Ace Evolution

Chapter 449: Lucky hit


Fang Lin did not rush to find the secret room at this time, but closed his eyes and rested for a while, not only to restore his physical strength, but also to digest what he had gained in actual combat. wWW. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. coMHe was seriously injured this time, and it took him more than an hour of rest to recover.

At this time, Lin Yinxiu suddenly stood on the wall next to him and said curiously:

"Come and see."

Fang Lin walked over. It turned out that a small gap was cracked in the wall at some point. Because it was very high away from the water, it had not been repaired. Therefore, looking out from there, you could see to the situation outside. I saw seven or eight Mengtong giant ships fighting on the water outside. One side was flying the flag of "Sun", and the other was flying the flag of "Zhao". In the raging fire, the river surface was dyed red, and the shouts of killing were faintly heard. It seemed that the battle was very fierce.

"Is that the one who is here?" Fang Lin said with joy in his heart. The one he was talking about was naturally Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong with the white horse and silver spear. After watching the battle for a while, Fang Lin gradually saw the pattern. What his group was doing at this time was The giant ship we are in should be similar to a supply troop ship. Supplies are constantly being sent out. Now the battle group is in a tight situation. All kinds of materials on the ship are being sent out continuously. It is very busy. He and his party are making a lot of noise on the ship. Wu Jun cannot be completely unaware. I am afraid that it is not that he doesn't care, but that he can't control it at all. !

At this time, a group of people had carefully searched the surrounding area, but the location of the grain warehouse was too wide, at least the size of a basketball court and a half, but they could not find the secret room marked on the drawing. Fang Lin tried to search with mental power detection at this time, but still found nothing, just because the wood seemed very weird and could effectively block his mental power fluctuations.

Fang Lin thought for a while. He took a bottle of Robust pure water directly from the Nightmare Mark and took it out. He poured it onto the wooden floor, and then began to carefully watch the flow of water. Soochow's shipbuilding technology at this time was also really impressive. The water did not leak downward, but flowed in a silver line along the gaps between the boards. Fang Lin poured out several bottles of Robust. When he saw the water pouring directly along a gap, it disappeared immediately, and he suddenly said with joy:

"This is it!"

After hearing this, Lao Hu immediately came over and tapped the ship's plank with his fingers. Sure enough, he felt that the sound here was strange. Lin Yinxiu took out the short knife he carried with him and dug around carefully. Sure enough, he found that the ship deck here was not like other places. There seems to be a gap that can be dug out. So I put more force on my hands. Not long after, a ship plank was revealed, but inside was a hidden compartment containing a locked copper treasure box.

Everyone was overjoyed and immediately called the wretched Fu to open the box. If we talk about sneaking around, opening locks and prying doors, this is the second job of the craftsman Fu. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing two arms that looked like reed sticks. Holding a piece of wire in his mouth, he opened the lock with three strokes, five by five, and two.

Inside the box were eight thousand points.

Silver Ingot (Large) x1.

There is also a throwing prop, the Phantom Frisbee.

Phantom Frisbee: A type A throwing prop, made of fine iron. After use, it will cause 185 points of damage to three random enemies in front, and the rapidly rotating Frisbee will turn into an afterimage. Stuns the enemy in severe pain for 3 seconds. The effect of the combo will not be interrupted after use. There is no cooling time limit and can be accumulated repeatedly. It can also be exchanged for 3,500 points. Number of uses 1/1.

Note: This prop has additional killing effects on some special plot characters.

After finding this thing, seeing that it was almost time to stay here, the group of people began to prepare to enter the next room. At this time, the red-trousers warrior and the leather-armored archer had recovered most of their strength under the aura of Wuxianfu. Wuxianfu is greedy, and his behavior is like that of a locust. Wherever he goes, no grass will grow.

He saw that the copper box was made of fine copper------it's not unusual in modern times. During the Three Kingdoms period, the main currency in circulation was copper coins, so in the eyes of the craftsman Fu, the box was really old------ So when Wuxianfu saw the copper box, he immediately had the intention of taking it for himself. The thief rolled his eyes and stepped forward to steal the sheep. Who knows that if you bend down and say nothing, you won’t be able to pick her up.

Wuxianfu was naturally depressed, but how could he let go of something that his old man had taken a liking to? He just thought that his strength was too weak, so he called the summoned red-trousers warrior over. He first punched and kicked him to establish his power, and then ordered him to move the empty copper box.

Who knew that due to some strange combination of circumstances, the red-trousers warrior couldn't move it despite all his efforts! I was sweating profusely. He was so wretched that he tried to save others, but he treated him as if the red-trousered warrior was cheating on him. He was extremely angry and ran up to teach him a lesson, but then he called the leather-armored archer over to help, but he couldn't lift him up either. Seeing that the master and others were already preparing to enter the underground door of the next room, Xie Fu felt anxious and quickly called the butcher for help.

The butcher was lying on the ground sleeping soundly, snoring like a thunderous sound, stroking his huge belly and falling asleep soundly. When he heard Brother Fu's greetings, he got up as soon as he was excited. Naturally, he was here at his call. The butcher, the red-trousered warrior, and the leather-armored archer worked together, but they still couldn't move the copper box a bit. At this time, the four of them suddenly felt their feet shake.

The craftsman looked around and said in shock:

"Did the ship hit a rock?"

He suddenly heard a clear cracking sound in his ears. When he lowered his head and looked down, he was immediately frightened out of his wits. It turned out that there were large, rapidly spreading cracks on the surrounding ship deck, and they were spreading! And as soon as he let out a scream, he fell directly downwards along with the butcher, the red-pants rikishi and others!

Fang Lin was stunned by this fall, but his mind was so smart that he immediately woke up, slapped his thigh and said:

"That's right! We were almost all deceived, and what appears now is the real secret room!"

The design of this secret room is very sophisticated. Anyone who can search in this grain and grass cabin should have got the message that there is a secret room here, so a secret compartment was made above the real secret room, which contained A valuable copper treasure chest was found. Once someone finds it, they will inevitably mistakenly think that the treasure in the secret room is here. Naturally, I just slacked off and let it go. Who knew there was something else underneath

In fact, the original purpose of this secret room was to provide additional rewards for teams that entered this golden branch world on a large scale. The difficulty of the nightmare space is constant according to a certain ratio. The more reincarnations come in, the more plot characters have to be dealt with, and the boss's physical strength and defense will increase accordingly. If there are more than ten reincarnations entering, the difficulty will be additionally increased. In order to make up for this gap in difficulty increase, this secret room was designed as compensation.

The copper box in the hidden compartment cannot be moved and is difficult to open. Therefore, if a team of ten people discovers this hidden treasure and cannot open it for a long time, they will probably gather around the box to discuss and study it, so they The combined weight can meet the conditions to collapse the cabin here, thereby opening the door into this secret room.

Originally, when Fang Lin and the three entered the world of this golden side mission, according to common sense, they could not meet the conditions for opening this secret room anyway. How did he know that there was a wretched Fu next to him who was so greedy that he wouldn't even let go of an empty box

However, Y's hands are not strong enough to restrain a chicken, but he can command a butcher with an astonishing tonnage ----- that's fine, Fang Lin happened to charm a red-trousers strongman - this is also an absolute weight He's not a light guy. Adding these two together, plus the weight given to the leather-armored archer by his insignificance, is not to mention the weight of ten reincarnations, but even thirteen or four. It’s hard to keep the deck from collapsing!

The door to this secret room was built under a pile of grain and hay to prevent many people from gathering together and accidentally opening the door during the previous melee. Fang Lin directly set fire to the pile of grain and grass, which saved him the trouble of carrying the grain and grass.

After Wuxianfu and the others fell down, there was no sound. Fang Lin was quite worried, so he immediately said hello and led Old Hu Lin and the beautiful lady to jump down. I just felt a flash of darkness in front of my eyes, and then I landed safely. I found myself in a dark passage. There was a faint flash of fire at the corner in front of me. The butcher and the red-trousers warrior were blocked behind me, and I was shrinking my body. With a sinister look on his face, half of his face was revealed and he looked around the corner greedily.

Fang Lin Daqi secretly thought that he didn't know what happened, so that the poor Fu, who was afraid of death, could be so desperate and take the initiative to run to look for the wind? But Fang Lin didn't need to bother so much. He closed his eyes and scanned the area with an invisible layer of mental power detection, and his heart suddenly jumped.

Golden treasure chest!

Ahead is a golden treasure chest!