solved! Killing this guy will cause the interdimensional killing array to collapse. Killing this guy and cutting off energy output will naturally cause Lark to collapse immediately!

The weakness of the Mountain Ghost lies in his inability to move!

Fang Lin held on to a little clarity in his heart amidst the intense pain from Hong Chiruo. Unconsciously, he instinctively followed his body's reaction, took a lunge, and raised his hands diagonally toward the sky! It felt like questioning the sky with contempt!

A strong dazzling white light suddenly flashed!