Ace Evolution

Chapter 500: Raid


When Fang Lin used powerful magic. wWW!QuAnBen-XIaoShuo!COmThe target area chosen is full of seriously injured and unconscious cavalry. But even so, the success rate mostly hovers between 40% and 60%. The mental shock is silent and invades the human body quietly. Therefore, even if the powerful magic spell fails to control and turns into a mental shock, it is extremely difficult for others to detect it. He just treated it as a normal death, and even if Fang Lin accidentally killed him, he would only treat it as a direct gain of points! Therefore, under the cover of several internal agents under his control, Fang Lin took control of the three cavalry in a short time. Tiger and leopard riding!

Then he left the wretched Fu here to open the halo for these three controlled guys. To help them recover quickly. Then he took out the broken handle of the silver plot weapon. He summoned six blue-clothed minions, put on Cao Jun's military uniforms, and lurked in another military tent. After placing Lin Yinxiu and Lao Hu in tents in the north and south of the camp respectively. exhort them once the action begins. Focus on causing riots and setting fires, never force yourself.

At this time, Fang Lin used powerful magic to control Cao's army commanders, who already had four people. Including the three tiger and leopard riders, there are already 7 people! This is the first time that he has controlled and enslaved so many subordinates. Even if it can be entrusted with trusteeship, it can be ordered to act. But the mental pressure brought to Fang Lin was also huge - he had to receive, analyze and judge information from eight aspects at the same time with one person. You can imagine the effort it took!

But that's why. Only then did Fang Lin and his party feel like they were in the middle of nowhere in Cao's army's base camp, let alone being noticed by anyone. By the time everything had been taken care of, everyone had reached the fighting position. Fang Lin looked at Zhao Yun. He crossed his eyebrows tiredly and smiled:

"Everything is ready now. All we need is Dongfeng, the key to this battlefield. In fact, it is still on you and me, but the danger we bear is much greater."

Zhao Yun said calmly:

"Looking at your well-organized arrangements, I must be confident. No matter how dangerous it is here, can it be better than the million-cao army in Changban that I faced alone on horseback?"

Fang Lin had to deal with information from many aspects at the same time, which took a huge amount of mental energy. He smiled with a slightly pale face and said:

"Being able to fight side by side with General Zhao. To receive this kind of pride and victory is a life that has never been wasted."

As the saying goes, you can wear everything you wear, but you can never wear flattery. Zhao Yun smiled slightly after hearing this and said:

"What should we do now?"

"Go to Zhang Liao and kill him as soon as possible... At least, beat him until he is unable to control the overall situation!" Fang Lin narrowed his eyes and said coldly:

"Compared with General Zhao's, Zhang Liao's injuries are only more serious! He was weak that day. It would have been difficult to survive in the face of General Zhang Fei's sudden attack. If Xu Chu hadn't come to the rescue in time. You can’t even save your life!”

Zhao Yun took a deep breath. Among the thousands of troops, he sneaked into the enemy general's camp and was about to leave. Qingji incident! Moreover, the target of the assassination was still a famous general like Zhang Liao! If it had been someone else. I'm afraid that after hearing what Fang Lin said, he would immediately turn around and ignore it.

Zhao Yun hesitated and said:

"Zhang Liao must be surrounded by many guards. I am afraid that I am still unable to do it alone."

Fang Lin said in a deep voice:

"As soon as I sent the signal, fire broke out in all directions in the camp. Then I used the three tiger and leopard cavalry under my control to charge towards the place where Cao's army stored food. There were not many elite soldiers left around Zhang Liao! By then we would rush over again. . I can't guarantee that we can always create a situation where General Zhao and Zhang Liao fight alone. The only thing I can promise is that if an enemy rushes towards your back, then he will definitely come over my body!"

Fang Lin said the last sentence very loudly. There is absolutely no room for maneuver! After hearing this, Zhao Yun took the initiative and did not ask any more questions. He just split himself into two parts and held the spear tighter, and said lightly:


Zhao Zilong is full of courage... ..It's really extraordinary! If Fang Lin's judgment was wrong, Zhang Liao was not seriously injured. But most of them are still there, so the two of them are sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth!

It's just that Zhao Yun has no worries. He has no considerations of his own in mind. That's also unlikely, it's just Zhao Yun's confidence. But it came from Fang Lin - a young man who seemed young, but the city was deep and calculating. This is the only thing Zhao Yun has seen in his life! Zhuge's military advisor must be better than him in his foresight and overall situation. But he acted decisively and ruthlessly. The ability to change things on the spot is no less impressive! If this young man is willing to say something like that, he must have already made up his mind before taking action. Judging from his appearance, he is by no means a self-destructive person!

In fact. Fang Lin was definitely not making assumptions about Zhang Liao's injury out of thin air. Although he could only control the corps commanders of Cao's army and could not control those at higher levels, some of the details these corps commanders came into contact with were enough to infer Zhang Liao's injuries!

1-For example, although Zhang Liao entered the camp on horseback, he had to try twice in a row before he was dismounted. Another example is that Zhang Liao's soldiers went in and out more than ten times to get clear water. This was obviously used to clean wounds, and for example, the porridge sent in by the Huotou Army before Zhang Liao retreated was sent out without moving, which shows that Zhang Liao was probably still suffering from a high fever. Nausea and anorexia.

Fang Lin even because of his age and experience. In terms of grasping the overall situation. It may be lacking compared to Mountain Ghost and others. But he is on these details that are easily overlooked. But few can match it! As the saying goes, details determine success or failure. This is why he has repeatedly fallen into the enemy's traps and plots. But the main reason for being able to come back again and again and fight with the weak defeating the strong!

1 - The overall advantage also needs to be turned into victory on small battlefields! It can be further transformed into victory. However, it is very difficult to face the ever-changing tactics of Fang Lin on local battlefields without falling behind or exposing flaws!

At this time, Cao Jun was in the camp. Another group of wounded soldiers poured in. Therefore, it is quite confusing for people to shout horses neighing. It was like a basin of water that was originally unclear, but a large amount of sludge was poured into it and stirred. It looks cloudier.

One of the controlled corps commanders took Fang Lin and Zhao Yun into an uninhabited tent. The straight-line distance from here to Zhang Liao's commander's tent is less than fifty meters. Now everything is ready and all we need is the east wind. Just waiting for the physical strength of the three tiger and leopard riders to recover under the nourishment of Wuxiao Fu.

Fang Lin was leaning on the couch next to him, his eyes closed, and his face was not in the shadow. It comes across as more than just feminine. There is also a strong evil intention. He stroked the blue flames that kept dancing on his fingertips with his fingers. The movements were delicate and gentle, as if they were playing with the beauty's skin. The fingers of the other hand were tapping gently on the couch next to him, making a very soft sound. But it was very powerful. Zhao Yun sat upright and was meticulous, took out a piece of flannel and carefully wiped the tip of the gun. It seemed that not even a trace of dirt or dust was allowed to stay on it.

"Ready." Fang Lin suddenly opened his eyes and said: "At this time, the three tiger and leopard riders have recovered properly. After a cup of tea, we should take action."

Zhao Yun put away his gun. He took out a strip of cloth from his arms and carefully re-bandaged the wound on his arm. Then took a few deep breaths. An abnormal blush appeared on his face. Calmly said:

"I'm ready."

Fang Lin knew that he had forcibly inhaled air into the injured lung. Although this could restore most of the lung function, the pain it caused could be imagined. Zhao Yun's vigorous fighting will was really admirable!

To the west of the military camp. A huge explosion suddenly sounded in the east and north. Thick smoke rose up! The person who started the attack would obviously attract Cao Jun's primary attention and be in the greatest danger! Therefore, the three minions in blue were the first to attack! Lin Yinxiu was the next to attack. Her agility is higher than that of Hu Huahao, which makes it easier for her to escape, so she was placed in fourth place.

In an instant, four or five fires started to rise in Cao Jun's camp. Thick smoke was rising, but Hu Huahao and Bobby lurked on the water path outside the camp! Once someone came to put out the fire, they would intercept and kill them. Two commanders of Cao's army under control were also assigned to him, mainly for harassment, with the purpose of preventing Cao's army from fetching water smoothly.

The management of the camp was somewhat chaotic. In addition, the newly sent group of Cao Jun's wounded soldiers were attacked before they could even find a place to resettle them. They were even more confused and wandering around like headless flies - the wounded soldiers must not be familiar with each other, and even more so. The meaning of frightened bird. Of course I wanted to escape.

In the thick smoke, the three Tireless and Painless Tiger and Leopard Cavalry controlled by Fang Lin rushed out like tigers descending from the mountain. They rushed straight to the grain and grass warehouse, a key defensive area for Cao Jun!

At this time, the remaining three blue-clothed minions also began to move around, throwing pre-bundled torches everywhere. Thick smoke billows. The visibility was extremely low! There was a lot of choking and coughing. These torches were made by Lao Hu, a guy who had received modern special operations training. They brought together the best from all over the world, and of course the effect was amazing.

Cao Jun's messenger rushed to Zhang Liao's camp at a low price. Previously, they were blocked one after another, saying that they could just ask General Zhao Ming to take charge of the overall situation. But later, I received news that the military grain depot had been attacked by rebels. Zhang Liao could no longer sit still. Finally, he forcibly broke off the retreat and walked out of the camp.

At this time, the butcher following Fang Lin expanded like an inflated ball. Returned to normal shape. A detective pulled out the giant gun from the space.

—_g4/psg model anti-material gun!