Ace Evolution

Chapter 493: The four ships disturbed the morale of the army


The retreat of Soochow was originally based on the familiarity of the terrain, and it was a clever move that could greatly reduce the losses. Let's ask who Cao Jun could chase in a hurry. Who dared to chase? who? Even if they caught a few small groups, they were only superficially injured and could not move their muscles and bones. wwW,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,cOmBut Soochow's retreat method also fell into Fang Lin's plan. In fact, as soon as the two armies started fighting, they had been watching the battle from a distance, with almost a panoramic view of the situation on the battlefield. Fang Lin made a judgment at the early stage of the battle. Cao Jun would probably win, but it would be a miserable victory. However, even so, Fang Lin also made two plans:

First of all, if Cao's army cannot support it, then the retreat will definitely not be dispersed. It will be divided into three teams at most. Then his group will gather together and adopt a method of preferring to cut off one of his fingers rather than hurt ten of them to concentrate their strength. Something unexpected. Of course, the main goal is to attack Meimei's team.

But if the local snake like Soochow can't support it first, then we can adopt the method of ambushes on the important roads, create chaos, harass and attack as much as possible!

Because Gan Ning's retreat method, including the retreat route, had already been predicted by Fang Lin! As for creating traps and creating panic, Lao Hu is an authoritative expert, so he can handle it by himself. After all, there is no aboriginal in the Three Kingdoms world who knows the name of the subject of jungle special combat, let alone the content. As far as the Three Kingdoms period is concerned, at most it can be said that the Danyang soldiers fought fiercely in the mountains, the Soochow navy was awesome, etc. As for why it was so powerful and why it was awesome, it was Zhuge-----There was a small hole------Ming Never thought of it either. What's more, Gan Ning and others

Therefore, some of the ideas put forward by Lao Hu and the methods of using local materials to create traps, even the famous Zhao Yun was very impressed, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Lao Hu was very different. Apart from Zhuge, there are really few people who can be admired by an outstanding person like Zhao Yun. Lao Hu couldn't help but feel a little proud.

The previous butcher cleverly used the traps laid by Lao Hu on the shore in the water, and cooperated with Bobby to kill several seriously injured defeated Soochow soldiers and make a huge profit during the retreat of Soochow. They were not only chased by Cao's army, but also by Fang Lin, who took advantage of their fierce fighting to lay traps and ambushes on several important roads in advance, which frightened Wu's army to the core. Even if some wanted to organize resistance, I saw Fang Lin and his party wearing Cao Jun armor. When Cao Jun was about to attack from behind, how could he know that there were a few Xibei guys in front of him? He immediately concentrated on escaping for his life.

For Fang Lin, the reason why he could accurately grasp the key routes of the Wu army's retreat was because he knew that the defeated Wu army would eventually retreat to one place, which was the place where they came ashore! Because if you retreat from the land, as soon as you reach the open space by the river, two legs will definitely not be able to outrun four legs. No matter how fast you run, you will be chased by Cao Jun's famous cavalry. Gan Ning of Soochow was famous for his navy. He must have been unwilling to accept the defeat this time. He obviously had the intention of leading Cao's army to the water's edge for a decisive battle!

So Fang Lin arranged a trap in advance on the sampan they came on! When people from Soochow scrambled one after another to escape from the death traps laid by Lao Hu in the dense forest, and stumbled to get on the boat, they were shocked to see that the boat docked on the shore had burned into ashes. Sea of fire! There were only four intact sampans left!

Even if these four sampans are full of people, they can only carry 80 people at most!

You can see that the pursuers will arrive in an instant. No sergeant in the Wu Army thought that his group of people, whose morale had dropped to the lowest point, could fight against all odds and win. The four sampans in front of them became the only hope for survival! So under the pressure of survival or death, those who did not squeeze onto the sampan began to raise the butcher knife against their colleagues. In such a chaotic situation, no one will remember who made the first move. The important thing is to survive!

After seeing the two crowded sampans swaying away, the rest of the Wu Army sergeants became even more jealous. Some people who had no hope of boarding even started to chop up the sampans frantically. What they were thinking It couldn't be simpler: If I can't leave. Don’t even think about leaving!

In this chaotic situation, even Gan Ning, who arrived belatedly, was powerless. You must know that because Sun Quan was also a very jealous person, when Gan Ning came to surrender, he tied him to Jinfan. The thieves were directly organized into the navy army-------of course, it must be in the name of Gan Ning's superior water skills and they were assigned to various armies as training places-------so Gan Ning was the leader. People who don't have outstanding abilities are really helpless to deal with this mess.

After he chopped down several people in succession, it still didn't help. With a long sigh, he led four loyal soldiers and fled in another direction. If he didn't escape while these messy men could still attract Cao Jun's attention, the hope of returning alive would be even lower. Got it!

In ancient times, two peaches killed three soldiers, and Fang Lin deliberately left these four sampans behind. It’s not just people that are killed. And the military spirit of Soochow!

When the rain stopped for a little while, the dark clouds in the sky on the other side once again occupied most of the sky. The strong wind and cold rain rolled over together. For a short while, the sky and earth became a gray expanse. The leaves were torn off by the wind and flew wildly into the air. The wind mixed with darkness from the distance seemed to be pregnant with a deep and distant sigh.

Gan Ning suddenly stopped, the muscles on his face kept twitching, and only his right hand reached to his waist, holding the handle of the knife tightly! The big hand full of scars and calluses was in close contact with the rough handle of the knife, and there was a feeling of flesh and blood. Gan Ning had been a strong thief on the river since he was fifteen years old, and he lived a life of bloodshed with the knife tip. This thick knife The sharp knife on his back had been stained with the blood of countless enemies and had protected him through many difficulties, but today... Gan Ning had never felt so close to the edge of death!

The muscles on his face twitched slightly, and he suddenly drew the knife!

This knife was extremely fierce, but it was actually the old guard servant on the left who had been with him for twenty years! With one knife, he cut his shoulder and back into two pieces! As the blood spurted wildly, the old servant fell to the ground without even saying a word. Only the warm blood was mixed in the rain, and it gradually became cold! The rest of the guards were shocked and couldn't help but said:


Although they were willing to die for Gan Ning, they were really not willing to die in such an unclear manner, making it difficult for them to rest in peace.

Gan Ning closed his eyes and said slowly and word by word:

"Lao Dao has been controlled by the enemy... If I don't kill him, he will attack us!"

"What a Gan Xingba! He is indeed a hero who makes decisive decisions! Just like that, you will kill your loyal servant who has been following you for decades. Aren't you afraid of chilling people?" A man walked out of the bushes calmly. This was a young man. The person's hair looks a little messy, but the two pupils in his eyes are surprisingly dark and deep. Looking at the person for a long time seems to absorb the person's soul into it, but his left hand is burning. blue flame! It's Fang Lin!

Immediately afterwards, a woman with one arm holding a silver axe, a very tall, burly, and arrogant middle-aged man, and a giant man as thick and fat as a hill appeared one after another. There were also four people with dull eyes in the periphery, wearing The soldiers of Cao Jun and Wu Jun in armor stood respectfully.

Gan Ning's facial muscles twitched, and he said with anger:

"The moment you used your magic to control Lao Dao, he was already dead!"

It turns out that Lao Dao was the person who took care of various chores around Gan Ning and took care of the past accounts. His own strength was low, so he could be controlled by Fang Lin, but the remaining three personal guards were out-and-out. Elite, at least close to the strength of Wu Rui, the captain of the elite armored soldiers. Fang Lin said this to disturb Gan Ning's military morale, but it seemed to be in vain!

In just this short moment, the sky darkened completely, and things a few meters away felt ethereal. Black clouds were fighting in the sky, and the strong wind and cold rain couldn't help blowing across the face, blowing up a leaden leaf. Fang Lin slowly raised his right hand, the blue flame on it became more intense under the rain, and then he slowly pointed his palm at Gan Ning!

The guards immediately became nervous and jumped directly in front of Gan Ning, apparently intending to use their own flesh and blood to resist the demon's sorcery, but suddenly there was a sound of "Hey, look at the gun" from the side. Drink, the red tassel of a spear flashed, and the cold light flickered, and with an understatement, the three personal guards in front of Gan Ning were directly trapped!

The person who takes the initiative to warn even if there is a sneak attack is naturally Changshan Zhao Zilong!

Gan Ning raised his eyebrows! He was about to attack Zhao Yun together, but when he saw two mysterious blue rays of light flashing past the chest of the young man opposite him, it was like a fierce look flashing out of a pair of extremely evil eyes!

There was a sudden explosion of pain in the center of the Dongwu general's eyebrows. He couldn't help but reach out to rub it. He was momentarily absent-minded, and then his wrist tightened, and the burly, tall and powerful man had directly grabbed his wrist!