Ace Evolution

Chapter 504: fight


Fang Lin realized this from the first moment he saw Zhang Liaodi. www, QuanBeN-XiaoShuo, coM This is very likely to be my only chance to obtain the remaining pages of historical records in a long, long time. After missing this time, not to mention plotting against Zhang Liao, even seeing him is a luxury! As for the chance of purchasing from the market, it can be ignored.

You know, the last time Fang Lin obtained the fragmentary pages of the Geographical History. It was obtained from Traveler, one of the top ten, in exchange! Its rarity can be imagined. Most importantly. The difficulty of obtaining this thing is quite terrifying. In the golden main line mission, it is quite difficult to establish a relationship with Cao Jun. After all, each main line mission involves the main reward of killing Cao Jun. Therefore, there is almost no way to obtain the remaining pages of Zhang Liaodi's historical records by completing tasks.

If you are hostile to Zhang Liao. How easy is it to kill Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan? That means killing people on the ground! You know. Fang Lin and the others now have the opportunity to contact the injured Zhang Liao because only three people have difficulty. If it were another three-person team, the golden mechanism beast guarding the bow of the ship at the beginning would probably consume a lot of supplies. Not to mention the subsequent discovery of Rendushi Shu. Kill the Beast Controller and others. As for turning enemies into friends with Sun Ji and Sun Shangxiang, it is extremely difficult!

quickly. Fang Lin then judged the strength of the Zhao brothers, Cao Ying's female general Meimei and others. Without external help, the limit of our team is to face two such small bosses at the same time. And there can't be any minions nearby to help. Want to kill Zhang Liao. Even if Zhang Liao is injured, it is an impossible task! To say the least, it is impossible. Even if he kills the lonely Gan Ning. They also used Zhang Lingjian and other D-class gold props!

Therefore, Fang Lin quickly reasoned that it would be difficult to kill Zhang Liao. Even if you want to defeat it and drive it away, you must rely on Zhao Yun's power! But once Zhao Yun takes action. Even if you go to all the trouble to kill Zhang Liao, it doesn't make much sense, because the gain simply outweighs the loss.

But Fang Lin was about to consider giving up. But suddenly he thought about something. That is, the people I have to face are all real people! Their living habits are different from those in the real world and history. It's definitely not too big either.

During the Three Kingdoms period, books were still a luxury product. Before the invention of engraving and printing, in ancient times, a teacher would give his handwritten books to his disciples before his death, which basically meant entrusting his mantle to him. For example, Zhang Liang and Huang Shigong, Zhang Jiao also claimed that he had obtained three volumes of the Heavenly Book. Obtained the true biography of the Immortal.

Among the Three Kingdoms. Another military general who loved to read was rumored to be a good talker, Guan Yu, who had a very good relationship with Zhang Liao in private. There is a couplet describing the second brother Guan: Yi kept the three tripods of the Han Dynasty and aspired to write a book in the Spring and Autumn Period. This describes Guan Yu who likes to read the book Spring and Autumn at night when he has nothing to do. It can be inferred from this that Zhang Liao would not leave the historical records he cherished casually. And even if he reads, he should have the same rules and time as his friend Guan Yu.

So Fang Lin came to the conclusion: It is very possible to find the book of historical records that Zhang Liao read among his personal belongings! Of course, there is a possibility that he will not be able to use it after getting it, but as long as he is willing to do it, there is hope. If not If you do it, there will be no hope at all.

And just when Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao were facing each other. Fang Lin was about to rush into Zhang Liao's tent to commit Kong Yiji's book theft. His mental power suddenly discovered that there was another person in Zhang Liao's tent! He immediately deduced two very key points in his mind:

1: It is very possible that Zhang Liao can actually get pretty good equipment or props in his tent. Otherwise, the nightmare space would not arrange for a person to stay in the tent to guard it.

Two: This person must be the person Zhang Liao trusts and relies on the most. It is very likely that Zhang Liao regarded it as a final ambush.

Facts have proved that Fang Lindi's judgment was not wrong at all. Under the terrible pressure of Zhao Yun's Qingxiu Sword. Unhappily, Zhang Liao chose to retreat to his commander's tent. It can be said that if Fang Lin was willing to take the risk and cooperate at this time. It is also very possible to kill Zhang Liao. But the iron rule in the nightmare space is: Never do anything where the payout is not proportional to the benefits! If a powerful general like Zhang Liao feels that he will die. The backlash before death is also quite terrifying.

One by one - risking death but not getting much reward, this obviously does not comply with the principles of the nightmare space.

One by one, he chose to wait.

Sure enough, Zhang Liao's lieutenant who was hiding in the camp jumped out. Although the Qingxiang Sword penetrated his heart, he also sacrificed his own life in exchange for Zhao Yun's sluggish forward speed! Zhao Yun originally suffered a shoulder injury, and the deputy general used the severe pain of his heart to be pierced. Exploded, using the last potential of his life to hold down Zhao Yun's hands!

Zhao Yun struggled. The wrist holding the sword seemed to be cast in pig iron. The face of the burly man in front of him was distorted by pain, and his gums were soaked with blood! The muscles on his body were as tight as iron. But there was a complicated look in his eyes, a mixture of anxiety and relief! All of his expressions were blessing Zhang Liao behind him with two words:

"Run away!"

Zhao Yun lowered his eyes, and his heart felt calm:

"Fighting to death for our lord is the honor of our warriors..."

The power coming from the wrist holding the sword showed a trace of looseness, and no one was stabbed through the heart after a hole in the earth. He could still hold Changshan Zhao Zilong down for more than three seconds, but Zhao Yun calmly stood there with his eyelids lowered for ten seconds. Zhao Yun's reputation for loyalty is well known throughout the world. He just wants to do it in his own unique way. Pay the highest respect to the loyal man in front of you.

"Since you want to protect the person you want to protect so much, you will not hesitate to use your life to defend him. Then I will fulfill your last wish, but I also have people I want to protect, so I can only do this for you." Zhao Yun said calmly. Said in the heart.

"do not."

His wrist trembled. The "swipe" sound of the green sword was once again dyed red by the blood in the sky, and the thick and iron lieutenant was completely shattered like a porcelain statue in an instant! Zhao Yun stooped forward. Dash out. His throat was at this time. The pain in my chest became extremely severe, as if a file was being sawed back and forth, even though it was delayed for that period of time. But Zhao Yun was still confident of catching up with Zhang Liao - because the injury on Zhang Liao's right leg was definitely not serious, and the wound on his chest where the sword energy was splashed was still gurgling with blood. How much blood can a person shed

After all, this is inside Cao Ying. Even inside the smoky mess. Cao Jun still rushed out from time to time. Trying to stop the man in the blue shirt from fluttering and clinging to his general! But they often overlooked the faint clear light in front of Zhao Yun in the thick smoke. Therefore, large groups of bloody mist often flash in front of Zhao Yun. But his momentum remained unchanged at all. Resolutely and stubbornly shortening the distance with Zhang Liao bit by bit!

Zhao Yun's flowing sword power left a deep impression on Cao Jun here, and the most important thing was. When he slashes, he always gives the viewer a feeling of unfinished business!

One by one - this shows that even on the battlefield where life and death can be a snap. It's not worth all his efforts.

Fang Lin has a very tough character. He is the kind of person who can keep his whole body motionless while waiting. A person who endured silently for three days and three nights, but would not miss a second when the opportunity came, when Zhang Liao's dead soldier rushed out to stop Zhao Yun. He refused to waste any time and took the opportunity to rush into Zhang Liao's tent!

But all the muscles in Fang Lin's body were tense. There was actually someone in the tent! It was a short and stocky Japanese man with a short sword on his waist and a very wide blade. He was working hard to wipe away the water stains on the bed next to him. It looked like he was a servant or something.

But this guy dressed as a servant was able to block Fang Lin's mental power detection, which was even more terrifying. He directly pulled out the wide and sharp short knife from his waist with his backhand, and thrust towards Fang Lin!

The most bizarre thing is that most of Fang Lin's attention at this time is not on the sharp broad blade thrust in front of him. Instead, he quickly scanned the items in the tent, and a wry smile appeared on his lips. Zhang Liao was obviously not a simple man. His various personal belongings were piled up in half of the military tent. And mental detection cannot be immersed in it.

This means that it will take a long time to find potentially valuable items from these things, and this is Cao Jun's military camp, and it is very likely that a large number of soldiers will surround it in the next second.

"Quick victory..." Fang Lin made this decision immediately. It is absolutely impossible to give up if you have reached this point. If you waste one more second on this Japanese elite, you will probably lose one point of hope of benefiting from Zhang Liao!

So Fang Lin immediately did something. That is, he raised his left hand to face the broad, thick, sharp dagger that was stabbing him!

The cold and sharp blade cut through the skin and penetrated into the flesh and blood of Fang Lin's palm, and not only blood flowed out. And bone marrow! You can imagine the severe pain it caused! Fang Lin actually used his left hand as a scabbard for a short sword! This was the first time that the Japanese elite encountered such a person who wanted to take advantage of himself, even if he harmed himself. I couldn't help but be startled.

- But he was just stunned. His broad-bladed dagger had been cut directly from Fang Lin's abandoned left arm, and kissed Fang Lin's throat with warm flesh and blood!
