Ace Evolution

Chapter 471: Bright light armor


"First, when I used the first stage of the Yata Whip, the defensive electric light I used was mainly positive charge. WWw!QuanBeN-XiaoShuo!Com (Note: In physics, the glass rod rubbed with silk is What is charged is called positive charge. The charge carried by the rubber rod rubbed with the fur is called negative charge. The positive and negative charges are similar to the two levels of the magnet), and the offensive electric light released next is based on negative charge. Lord! When the elite armored captain was concentrated by the defensive electric light, his body was quietly contaminated with a large amount of positive charges. I have set this trap! Although he is invisible, he is under the powerful force of positive and negative charges. Under the attraction, the laws of physics will guide the emitted offensive light to automatically pursue the opponent who has disappeared!"

"Secondly, even though Yu Mengyi regarded the quite common positive charges in nature as an abnormal state and successfully removed the positive charges on Wu Rui's body, his body was wearing a metal chain armor and he was holding a metal object. , and the surrounding environment is almost made of wood, which acts as an insulator, so the offensive electric light, which is similar in nature to ball lightning, will automatically look for surrounding metal objects to get close to!"

"So... From the moment Wu Rui, believing that his physical strength was much higher than mine, rushed up against the lightning and tried to kill him with injuries, his fate was already doomed to defeat and death!"

Fang Lin squinted his eyes and slept on the deck with his arms and legs spread out in a "big" shape. With a can of milk in his mouth, he patiently explained to Lao Hu the key points of the previous battle.

Tevez's broken gun was placed flat on Fang Lin's chest, and Wu Rui's knife struck directly at the junction of the barrel and body of the silver plot weapon. Cut it directly into two sections, the section was extremely smooth, revealing a shiny metal section with a new color.

But after testing. Fang Lin still got good news besides the bad news.

The bad news is of course that this silver plot weapon that made such a great contribution can no longer be used---at least not until it is repaired-------A pistol without a barrel certainly loses its firearm. basic functions.

The good news is that the summoning spell on the Silver Story Weapon can still be used. Because both the butcher's predecessor, the elite fat man, and the man in blue were summoned through the complex array engraved on the handle of the gun. Since the gun handle is intact, the natural summoning function will not be lost.

However, when Lao Hu and the others obtained shields before, the tips given by Nightmare Space about using shields to block had already been explained: "... But after the blocking effect occurs, there is a chance that the shield will be damaged, and it must be repaired after returning to the space. Or find relevant plot characters to repair.”

"Since the damage to the shield can be repaired, then the damage to the weapon should also be repairable." Fang Lin naturally began to reason. He stuffed a piece of food into his mouth, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Lin Yinxiu has also caught up, Lao Hu, hurry up and recover. After she comes, by the way, we will open the key that Wu Rui dropped. Well, there is still one last fierce battle to be fought."

Lao Hu said doubtfully:

"The last fierce battle?"

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"Since you can catch up, then Sun Shangxiang or Cao Jundi Lejin can naturally catch up."

Lao Hu frowned and said:

"Then who is chasing after you?"

Fang Lin thought for a while and said:

"It is still more likely that Sun Ji will come. This vast river can be said to be Wu Jun's home battle. Even if he cannot win, the possibility of escaping unscathed is very high. Le Jin's main purpose is also Liu Chan. , once this little brat left, he naturally had no intention of fighting."

Beautiful Lin quickly rushed over. After giving Fang Lin a concerned look, she felt relieved. The last person who came to join them was the panting Butcher. The fat guy was seriously injured all over his body. Considering that the Butcher could be resurrected, Fang Lin put him on the most stressful battlefield and cut him off. The idea of abandoning the son was already in his heart, but the butcher still fought his way out of the bloody path tenaciously!

Looking at the concerned expression on the butcher's honest, scarred face, Fang Lin felt a little moved in his heart, and patted the fat man's chest - his original intention was to pat the shoulder, but he could only reach that area. . After the death of Wu Rui, the captain of the armored soldiers. A golden key fell. Fang Lin, Lao Hu, and Miss Lin opened it together. I got prompts one after another:

"You have gained 24,000 points and 10 potential points."

"You have obtained an A-level prop: Fish Mane Cloak (Invisibility Cloak)."

"You have obtained blue equipment: fish scale armor."

"Fish scale pattern armor (in semi-damaged state): blue equipment, reduces physical damage by 20%, spell damage by 20%, fixed absorption of 45 points of all damage, movement speed is reduced by 14%, attack speed is reduced by 19% after wearing. Reduce wear The player's strength and agility values are 5 points each, and the defense is increased by 15."

"Equipment conditions: Strength 42, Agility 51, Stamina 62."

Note: This equipment is in a semi-damaged state, please repair it before using it, otherwise various negative effects will occur. It can also lead to complete damage to the equipment.

Fang Lin smiled bitterly and checked. When he killed Wu Rui earlier, the Nightmare Mark had informed him that he had received a kill reward: 18,000 points. In total, this guy alone gave away more than 40,000 points. The world of gold side missions is indeed a world where high risks and high stakes coexist.

"According to our current ship speed, when will the pursuers arrive?" After clearing the remaining Soochow soldiers on the ship, Fang Lin went down to the cabin and asked the captain of the Shu army among the sailors.

The corps commander said respectfully:

"Sir, although the stern of our Mengchong ship is injured, its speed will not be greatly affected. According to the current situation, even if Soochow's navy can catch up, it will definitely take a long time. Even if the pursuers arrive at the fastest speed, we only need to support them for a short period of time before we can join up with General Zhang."

Fang Lin's fingers rubbed the blue equipment: the fish scale armor. He was quite hesitant and wanted to use the real cutting technique on it. At this time, he was in the residual excitement after the war, and he had a vague feeling of inspiration. He only felt that if he used the real cutting technique at this time, he would be quite sure to have a mutated state.

What he is currently worried about is that if the True Cutting Technique becomes mutated, it will inevitably absorb a large amount of his mental power, and it will take at least nearly half an hour to fully recover. If the information of the captain in front of him is true, it will That’s all. If an accident occurs, how should you respond

But inspiration is something that is very hard to explain. It is an opportunity that cannot be missed and will never come back. I can’t tell when this inspiration disappeared. Fang Lin vaguely felt that this was probably an extra reward given by Nightmare Space because he killed Wu Rui, the captain of the elite armored soldier, alone, and his strongest summon was not around yet.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world, and this reward is by no means free. If you take this reward, you will definitely face additional risks. Fang Lin carefully filtered the various risk factors in his mind, finally nodded with a smile, and took out the crystal knife from his arms: Jie Niu Dao. He directly pressed it on the blue equipment: the fish scale armor, and his hands emitted purple light:

"Real Cutting Technique: Activate!"

After merging the flames of Iori Yagami and Chris, when Fang Lin activates the real cutting technique, even the blade of the sword's knife will glow with a layer of faint purple flame. As the knife cut, the light shone brightly. Fang Lin felt as if someone had hit him hard on the back of his head. His eyes suddenly went dark and his ears were buzzing. The place where the palms of both hands touch the handle of the Jie Niu Dao seemed to have two miniature whirlpool black holes, and spiritual power continued to flow into them!

"Holy shit... I won't be sucked dry today, right?" Fang Lin wailed in his heart, watching his mental power drop crazily, and he had already absorbed nearly fifty points! You must know that the mutant thunder stick that Lao Hu got last time only absorbed more than 20 points of mental power!

With the continuous support of Fang Lin's mental power, the armor was surrounded by crazy black and purple airflow, like a small black tornado on the ground, which lasted for dozens of minutes before slowly dissipating. Fang Lin, who was dying of fatigue, felt that the armor in his hand began to break into fine pieces, and the weight gradually decreased, and finally a silver-white folded armor appeared.

The effect of processing high-level unknown treasures with the cutting technique of reality appears:

"The fish scale pattern armor was cut into dark gold equipment: Mingguang Armor."

"Mingguang Armor: dark gold equipment. The breastplate of this kind of armor has been polished and has a dazzling reflection in the sun, just like a mirror. In the Han Dynasty, mirrors often had the cliché "seeing the light of the sun, the world will be bright" , hence the name Mingguang Armor, which is famous for being carefully polished and lightweight. It is often worn and used by sharp archers in the army. It was dropped by Cao Ren, the general of the Wei Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms world."

"The equipment effect reduces physical damage by 15%, spell damage by 25%, and absorbs a fixed 55 points of all damage. After wearing it, there is a 15% chance of not suffering enemy spell damage, and 50% of its power is reflected back."

"Equipment conditions: Strength 28, Agility 25, Physical strength 22. Mental strength 45."