Ace Evolution

Chapter 84: The treacherous old Hu


Hua Hao stood up and cracked his knuckles. He was a little depressed when his proposal was rejected. It seemed that his anger was going to be spilled on the workers sent by the Japanese to clean the bottom floor of the building. WWw. QuanBen-XiaoShuo. COm

So five minutes later, major accidents occurred one after another at the cleanup site.

First, a slag truck suddenly caught fire and exploded, and then a small-scale collapse occurred on the floor, burying 27 people working on the construction alive under the rubble. The collapse also refilled the work that had been excavated to the bottom!

The Japanese provincial official who arrived was still there to supervise, saying impassionedly that he would stick to his post, carry forward the spirit of the Yamato nation, and carry out the rescue work to the end. Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the building partially collapsed again! A flying stone hit him with blood all over his face. He was so frightened that his face turned pale. He said a few words and ran away in a hurry!

Eight hours later, Nightmare Mark finally sent the long-awaited message:

"The great monk of Kasuga Shrine: Demonized Zhaoquan is dead."

"One eyeball of continuous mission b:.):|. Mission completion time limit: 30 minutes."

"Because the difference in strength between you and Demonized Zhaoquan is too big, I will be awarded an additional 500 points and 1 potential point.

Another continuous mission! Fang Lin was first happy and then frightened, and hurriedly called the remaining two people to rush over. He was previously afraid that the building would collapse as much as possible, and he was afraid that the guy would escape if it wasn't buried deep enough. But at this time, Complaints are endless. After rushing over, we began to dig out the ruins with all our strength. Fortunately, we had Hu Huahao's extremely powerful humanoid crane. Secondly, Green, who was equally powerful, was also helping. The three of them were exhausted and sweating profusely. Finally, 28 minutes into the continuous mission, the body of the demonized summoning spring was dug out.

This guy really has endless uncanny powers. He was able to carve out a large space under the ruins of reinforced concrete while he was still alive. However, his death condition was also extremely miserable. There was not even an inch of intact skin on his body, and even his bones were broken every inch. , all the internal organs were vomited out. Fang Lin pounced on it, plucking its eyes, and stuffed it into the nightmare mark. Immediately I got a prompt:

"Continuous mission b:.)._Exchange rewards, or accumulate them into the next consecutive mission?"

Now that Fang Lin had a reliable team, he was not in a hurry and simply chose to accumulate. After being collected by him, Di Zhaoquan's body slowly disappeared, leaving behind a golden key, but only Fang Lin could pick it up. After picking it up, he summoned the treasure chest and directly set the opening process to exhibition status.

"A-level skill scroll: Artemis' Enlightenment. After use, the basic distance combat will be upgraded to level ten. It consumes five potential points. It can be exchanged for 3,000 points."

"Japanese yen (large denomination): valuable items can be exchanged for 2,000 points.

"Water of the Styx: A special prop that can erase the skills that have been learned and fully refund the potential points spent. It can be exchanged for 5,000 points."

Except for the Japanese yen, the other two items can be said to be somewhat difficult to determine their value. Level A:|:|It can be said that it is very useless, but for those who have not been able to improve, it is a treasure. You need to know how to upgrade basic range combat from 1 to 10. The number of points required is 1x3+2x3+3x3+4=

As for the water of the Styx, needless to say, it really depends on the beholder. A wise man sees wise things. Neither Yu Fanglin nor Hu Huahao are of much use. But for others it's quite hard to say.

Fang Lin knew that he was new to this nightmare world and didn't understand all aspects. He rolled his eyes and smiled:

"I'm a rookie and I don't know anything. Lao Lei, you just have to discuss it with Green and we can split it up."

When Hu Huahao heard this, he became energetic and immediately rolled up his sleeves and said:

"Since we met, you have done the most correct thing!"

Green frowned, knowing that the burly man in front of him looked rough, but he was actually very careful and knew the market in the space very well. He was afraid that he would not be able to get away with it today, so he said coldly:

"Give me the water of the Styx, and the other two are yours, how about it?"

Hu Huahao said without a smile or a smile:

"Why don't you give us the water of the Styx, and you want the other two?"

Green suddenly suffocated and took a few deep breaths.

"Well, I need the water of the Styx very much. Please give me a price."

"How about I trade it for your axe?"

"...the soul is bound!"

"Naka add 100,000 points

)potential points! "

"Can you be sincere?"

"99,000 points, 299 potential points."

"Holy shit..."

"Fuck you, I wasted 3,000 points when I started using S-level skills, plus a little talent."

"Your broken skills also cost 3,000 points

"..." Novel website mobile website

After a hard fight between the two, in order to get the bottle of Styx water, Green not only gave up the A-level scroll Artemis' Enlightenment, but also paid a price of 7,000 points and energy points! While Fang Lin was speechless, he directly used the A-level scroll Artemis' Enlightenment, suddenly raising the basic distance combat from level----1 to level----

(Attachment: Basic long-range combat level----10: The accuracy of long-range shooting increases by 80%, the range of weapons increases by 40%, the penalty when shooting while moving is reduced by 70%, and the fatality rate when attacking with long-range weapons increases by 3%. Use light, Medium long-range attack weapon.)

Hu Huahao was so happy that he directly threw the points and potential points from the transaction into the space shared by the KOF contract together with his previous ones, so that both of them could use them. In total, 12,000 points and 15 talent points have been accumulated!

Fang Lin also put his points and talents into the space. He now feels more and more valuable about the KOF contract. In this way, it is equivalent to bringing the strength of two people together to do one thing with confidence. How can we not get twice the result with half the effort

In fact, speaking of it, Ruan Mingyuan just got this KOF contract shortly after he wanted to exchange it for a top-grade dark gold weapon upgraded to +7 or above and advanced skills above A level. It stands to reason that this KOF contract is worth the price, but In a hurry, he failed to find a suitable seller and failed to make a move. As a result, Fang Lin got the bargain.

After getting the water of the Styx, Green left, while Fang Lin and Hu Huahao found a hotel to rest. The two of them were extremely exhausted after fighting against the Zhaoquan mutant, and then they were waiting for its death. They stayed up all night. After opening the room, they fell asleep and slept until three o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

After getting up, Hu Huahao and Fang Lin went downstairs to dine together. First, they ordered the buckwheat noodles that the waiter strongly promoted. The noodles did not contain any other flour and were extremely delicious. Soba noodles can be optionally served with a seasoning of wasabi, finely chopped green onions, miso (a seasoning made from sweet rice wine), and dried fish meal.

Although the method is not complicated, it is just that after the buckwheat noodles are cooked, scoop them up and place them on a bamboo drawer, drain and cool them (sometimes put ice cubes on the noodles) and dip them in seasonings to eat. It is very similar to Chinese cold noodles. It is extremely nutritious and rich in vitamin B1 and vitamin C.

The two of them had empty stomachs, and two bowls of noodles certainly didn't help, so Hu Huahao waved his hand and directly ordered the famous Japanese Kaiseki cuisine that he had never eaten before. This Japanese cuisine focuses on freshness, and Kaiseki cuisine is the best. Every dish is made fresh after the customer orders, which further reflects the freshness and taste of the food. Because it is freshly made, the two of them had to wait for 15 minutes after ordering. A belated first course.

Because Kaiseki cuisine was first introduced from the temples in Kyoto, Japan, there were a group of practicing monks who followed the precepts and ate very simple and light meals. However, they were a little hungry and unbearable, so they thought of holding warm stones in their arms. In order to resist some hunger, it has the name "kaiseki".

Later in its evolution, Kaiseki cuisine passed down its original spirit of being simple and light, pursuing the essence of the original taste of food, and developed a set of exquisite dining rules. From the utensils to the presentation, it is full of Zen and atmosphere. The idea is that guests should keep a calm mind while waiting for their meal, and not eat with a restless mind and ruin the spiritual state of Kaiseki cuisine.

However, both Fang Lin and Hu Huahao completely ignored these cumbersome terms. They only thought that since the food was expensive, it must be of sufficient portion and taste good. Who knew that this was a craft banquet with more art than taste! The first dish that was served was just a few sliced red and white radish! Hu Huahao was so angry that he almost overturned the table on the spot and cursed, completely ignoring the visual enjoyment that the waiter had repeatedly emphasized as a selling point.