Ace Evolution

Chapter 452: Man Escape Book


"Animal Controller?" Old Hu asked in astonishment, "What is that?"

He waved his hand and said:

"What the hell, let's open this gold box first. Anyway, these four horned and muscled men can only look at us helplessly. WWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.CoM"

This sentence immediately received a positive response from the drooling Wuxian Fu. Fang Lin put his hand on the gold box, shook his head slightly and said:


If it was an unfamiliar team, Lao Hu would probably suspect that the guy in front of him had a monopoly intention, but the three of them had lived and died together and supported each other along the way. Naturally, they knew that Fang Lin was definitely not that kind of person, so they all listened quietly to Fang Lin. of the following.

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"Actually, this is very simple. If you think about it, according to normal procedures, the team that discovered the secret room should have rushed directly into the secret room, robbed the treasure box, and then lowered the gate to seal it. Wu Jun should cooperate with the inside and outside to carry out a pincer attack."

"Yes." Lao Hu nodded.

Fang Lin was confident:

"This Thousand Jin Gate is really beyond human control. Once the reincarnations enter the secret room and kill all the four horned muscular men inside. They also kill the Wu Army reinforcements outside, how should they get out?"

This question immediately made people stunned. Lao Hu hesitated and said:

"This... Logically speaking, this should be a dead end! It's better to cooperate inside and outside, or these ten leather-armored archers gather together to shoot. How can we survive?"

Fang Lin shook his head slightly and said:

"That's not necessarily true. For example, with the current combination of Lei Zhe, his new follower No. 56 is likely to have the ability to transform like an octopus. He can easily get out of the cracks in the Thousand Jin Gate. Then use Some summoning props similar to the Chapter of Iga we obtained. It is enough to buy enough time for the Thunderer to use various powerful skills to kill the leather archers outside!"

"More importantly, this trap is probably designed for teams of more than 10 people! Although the number of Wu army guards and reinforcements is likely to increase accordingly, the strength of the reincarnations gathered together is definitely not 1+ 1 It’s that simple! If you are a team with strong attack power, you can even use a strategy of concentrating firepower to eliminate these four guards before the leather archers on the opposite side come to help!"

Lao Hu was surprised and said

"This... I'm afraid it's not easy, right?"

Lin Yinxiu suddenly said:

"It is very possible that if this reward space is not for the rewards that are exclusive to the three of us, no one else can come in. Otherwise, we will call this guy Xin Yuan and plant enough bombs in advance. It is possible that in After launching the raid, we killed these four horned and muscled men in a short period of time."

Lao Hu nodded silently, obviously agreeing with this statement. Fang Lin focused his attention on the golden treasure chest, as if he was rubbing the golden light on it with his eyes, and then smiled and said:

"So. I used mental power to detect and search for a long time. In fact, I was trying to find the mechanism to open this thousand-jin gate. Unfortunately, I never found anything. After careful consideration, I thought that the method of opening the gate should not be too complicated or difficult, otherwise It is very likely that people will be trapped inside. I feel that the key to this is probably the golden treasure box! Because no one will not open the golden treasure box after getting it! "

Old Hu suddenly said:

"You mean that once this golden treasure chest is opened, the thousand-jin gate will open automatically?"

Fang Lin nodded and smiled:

"What I mean is to kill the four beast controllers in front of us first. As long as we enter their attack range and fight with them, it should not be judged as a trick by the space. Even if I guess wrong, it is just a delay. It’s just a matter of time to unpack it. We won’t lose anything.”

The beast controller's arm was wrapped with a subway chain that was about one meter long, and he swung it out from the gap of the thousand-pound gate, sending sawdust flying everywhere. It was indeed an astonishing force. But Fang Lin first let the red-trousers warrior go forward and fight with it for a while, and figured out the general method of its attack, which was nothing more than chain whipping and throwing poisonous snakes.

And because of that thick gate. They can only attack through gaps. Not only could combo skills not be used, but there was also a skill similar to Brutal Crash that could not be used. Therefore, they were beaten by Lao Hu, who was stronger than them, and they were miserable as soon as they started fighting. Lao Hu immediately obtained some basic information about the opponent from the nightmare mark, and the opponent immediately said:

"These four guys are called beast masters. It seems they can only control venomous snakes. They are one level worse than the beast masters you mentioned."

As he spoke, he had already torn off the iron chain of the beast master he was fighting with, and held one of the enemy's arms with his backhand. Lao Hu, who was proficient in throwing skills, in such a special close combat, in the real world Some of the skills I learned have come into full play! "

Fang Lin bullied him again at this time. His movements were not agile, and his strikes did not seem to be heavy. It seemed that he just slapped the beast master on the arm that was held back, but this move immediately caused the beast master to be bullied. The poor beast master's whole body trembled violently and twitched! Not only did a layer of purple-red scorch marks immediately appear where he was photographed, but white mist like water vapor emerged from all over his body, as if his whole body had been thrown into a steamer!

Lao Hu seized this opportunity and immediately struck the beast master's elbow joint with a backhand blow, directly knocking it into an obtuse angle. Before a miserable hiss could be heard, the beast master had been pulled forward and attached to the elbow. At the gap between the Thousand Jin Gate, Lao Hu clenched his fist and hit his temple hard with a hammer! Once, twice, three times... .

This beast master is worthy of being an elite second only to the mini-boss. His physical strength is surprisingly high. Although the chain on his hand was torn off, he still struggled wildly. His three companions wanted to come to rescue, but they were separated. There are butchers and red-trousers warriors in the gap between the gates, so where can I help? Even if the poisonous snakes are thrown out to make a surprise attack, who knows that there are two-headed little dinosaurs like Bobby watching eagerly next to them. The poisonous snakes are really coming to pounce on one by one. After eating, they will click their mouths twice with unsatisfied taste. Even the butcher wants to catch some. There is no need to take food.

After killing a beast master, each person received 1,500 points and 2 potential points. Seeing that the situation was not good, the other three people immediately moved away from the gap in the Qianjin Gate. Unfortunately, with the butcher's shameless hook, escaping was completely useless. The butcher directly passed through the gap of the thousand-pound gate, hooked the person over, and then Lao Hu took over and beat him severely. However, Fang Lin discovered something very interesting during this process, that is, before the last beast master died, he could actually take out a snow-white bun and take a bite, instantly restoring his physical strength by 1 /3 is more.

Of course, this does not change the fate of this beast master's death at all. It only took more than ten seconds for Fang Lin and Lao Hu to join forces. However, after this guy died, a key dropped out. After opening it, in addition to the points, a big white meat bun also appeared inside, which can be used in battle to instantly restore 1/5 of the physical strength!

Fang Lin thought that the previous golden mechanism beast had used skills similar to Zhang Lingjian, and he couldn't help but have a bold guess in his heart, that is, at least in the world of this golden side mission, it is very likely that the plot characters What props will be dropped, then he himself can use the skills or effects of the dropped props in advance during the battle.

At that moment, he told this speculation to Lao Hu and Miss Lin. After careful recall, the two of them really felt that in the previous battle, they had been hit by sleeve arrows and golden beads, and then the key dropped. Golden beads and sleeve arrows were fired from it, but because the battlefield was in chaos at the time, I didn't pay attention. Even if I was dizzy for a second or two, I was just slow for a moment, and it should have been ignored.

After killing the four beast masters, the butcher was already salivating and dragged them aside to search for the corpses before eating. The fat man tried his best to finally remove the iron chain weapons of the four beast masters. After being robbed, his bloody iron chain was broken twice after entering this world, and it was time to strengthen and repair it. Then he ate these four guys, and his strength increased by another four points.

Fang Lin carefully observed the surrounding environment, and then opened the golden treasure box. As he expected, as soon as the lid of the treasure box was opened, the thousand-pound gate made a heart-breaking sound of "creaking" and upwards. The face slowly rose. If it were based on the difficulty of a normal ten-man team, a dark room would be opened here, and two elite long-sword armored soldiers who were protecting the treasure would rush out. It's just that Fang Lin's team seems to have a large number of people, but Fang Lin and his family have occupied several places. In terms of the number of reincarnations, there are only three people. No matter how difficult the nightmare space is to increase the difficulty, , it is really impossible to arrange a ten-person difficult scene for him.

After the golden treasure chest was opened, it shone brightly and was so dazzling that the eyes were dazzled by the sparkle for a while. But Xuxiaofu was drooling greedily as he looked at the gold box. Looking at it, he really wanted to take a small knife and pry two pieces off first.

Fang Lin, who opened the gold treasure chest, had already set it to exhibition status, and prompts came out one after another:

"You have gained points: 12,000 points and 12 potential points."

"You have obtained gold ingots (large)

"You have obtained a C-level golden item: the Human Escape Book..."