Ace Evolution

Chapter 516: Big purge


The driver was a middle-aged Japanese who seemed quite enthusiastic and honest. He actively helped the two of them carry their luggage. wwW, QuanBeN-XiaoShuo, coM also teased the little pig a few times - but the little black pig burning with the soul of the little dinosaur did not give him a good look. Bite directly on his finger.

The taxi quickly left the airport and drove out. Fang Lin had already memorized the road map of Tokyo, Japan by heart during his adventures in the nightmare world. Therefore, when the middle-aged man turned into a side road from the main road, he thought he was unnoticed and did not notice the sneer on Fang Lin's lips at all.

The speed of the car was not very fast, and soon several cars followed behind. They thought they had no flaws, but the faces of the drivers had the same faces that had passed by Fang Lin before in a taxi. Fang Lin didn't make a sound. What he meant was obvious. If these people want to deal with themselves and Beauty Lin, they will definitely not be able to do it in downtown Tokyo. Find a quiet, secluded place where no one is.

1 - This place is probably the underground parking lot of the building, or an abandoned warehouse.

In order to prevent these people from killing each other as soon as they arrived - Fang Lin was not worried about his own safety, but was worried about the two of them protecting themselves. During the counterattack, he missed and killed them all - so he deliberately used the sound that the people in front could just hear. He lowered his voice and said to Lin Yinxiu:

"Are you ready to prepare the one billion yen that you asked the branch to prepare?"

Although Miss Lin didn't know what she meant. But the two have worked together for a long time. There is still room for this tacit understanding. Immediately said:


Fang Lin seemed indifferent when he saw the driver in front of him, but waited for a few seconds. His Adam's apple twitched greedily, and he picked up the cup next to him and took a sip of water.

After a while, the taxi drove faster, and the scenery on the roadside became low and dilapidated. It was obvious that it had begun to move away from the city. Fang Lin gently kicked the beautiful Lin. The latter immediately responded to his doubts and shouted:

"Hey! Where are you taking us?"

The driver suddenly grinned sinisterly, completely destroying his honest and loyal appearance, which could be seen in the rearview mirror in front of him. He pressed a hidden button in front of him! Immediately, iron plates were raised on the front, back, left and right of the taxi. Fang Lin and Lin Yinxiu were sealed.

Beauty Lin's eyes showed excitement, but she shouted in horror:

"What do you want to do?"

That scene is the same as after Princess Jianning castrated Wu Yingxiong in The Deer and the Cauldron (Xingye version). There he yelled "It's indecent. I'm so scared." It's very similar.

The driver outside sneered, and then stopped talking. When the car door was opened, Fang Lin found that he had arrived in a dark underground parking lot. It had obviously been abandoned for a long time and the ground was quite damp. The walls were also covered in dirt.

More than a dozen men in suits with grim expressions stood outside the car door. The two men held pistols in their hands, pointing the muzzles at the black hole.

"get off."

Their words seemed to freeze, but Fang Lin was determined. He was most afraid that these people would kill him as soon as they arrived, and it would be difficult for him and his wife to fight back in order to protect themselves. Live.

After these people saw the sexy and charming Lin Damei, several of them secretly coveted her. One of the men with a gun stood up directly and said:

"Kill the man. The woman stays and asks for the password. She has mobilized more than one billion yen in funds at the branch here. She can also have fun by the way. If we cooperate, we can spare her life."

He just finished speaking. Suddenly I felt a light touch on my wrist. Then I was surprised. When he looked carefully, he realized that his wrists were already bare. It has actually been cut off at the wrist!

And in the hands of the mature and sexy long-legged beauty opposite. do not know when. There were two more bright silver slender stabbing swords! She opened her arms directly like a bird spreading its wings, and then crossed them in front of her to strike. Make a soft sound of "夤"!

And this time. The pistol was thrown high and the right hand that was holding it fell to the ground with a "snap"!

Only then did the unlucky man let out an earth-shattering scream, frantically trying to stop the bleeding from the wound on his right wrist.

Lin Yinxiu said with a smile as bright as a flower:

"If we cooperate, we can keep your whole body."

Several others were shocked. Fly back. Draw your gun. Opening fire, they kept pulling the trigger. The bullet casings kept flying away. Particle bullets were shot out continuously, but the silver thin sword in the hand of Miss Lin quietly and elegantly drew thin lines in the air. Every bullet fired at him seemed to be directly absorbed, and then easily bounced. fly!

The silver stabbing sword cut two gorgeous tracks in the air. There was a sound of cross-cutting, and in the firelight, the beautiful lady Lin slid down. With the graceful flight of a butterfly, he arrived in front of the enemy. The two thin swords spit out messages like poisonous snakes. The pair of scissors stabbed at their throats! The two swords drew cold death trajectories in the air, and blood flashed. The two slender silver stabbing swords were on the left and right, and the snakes that looked like poisonous snakes took turns biting. Devouring life!

And Fang Lin was not idle either. He moved like the wind and rushed into the enemy group. Even though bullets were flying everywhere, Fang Lin's strength increased greatly after he changed his job. These people's sight even found it difficult to judge his route. How could he aim and shoot? Fang Lin punched out, and a man raised his pistol and aimed it at him. Just as he pulled the trigger, Fang Lin punched the killer, including bullets, pistol and gun-holding right hand. On the wall! Glued into a ball. The bloody flesh was mixed with shiny crushed metal, which looked extremely weird! Not to mention there was a Bobby

Just for a moment. Everyone in the area fell dead and wounded, and the remaining two people who were still standing died. Escape.

However, this person who was able to escape ran to the entrance. He suddenly fell to the sky and fell to the ground, twitching and rolling. Snot, tears, feces and urine flowed out!

This person was the taxi driver from earlier! He thought Fang Lin and the others had not had time to attack him. Little did he know that Bobby had already bitten him before getting in the car! How uncomfortable would it be to be bitten by this guy

Fang Lin walked up to the five people and checked their confessions one by one. Although there was no direct evidence that the person behind the scenes was Lin Yinxiu's deputy. But there are many clues that can tell that it is inextricably linked to it. Even Miss Lin's subsidiary company in Japan may have been infiltrated into a lot of internal agents.

Lin Yinxiu sneered. She was much more mature than Fang Lin when it came to dealing with traitors in the company. Of course, Fang Lin left it to her. The two of them quickly killed these people one by one while they were still alive. . Then Fang Lin's blue flame flashed, directly destroying the corpse and eliminating traces. The five people evaporated into a few pinches of black ash in tens of seconds. Once soaked in water, it washed into the gutter without leaving a trace.

Bobby groaned and screamed, obviously the killing field addiction was not enough. With the soul of a dinosaur, it is an instinctive reflex to hunt creatures. Just like people eat and sleep. If you don't do it every day, you won't feel comfortable. Strictly speaking, these mere dozen people are really not enough for it to kill.

Lin Yinxiu then drove, and the two of them drove back onto the road as if nothing had happened. There is a living map called Fang Lin. He knew all the streets and alleys well, and soon arrived in front of the branch of Lin Damei Company. Lin Yinxiu walked into the foyer of the branch's majestic building with a frosty face, and said directly to the lady at the front desk:

"Ask Zhang Zihao from the branch to come out and see me."

The branch manager here is a Korean appointed by her. The lady at the front desk didn't even raise her eyelids, and said in a very formulaic manner:

"I'm sorry, miss. You need to make an appointment to see our chairman. It's difficult to meet your request."

Lin Yinxiu sneered. He immediately made a call, and not long after, Zhang Zihao led a group of people and rushed down with smiles on their faces:

"President, are you here?"

Fang Lin sighed in his heart, relying on these words. Zhang Zihao is inseparable from today's assassination. The car he sent to pick up Lin Yinxiu was in trouble midway. Regardless of whether he knew it or not, this should not have been the first thing he said. Instead, apologize or CEO, why did you arrive

Lin Yinxiu ignored him and said coldly:

"Ask all the company's middle-level management cadres to assemble, put down all the work in their hands, and gather in the first conference room. Everyone who is currently in the company. I want to see everyone here within ten minutes. If you don't come, just pack up and leave. Man, the lawyer will be here soon."

After saying that, she walked directly into the elevator, except for Fang Lin who dared to walk side by side with her. The remaining people looked at each other. Really, some people are happy and some are sad. No matter how stupid you are, you can tell that a big earthquake has occurred in the upper echelons of the company, and big changes are about to happen.

Half an hour later, with the help of Fang Lin's detector. All the insiders in the company, headed by Zhang Zihao, were eliminated. Lin Yinxiu's resolute and iron-fisted methods were quite similar to Mrs. Thatcher's, and her actions were devastating! She immediately gave instructions to Europe, after implementing the poison pill plan. Sell off stocks across the board. If others want to take over her company, they can. But at least you have to pay an extremely high price!

These things have long been planned by Lin Yinxiu after careful consideration, and the lack of land is just an excuse to start. The turmoil caused by transnational consortiums like Lin Yinxiu's can even affect the economic fluctuations of several countries. One can imagine the shocked reaction from the outside world at this time. Miss Lin wanted to show her determination at this time. Then I turned off my phone directly. Rejected outside contact information. Reliable deployment in the company was ordered to make contact based on the name information of dozens of ancient and famous swords provided by Fang Lin. Prepare to launch a silver bullet offensive and officially complete this hidden continuous mission:

—The inscription on the puffer fish poison!