Ace Evolution

Chapter 426: Realistic achievement tasks


When Fang Lin's body was repaired in the nightmare space, the cost was even more expensive, almost 2/5 of the team's potential points were used up. This was obviously because the blood of the heavenly gods was completely assimilated into Fang Lin's body. . WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.CoM At this time, the entire team's public points and potential points were only over 9,000 points, with 23 potential points left. However, Lao Hu and Lin Damei felt lucky that it could be repaired. What they were most afraid of at the time was the reminder that "No. 13776 is dead and cannot be repaired."

Therefore, Fang Lin's coma these days is just for repair and to make up for the mental trauma. Even after he wakes up, he can't use his brain much, even if he habitually uses mental detection to try to understand the surroundings. Skill, also immediately gave me a splitting headache. Fortunately, Lin Yinxiu has been with him these days. If the business in the group can be handled remotely, it can be handled remotely. If it really needs to be negotiated in person, it can be postponed for a few days. This is not just a "love affair" between the two, but more out of caution and safety.

It wasn't until Fang Lin fully recovered and all aspects of her body were in optimal condition that Beauty Lin hurriedly left on a private plane. The female CEO's affairs in Europe were also piled up and she was extremely busy. After Fang Lin was discharged from the hospital, he suddenly found that he felt a little at a loss. He was at a loss.

After returning to the dormitory, there was no one inside, but Bobby was extremely happy when he saw his master. He jumped down from his little vagina with a groan, and circled around him. Fang Lin touched Ba Bi. Bi's head lazily climbed onto the bed and lay down. Logically speaking, there should be many things waiting for him to consider and make decisions now, but Fang Lin's mind was completely blank. He just wanted to lie down quietly* *, stretch your limbs and relax. Bobby also followed his master's example, lying on the quilt next to him and humming happily.

In fact, strictly speaking, although this little guy has not grown up yet, the role he played in the last battle cannot be underestimated. Although Fang Lin was involved in the parallel space and Bobby could not go to help, in the end he was on the mountain. After the ghost stopped transmitting energy to Lark, it relied on Bobby to spray out a mouthful of venom, which completely corroded Lark's two electronic eye lenses, causing Beauty Lin and Lao Hu to be suffocated to death. survived. Without its forbearance and sneak attacks. It is very likely that both of them will not survive.

After a while, the eldest brother and the second child in the dormitory came back from playing basketball, laughing and opening the door. Suddenly they saw Fang Lin lying on the bed. Surprised:

"Where have you been these past few days? Are you playing evaporation? Our dormitory is bustling with people coming to see you every two days."

This time it was Fang Lin who was surprised. He said in shock:

"Who's looking for me? Is it the head teacher or the dean of the department? It's impossible, right? Xiao Guoguo and the others next door were arrested when they went to the ** and they didn't come to pick them up. How can I help them with this little thing? "

The boss winked and said:

"You don't care about young and old. Hu Jia comes here every three days to see the place. Well, sophomore Zhao Mingmin also comes here often. Although it's just an excuse to see you, a little black pig. , Actually, hey, everyone knows it’s a drunkard’s fault.”

Fang Lin was drinking water, and he squirted out water and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"What do you mean, a drunkard doesn't care about pigs? Damn, you can't speak, what else?"

"There is also a fat black woman in her forties. You must owe a lot of money to others. She said she is the proprietress of the Lao Chi Ke hot pot restaurant. It is really open to all ages, and the food is both raw and cold..."

"Get lost!" Fang Lin said depressedly, but when he thought about it, he felt a little unreasonable. The proprietress relied on the store for a living. He earned the highest salary in the store, but he had very little time to work. No matter what, A negative example of an employee. So he immediately made up his mind and went back to the store to help.

Fang Lin thought about it, so he got dressed and walked out, but he stopped immediately when he reached the stairs. He sighed helplessly and said:

"How did you come?"

Under the stairs, Hu Jia, wearing a bright red cold-proof suit, was biting her lower lip and looking at him. After hearing what Fang Lin said, his eyes immediately turned red and he turned around and left.

Fang Lin was shocked and hurriedly rushed to hold her hand and said:

"Why are you crying?"

He didn't ask if he was okay, but when he asked, Hummy simply sat down sadly on the stone double chair next to her and started sobbing softly. At this time, Fang also understood that his previous sentence "Why are you here?" was a bit hurtful. In any case, he had been missing for ten days, and Hu Jia was worried about his safety and came to check on him. This was all concern for him. When Fang Lin asked that question, he could not help but feel that she was nosy. He hurriedly sat over and comforted her, and finally managed to coax Sister Hu to calm down.

At this time, the warm winter sun also came out. Hu Jia probably had some fever, so he took off the bright red down jacket he was wearing. Revealing the youthful and sexy breasts hidden under the tight sweater and jeans. Leaning lazily on the back of the stone chair next to him, that kind of unintentional style. Ling Fang Lin felt hot in his heart when he saw it, and he didn't dare to look anymore. Of course, Hu Jia also noticed Fang Lin's strangeness. She felt a little shy in her heart, but more importantly, she was still proud. She deliberately brought a face that looked like a clear water lotus close to her and said:

"Where have you been fooling around for the past ten days?"

While she was talking, there were a few locks of black hair hanging down on the left side of her face. Hu Jia unconsciously brushed it with her hands, which were white and rosy like lotus petals after the rain. When her sleeves were raised, the tender Yun's wrists were particularly slender and beautiful, and she unconsciously released a seductive charm that guided Fang Lin's eyes.

Fang Lin accidentally glanced at her plump breasts and felt that his throat was a little dry. If Lin Yinxiu was in front of him, I believe he would have hugged her and indulged in fraternal lust, but Hu Jia did not dare to do so. This was not only a hindrance. Due to the relationship with Lao Hu, but also for an inexplicable reason, every time when facing Hu Jia, Fang Lin felt as if he was playing chess with his hands and feet tied up, and he couldn't let go. To myself, it seemed as if the exquisite Hu Jia was a piece of fragile porcelain that she cherished, which she could only watch from a distance but not play with.

"I...I went home for a trip." Fang Lin lied.

Hu mm said with a half-smile:


Fang Lin felt guilty for a while, but immediately said confidently:

"Yes! My name is Lao Hu... Oops, Bureau Hu bought me the ticket!"

Hu Jia smiled like a little fox and said:

"Why did I hear that you and Zhao Mingmin went on a trip?"

Fang Lin said speechlessly:

"How can I have such leisure and leisure? Besides, I called you when I wanted to go on a trip."

The last sentence immediately made Hu Hu's heart burst with joy. She said with a smile as bright as a flower:

"So where are you going when you start going downstairs?"

Fang Lin then sighed truthfully and said:

"I haven't been to my job for more than ten days. The boss lady was so angry that my salary for this month might have been lost. The last time Ronaldinho didn't come for a long time, he was scolded so badly that he finally said it was his birthday. I was spared by going there. I am dead this time."

Of course Hu Jia is not short of money, but although her breasts are not small, she is still very smart and will not say anything to hurt a boy's self-esteem, so she continued what Fang Lin said:

"By the way, when is your birthday, let's go celebrate it too."

"My birthday..." Fang Lin was suddenly stunned. Ever since his parents' accident, this word seemed far away from him. Fang Lin still clearly remembers the birthday gifts he received when he was a child: bamboo dragonflies made by his father, iron rings, spinning tops... Of course, he also eats eggs cooked by his gentle mother every birthday morning... Thinking back on these bits and pieces Wow, it really feels like a world away!

Seeing that Fang Lin's mood suddenly dropped, Hu Jia immediately realized that Fang Lin might have something to hide on this topic, and immediately wanted to change the topic. However, Fang Lin calmed down and said with a smile:

"If you don't mention it, I will almost forget it, probably in the past few days. December 11th... What is today's date?"

Hu Jia smiled and said:

"Happy birthday."

Fang Lin:

Fang Lin went directly to Hu Jia's house to celebrate his birthday, because Hu Jia was still in Beijing for a meeting, and Hu, a girl, would inevitably want to have a more romantic life, such as spending time at home with the person she likes. world or something. The two of them went to the market outside to buy some vegetables and food, and then took them home and started cooking. Fang Lin was also the chief chef of Laoqinke after all, and in a matter of seconds, they set up a table. I bought a bottle of red wine and put on the music. Of course, Hu mm was very happy. After drinking two glasses of red wine, her eyes were watery and tender.

At twelve o'clock, Hu mm took out the custom-made cake and candles and asked Fang Lin to blow them out and make a wish. But the moment the twelve o'clock bell rang, Fang Lin was shocked, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes He was so surprised that the breath he had been holding in his chest blew out. Not even a candle was blown out!

"How is this going!"

"The nightmare mark reminds you that you have obtained a realistic achievement mission: mission content..."