Ace Evolution

Chapter 52: Negotiate


This reminder suddenly made his nerves tense. Fang Lin took a few deep breaths, checked his props and equipment, decisively opened the door and walked into the corridor. More than ten meters away, a young man in a suit and leather shoes who looked elegant smiled. He raised his hand and showed his kindness:

"Hello, are you interested in chatting?"

Fang Lin immediately woke up and asked tentatively:

"Is it a union?"

The young man smiled and nodded:

"According to the rules, only five people will be assigned within a radius of ten kilometers. Our being assigned together is considered the seal's approval. Now, we still have enough time to discuss what to do next. WWw, QuAnBen- XIaoShuo、cOm”

While he was speaking, a magnificent firework suddenly shot up from a tall building about seven or eight kilometers away. It shot straight into the sky and formed a terrifying sickle shape, which seemed to illuminate the whole world for an instant. , but the pedestrians on the road seemed unaware and could not see such a magnificent scene at all. The young man's face suddenly turned livid, turned around and walked downstairs, gritting his teeth and said:

"These guys are here too! If you don't want to die, come down and join us right away!"

Fang Lin was shocked, knowing that the fireworks mentioned earlier were probably the contact method of another team. These guys are so arrogant, they are naturally extremely capable, and they should have formed a loose alliance. The fireworks were purchased from space, so the natives of this world could not see them.

He increased his vigilance, and as the young man hurried downstairs, there were already three people waiting impatiently downstairs. They all looked frightened and walked around like ants on a hot pot. When they saw them, they didn't say anything nonsense. He urged directly and urgently:

"Let's go, let's go! This time not only are the Mad Bulls coming, but also the Stormtroopers! Damn it, what kind of luck are you having?"

Fang Lin looked at their faces and saw that they didn't look like they were pretending, so he followed them out. It was obvious that the other four people were very worried about each other. They knocked out the guards in the parking lot, each chose a car, and got away and sat down. Go up and drive out in a hurry. Fang Lin, who has a soft spot for motorcycles, also sped away after them.

The five people were galloping, and naturally they didn't know the way. They just hurriedly ran away in the opposite direction from where the fireworks signal had been raised just now. They drove until they reached the edge of the city, and then abandoned the car as if it was on fire. They hurried to a quiet park before stopping to catch their breath.

"What are the Mad Bulls and the Stormtroopers? Are they all powerful?" Another little man asked Fang Lin's doubts. He wiped his sweat and said angrily: "With the five of us together, are we still afraid of them? "

At this time, the young man who looked very polite and gentle sneered:

"The Stormtroopers are composed of three people. It is said that they have signed a KOF contract and have successfully passed the first golden main mission! What do you think of their strength? There are four people in the Mad Bull Team. Each person's The individual combat capabilities are extremely strong, but because they signed a gray contract with each other, they had scruples in the combat center and did not dare to use their full strength. They lost to the stormtroopers once. But what I can be sure of is that if the stormtroopers The members of the team compete with the Mad Bulls in a duel, and the latter will definitely win!"

This was the first time that Fang Lin received information about the golden main quest. He wanted to ask again, but suddenly the nightmare mark became hot and he got a prompt:

"Attention: The reincarnator is approaching. Do you want to start a mental scan?"

"Attention: The reincarnator is approaching." Do you want to start a mental scan? "

At this time, the people around him had no reaction, which showed that these people's mental strength was not as good as his. Fang Lin was not in a hurry, he took half a step back, saw his retreat and smiled calmly:

"It's convenient for me to go."

The gentle young man suddenly frowned and smiled:

"It just so happens that I also want to go to the toilet."

The others were slightly surprised, but they didn't think too much about it. The two of them had just walked a few steps when suddenly, a very tall and strong black figure appeared with a splash in the river next to them, and rushed towards them like a mountain. The little man at the head reacted very quickly. He suddenly pulled out the knife from his waist and stabbed it out very quickly. However, the black figure reached out with his hands and grabbed his wrist first, hitting him with a headbutt. On this little man's face!

The sound of broken nose bones was clearly audible. The little man covered his face and rolled on the ground screaming. The other two were shocked and angry. One of them suddenly took out the gun in his hand and leaped up. With both hands Holding a gun, even though he was in the air, bullets were splashed out like rain. The companion next to him rushed straight towards the burly black figure, intending to fight and restrain him in a close fight. However, he was kicked by his opponent while he was in mid-air. go back! His chest was obviously deflated, and he couldn't live without vomiting blood at the sight! And when those countless bullets hit half a foot in front of the burly black figure, they seemed to hit an invisible barrier and were bounced away, causing no harm at all!

Seeing the black figure moving so quickly, the gentle young man gritted his teeth, suddenly turned back and leaned forward, lowered his center of gravity, opened his mouth, and spit out a large ball of flame without warning, which happened to spit on the burly figure, and continued Burning, his upper body was burned into a blazing fire!

This move is the skill he learned from the fire-breathing short fat man in the world of famous generals (we call him Zeng Zhiwei here... 囧). He uses it without warning and is really hard to guard against. Many people have died because of him. Under this plot!

But the burly black figure didn't even look at him. He crossed his hands to cover his face. Like a demon bathed in fire, he rushed towards the gunman who kept firing, and rushed straight in front of him. To catch it is to throw it over the shoulder!

This fall was aimed at the hard flower stand next to it, and the gunman's entire body immediately doubled in a weird way! His spine was immediately broken and he died. However, the burly black figure still grabbed him and refused to let go. With another force, he threw him dozens of meters into the air! The corpse drew a high parabola and then fell straight down. The landing point was exactly where the gentle young man was standing. It hit him until he vomited blood, rolled a few times and then stopped moving. Fang Lin's eyes suddenly widened!

Heaven and earth return!

This is the throwing skill of Daimon Goro in the world of kof. Unexpectedly, this burly black shadow successfully learned it!

This attack is a long story. In fact, the rabbit rose and the eagle fell. In just a few dozen seconds, Fang Lin stood beside him with his eyes so bright that he didn't even have time to react. At this time, the flames on the burly black figure were still burning. Burning, burning all the clothes on his upper body, but not hurting his flesh at all.

At this time, Fang Lin only saw the corpses of the four people around him gradually disappearing, leaving behind several keys. He could not care about these external things, and immediately ran with all his strength. His basic martial arts at this time was already level 7. Level, this force was really as fast as a rabbit, his figure became extremely blurry, and he ran away tens of meters in an instant!

However, the burly black figure suddenly stood still, raised his hands above his head, and slammed them down to the ground!

Suddenly, Fang Lin felt that the ground under his feet seemed to become as soft as cotton, and then suddenly hardened again. There was a sharp pain under his feet, and he immediately fell to the ground! When he finally got up, his feet tightened and his whole body was lifted upside down! Every part of his body was completely paralyzed by the incoming force, and he was about to be thrown against the hard railing next to him!

At this time, something familiar suddenly flashed before Fang Lin's eyes. Between life and death, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind. He suddenly closed his eyes and shouted:

"... ... .."

... ... ... ...

Mental scanning is also a basic skill, but it requires special conditions to achieve. 1. You need to be someone with special mental strength. 2 requires mental power greater than 30. 3 requires the nightmare mark level to be greater than 1 and above.