Ace Evolution

Chapter 47: succeed trade


As he spoke, he put the pair of dark gold shoes and the golden dagger on display and leaned leisurely against the pillar next to them. www. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. cOm also displayed some other things. The yield rate of blue equipment in this nightmare world is actually not high, let alone gold equipment. It’s just that Fang Lin used weak to attack strong twice, so he succeeded repeatedly, but this It was also the result of his wit and calmness, while also risking his life. Even gold equipment is rare in this trading place, let alone something dark gold? Immediately, a large number of people gathered to watch. The 20% increase in movement speed of the dark gold shoes was also extremely impressive. What is even more worth mentioning is that they may have unknown skills after identification. This undoubtedly adds to its gambling value.

In addition, the special effect of the golden dagger is also very practical, with a 30% chance of causing an additional 20 points of damage. This is very useful for characters who focus on agility. A qualified agility character should learn to master it. Opportunity, just don't move, once you take action, you must cause maximum damage in a short period of time!

In this nightmare world, your identity in the real world is not worth mentioning, and the wealth and power from the outside world cannot be brought in. Your status is naturally measured by equipment and personal abilities. Immediately, someone started chatting eagerly with Fang Lin.

At this time, Fang Lin also learned a lot of valuable information from it. For example, in order to cope with the dangerous situation in the nightmare world, when the strength of a veteran reaches a certain level, his own nightmare mark can also increase his level. You can also form a relatively loose alliance. After paying a huge amount of points and potential points, you can also not be affected by the random distribution when entering the nightmare world, and you can gather the alliance members into one camp to avoid killing each other. However, This combination has a major disadvantage. You only need to pay 5,000 points to terminate the contract. That is, it cannot ensure the loyalty and reliability of the alliance members, and cannot rule out the possibility of betrayal by the companions in the face of the temptation of huge benefits. Therefore, it is also called gray. contract.

As the number of people interested in purchasing gradually increased, Fang Lin also received secret offers from several people. They were also able to come up with skill scrolls that required high mental strength to learn. One of them was a C-level skill from the world of famous generals: Electricity. impact. The other one has a lot of background, it is an A-level skill: the unique skill of Guli, the American special forces soldier in Street Fighter: Crescent Sonic Knife!

Seeing that Fang Lin was quite moved and wanted to make a deal on the spot, Charlie and the other two people immediately felt a little unable to stay still. In fact, they actually seemed to be determined to win the two props in Fang Lin's hands. Charlie had originally bullied them. Fang Lin was alone and wanted to take the opportunity to lower the price, but unexpectedly he was self-defeating. He didn't care about that much at this time. He lowered his face and invited Fang Lin aside and said:

"Shall we discuss this further?"

Fang Lin smiled slightly and said:

"Okay, how to discuss the law?"

His previous pretentiousness was actually just to put some pressure on these three people. Although Guli's unique skill Crescent Sonic Hand Sword is powerful, the training conditions are also extremely demanding, requiring all-round development of strength, agility, and energy. People, and the conditions offered by the seller are also very generous. Not favored by Fang Lin.

"Let's do this." Charlie said: "These two things of yours are also very good. Let's exchange the magic scroll for your shoes and knife."

Fang Lin smiled, shook his head, and walked towards the crowd again. Charlie's face was gloomy and uncertain, he pulled him and gritted his teeth and said:

"In this way, you take the scroll and pick something from us at will."

Fang Lin calmly stretched out two fingers and said with a smile:

"Two pieces."

Charlie said angrily:

"Don't go too far!"

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"The things you have there are all blue equipment, and their value is not high."

What he said was indeed a bit unreasonable. The quality of equipment lies in the special attributes attached to it. If blue equipment can be supported by powerful additional special effects, sometimes its value will even exceed that of dark gold. However, Charlie couldn't refute for a while. Seeing the people around him watching with eager eyes, he sighed and said:

"All right."

Fang Lin walked to their stall and did not pick up their two pieces of gold equipment with relatively weak attributes. Instead, he chose a blue coat that speeded up the recovery of mental power by 20% and a ring that increased mental power by 6. The deal was made. He visited the market dozens of times in the past two days and knew that these two attributes were quite rare, so he picked them out specially. At this time, after equipping the ring, his mental power had reached 31 points and met the learning conditions, so he returned to his own exclusive space and turned the scroll into his own skill.

… … ….

After learning this A-level skill, Powerful Charm, Fang Lin discovered that it turns out that this skill cannot be directly upgraded with potential points. It must be fully cultivated with skill experience before it can continue to be upgraded to level---- 2. At this moment, he saw that the upper limit of his stay was approaching, and hurried back to the real world.

In order to track down Ruan Mingyuan's true identity, Fang Lin has missed classes for several days in a row. Although the place where he studies is famous for "recognizing money but not people." After paying enough tuition, he can make all the difference, but after all, he is He was a new student who had just entered the school, and he was considered a thorn in the side for such wanton behavior. Therefore, he was unfortunately selected as a model. He was caught and scolded in the department dean's office, and his credits were deducted. Lin didn't take it seriously. After hearing the lesson, he went out and was busy training his abilities.

When he went back downstairs, he bumped into Hu Jia again. This girl had bright eyes and white teeth. She had specially dressed up today. She wore a lavender Dior dress on the upper body and a pair of washed light blue jeans on the lower body. Her plump figure was perfectly outlined, and her long hair was tied into a ponytail and swung behind her. She was followed by a female companion, followed by two tall and handsome boys.

Although Fang Lin could still keep his head clear and calm when he was on the line between life and death, for some reason, when he saw Hu Jia, he felt a kind of trance and anxiety in his heart. It was like waking up after being drunk. Although his mind was sober. Yes, but the body is still drifting under the smoke of alcohol. He could open his eyes coldly in the nightmare world and look at the sharp knife thrust into his heart without changing his expression, but at this moment, his heart suddenly felt empty and he lowered his head.