Ace Evolution

Chapter 465: Armored soldier


A talented actor like Fang Lin can naturally downplay some of his righteous words, which in turn enhances the tragic atmosphere. It feels like he would feel bad if others didn't give him something to benefit from. WWw. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. The downfall of Com 1 was that the wretched Fu also stood up, with his chest out and his belly out, pretending to be a hero who sacrificed his life generously and had no regrets... He really looked like a tiger instead of a dog. He barely had the words "You must give me benefits" written on his face. When Fang Lin saw the cold sweat on his forehead, he quietly kicked him hard. Wuye Fu immediately realized that something was wrong and shrank in despair. After getting behind the butcher, he hid and peeped in a low-key manner.

Zhao Yun pondered for a long time, his eyes slowly wandering over them, and finally said slowly:

"Based on your current capabilities, it would be very risky to look for Mrs. Sun. You have done so many things for me and other young lords, you can say that you risked your life. We cannot sit idly by and ignore her."

When he said this, the nightmare mark had already given a hint:

"You have received intentional help from General Zhao Yun of the Shu Kingdom. Please choose the type of help."

"Type a: Obtain the golden equipment that Zhao Yun wears: the breast shield."

"Type B: Obtain personal guidance from Zhao Yun."

Fang Lin squinted his eyes. The breast shield was obviously an unconventional piece of additional equipment, which meant that it did not occupy the wearing position on the body and overlapped with the wearing parts of other armor/clothes on the body. Obviously it is very rare, and it comes from a peerless general like Zhao Yun. It can be imagined that it is quite difficult to obtain, and the additional attributes are also quite good.

But Type B: It is also very tempting to get Zhao Yun's personal guidance, especially after Fang Lin received the guidance of Iori, it is obvious to all that Fang Lin has improved his strength. After all, equipment is a foreign object, and his own strength improvement is the most important thing. Heavy, this seems to be the difference between external causes and internal causes.

More importantly, the equipment given by Zhao Yun, as the name suggests, should play a protective and defensive role, but Fang Lin's preference is for offense--killing the enemy faster and faster. It is safest to give him no chance to attack you.

So Fang Lin directly chose Type B: getting personal advice from Zhao Yun. This option currently seems to provide low immediate combat power and suffers a big loss, but the potential for improvement is huge. The most important thing is:

Although Zhao Yun is not optimistic that they can defeat Sun Ji and Sun Shangxiang. But Fang Lin only told him the general situation of his party. As for the props he carried, such as the Zhang Ling Sword, the cut food, medicine and other things, he did not leak them at all. In the previous golden main quest world, the B-level prop Alien Snake Venom was used properly and exerted great effects. It can be said that it has played a decisive role. With these additional props at this time, although Fang Lin cannot be said to be a sure shot against Sun Ji and Sun Shangxiang, it is definitely not a disaster. Otherwise, according to his calculations, he would have returned directly to the space. Go and stay here to wait for death

After Fang Lin chose type b. Then he said directly to Zhao Yun:

"We have come from afar. Of course we don't dare to covet General Zhao's treasure. We have just admired the general's excellent spear skills for a long time. Please give me some advice."

Zhao Yun nodded slightly and said:

"The weapons used by you and this brother are not in line with my routine. Only her and my marksmanship may have some similarities."

The woman Zhao Yun was talking about was naturally Lin Yinxiu, who also wielded a long weapon. This matter had already been expected by Fang Lin. Now they are a group, just like a bucket filled with water. How much water this bucket can hold depends on the shortest bucket stave! Therefore, Fang Lin has always been committed to cultivating the abilities of his companions evenly, rather than reaping all the benefits for himself.

Lin Yinxiu nodded and walked forward. Zhao Yun asked her to take out the silver long ax and strike it a few times, then nodded and said:

"Better than I thought."

As he spoke, he handed over a scroll that looked quite old. After Lin Yinxiu took it in her hand, the blue light flashed on the scroll and disappeared into her arm. At this time, Gan Ning and Zhou Tai from Soochow led their troops to attack again. Zhao Yun pointed his spear at the bulkhead next to him to use force. The whole person has jumped up like a big blue bird. Suddenly, Zhou Tai's roar and Gan Ning's roar could be heard outside.

After the formation of this ship formation, it was as stable as land. Zhao Yun's ability to fight in and out of millions of troops was able to be fully utilized. Even against these two Soochow warriors, he was more offensive than defensive.

Fang Lin asked Lin Yinxiu at this time:

"How about it?"

Beauty Lin's face was naturally overjoyed, and she directly showed off her improved skills.

Basic skill variation and advancement: skilled polearm mastery level------10.

The scroll Zhao Yun gave her actually directly improved her mutated passive skill by a full three levels! You must know that all mutation skills can only be advanced through the accumulation of proficiency, and cannot be improved by using potential points. If Miss Lin wants to advance to the third level, she will have to swing her ax tens of millions of times!

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages in mutation skills, but these are hidden attributes that are usually unrecognizable. For example, Fang Lin's True Cutting Technique is actually at least A level in the ranking of mutation skills. The reason why the skill is not powerful at present is just because Fang Lin has not yet reached the 7th level of Xiaocheng, so he can only use it to cut food, and he doesn't know its usefulness. Therefore, the difficulty of rising to the next level is astronomical.

The mutant skill of Miss Lin is first of all a passive skill, which means that when she uses a long-handled weapon, it is equivalent to practicing this skill. Secondly, the level of her mutant skill is not as good as the real cutting technique. , so the proficiency required for improvement is also reduced accordingly. That's why I was able to upgrade from level------7 to level-------10 at once. If it were Fang Lin who encountered this encounter, he would only be able to upgrade the Reality Cutting Technique by one and a half levels, which would be great.

Basic skill variation and advancement: skilled polearm mastery level------10 Passive effect:

When holding a pole weapon, it passively increases the fatality rate by 15%, the accuracy rate by 25%, the attack power by 25%, and the attack range by 18%.

level-----4 additional effect (passive): increase the attack range by an additional 35%.

level------7 additional effects: Skilled: No prerequisites are required to activate this effect, and the cooling time is 1 hour. After activating this effect, if the pole weapon you use has its own skill, the skill level will change): your attack will have a combo effect. When you successfully attack the enemy with the pole weapon, the duration of the stun will be increased. 50%. And the next attack speed will be increased by 15%, and the chance of hitting the enemy will be increased by 30%. Note: The attack speed is increased by up to 65%.

(This skill is designed based on the characteristics of Brother Yun in War of the Three Kingdoms 2, because he seems to be the only guy who can "whip corpses". He can use the dead corpses of enemies to perform combos, hehe.)

Time was tight at this time, and there was no time to study too much. Fang Lin took advantage of Zhao Yun to attract the main force of the Wu army, directly broke open the porthole next to him and jumped towards the Mengchong ship next to him. At this time, his mental power detection was turned on, and he had already figured out Liu Adou's general position. Wu Jun was also deeply afraid of Zhao Yun, fearing that he would surprise him, so he must ask Sun Ji Sun Shangxiang to move Adou with him.

There were many pursuers intercepted along the way, but most of the Wu troops were intimidated by Zhao Yun's reputation and mobilized their main forces, so Fang Lin and others did not attract much attention. But the benefits that Miss Lin had gained before were clearly reflected in actual combat! Once her long silver ax hits someone, it feels almost like a spinning wheel in motion, so dense that ordinary enemies have to take the first hit with her axe. Her second axe, her third axe! It is getting faster and faster, and it feels more and more violent. It no longer feels like the person is moving the axe, but the ax is driving the person!

After boarding another fighting ship, Fang Lin found that the guards here were much tighter. Those in front of him were densely packed with tough and fierce-looking plain sword shieldmen, gunners, and seven or eight leather-armored archers with their bows and arrows drawn. The arrow was aimed at him, and the arrow was shining brightly. As soon as he boarded the ship, there were enemies in front of him, behind him, and even on the left and right sides.

Fang Lin was not surprised but overjoyed. Now the main force of the Wu army was besieging Zhao Yun. The fact that there was such a tight defense here could only mean one thing: these people were already the personal guards guarding Sun Ji and Sun Shangxiang.

At this time, Lin Yinxiu jumped out, and suddenly pulled the silver ax downwards with his head and feet in the air! Wherever it passed, a black crack appeared in the space. After a delay of a few seconds, a translucent silver light fan with a side that was slanted like a fan and more than ten feet long and wide appeared again, but it was directly directed at the seven people in the distance. For the eight leather-armored archers, the light fan lasted only a very short time and disappeared in just an instant. However, the seven or eight leather-armored archers broke their bows and killed people. Blood spurted out and covered the entire deck. It looked extremely tragic!

She used her skill again!

Crystal Tears level------5 is activated!

It stands to reason that once this powerful long-range attacker dies, most of the pressure should disappear, but Fang Lin frowned at this moment and said in a deep voice:


I saw two strange generals suddenly walking out of the cabin next to them, wearing fish-scale gray battle robes, holding long knives, and wearing deer-antler helmets. Their eyes were indifferent, as if they didn't care about life or death. Looking at the armor tightly wrapped around his body, one can infer that his defense must be very tough!