Ace Evolution

Chapter 503: Green ointment


A smile appeared on Fang Lindi's lips. www. QuanBen-XiaoShuo. cOmAt this time, Zhao Yun's hands were empty, and his left hand was weak and his right hand was weak. Forced into an extremely dangerous situation, he showed a sense of relief! His movements seemed quite casual - of course, in Cao Jun's eyes. The guy in front of him saw that his landlord was about to lose. Therefore, in the panic, he was at the end of his strength and was about to be completely defeated by himself and others.

Zhang Liao's offensive was even faster. His skills on horseback were encouraged by Lu Bu many times. Hence its great reputation. But few people know that when he is fighting on foot, he uses his double swords very sharply and swiftly, just like the heavy rain in summer. Pervasive. Even now he only has a single sword with his left hand. But it still gives people the feeling of a storm!

Under such a disadvantage. Zhao Yun, unarmed, had only two options, let alone counterattack: or get hit by a knife. Or just retreat!

The great glory of defeating Zhao Yun not only exists in the heart of General Cao Ying, but even ordinary soldiers also know the huge reputation and benefits brought by defeating and killing Zhao Yun. The two captains who were most loyal to Zhang Liao and were willing to accompany him life and death have died. Zhang Liao suddenly didn't have enough bullet pressure on his men, so when Zhao Yunfei retreated too far and was forced to retreat close to Fang Lin's battle group, an ambitious elite Pu Dao Shield Soldier suddenly drew his sword. He directly aimed at Zhao Yun, who seemed to have put all his energy on Zhang Liao, and chopped it on the neck!

Zhao Yun didn't avoid it! Or was he unable to avoid it

The murderous intention is strong. In the flash of sword light, it converged directly towards Zhao Yun's neck and throat!

This elite swordsman and shield soldier is called Cai Bian. When Cao Cao captured Jingzhou, he was in urgent need of naval personnel, so he recruited a large number of Cai family members from Cai Mao to join the army. This Cai Bian joined Cao Jun as a naval officer. However, he stood out and joined the elite ranks of Cao Jun's army in a short period of time. It is obvious that his subordinates also have real abilities! Moreover, he has won the daring, careful, cheeky, thick-skinned and ruthless character of his elder brother Cai Mao!

Cai Bian always likes to chop off the heads of his enemies. It's not just that it's brutal. It's not all because this person likes the feeling of cutting into two parts. The most important reason is based on two words: - safety.

Cai Bian's old man is a long-standing thief. Later he washed his hands and became a good person. in his many years of killing. I have seen many cases of people who suffered fatal blows to their bodies but still successfully counterattacked and killed the powerful enemy in front of them. but. That is, no enemy can fight back after his head is cut off.

Therefore, being good at summarizing, he set an iron rule for himself.

Don't relax before cutting off the enemy's head!

Because of this, he had another nickname when he was young.

1-Chop off Cai’s head!

Chotou Cai taught this iron rule to his son. Cai Bian knew that the old man would never lie to him, so he kept this rule in mind.

The knife hit exactly where Cai Bian wanted to hit. There is a throbbing resistance from the place where the blade contacts the skin!

Zhao Yun was stabbed in the neck!

Cai Bian knew that what came next was the pleasure that penetrated his muscles and cracked his bones. He closed his eyes slightly, ready to enjoy the exciting feeling of blood splattering. Only Fang Lin noticed it before Cai could identify the knife. Zhao Yun, with his bare hands, made a very covert inhalation movement!

Before the blade cuts into his neck. The blue scribe's robe that Zhao Yun was wearing suddenly bulged up like a robe filled with wind. The collar was pressed against the slashing blade!

The sharp blade kisses the collar. Suddenly there was a brief and unnoticed stagnation. But then it was still **, but this time it paused. An opportunity was created, a turning point that was enough to bring the dead back to life and decide everything!

Zhao Yun took this opportunity. Suddenly he lowered his head. He pressed/clamped the blade of the knife with his chin, and he endured the sharp, dull pain in his throat caused by the impact. He held the knife tightly in his throat!

Add a little meat. The blade could only penetrate a little into the flesh, and it seemed to be stuck in the granite. No matter how hard it is to advance!

A long blood line was also cut out on Zhao Yun's neck! Cai Bian also reacted very quickly. Seeing that the opportunity is not good, he immediately abandons the knife if he can't succeed when he pulls it out. At the same time, he quickly pulled out a spare dagger from his waist. Once again, he launched a fatal attack on the unarmed Zhao Yun!

For Cai Bian, since he slashed out the knife in front of Zhang Liao. Then his own retreat will be cut off! He can no longer think about other things at the moment. If you can't kill Zhao Yun. Even if he could escape with his life, Zhang Liao would never be able to spare him who dared to take credit!

But Zhao Yun suddenly turned around. It feels vigorous. Chic, his blue gown fluttered. The eyes of Zhang Liao and Cai Bian were illuminated with azure blue! Then an indescribable watery brilliance splashed out from Zhao Yun's waist. I couldn't see its specific shape at all. I only knew that it was translucent with a hint of green, and it directly collided with Cai Bian's dagger!

Cai Bian's dagger broke without hesitation.

Obviously the brilliance in Zhao Yun's hands is bright. It is ten times and a hundred times sharper than it!

Cai Benying's disbelieving pupils reflected Zhao Yun's steady right hand. There was an unparalleled and terrifying cold light, which flashed past! Then it swept/forced towards him decisively!

As blood spurted out, Cai Bian's head flew into the air. And the indescribable watery brilliance pulled out from Zhao Yun's waist was stained with blood. A sudden surge! If it were said that it was like a clear stream flowing silently before. Then it instantly turned into a violent waterfall!

Blood waterfall!

Zhang Liao's pupils suddenly shrank as he was about to pounce. He suddenly thought of a fatal thing, that is, King Wei once lost a unique and famous sword on the Changban slope! This sword was carried by Xia Houen. . But it was captured by Zhao Yun! Later, Zhao Yun fought against the four generals. Cao's army came together, and Zhao Yun drew out his green sword and slashed at them. The effect is terrible:

Where the hand starts. The armor is flat. Blood is like a fountain!

The name of that sword is: Qingxiang Sword!

Zhang Liao had not personally seen this magical weapon as famous as the Yitian Sword, but he had noticed Zhao Yun's waist before, and there was no obvious appearance of carrying a sword. That's why I took it lightly. I didn't expect that this green sword could be worn around the waist like a soft sword! And once it was stained with blood, its power would increase tenfold. Coming overwhelmingly. Unstoppable!

Fang Lin had already guessed this. When he and his party were fighting Gan Ning. Zhao Yun made the mistake out of sympathy. Release Gan Ning's personal guards. At that time, Fang Lin judged from Zhao Yun's calmness that he must have hidden hidden moves that he had not yet used, so he downplayed his failure and did not take it seriously.

But even though Zhao Yun has such magical weapons. But if Fang Lin doesn't save him. Being trapped on a boat in Soochow yesterday was still a place of death. Because it is above the river. Zhao Yun had no way to escape. Without the Qingzhi Sword, perhaps Zhao Yun could kill a hundred people. With the Qinghong Sword. He just killed two hundred people. There is always no way to escape the fate of being captured due to exhaustion.

Zhao Yun had already buried his own gun, the Yajiao Gun, outside the camp, but he casually found a suitable long gun. Fang Lin knew that Zhao Yun would use risky tactics to lure Zhang Liao into a quick battle. Therefore, we cooperated many times. This led Zhang Liao to step onto the Internet.

Note: Zhao Yun’s gun is named Yajiao. It means "there is no right corner of the world". It comes from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the predecessor of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Zhang Lioruo still had two swords in his hands at this time. He can still barely block the Qingzhijian's attack, but he can face the sword with one sword. After contact, they were completely defeated, and the Qingxiang Sword reached its strongest state after being stained with blood and killing people. It was only after a confrontation. Zhang Liao's sword in his left hand made a clanging sound. A deep gap was left on the blade!

And the sword light with a sad and bloody color also surged up and struck Zhang Liao's chest. Zhang Liao immediately snorted. Blood spurted out from his chest, and a deep wound that was more than a foot long was cut out. He staggered and took advantage of the situation to retreat quickly. Even though Zhang Liao was using all his strength to defend himself, his hair was cut off accidentally. With disheveled hair, he looked even more embarrassed, but his retreat direction was also close to his handsome tent.

Zhao Yun's sword was rolled back before his eyes. He slashed towards Zhang Liao's lower abdomen from bottom to top. Zhang Liao used his sword to block. However, Zhao Yun tilted the Qingxiang Sword slightly, and the blade hit the gap where Zhang Liao's left-hand sword had been. The knife was broken immediately, and the wind and water turned around before his eyes. Zhao Yun was previously chased by Zhang Liao with a broken sword, but now Zhao Yun is chasing Zhang Liao with a broken sword.

But at this critical moment. The tent behind Zhang Liao suddenly broke open and a burly lieutenant, half-body wrapped in white cloth, rushed out. He was obviously seriously injured, and his muscles were tangled all over his body. Very stout. He actually took the initiative to pounce on the place where Zhao Yun's sword was at its strongest!

With the power of the green sword. Zhao Yun moved the sword so skillfully that the deputy general's flesh and blood body was stabbed into the heart in an understatement. Not even a hint of sluggishness. But this general was determined to die. After making the save, he penetrated the sword blade with his own body. He didn't even moan in pain. The thick-boned hands suddenly held down Zhao Yun's sword-holding right hand!

Witnessing this scene, Fang Lin took a deep breath and immediately gave up on Cao Jun, who was clearly in panic in front of him. He pounced directly on Zhang Liao's commander's tent! It can be said that it started from the time when he decided to raid Cao Jun's camp. All of Fang Lin's planning and layout was for this moment. In order to get Zhang Liao's place, it means a lot to others. A-level props that are very important to me:

—Fragmentary pages of historical records!